750 research outputs found

    High Redshift HCN Emission: Dense Star-Forming Molecular Gas in IRAS F10214+4724

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    Hydrogen cyanide emission in the J=1-0 transition has been detected at redshift z=2.2858 in IRAS F10214+4724 using the Green Bank Telescope . This is the second detection of HCN emission at high redshift. The large HCN line luminosity in F10214 is similar to that in the Cloverleaf (z=2.6) and the ultra-luminous infrared galaxies Mrk231 and Arp220. This is also true of the ratio of HCN to CO luminosities. The ratio of far-infrared luminosity to HCN luminosity, an indicator of the star formation rate per solar mass of dense gas, follows the correlation found for normal spirals and infrared luminous starburst galaxies. F10214 clearly contains a starburst that contributes, together with its embedded quasar, to its overall infrared luminosity. A new technique for removing spectral baselines in the search for weak, broad emission lines is presented.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; accepted ApJ(Letters

    Deliverable 2: Report on the production of GIF by turbot, the effects on growth performance of turbot of local GIF production within RAS and the presence of GIF at commercial farm level

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    One of the working hypotheses of this project is that growth retardation of turbot cultured in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is caused by the accumulation of growth inhibiting factors (GIF) produced by the turbot themselves in the culture water. Our first goal was to demonstrate the production of growth inhibiting factors by turbot following the methodology of Yurl and Perlmutter. A series of successive experiments was performed. Extracts from turbot culture water were tested for GIF presence in early life stage tests using eggs and larvae and small scale growth trials with juveniles. Our second goal was to demonstrate the transfer of GIF between tanks. Four experiments involving the integration of experimental tanks in a farm scale setting were performed. Our third goal was to demonstrate the presence of GIF at commercial farms. Two juvenile growth trials were performed

    Fermionic superfluidity with positive scattering length

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    Superfluidity in an ultracold Fermi gas is usually associated with either a negative scattering length, or the presence of a two-body bound state. We show that none of these ingredients is necessary to achieve superfluidity. Using a narrow Feshbach resonance with strong repulsive background interactions, the effective interactions can be repulsive for small energies and attractive for energies around the Fermi energy, similar to the effective interactions between electrons in a metallic superconductor. This can result in BCS-type superfluidity while the scattering length is positive.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; v2: added references and details energy-dependent interactio

    VLA Limits for Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Three Globular Clusters

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    The observational evidence for central black holes in globular clusters has been argued extensively, and their existence has important consequences for both the formation and evolution of the cluster. Most of the evidence comes from dynamical arguments, but the interpretation is difficult, given the short relaxation times and old ages of the clusters. One of the most robust signatures for the existence of a black hole is radio and/or X-ray emission. We observed three globular clusters, NGC6093 (M80), NGC6266 (M62), and NGC7078 (M15), with the VLA in the A and C configuration with a 3-sigma noise of 36, 36 and 25 microJy, respectively. We find no statistically-significant evidence for radio emission from the central region for any of the three clusters. NGC6266 shows a 2-sigma detection. It is difficult to infer a mass from these upper limits due to uncertainty about the central gas density, accretion rate, and accretion model.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Новые книги

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    Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral treatment is effective for insomnia. However, little is known about the beneficial effects of support. Recently we demonstrated that motivational support moderately improved the effects of Internet-delivered treatment for insomnia. In the present study, we tested whether depressive symptoms at baseline moderate the effect of support on Internet-delivered treatment for insomnia. We performed a multilevel intention-to-treat analysis on 262 participants in a randomized controlled trial. We found that baseline depressive symptoms moderated the effect of support on sleep efficiency, total sleep time, and sleep onset latency (but not on wake after sleep onset, number of nightly awakenings, or the Insomnia Severity Index). This means that for these variables, people with high levels of depressive symptoms benefit from support, whereas people with low levels of depressive symptoms improve regardless of support. The data show that baseline depression severity plays an important role in the way Internet treatments need to be delivered. These findings open up opportunities to personalize the support offered in Internet-delivered treatments. © 2014

    A Search for Dense Molecular Gas in High Redshift Infrared-Luminous Galaxies

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    We present a search for HCN emission from four high redshift far infrared (IR) luminous galaxies. Current data and models suggest that these high zz IR luminous galaxies represent a major starburst phase in the formation of spheroidal galaxies, although many of the sources also host luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN), such that a contribution to the dust heating by the AGN cannot be precluded. HCN emission is a star formation indicator, tracing dense molecular hydrogen gas within star-forming molecular clouds (n(H2_2) 105\sim 10^5 cm3^{-3}). HCN luminosity is linearly correlated with IR luminosity for low redshift galaxies, unlike CO emission which can also trace gas at much lower density. We report a marginal detection of HCN (1-0) emission from the z=2.5832z=2.5832 QSO J1409+5628, with a velocity integrated line luminosity of LHCN=6.7±2.2×109L_{\rm HCN}'=6.7\pm2.2 \times10^{9} K km s1^{-1} pc2^2, while we obtain 3σ\sigma upper limits to the HCN luminosity of the z=3.200z=3.200 QSO J0751+2716 of LHCN=1.0×109L_{\rm HCN}'=1.0\times10^{9} K km s1^{-1} pc2^2, LHCN=1.6×109L_{\rm HCN}'=1.6\times10^{9} K km s1^{-1} pc2^2 for the z=2.565z= 2.565 starburst galaxy J1401+0252, and LHCN=1.0×1010L_{\rm HCN}'=1.0\times10^{10} K km s1^{-1} pc2^2 for the z=6.42z = 6.42 QSO J1148+5251. We compare the HCN data on these sources, plus three other high-zz IR luminous galaxies, to observations of lower redshift star-forming galaxies. The values of the HCN/far-IR luminosity ratios (or limits) for all the high zz sources are within the scatter of the relationship between HCN and far-IR emission for low zz star-forming galaxies (truncated).Comment: aastex format, 4 figures. to appear in the Astrophysical Journal; Revised lens magnification estimate for 1401+025

    Deglacial and Holocene vegetation and climatic changes in the southern Central Mediterranean from a direct land–sea correlation

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    International audienceDespite a large number of studies, the long-term and millennial to centennial-scale climatic variability in the Mediterranean region during the last deglaciation and the Holocene is still debated, including in the southern Central Mediterranean. In this paper, we present a new marine pollen sequence (core MD04-2797CQ) from the Siculo-Tunisian Strait documenting the regional vegetation and climatic changes in the southern Central Mediterranean during the last deglaciation and the Holocene. The MD04-2797CQ marine pollen sequence shows that semi-desert plants dominated the vegetal cover in the southern Central Mediterranean between 18.2 and 12.3 ka cal BP, indicating prevailing dry conditions during the deglaciation, even during the Greenland Interstadial (GI)-1. Across the transition Greenland Stadial (GS)-1 -Holocene, Asteraceae-Poaceae steppe became dominant till 10.1 ka cal BP. This record underlines with no chronological ambiguity that even though temperatures increased, deficiency in moisture availability persisted into the early Holocene. Temperate trees and shrubs with heath underbrush or maquis expanded between 10.1 and 6.6 ka, corresponding to Sapropel 1 (S1) interval, while Mediterranean plants only developed from 6.6 ka onwards. These changes in vegetal cover show that the regional climate in southern Central Mediterranean was wetter during S1 and became drier during the mid-to late Holocene. Wetter conditions during S1 were likely due to increased winter precipitation while summers remained dry. We suggest, in agreement with published modeling experiments, that the early Holocene increased melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in conjunction with weak winter insolation played a major role in the development of winter precipitation maxima in the Mediterranean region in controlling the strength and position of the North Atlantic storm track. Finally, our data provide evidence for centennial-scale vegetation and climatic changes in the southern Central Mediterranean. During the wet early Holocene, alkenone-derived cooling episodes are synchronous with herbaceous composition changes that indicate muted changes in precipitation. In contrast, enhanced aridity episodes, as detected by strong reduction in trees and shrubs, are recorded during the mid-to late Holocene. We show that the impact of the Holocene cooling events on the Mediterranean hydroclimate depend on baseline climate states, i.e. insolation and ice sheet extent, shaping the response of the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation

    Особливості скульптури поверхні зерен мінералів у паласитах

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    Наведено результати растрових електронно-мікроскопічних досліджень скульптури поверхні зерен мінералів із паласитів. Показано, що тонкі скульптурні особливості на поверхні зерен є чутливим індикатором фізико-хімічних умов утворення та еволюції паласитів у космосі й на Землі.The results of the scanning electron microscopic study of surface sculpture of mineral grains from pallasites are given. It is shown that the fine sculpture features belong to a sensitive indicator of physico-chemical conditions of pallasites formation and evolution in space and on the Earth