96 research outputs found

    SHORT COMMUNICATION: Complementary tumor induction in neural grafts exposed to N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea and an activated myc gene

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    Using a combination of transplacental carcinogen exposure and retrovirus-mediated oncogene transfer into fetal brain transplants, we have studied complementary transformation by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (NEU) and the v-myc oncogene in the nervous system. Previous experiments had demonstrated that both agents will not induce tumors independently whereas simultaneous expression of v-H-ras and v-gag/myc exerted a powerful transforming potential in neural grafts. In order to identify other genetic alterations that co-operate with an activated myc gene, the neurotropic carcinogen NEU was used to generate mutations of cellular genes. On embryonic day 14 (ED14), pregnant donor animals (F344 rats) received a single i.v. dose of NEU (50 mg/kg). Twenty-four hours later (ED15), the fetal brains were removed, triturated and incubated with a retroviral vector carrying the v-gag/myc oncogene. Subsequently, these primary cell suspensions were transplanted stereotactically into the caudate-putamen of syngenic adult recipients. After latency periods of 3-6 months, 5 of 10 recipients harboring ED15 fetal brain transplants developed malignant, poorly differentiated neuroectodermal tumors in the grafts. No tumor development was observed in seven recipients harboring ED16 neural grafts. Cell lines were established from three tumors and the 110 kd gag/myc fusion protein encoded by the retroviral construct was identified in the tumors by Western blotting. Several candidate genes for mutational activation by NEU including the H-ras, K-ras and neu oncogenes were analyzed for specific point mutations by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct DNA sequencing of the PCR products. However, no mutations were found in any of these genes. These findings lend further support to the multistep hypothesis of neoplastic transformation in the brain. The tumors induced in this model provide an interesting tool for the identification of genes that co-operate with an activated myc gene in neurocarcinogenesi

    Torsion pairs and rigid objects in tubes

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    We classify the torsion pairs in a tube category and show that they are in bijection with maximal rigid objects in the extension of the tube category containing the Pruefer and adic modules. We show that the annulus geometric model for the tube category can be extended to the larger category and interpret torsion pairs, maximal rigid objects and the bijection between them geometrically. We also give a similar geometric description in the case of the linear orientation of a Dynkin quiver of type A.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures. Paper shortened. Minor errors correcte

    Технология синтеза и очистки гликолида

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    Данная работа посвящена технологии получения и очистки гликолида, как мономера для биоразлагаемых полимеров. Основные потери продукта происходят на стадии получения и очистки мономера. Потери составляют порядка 50-60 %. Целью данной работы является выбор оптимального пути и очистки гликолида. В данной работе проведён и представлен всесторонний литературный обзор по методам получения гликолевой кислоты, гликолида, очистки и полимеризации гликолида. Сравнивались различные катализаторы на стадиях поликонденсации, деполимеризации и полимеризации гликолида. В работе описаны характеристики сырья, описаны способы получения, очистки и полимеризации гликолида. Изложены методики анализа гликолида.This paper is devoted to the technology of production and purification of glycolide as a monomer for biodegradable polymers. The main product losses occur at the stage of monomer production and purification. Losses are about 50-60%. The purpose of this work is to choose the optimal path and purification of glycolide. In this paper, we conducted and presented a comprehensive literature review on methods for producing glycolic acid, glycolide, and purification and polymerization of glycolide. Different catalysts were compared at the stages of glycolide polycondensation, depolymerization, and polymerization. The work describes the characteristics of the raw materials, describes the methods of production, purification, and polymerization of glycolide

    The Slab Puzzle of the Alpine‐Mediterranean Region: Insights from a new, High‐Resolution, Shear‐Wave Velocity Model of the Upper Mantle

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    Mediterranean tectonics since the Lower Cretaceous has been characterized by a multi‐phase subduction and collision history with temporally and spatially‐variable, small‐scale plate configurations. A new shear‐wave velocity model of the Mediterranean upper mantle (MeRE2020), constrained by a very large set of over 200,000 broadband (8‐350 s), inter‐station, Rayleigh‐wave, phase‐velocity curves, illuminates the complex structure and fragmentation of the subducting slabs. Phase‐velocity maps computed using these measurements were inverted for depth‐dependent, shear‐wave velocities using a stochastic particle‐swarm‐optimization algorithm (PSO). The resulting three‐dimensional (3‐D) model makes possible an inventory of slab segments across the Mediterranean. Fourteen slab segments of 200‐800 km length along‐strike are identified. We distinguish three categories of subducted slabs: attached slabs reaching down to the bottom of the model; shallow slabs of shorter length in down‐dip direction, terminating shallower than 300 km depth; and detached slab segments. The location of slab segments are consistent with and validated by the intermediate‐depth seismicity, where it is present. The new high‐resolution tomography demonstrates the intricate relationships between slab fragmentation and the evolution of the relatively small and highly curved subduction zones and collisional orogens characteristic of the Mediterranean realm

    Cycle-finite module categories

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    We describe the structure of module categories of finite dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field for which the cycles of nonzero nonisomorphisms between indecomposable finite dimensional modules are finite (do not belong to the infinite Jacobson radical of the module category). Moreover, geometric and homological properties of these module categories are exhibited

    Erratum: Modeling psychiatric disorders: from genomic findings to cellular phenotypes

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    Major programs in psychiatric genetics have identified >150 risk loci for psychiatric disorders. These loci converge on a small number of functional pathways, which span conventional diagnostic criteria, suggesting a partly common biology underlying schizophrenia, autism and other psychiatric disorders. Nevertheless, the cellular phenotypes that capture the fundamental features of psychiatric disorders have not yet been determined. Recent advances in genetics and stem cell biology offer new prospects for cell-based modeling of psychiatric disorders. The advent of cell reprogramming and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) provides an opportunity to translate genetic findings into patient-specific in vitro models. iPSC technology is less than a decade old but holds great promise for bridging the gaps between patients, genetics and biology. Despite many obvious advantages, iPSC studies still present multiple challenges. In this expert review, we critically review the challenges for modeling of psychiatric disorders, potential solutions and how iPSC technology can be used to develop an analytical framework for the evaluation and therapeutic manipulation of fundamental disease processes

    A Single-Cell Model for Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity in Human iPSC-Derived Neurons

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    Synaptic dysfunction is associated with many brain disorders, but robust human cell models to study synaptic transmission and plasticity are lacking. Instead, current in vitro studies on human neurons typically rely on spontaneous synaptic events as a proxy for synapse function. Here, we describe a standardized in vitro approach using human neurons cultured individually on glia microdot arrays that allow single-cell analysis of synapse formation and function. We show that single glutamatergic or GABAergic forebrain neurons differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells form mature synapses that exhibit robust evoked synaptic transmission. These neurons show plasticity features such as synaptic facilitation, depression, and recovery. Finally, we show that spontaneous events are a poor predictor of synaptic maturity and do not correlate with the robustness of evoked responses. This methodology can be deployed directly to evaluate disease models for synaptic dysfunction and can be leveraged for drug development and precision medicine. This multisite study by Meijer et al. establishes a standardized in vitro approach to study synapse formation and function in single iPSC-derived human neurons. They validate this approach for GABA and glutamatergic human neurons. The methodology is scalable and suitable for compound screening and disease modeling

    Hirnorganoide – Modellsysteme des menschlichen Gehirns

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    This is the final version. Available from Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina via the DOI in this record. Hirnorganoide sind Gewebestrukturen aus dem Labor, die Teile der Hirnfunktion imitieren. Sie eröffnen als vereinfachtes Modellsystem einen experimentellen Zugang zu Fragen rund um die Entwicklung und die Funktion des menschlichen Gehirns. Während die Forschung an menschlichen lebenden Gehirnen aus ethischen Gründen enge Grenzen hat und Tiermodelle viele Fragen nur bedingt beantworten können, bieten Hirnorganoide neue Forschungsmöglichkeiten. In der Stellungnahme „Hirnorganoide ‒ Modellsysteme des menschlichen Gehirns“ der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina beschreiben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler die Möglichkeiten dieses Forschungsgebietes und erörtern, ob es aus ethischen oder juristischen Gründen stärker reguliert werden sollte

    Tripotential Differentiation of Adherently Expandable Neural Stem (NS) Cells

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    BACKGROUND: A recent study has shown that pure neural stem cells can be derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells and primary brain tissue. In the presence of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), this population can be continuously expanded in adherent conditions. In analogy to continuously self-renewing ES cells, these cells were termed ‘NS’ cells (Conti et al., PLoS Biol 3: e283, 2005). While NS cells have been shown to readily generate neurons and astrocytes, their differentiation into oligodendrocytes has remained enigmatic, raising concerns as to whether they truly represent tripotential neural stem cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we provide evidence that NS cells are indeed tripotent. Upon proliferation with FGF2, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and forskolin, followed by differentiation in the presence of thyroid hormone (T3) and ascorbic acid NS cells efficiently generate oligodendrocytes (∼20%) alongside astrocytes (∼40%) and neurons (∼10%). Mature oligodendroglial differentiation was confirmed by transplantation data showing that NS cell-derived oligodendrocytes ensheath host axons in the brain of myelin-deficient rats. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In addition to delineating NS cells as a potential donor source for myelin repair, our data strongly support the view that these adherently expandable cells represent bona fide tripotential neural stem cells

    Human embryonic stem cell-derived neurons establish region-specific, long-range projections in the adult brain

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    While the availability of pluripotent stem cells has opened new prospects for generating neural donor cells for nervous system repair, their capability to integrate with adult brain tissue in a structurally relevant way is still largely unresolved. We addressed the potential of human embryonic stem cell-derived long-term self-renewing neuroepithelial stem cells (lt-NES cells) to establish axonal projections after transplantation into the adult rodent brain. Transgenic and species-specific markers were used to trace the innervation pattern established by transplants in the hippocampus and motor cortex. In vitro, lt-NES cells formed a complex axonal network within several weeks after the initiation of differentiation and expressed a composition of surface receptors known to be instrumental in axonal growth and pathfinding. In vivo, these donor cells adopted projection patterns closely mimicking endogenous projections in two different regions of the adult rodent brain. Hippocampal grafts placed in the dentate gyrus projected to both the ipsilateral and contralateral pyramidal cell layers, while axons of donor neurons placed in the motor cortex extended via the external and internal capsule into the cervical spinal cord and via the corpus callosum into the contralateral cortex. Interestingly, acquisition of these region-specific projection profiles was not correlated with the adoption of a regional phenotype. Upon reaching their destination, human axons established ultrastructural correlates of synaptic connections with host neurons. Together, these data indicate that neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells are endowed with a remarkable potential to establish orthotopic long-range projections in the adult mammalian brain