1,475 research outputs found

    Government support for monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    The objectives of the study are to identify the role of single-industry towns (also known as “monotowns”) in the economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to determine the specific features of monotowns and to assess the effectiveness of government program documents aimed at supporting these entities. A number of research methods were used, including logical, systematic, structural-functional, comparative analysis, statistical and index methods, economic forecasting and sociological surveys. Using these methods in combination allowed the researcher to consider the phenomena and processes, the dynamics and development, thus providing evidence as to the reliability of the conclusions obtained. As a result of this study, distinctive features of the socio-economic development of monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan were revealed. In addition, an evaluation was made of the main program documents aimed at supporting the development of monotowns; and the factors affecting their further development were identified. Proposals have been made in this study with regard to best ways in which to improve the monotown management systems both in terms of improving the program documents and in developing new evaluation tools. The principal novel feature of this study is the identification of the main trends in the development of monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan. These trends reveal that, although monotowns do play an important role in the economy of the country, they also tend to develop in extremely uneven and inconsistent ways and are characterized by having weak economic diversification and a strong dependence on the town-forming enterprises, with these enterprises mainly being mining companies. The recommendations in this study are based on the need to improve both the administrative and economic methods used for the state regulation of monotowns. During this study, the feasibility of making adjustments in the current development programs aimed at supporting monotowns and the consistency of development programs were considered.The empirical basis of the analysis was the results of studies conducted in the framework of the R&D work “Development of theoretical and methodological fundamentals of corporate governance of regional technical higher school in the conditions of industrialinnovative development of Kazakhstan”, performed under grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant number: 1274/GF4)

    Measurements of the Secondary Electron Emission from Rare Gases at 4.2K

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    Dependence of the secondary electron yield (SEY) from the primary beam incident energy and the coverage has been measured for neon, argon, krypton and xenon condensed on a target at 4.2K. The beam energy ranged between 100 eV and 3 keV, the maximal applied coverage have made up 12000, 4700, 2500 and 1400 monolayers correspondingly for neon, argon, krypton and xenon. The SEY results for these coverages can be considered as belonging only to investigated gases without influence of the target material. The SEY dependencies versus the primary beam energy for all gases comprise only an ascending part and therefore, the maximal measured SEY values have been obtained for the beam energy of 3keV and have made up 62, 73, 60.5 and 52 for neon, argon, krypton and xenon correspondingly. Values of the first cross-over have made up 21 eV for neon, 14 eV for argon, 12.5 eV for krypton and 10.5 eV for xenon. An internal field appearing across a film due to the beam impact can considerably affect the SEY measurements that demanded the beam current to be reduced till 9.0E-10A. Duration of the beam impact varied between 500 \mu sec and 250 \mu sec. It was found that reliable SEY measurements can also be taken on a charged surface if the charge was acquired due to beam impact with electrons of higher energy. All SEY measurements for once applied coverage have been carried out for whole range of incident energies from 3 keV down to 100 eV without renewing the film. Developing of pores inside of a deposited film can significantly increase the SEY as it was observed during warming up the target.Comment: 10 Pages - 25 figure

    Measurements of the Secondary Electron Emission of Some Insulators

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    Charging up the surface of an insulator after beam impact can lead either to reverse sign of field between the surface and collector of electrons for case of thick sample or appearance of very high internal field for thin films. Both situations discard correct measurements of secondary electron emission (SEE) and can be avoided via reducing the beam dose. The single pulse method with pulse duration of order of tens microseconds has been used. The beam pulsing was carried out by means of an analog switch introduced in deflection plate circuit which toggles its output between "beam on" and "beam off" voltages depending on level of a digital pulse. The error in measuring the beam current for insulators with high value of SEE was significantly reduced due to the use for this purpose a titanium sample having low value of the SEE with DC method applied. Results obtained for some not coated insulators show considerable increase of the SEE after baking out at 3500C what could be explained by the change of work function. Titanium coatings on alumina exhibit results close to the ones for pure titanium and could be considered as an effective antimultipactor coating.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Pion production in proton collisions with light nuclei: implications for atmospheric neutrinos

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    Differences among calculations of the atmospheric neutrino beam can be traced in large part to differences in the representation of pion production by protons interacting with nuclei in the atmosphere. In this paper we review the existing data with the goal of determining the regions of phase space in which new measurements could help to improve the input to the calculations.Comment: latex, 13 pages, 6 figure

    Abstract Response-Time Analysis: A Formal Foundation for the Busy-Window Principle (Artifact)

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    This artifact provides the means to validate and reproduce the results of the associated paper "Abstract Response-Time Analysis: A Formal Foundation for the Busy-Window Principle". In this artifact we demonstrate how to compile the source code and automatically check the proofs of each theorem. We also provide references to all key results claimed to be proven in the paper (including Abstract RTA and all eight instantiations), so that readers may confirm that no proofs have been omitted


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    У збірнику представлені тези доповідей докторантів, аспірантів, молодих учених і студентів, які взяли участь у роботі ХVІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Політ. Сучасні проблеми науки» за напрямом «Гуманітарні науки». Для широкого кола фахівців

    Challenges of anti-Russia sanctions for metals and mining enterprises in Kazakhstan

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    Relevance: The new challenges for Kazakhstan's economy have emerged in the aftermath of current geopolitical tensions, especially after Kazakhstani businesses have found themselves under the threat of the US and EU secondary sanctions. The industries of the export-oriented metals and mining sector were hit the hardest. Kazakhstani enterprises in their attempts to navigate the sometimes contradictory trends in world trade responded in a variety of ambivalent ways. This situation clearly requires more research. While the  lack of large data volumes makes qualitative diagnostics and scenario-based forecasting extremely difficult, the proposed approach may prove to be a viable solution. Research objective: This study aims to identify and describe the main models of behaviour demonstrated by Kazakhstani companies that seek to manage the risk of secondary sanctions and mitigate their export losses.Data and methods: To study the responses of Kazakhstani companies to the risk of secondary sanctions, the case study method was used, which provides us with a broader view on the companies of different sizes and territorial presence. The cases are then systematized to identify the key types of corporate responses to secondary sanctions. The study relies on the observations and data gathered from the documentations of Kazakhstani companies, media publications, reviews, the List of Items Prohibited for Export and Import in Russia and the Republic of Belarus Pursuant to Sanctions, and the normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Results: The study has brought to light the models of behaviour demonstrated by large enterprises and junior companies in Kazakhstan's metals and mining industry. Seeking to minimize the risk of secondary sanctions, Kazakhstani enterprises choose different behaviour models. A comprehensive in-depth content-analysis has revealed the basic trends in the development of Kazakhstan's metals and mining sector.Conclusions: The analysis of the resulting portfolio of cases has shown differences in the responses of large companies affiliated with TNCs and small and medium-sized juniors.  The study also brought to light the sanctions' negative impact on the development of Kazakhstan's economy