187 research outputs found

    For whose sake do couples relocate? Gender, career opportunities and couples’ internal migration in Sweden

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    The aim with this study is to examine how career possibilities in the man’s and the woman’s occupations – in the country as a whole, as well as in the region where the couple resides – affect heterosexual couples’ regional mobility. The context is Sweden –a country with a strong dual earner norm combined with a very sex segregated labor market. In the analyses we perform logistic regressions on Swedish register data, 1998–2007. We study how four dimensions of career possibilities affect couples’ geographical mobility and are interested in if their effect varies by gender. The dimensions are geographical wage differences, current career, occupational level and wage compression in occupations. In summary, our findings indicate that male and female career opportunities affect the couple in different ways when one moves beyond focusing on the level of their occupations. In particular the effect from wage compression in occupations seems to be dependent on gender, with a clear effect for men and no effect for women. Even when including measures of career opportunities within professions, there exist some non-egalitarian patterns in whose career couples adjust to. It hence seems as if couples adapt somewhat more to the man's career possibilities than the woman’s, even when we adjust for the underlying gender differences in career possi-bilities.Regional mobility; internal migration; sex segregation; career; gender

    Det moderna skogsbruket

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    Skogen har lĂ€nge varit en viktig del i mĂ€nniskans utveckling. Skogen har bland annat bidragit till föda och skydd, den har fungerat som basresurs för mĂ€nniskan under mycket lĂ„ng tid och utnyttjandet och anvĂ€ndandet av skogen har förĂ€ndrats. NĂ€r mĂ€nniskan ökade i antal ökades brukandet av skogen och det utvecklades ett mer specifikt nyttjande. I och med den industriella revolutionen ökade nyttjandet och brukandet av skogsresursen nĂ€stan explosionsartat. I takt med att industrierna krĂ€vde allt mer timmer och sĂ„gverksindustrin vĂ€xte fram, avverkades allt mer skog och under tidigt 1900-tal insĂ„g skogsindustrin att nĂ„got behöver göras för att inte skogsresursen ska försvinna. År 1903 stiftades den första skogsvĂ„rdslagen, som bland annat innebar att Ă„terplantering efter avverkning nu blev en skyldighet, för att lĂ„ngsiktigt sĂ€kerstĂ€lla virkestillgĂ„ngen. Avverkningar och ingrepp i skogen leder till fragmentering i skogslandskapet. Detta medför förĂ€ndringar i sĂ„vĂ€l habitatstrukturer som arttĂ€thet och biodiversitet. I denna studie görs analyser pĂ„ en del av riksskogstaxeringens enorma datamaterial för att undersöka huruvida slutavverkning och gallring pĂ„verkar biodiversiteten och tĂ€ckningsgraden av vissa arter av lavar och mossor. Resultatet av denna studie visar att det för dessa arter finns skillnader i arternas tĂ€ckningsgrad mellan de tvĂ„ inventeringstillfĂ€llena och att dessa skillnader i nĂ„gra av fallen kan kopplas till slutavverkning och gallring. För tvĂ„ av arterna, björnmossa och husmossa, skiljer sig pĂ„verkan av gallring signifikant Ă„t mellan landets södra- och norra delar. Generellt tycks tĂ€ckningsgraden av arterna pĂ„verkas mer i norra Sverige, men för detta finns svag evidens i de utförda statistiska testerna.During a long time, forest has been an important part of human development. Among other things, forest has contributed as food and shelter, it has for a very long time been served as a basic resource for us and the use of it has changed over time. As humans increased in number, the use of forests increased and a more specific use was introduced. Due to the industrial revolution, the use increased almost explosively. As the industries demanded more timber and the sawmill industry grew, the deforestation increased. In the beginning of the 20th century, something had to be done to ensure the resource and biodiversity. Year 1903, the first forest management act was established which meant, among other things, that reforesting became an obligation, to ensure long-term availability of timber. Clearcuttings and interventions in forest leads to fragmentation of the landscape. This entails changes in the structure of habitats as well as occurrence of species and biodiversity. In this study , analyzes is made of data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory to investigate whether clear cutting and thinning affect biodiversity and the presence of certain species of lichens and mosses. The result of this study shows that for these species there is differences in occurrence between the first time of inventory (T1) and the second inventory (T2), in some of the cases these differences can be linked to final harvesting and thinning. For two of the species, Polytrichum commune and Hylocomnium splendens, the influence of thinning differs significantly between the southern and northern parts of the country. Generally, the occurrence of species appears to be affected more in northern Sweden, but for this there is little evidence in the statistical tests performed

    Residential choice following separation and widowhood in middle and later life in Belgium and Sweden

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    It is well‐documented that residential moves are connected to life events such as separation or widowhood. However, much less is known about the residential choices that follow these events in middle and later life (between ages 50 and 70) and how the location of family members outside the household relates to these choices. Comparing the cases of Belgium and Sweden, this paper addresses (i) the extent to which (im)mobility after separation or widowhood is associated with the presence of older parents and adult children nearby; (ii) the extent to which the choice of destination is associated with the location of older parents and adult children for those separated, widowed, and married individuals who moved, and (iii) how these patterns vary among men and women. We answer these questions employing logistic regression models and discrete‐choice models fitted to Belgian and Swedish register data from 2012 to 2014. The results show unique patterns of mobility around separation and widowhood which differ from those of continuously married individuals. Separated and widowed men and women in both countries are generally more likely to make a move towards their parents than continuously married ones. Widowhood is also associated with an increased propensity for a move towards one's children. In contrast, separation is associated with a lower propensity for moving towards one's children, especially among menEuropean Research Council, Grant/Award Number: 740113Swedish Research Council, Grant/Award Number: 2019‐00245Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Number: 345183Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, Grant/Award Number: 2016‐07115Fond de la Recherche Scientifique de Belgique; Walloon Regio

    Geographical distance between child and parent after a union dissolution in Sweden, 1974-2011

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    Background: Divorce is associated with a weakened relationship between the child and the nonresident parent, usually the father. This loss of contact is likely to be even further exacerbated if this parent lives at a substantial distance from the child. Objective: This paper analyzes how the distance between children and nonresident parents, the year after a parental separation, has changed during a 40-year period in Sweden, and whether this is related to changes in child custody policies. Methods: We use Swedish population register data that includes exact geographical coordinates for children and their nonresident parents in the year after separation. We analyze how average distance and the likelihood of living very close to, or very far from, a nonresident parent has changed over this period, using OLS and logistic regression models. Results: Results show a gradual decrease in the distance between children and nonresident parents from the 1970s until the early 1990s, after which the trend stalled at a low level. In 2011, 50Ć  of all children lived within 2 kilometers of their nonresident parent. We find no evidence of direct policy effects, indicated by any sudden changes in distance after the introduction of a new custody policy. High-income parents have changed their post-divorce residential patterns at a faster pace than low-income parents. Conclusions: Our results indicate a diffusion process where distances between children and nonresident parents gradually decreased until the 1990s. Contribution: This paper demonstrates that the change has not been directly influenced by custody law reforms promoting dual parent responsibility

    A synthetic snRNA m3G-CAP enhances nuclear delivery of exogenous proteins and nucleic acids

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    Accessing the nucleus through the surrounding membrane poses one of the major obstacles for therapeutic molecules large enough to be excluded due to nuclear pore size limits. In some therapeutic applications the large size of some nucleic acids, like plasmid DNA, hampers their access to the nuclear compartment. However, also for small oligonucleotides, achieving higher nuclear concentrations could be of great benefit. We report on the synthesis and possible applications of a natural RNA 5â€Č-end nuclear localization signal composed of a 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine cap (m3G-CAP). The cap is found in the small nuclear RNAs that are constitutive part of the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes involved in nuclear splicing. We demonstrate the use of the m3G signal as an adaptor that can be attached to different oligonucleotides, thereby conferring nuclear targeting capabilities with capacity to transport large-size cargo molecules. The synthetic capping of oligos interfering with splicing may have immediate clinical applications

    COVID-19 in people aged 18-64 in Sweden in the first year of the pandemic: Key factors for severe disease and death

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    Background: Studies on risk factors for severe COVID-19 in people of working age have generally not included non-working persons or established population attributable fractions (PAFs) for occupational and other factors. Objectives: We describe the effect of job-related, sociodemographic, and other exposures on the incidence, relative risks and PAFs of severe COVID-19 in individuals aged 18–64. Methods: We conducted a registry-based study in Swedish citizens aged 18–64 from 1 January 2020 to 1 February 2021 with respect to COVID-19-related hospitalizations and death. Results: Of 6,205,459 persons, 272,043 (7.5%) were registered as infected, 3399 (0.05%) needed intensive care, and 620 (0.01%) died, with an estimated case fatality rate of 0.06% over the last 4-month period when testing was adequate. Non-Nordic origin was associated with a RR for need of intensive care of 3·13, 95%CI 2·91–3·36, and a PAF of 32·2% after adjustment for age, sex, work, region and comorbidities. In a second model with occupation as main exposure, and adjusted for age, sex, region, comorbidities and origin, essential workers had an RR of 1·51, 95%CI, 1·35–1·6, blue-collar workers 1·18, 95%CI 1·06–1·31, school staff 1·21, 95%CI 1·01–1·46, and health and social care workers 1·89, 95%CI 1·67–2·135) compared with people able to work from home, with altogether about 13% of the PAF associated with these occupations. Essential workers and blue-collar workers, but no other job categories had higher risk of death, adjusted RRs of 1·79, 95%CI 1·34–2·38 and 1·37, 95%CI 1·04–1·81, with adjusted PAFs of altogether 9%. Conclusion: Among people of working age in Sweden, overall mortality and case fatality were low. Occupations that require physical presence at work were associated with elevated risk of needing intensive care for COVID-19, with 14% cases attributable to this factor, and 9% of deaths

    FrÄn Myway till Highway. Individens kunskap blir organisationens kunskap med hjÀlp av Knowledge Management.

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    Syftet med denna magisteruppsats har varit att skapa en förstÄelse för Microsofts och Lotus Knowledge Management-ramverk genom att dels jÀmföra dem med ett vetenskapligt ramverk och dels med de respektive företagens produkter. Det vetenskapliga ramverk vi anvÀnt i studien Àr Nonakas ramverk för Knowledge Management och de produkter vi anvÀnt Àr Lotus Notes och Microsoft Site Server. De frÄgor vi har velat besvara Àr dels om det finns nÄgon överensstÀmmelse mellan företagens ramverk och det vetenskapliga ramverket och dels om det finns nÄgon överensstÀmmelse mellan företagens ramverk och deras respektive produkter. För att besvara frÄgorna har vi dels gjort en litteraturstudie och dels en ingÄende produktanalys dÀr bland annat utveckling av en egen prototyp ingÄtt. Resultaten visar att det finns en viss, om Àn inte fullstÀndig överensstÀmmelse mellan ramverken och mellan ramverken och produkterna. Framförallt saknas i leverantörernas ramverk den organisations- och kulturaspekt som betonas som viktig i Nonakas ramverk
