121 research outputs found

    Sociala medier och kundservice: Facebook som kommunikationsmedium

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    I samband med den ökade internetanvÀndningen har sociala medier blivit en stor del av en del mÀnniskors vardag. AnvÀndandet av sociala medier har inte bara ökat bland privatpersoner utan Àven företag etablerar sig av olika anledningar pÄ sociala medier. Nu erbjuder i vissa fall företag Àven kundservice via sociala medier. Det Àr viktigt för företag att vara aktiva pÄ de medium dÀr kunderna finns och i dagslÀget Àr fem miljoner svenskar aktiva pÄ Facebook. Detta gör det bland annat lÀttare för företag att nÄ ut till mÄnga konsumenter pÄ kort tid och bidrar till en tvÄvÀgskommunikation. Möjligheterna med sociala medier Àr sÄledes mÄnga. Syftet med denna studie Àr att undersöka hur kundservice via sociala medier kan utformas pÄ ett ÀndamÄlsenligt sÀtt. För att besvara denna frÄga genomförde vi en enkÀtundersökning vilken riktade sig till svenska anvÀndare pÄ Facebook. EnkÀtundersökningen bestod av ett antal faktorer indelade i fyra kategorier baserade pÄ vÄr litteraturgenomgÄng. Dessa kategorier var kommunikation, sociala medier, engagemang samt kundservice vilka vi ansÄg kunna pÄverka utformandet av kundservice pÄ sociala medier. Resultatet av vÄr undersökning visade bland annat pÄ att Facebook som kommunikationsmedium för kundservice Àr bÀst lÀmpat för korta, enklare frÄgor och för att fÄ en uppfattning och förmedla en bild av nulÀget. Vidare visade den pÄ att anvÀndare kan hjÀlpa varandra med sitt engagemang vilket har mÄnga fördelar. Företag kan skapa en god relation med konsumenter vilket kan göra konsumenter till ambassadörer. Dessa hjÀlper till att svara pÄ andra anvÀndares frÄgor och kan bidraga med kunskap. FrÄgor och svar som publiceras pÄ Facebook görs sökbara vilket underlÀttar för konsumenter att hitta information. Ytterligare bidrar konsumenters Äterkoppling till helt gratis produktutveckling

    It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

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    We often learn of successful pedagogical experiments, but we seldom hear of the the ones that failed. For this special session we solicited submissions from the SIGCSE membership, selected the best from among these, and will have presentations at the session by the selected authors. Our contributions describe pedagogical approaches that seemed to be good ideas but turned out as failures. At the session, contributors will describe their pedagogical experiment, the rationale for the experiment, evidence of failure, and lessons learned

    Why computing students learn on their own: motivation for self-directed learning of computing

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    In this article, we address the question of why computing students choose to learn computing topics on their own. A better understanding of why some students choose to learn on their own may help us to motivate other students to develop this important skill. In addition, it may help in curriculum design; if we need to leave some topics out of our expanding curriculum, a good choice might be those topics that students readily learn on their own. Based on a thematic analysis of 17 semistructured interviews, we found that computing students’ motivations for self-directed learning fall into four general themes: projects, social and peer interactions, joy of learning, and fear. Under these, we describe several more specific subthemes, illustrated in the words of the students. The project-related and social motivations are quite prominent. Although these motivations appear in the literature, they received greater emphasis from our interviewees. Perhaps most characteristic of computing is the motivation to learn to complete some project, both projects done for fun and projects required for school or work.</jats:p

    Joint Protection : enabling change in musculoskeletal conditions

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    Joint protection includes applying ergonomic principles in daily life, altering working methods, using assistive devices, and modifying environments. It is taught to people with musculoskeletal conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), and soft tissue rheumatisms. Common principles are to: distribute load over several joints; reduce effort using assistive devices; pace activities; use orthoses; and exercise regularly. Cognitive-behavioral, self-efficacy, and motor-learning approaches are employed. Trials demonstrate that using these approaches is significantly more effective than advice and demonstration alone in changing joint-protection behavior, improving self-efficacy, function, and reducing pain in both early and established RA and hand OA. There is still conflicting evidence for its effectiveness in soft-tissue rheumatisms

    Early childhood caries in relation to mode of delivery, preterm birth, tooth brushing habits, and signs of the metabolic syndrome

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    Background: Early childhood caries (ECC) is defined as the presence of one or more decayed (non-cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing (due to caries), or filled surfaces in any primary tooth of a child under 6 years of age. ECC is highly prevalent in the world and largely untreated in children under the age of 3 years; it shares common risk factors with other non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. ECC can impair quality of life by causing difficulties in sleeping, eating, and attending school due to loss of tooth substance with consequent acute and chronic pain. Even though several risk factors associated with ECC are known, it is difficult to predict the condition. Variables that have been used when trying to predict ECC include oral habits, dietary habits, and socioeconomic status. It is known that children born vaginally have a gut microflora that differs from children delivered by cesarean section (C-section). Recently, the oral microbiota has also been explored in relation to mode of delivery. Aim: The aim of this thesis was to study whether mode of delivery affects selected oral bacteria during the first 6 months of life and to explore whether mode of delivery, early oral habits, family characteristics, perinatal factors, and nutritional and nursing habits during the first 2 years of life, are associated with ECC at 5 years of age. A further aim was to explore whether there is a correlation between ECC and metabolic risk factors according to IDEFICS monitoring levels for the metabolic syndrome. Methods: In paper I, 149 infants, delivered either vaginally or by C-section, were followed prospectively from birth to 6 months of age. Saliva samples were collected at 0, 1, 3, and 6 months of age. At 6 months a saliva sample was also taken from the mother of the child. The parents answered questionnaires on socioeconomic factors, feeding habits, prescribed antibiotics, and oral habits at baseline and at every sampling occasion. The samples were analyzed with 13 pre-determined bacterial probes using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique. In papers II–IV, 395 infants were invited to a prospective medical study at the pediatric clinic, Halland Hospital Halmstad, with a focus on growth and overweight prevention. This group was then merged with 156 infants delivered by C-section into a group that was followed for endocrine research purposes. Of the invited children, 336 were examined at the dental clinic at 2 years of age, 302 at three years of age, and 292 at 5 years of age. Two calibrated examiners at the dental clinic then assessed caries lesions (cavitated and non-cavitated) on tooth and surface levels. Background data on the mothers and perinatal data on the infants were extracted from hospital records. The parents of the child also answered sets of questionnaires about oral and feeding habits. Of the 292 children examined at the dental clinic at 5 years of age, 208 were than re-examined at the pediatric clinic at the age of 6.5 (paper IV). Results: In paper I, the children delivered vaginally had a greater diversity of the selected oral bacteria strains, compared to children delivered by C-section. In paper II, children delivered by C-section had a significantly elevated risk of having caries at 5 years of age. The risk of ECC at 5 years of age was also increased for children born preterm. The relative risk for ECC at 5 years of age (paper III) was significantly increased for tooth brushing less than twice daily at 2 as well as 3 years of age. In paper IV, the perinatal factors preterm birth or being born small for gestational age raised the risk of ECC at 5 years of age. Preschool children with ECC had higher fasting glucose levels, but no other signs of the metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: The findings of this thesis stress the need for a good cooperation between dental and pediatric professionals, even for infants. The health personnel should instruct and encourage parents to brush their child’s teeth twice daily, as well as give appropriate advice concerning food habits. The association between fasting blood glucose and caries, the relationship between perinatal factors and caries, and the influence and evolvement of the oral microbiome are all issues to be further explored in this cohort and in future studies

    De resectione articuli manus.

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    Diss. Dorpat.OPLADEN-RUG0
