23 research outputs found

    Phenotypic properties of envelope glycoproteins of transmitted HIV-1 variants from patients belonging to transmission chains.

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    OBJECTIVE: Transmission of HIV-1 involves a bottleneck in which generally a single HIV-1 variant from a diverse viral population in the transmitting partner establishes infection in the new host. It is still unclear to what extent this event is driven by specific properties of the transmitted viruses or the result of a stochastic process. Our study aimed to better characterize this phenomenon and define properties shared by transmitted viruses. DESIGN: We compared antigenic and functional properties of envelope glycoproteins of viral variants found during primary infection in 27 patients belonging to eight transmission chains. METHODS: We generated pseudotyped viruses expressing Env variants of the viral quasispecies infecting each patient and compared their sensitivity to neutralization by eight human monoclonal broadly neutralizing antibodies (HuMoNAbs). We also compared their infectious properties by measuring their infectivity and sensitivity to various entry inhibitors. RESULTS: Transmitted viruses from the same transmission chain shared many properties, including similar neutralization profiles, sensitivity to inhibitors, and infectivity, providing evidence that the transmission bottleneck is mainly nonstochastic. Transmitted viruses were CCR5-tropic, sensitive to MVC, and resistant to soluble forms of CD4, irrespective of the cluster to which they belonged. They were also sensitive to HuMoNAbs that target V3, the CD4-binding site, and the MPER region, suggesting that the loss of these epitopes may compromise their capacity to be transmitted. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the transmission bottleneck is governed by selective forces. How these forces confer an advantage to the transmitted virus has yet to be determined

    Adaptation of HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein gp120 to Humoral Immunity over the Course of the Epidemic

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    Since 2009, a large panel of broad and potent monoclonal neutralizing antibodies (MoNAbs) against HIV-1 have been isolated. These MoNAbs can protect from lllV-1 infection and suppress established infection in animal models. Because their efficacy should be evaluated in human clinical trials, it is of importance to define the sensitivity of the most contemporary transmitted variants to these MoNAbs. We, and others previously, reported that HIV-1 has become more resistant to neutralization over the course of the epidemic (Bunnik et al., Nature Med 2010, Bouvin-Pley et al., PloS Pathog 2013). Methods: Here we extended the analyses to the most potent MoNAbs described since then, either more recently isolated or improved by structure-based gene modifications. Results: We fully confirmed the first observations showing an increasing resistance of HIV-1 clade B over time to MoNAbs targeting the major gp l20 epitopes but not to MoNAbs targeting the gp41 MPER. Despite this evolution, some MoNAbs still were able to neutralize efficiently the most recently transmitted HIV-1 variants (2006-2010). The most potent MoNAbs were the bi-specific PG9- and PG16-iMab that alone were able to neutralize an variants at less than 0.4 mg/mL. The sensitivity to iMAb remained similar over time, suggesting that the trend of increasing resistance to PG9-/PG16-iMAb may be attributed only to die antigen binding domain of PG9/PG16. NIH45-46m2 (and -m7), 10-1074 and 10E8 were also highly potent and, if combined, reached the potency of PG9-/PG16-iMAb. We also observed that 3BNC 117 was almost as potent as the modified NIH45-46 antibodies, and that the lama-derived JM4IgG2b was the most potent Ab among those that do not target the major gp 120 neutralizing epitopes. Conclusions: These data clearly suggest a continuous drift of the env gene of HIV-1 elude B over the epidemic, and that not a single epitope is concerned but the entire gp120 as a whole. The consequences of this adaptation on the envelope functionality are being explored

    Drift of the envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 over the course of the epidemic : enhanced resistance to neutralizing antibodies and improved functionality

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    Lors de la primo-infection, la plupart des patients infectĂ©s par le VIH-1 dĂ©veloppent des anticorps neutralisants autologues dirigĂ©s contre la glycoprotĂ©ine d’enveloppe virale. Ces anticorps exercent une pression de sĂ©lection conduisant Ă  l’apparition de variants d’échappement. Nous avons montrĂ© que cette pression de sĂ©lection se rĂ©percute Ă  l’échelle populationnelle, le VIH-1 en tant qu’espĂšce s’étant adaptĂ© au cours de l’épidĂ©mie Ă  la rĂ©ponse immunitaire de la population humaine en devenant de moins en moins sensible aux anticorps neutralisants. Cette adaptation du VIH‐1 a un impact sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s fonctionnelles de l’enveloppe. Nous avons ainsi observĂ© une augmentation de l’infectivitĂ© associĂ©e Ă  une augmentation de la cinĂ©tique d’entrĂ©e des virus qui circulent actuellement. Les virus contemporains montrent Ă©galement une plus grande rĂ©sistance Ă  l’enfuvirtide, un inhibiteur de fusion, associĂ©e Ă  une meilleure utilisation du co-rĂ©cepteur CCR5 ainsi qu’une rĂ©sistance accrue Ă  l’inhibiteur du CD4 M48U1. L’ensemble de nos rĂ©sultats est en faveur d’une adaptation progressive de l’espĂšce virale du VIH-1 Ă  son hĂŽte au cours de l’épidĂ©mie.Most of HIV-1 infected patients develop autologous neutralizing antibodies against the viral envelope glycoprotein during primary infection. These antibodies exert a selective pressure that leads to the selection of escape variants. We showed that HIV-1 evolved at the population level towards an enhanced resistance to antibody neutralization over the course of the epidemic, subsequently to the selective pressure exerted by the individual autologous neutralizing antibodies responses. This antigenic drift has an impact on the functional properties of the viral envelope. We showed an increasing infectivity associated with an increasing entry kinetic of the most recently transmitted viruses. The contemporary viruses are also more resistant to the inhibitor of fusion enfuvirtide, related to a better use of the CCR5 co-receptor as well as a progressive increasing resistance to the CD4 inhibitor M48U1. Together our results are in favor of a progressive adaptation of HIV-1 species to humans over the course of the epidemic

    Differential utilization of CD4+ by transmitted/founder and chronic envelope glycoproteins in a MSM HIV-1 subtype B transmission cluster

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    International audienceObjective: HIV-1 transmission leads to a genetic bottleneck, with one or a few variants of the donor quasispecies establishing an infection in the new host. We aimed to characterize this bottleneck in more detail, by comparing the properties of HIV envelope glycoproteins from acute and chronic infections within the particular context of a male-to-male transmission cluster. Design: We compared the genotypic and phenotypic properties of envelope glycoproteins from viral variants derived from five study participants from the same transmission cluster. Methods: We used single-genome amplification to generate a collection of full-length env sequences. We then constructed pseudotyped viruses expressing selected Env variants from the quasispecies infecting each study participant and compared their infectivities and sensitivities to various entry inhibitors. Results: The genotypic analyses confirmed the genetic bottleneck expected after HIV transmission, with a limited number of variants identified in four study participants during acute infection. However, the transmitted sequences harbored no evident common signature and belonged to various genetic lineages. The phenotypic analyses revealed no difference in infectivity, susceptibility to the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc, the fusion inhibitor enfurvitide or type-I interferon between viruses from participants with acute and chronic infections. The key property distinguishing transmitted viruses was a higher resistance to soluble CD4 ĂŸ , correlated with greater sensitivity to occupation of the CD4 ĂŸ receptor by the anti-CD4 ĂŸ antibodies LM52 and SK3. Conclusion: These results suggest that envelope glycoproteins from transmitted/ founder viruses bind CD4 ĂŸ less efficiently than those of viruses from chronic infections

    Evolution of the Envelope Glycoprotein of HIV-1 Clade B toward Higher Infectious Properties over the Course of the Epidemic

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    International audienceWe showed previously that during the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the envelope glycoprotein (Env) of HIV-1, and in particular, the gp120 subunit, evolved toward an increased resistance to neutralizing antibodies at a population level. Here, we considered whether the antigenic evolution of the HIV-1 Env is associated with modifications of its functional properties, focusing on cell entry efficacy and interactions with the receptor and coreceptors. We tested the infectivity of a panel of Env-pseudotyped viruses derived from patients infected by subtype B viruses at three periods of the epidemic (1987 to 1991, 1996 to 2000, and 2006 to 2010). Pseudotyped viruses harboring Env from patients infected during the most recent period were approximately 10-fold more infectious in cell culture than those from patients infected at the beginning of the epidemic. This was associated with faster viral entry kinetics: contemporary viruses entered target cells approximately twice as fast as historical viruses. Contemporary viruses were also twice as resistant as historical viruses to the fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide. Resistance to enfuvirtide correlated with a resistance to CCR5 antagonists, suggesting that contemporary viruses expanded their CCR5 usage efficiency. Viruses were equally captured by DC-SIGN, but after binding to DC-SIGN, contemporary viruses infected target cells more efficiently than historical viruses. Thus, we report evidence that the infectious properties of the envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 increased during the course of the epidemic. It is plausible that these changes affected viral fitness during the transmission process and might have contributed to an increasing virulence of HIV-1.IMPORTANCE Following primary infection by HIV-1, neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) exert selective pressure on the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env), driving the evolution of the viral population. Previous studies suggested that, as a consequence, Env has evolved at the HIV species level since the start of the epidemic so as to display greater resistance to NAbs. Here, we investigated whether the antigenic evolution of the HIV-1 Env is associated with modifications of its functional properties, focusing on cell entry efficacy and interactions with the receptor and coreceptors. Our data provide evidence that the infectious properties of the HIV-1 Env increased during the course of the epidemic. These changes may have contributed to increasing virulence of HIV-1 and an optimization of transmission between individual

    Probing the compartmentalization of HIV-1 in the central nervous system through its neutralization properties

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    <div><p>Compartmentalization of HIV-1 has been observed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients at different clinical stages. Considering the low permeability of the blood-brain barrier, we wondered if a reduced selective pressure by neutralizing antibodies (NAb) in the central nervous system (CNS) could favor the evolution of NAb-sensitive viruses in this compartment. Single genome amplification (SGA) was used to sequence full-length HIV-1 envelope variants (453 sequences) from paired CSF and blood plasma samples in 9 subjects infected by HIV variants of various clades and suffering from diverse neurologic disorders. Dynamics of viral evolution were evaluated with a bayesian coalescent approach for individuals with longitudinal samples. Pseudotyped viruses expressing envelope glycoproteins variants representative of the quasi-species present in each compartment were generated, and their sensitivity to autologous neutralization, broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) and entry inhibitors was assessed. Significant compartmentalization of HIV populations between blood and CSF were detected in 5 out of 9 subjects. Some of the previously described genetic determinants for compartmentalization in the CNS were observed regardless of the HIV-1 clade. There was no difference of sensitivity to autologous neutralization between blood- and CSF-variants, even for subjects with compartmentalization, suggesting that selective pressure by autologous NAb is not the main driver of HIV evolution in the CNS. However, we observed major differences of sensitivity to sCD4 or to at least one bNAb targeting either the N160-V1V2 site, the N332-V3 site or the CD4bs, between blood- and CSF-variants in all cases. In particular, HIV-1 variants present in the CSF were more resistant to bNAbs than their blood counterpart in some cases. Considering the possible migration from CSF to blood, the CNS could be a reservoir of bNAb resistant viruses, an observation that should be considered for immunotherapeutic approaches.</p></div

    Sensitivity to broadly neutralizing antibodies and entry inhibitors of pseudotyped viruses from CSF and blood plasma samples from subjects with (A) or without (B) CSF compartmentalization.

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    <p>Paired pseudotyped viruses from CSF and blood were exposed to serial dilutions of bNAbs, sCD4 or maraviroc (MVC). Values indicate IC<sub><b>50</b></sub> in ÎŒg/mL for bNAbs and sCD4 and in nmol/mL for MVC. Ratios showing a greater resistance of CSF viruses or a greater resistance of blood viruses (ratio > 3) are mentioned in blue or in red, respectively.</p

    Phylogenetic relationships of paired CSF and blood plasma viral sequences.

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    <p>Neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees representing (A) compartmentalized and (B) equilibrated viral populations. <i>Env</i> sequences from the CSF (blue squares) and blood plasma (red triangles) are shown. Bootstrap values > 0.7 are mentioned (*) next to each node. Genetic distance is indicated with a scale bar (number of nucleotide substitutions per site).</p