263 research outputs found

    Counterhegemonic Narratives of Innovation: Political Discourse Analysis of Iberoamerican Countries

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    From the 1970s onwards, changes in economic theory began to draw attention to the relationship between economic growth and technological innovation. Technological innovation has come to be considered fundamental to boosting international trade, increasing productivity and generating more and better jobs, among other benefits. However, more recent academic narratives began to change through considering the importance of technological innovation for social purposes such as social inclusion and sustainable development. This recovered the concept of social innovation and alongside the development of a plethora of alternative innovation concepts – such as sustainable innovation, open innovation, responsible innovation, green innovation, among other “x-innovation” concepts (Gaglio et al. 2017). Nevertheless, little is known about the extent to which these counterhegemonic concepts emerge and feature in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) policy discourses. In this sense, this article aims to understand the use of “x-innovation” concepts and the role attributed to innovation for (allegedly) counterhegemonic purposes in the STI national policies of Iberoamerican countries within the framework of disclosing the specificity of this discourse

    Political Discourse Analysis of Iberoamerican Countries

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    UID/HIS/04209/2019 DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0003From the 1970s onwards, changes in economic theory began to draw attention to the relationship between economic growth and technological innovation. Technological innovation has come to be considered fundamental to boosting international trade, increasing productivity and generating more and better jobs, among other benefits. However, more recent academic narratives began to change through considering the importance of technological innovation for social purposes such as social inclusion and sustainable development. This recovered the concept of social innovation and alongside the development of a plethora of alternative innovation concepts – such as sustainable innovation, open innovation, responsible innovation, green innovation, among other “x-innovation” concepts (Gaglio et al. 2017). Nevertheless, little is known about the extent to which these counterhegemonic concepts emerge and feature in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) policy discourses. In this sense, this article aims to understand the use of “x-innovation” concepts and the role attributed to innovation for (allegedly) counterhegemonic purposes in the STI national policies of Iberoamerican countries within the framework of disclosing the specificity of this discourse.publishersversionpublishe

    A Conceptual Discussion on the Politics of Science, Technology, and Innovation from the Periphery

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020Over the last decades, technological innovation became the new mantra in the Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) policy arena of the most different countries, including the world peripheries. By adopting a historical and global perspective, we identify in this article a scope of isomorphic pressures in the core elements of the policy process, which became increasingly evident, aligned with neoliberalism and the ideals of rationalization and bureaucratization: discursive and argumentative rationalities, primary goals definition, policy mechanisms, and legislation – all elements central to policy formulation and very similar across countries, independently of some degree of variation within national contexts. Therefore, one can observe that the reforms held in the STI policy arena of different Latin America and Iberian countries, to create an ‘innovation culture’ of entrepreneurship, are based on very similar discourses and incentives. In this piece, we conduct a conceptual discussion on the politics of STI given the realities and historical backgrounds of some peripheral countries – mainly Latin American ones, highlighting the relations between interests and their respective agency within STI’s complex policy process.publishersversionpublishe


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    The call for interdisciplinarity has become increasingly urgent today. We must encourage in our students, teachers and researchers a clear understanding of these complexes (i.e., inter-multi-trans-meta disciplinary), instilling a true reflective vocation on these aspects of both knowledge production and organization. Even more than a research style, this transdisciplinary reflective vocation must be expressed in interdisciplinary themes and approaches and attentive to opportunities for multi- and transdisciplinary study and thinking. Thus, a proper stance upon knowledge should be open to participation in the resolving of societal challenges, by actively searching for a dialogue and collaboration with social and community partners, building on extramural links beyond the conservative logic of academic and scientific corporations. With this short article, we aim to provide a critical analysis, an introduction to the interdisciplinary debate, placing it historically, establishing a consensual definition of these complexes' concepts, and underlining the principles that should structure the 'interdisciplinary style' research.O apelo à interdisciplinaridade tornou-se hoje em dia cada vez mais urgente, no que devemos estimular em nossos alunos, professores e pesquisadores um entendimento claro destes complexos (i.e., inter-multi-trans-metadisciplinar), incutindo uma verdadeira vocação reflexiva sobre estes aspectos de organização do conhecimento. Mais até do que um estilo de pesquisa, essa vocação reflexiva transdisciplinar deve expressar-se não apenas em temáticas e abordagens interdisciplinares, mas igualmente atenta a oportunidades de estudo e reflexão multi- e transdisciplinar. Abrindo-se assim à participação na resolução dos desafios societais, na busca do diálogo e colaboração com parceiros sociais, tecendo vínculos extramuros às lógicas mais conservadoras das corporações académica e científica. Pretendemos com este pequeno artigo de análise crítica proporcionar uma introdução ao debate da interdisciplinaridade, situando-o historicamente, estabelecendo uma definição quando aos conceitos consensuais destes complexos e sublinhando os princípios que devem estruturar o estilo de pesquisa interdisciplinar

    o Debate da Organização da Ciência

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    um olhar comparado

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    UIDB/04004/2020O estudo dos encontros, conferências, congressos, simpósios científicos, tem estado associado ao entendimento das sociabilidades científicas enquanto manifestações de cultura científica e sublinhando a capacidade de projeção internacional de grupos nacionais de cientistas. É uma perspetiva que se baseia sobretudo na sociologia e na história social e que se preocupa com o grau de profissionalização (e afirmação) das comunidades científicas domésticas. Estes contributos, todavia, demonstram, algo indiretamente, que há um aspeto largamente por explorar (e afirmar), que é a dimensão política das associações científicas, que participaram da construção histórica das políticas científicas em seus respectivos contextos nacionais. É neste sentido que este artigo pretende contribuir, baseando-se numa revisão de literatura e proporcionando uma análise comparada das associações para o progresso das ciências desde o século XIX, acompanhando-se o próprio desenvolvimento de um associativismo científico de tipo federativo e transversal às sociedades disciplinares.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Possibilidades do Género Biográfico para a História da Ciência e da Tecnologia (e da Inovação)

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    UID/HIS/04209/2019 UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Visões de política na organização da Ciência em Portugal

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

    para uma compreensão histórica da problemática do ambiente

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    UIDB/04004/2020 UIDB/04295/2020 UIDP/04295/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Sobre o contato das crianças com a natureza na escola: análise do programa “criança e natureza” uma iniciativa da organização de impacto socioambiental - Alana

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O trabalho aborda a minha trajetória de vida estudantil, as passagens mais importantes de minha vida, até a presente escrita. Mais adiante visa aprofundar, entender os benefícios que a natureza é capaz de proporcionar as crianças, respondendo as seguintes perguntas: Quais são as propostas e os argumentos do programa “Criança e Natureza” uma iniciativa da Organização de Impacto Socioambiental – Alana sobre a relação entre crianças, natureza e escola? Como o programa explicita a questão do contato da criança com natureza no espaço escolar e o desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e psicomotor delas? Como o programa propõe organizar o espaço escolar para potencializar o contato das crianças com a natureza, a fim de desenvolver uma melhor aprendizagem? Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada no site: https://criancaenatureza.org.br/. Foi uma pesquisa realizada através de vários livros, e que mostra seus resultados, influenciando as pessoas a adotarem a natureza, como principal instrumento de ensino nas escolas.2021-12-0