47 research outputs found

    Life-cycle global warming impact of hydrogen transport through pipelines from Africa to Germany

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    Various hydrogen pipeline structures for the export of hydrogen from Africa to Germany are analyzed by life cycle analysis (LCA) in order to determine the global warming potential (GWP) of the production and transportation of 1 kg of hydrogen. This analysis was motivated by the fact that a hydrogen pipeline infrastructure can be built cost-effectively by partially using existing natural gas pipelines. However, little is known about its possible environmental impact. In this paper, the LCA method is used to compare different import options, including possible changes to future supply chains. Three supply locations - Morocco, Senegal, and Nigeria - are compared with each other and evaluated using Germany's domestic hydrogen supply as a reference. Hydrogen transport via a pipeline from Morocco shows emissions of 0.07-0.11 kg CO2-eq per kg H2, and hydrogen transport from Nigeria causes emissions of 0.27-0.38 kg CO2-eq per kg H2. These figures are highly dependent on the flow rate of hydrogen, the GWP of PV electricity used to power the hydrogen compressors along the way, and compression efficiency. However, the GWP due to pipeline transport is negligible compared to the emissions caused by PV electrolysis. The total emissions of the African supply chain amount to 1.9-2.5 kg CO2-eq per kg H2. From a sensitivity analysis, it can be concluded that, by using identical PV panels, the GWP of German domestic hydrogen production (3.0-3.1 kg CO2-eq per kg H2) still has a higher GWP than hydrogen produced in Africa and imported through pipeline supply chains.</p

    Desainer Grafis yang Menciptakan dan Menjual Produk Berupa Barang

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    Graphic designers in their economic activities are more widely known simply as seller of the product in the form of services. Whereas in reality it is not so since the days of Art and Craft movement spearheaded by William Morris at the end of the 19th century. William Morris, a graphic designer, had created products with good design for sale. Many reasons are behind it, starting from desires to break free from pressures of the clients, expanding spaces to express creativity to economic motives. Discussion of graphic designers crossing border of disciplines by creating products is very interesting. They do not just perform the profession on the basis of orders (client-based), but they are able to read the market that will absorb the products they created. Even, they create market trend (as a trendsetter). At this level, a designer does not just make value-added work, but already at the level of creating new value (value creation)

    Kampf um Wort und Schrift

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    Seit Beginn der Neuzeit expandierte das Moskauer Fürstentum gen Westen und Süden. Zu Zeiten der Romanov-Dynastie umfasste Russland weite Gebiete mit überwiegend nichtrussischer und konfessionell heterogener Bevölkerung. Nach den Teilungen Polens sowie der Eroberung des Kaukasus und Zentralasiens im 18./19. Jahrhundert erhielt das Zarenreich Kontrolle über weitere alte Kulturräume, die es im Zuge der Kolonialisierung ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts zu assimilieren versuchte. Diese Versuche erfolgten nicht zuletzt mittels der Sprachpolitik: Polnisch, Ukrainisch und Litauisch wurden verboten, das Russische sollte im Bildungs- und Behördenwesen im gesamten Imperium dominieren

    Spatial analysis improves the detection of early corneal nerve fiber loss in patients with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes

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    Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) has revealed reduced corneal nerve fiber (CNF) length and density (CNFL, CNFD) in patients with diabetes, but the spatial pattern of CNF loss has not been studied. We aimed to determine whether spatial analysis of the distribution of corneal nerve branching points (CNBPs) may contribute to improving the detection of early CNF loss. We hypothesized that early CNF decline follows a clustered rather than random distribution pattern of CNBPs. CCM, nerve conduction studies (NCS), and quantitative sensory testing (QST) were performed in a cross-sectional study including 86 patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and 47 control subjects. In addition to CNFL, CNFD, and branch density (CNBD), CNBPs were analyzed using spatial point pattern analysis (SPPA) including 10 indices and functional statistics. Compared to controls, patients with diabetes showed lower CNBP density and higher nearest neighbor distances, and all SPPA parameters indicated increased clustering of CNBPs (all P97.5th percentile of controls in up to 23.5% of patients. When combining an individual SPPA parameter with CNFL, ≥1 of 2 indices were >99th or <1st percentile of controls in 28.6% of patients compared to 2.1% of controls, while for the conventional CNFL/CNFD/CNBD combination the corresponding rates were 16.3% vs 2.1%. SPPA parameters correlated with CNFL and several NCS and QST indices in the controls (all P<0.001), whereas in patients with diabetes these correlations were markedly weaker or lost. In conclusion, SPPA reveals increased clustering of early CNF loss and substantially improves its detection when combined with a conventional CCM measure in patients with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes

    Genomic CDKN2A/2B deletions in adult Ph+ ALL are adverse despite allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    We investigated the role of copy number alterations to refine risk stratification in adult Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph)+ ALL treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) and allogeneic stem cell transplantation (aSCT). 97 Ph+ ALL patients (median age 41 years, range 18-64 years) within the prospective multicenter GMALL studies 06/99 (n=8) and 07/2003 (n=89) were analysed. All patients received TKI and aSCT in first complete remission (CR1). Copy number analysis was performed with SNP arrays and validated by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). The frequencies of recurrently deleted genes were: IKZF1, 76%, CDKN2A/2B, 45%, PAX5, 43%, BTG1, 18%, EBF1, 13%, ETV6, 5%, RB, 14%. In univariate analyses, the presence of CDKN2A/2B deletions had a negative impact on all endpoints: overall survival (p=0.023), disease free survival (p=0.012) and remission duration (p=0.036). The negative predictive value of CDKN2A/2B deletions was retained in multivariable analysis along with other factors such as timing of TKI therapy, intensity of conditioning, achieving remission after induction phase I and BTG1 deletions. We therefore conclude that acquired genomic CDKN2A/2B deletions identify a subgroup of Ph+ ALL patients, who have an inferior prognosis despite aSCT in CR1. Their poor outcome was attributable primarily to a high relapse rate after aSCT

    [Population displacement in Lithuania in the twentieth century : recenzija / experiences, identities and legacies]

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    Recenzijoje aptariama Tomo Balkelio ir Violetos Davoliūtės sudaryta knyga „Priverstiniai gyventojų perkėlimai Lietuvoje XX amžiuje: patirtys, tapatybės ir palikimas“, kuri 2016 m. buvo išleista Brill Rodopi leidykloje. Tarpvalstybinis judėjimas, gyventojų perkėlimas ir etninis valymas atveria platų mokslinių tyrimų lauką. Devyniuose rinktinės straipsniuose analizuojamos priverstinės migracijos formos. Tyrimai apima laikotarpį nuo Pirmojo pasaulinio karo iki XX a. 7 deš. Aptariami pabėgėlių ir migrantų likimai, kurie buvo nukreipti į Rusijos imperijos regionus, perkelti į Klaipėdą ir Vilnių, repatrijuoti į Lenkiją, pabėgę į JAV. Dėmesys sutelktas į žmonių išgyvenimus, suteikiant balsą perkeltiesiems asmenims. Pateikiamos skirtingos kokybės atvejų analizės. Pirmoje dalyje italų, vokiečių ir lietuvių mokslininkai rašo apie gyventojų persikėlimą Pirmojo pasaulinio karo metais. Antroje – aptariama kaiti Klaipėdos krašto gyventojų politika. Trečia dalis skirta gyventojų perkėlimui per Antrąjį pasaulinį karą. Tyrimuose aptariami pokyčiai Vilniaus mieste, žydų tremtis iš Lietuvos ir repatriacija po karo. Taip pat analizuojamos įvairios prisitaikymo prie naujų sąlygų ir lietuviškumo išsaugojimo strategijos išeivijoje Vakaruose. Autoriai parodė, kad priverstinis perkėlimas gali būti suprantamas kaip analitinė priemonė, padedanti suprasti, kaip visuomenę ir valstybę galima pertvarkyti priverstiniu žmonių judėjimu. Didesnis dėmesys skiriamas nacionalinei valstybei, tačiau omenyje turima ir tarptautinė erdvė. Knyga yra geras pažangių tyrimų pavyzdys