723 research outputs found

    A method for interactive satellite failure diagnosis: Towards a connectionist solution

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    Various kinds of processes which allow one to make a diagnosis are analyzed. The analyses then focuses on one of these processes used for satellite failure diagnosis. This process consists of sending the satellite instructions about system status alterations: to mask the effects of one possible component failure or to look for additional abnormal measures. A formal model of this process is given. This model is an extension of a previously defined connectionist model which allows computation of ratios between the likelihoods of observed manifestations according to various diagnostic hypotheses. The expected mean value of these likelihood measures for each possible status of the satellite can be computed in a similar way. Therefore, it is possible to select the most appropriate status according to three different purposes: to confirm an hypothesis, to eliminate an hypothesis, or to choose between two hypotheses. Finally, a first connectionist schema of computation of these expected mean values is given

    Two spatially separated phases in semiconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2

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    We report neutron scattering and transport measurements on semiconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2, a compound isostructural and isoelectronic to the well-studied A0.8A_{0.8}Fey_{y}Se2(A=_2 (A= K, Rb, Cs, Tl/K) superconducting systems. Both resistivity and DC susceptibility measurements reveal a magnetic phase transition at T=275T=275 K. Neutron diffraction studies show that the 275 K transition originates from a phase with rhombic iron vacancy order which exhibits an in-plane stripe antiferromagnetic ordering below 275 K. In addition, interdigitated mesoscopically with the rhombic phase is an ubiquitous phase with 5×5\sqrt{5}\times\sqrt{5} iron vacancy order. This phase has a magnetic transition at TN=425T_N=425 K and an iron vacancy order-disorder transition at TS=600T_{S}=600 K. These two different structural phases are closely similar to those observed in the isomorphous Se materials. Based on the close similarities of the in-plane antiferromagnetic structures, moments sizes, and ordering temperatures in semiconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2 and K0.81_{0.81}Fe1.58_{1.58}Se2_2, we argue that the in-plane antiferromagnetic order arises from strong coupling between local moments. Superconductivity, previously observed in the A0.8A_{0.8}Fey_{y}Se2−z_{2-z}Sz_z system, is absent in Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2, which has a semiconducting ground state. The implied relationship between stripe/block antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in these materials as well as a strategy for further investigation is discussed in this paper.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Universal magnetic and structural behaviors in the iron arsenides

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    Commonalities among the order parameters of the ubiquitous antiferromagnetism present in the parent compounds of the iron arsenide high temperature superconductors are explored. Additionally, comparison is made between the well established two-dimensional Heisenberg-Ising magnet, K2_2NiF4_4 and iron arsenide systems residing at a critical point whose structural and magnetic phase transitions coincide. In particular, analysis is presented regarding two distinct classes of phase transition behavior reflected in the development of antiferromagnetic and structural order in the three main classes of iron arsenide superconductors. Two distinct universality classes are mirrored in their magnetic phase transitions which empirically are determined by the proximity of the coupled structural and magnetic phase transitions in these materials.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Modification of Charge Trapping at Particle/Particle Interfaces by Electrochemical Hydrogen Doping of Nanocrystalline TiO2

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    Particle/particle interfaces play a crucial role in the functionality and performance of nanocrystalline materials such as mesoporous metal oxide electrodes. Defects at these interfaces are known to impede charge separation via slow-down of transport and increase of charge recombination, but can be passivated via electrochemical doping (i.e., incorporation of electron/proton pairs), leading to transient but large enhancement of photoelectrode performance. Although this process is technologically very relevant, it is still poorly understood. Here we report on the electrochemical characterization and the theoretical modeling of electron traps in nanocrystalline rutile TiO2 films. Significant changes in the electrochemical response of porous films consisting of a random network of TiO2 particles are observed upon the electrochemical accumulation of electron/proton pairs. The reversible shift of a capacitive peak in the voltammetric profile of the electrode is assigned to an energetic modification of trap states at particle/particle interfaces. This hypothesis is supported by first-principles theoretical calculations on a TiO2 grain boundary, providing a simple model for particle/particle interfaces. In particular, it is shown how protons readily segregate to the grain boundary (being up to 0.6 eV more stable than in the TiO2 bulk), modifying its structure and electron-trapping properties. The presence of hydrogen at the grain boundary increases the average depth of traps while at the same time reducing their number compared to the undoped situation. This provides an explanation for the transient enhancement of the photoelectrocatalytic activity toward methanol photooxidation which is observed following electrochemical hydrogen doping of rutile TiO2 nanoparticle electrodes

    Antiferromagnetic Critical Fluctuations in BaFe2_2As2_2

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    Magnetic correlations near the magneto-structural phase transition in the bilayer iron pnictide parent compound, BaFe2_2As2_2, are measured. In close proximity to the antiferromagnetic phase transition in BaFe2_2As2_2, a crossover to three dimensional critical behavior is anticipated and has been preliminarily observed. Here we report complementary measurements of two-dimensional magnetic fluctuations over a broad temperature range about TN_N. The potential role of two-dimensional critical fluctuations in the magnetic phase behavior of BaFe2_2As2_2 and their evolution near the anticipated crossover to three dimensional critical behavior and long-range order are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Magnetic order tuned by Cu substitution in Fe1.1-zCuzTe

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    We study the effects of Cu substitution in Fe1.1Te, the non-superconducting parent compound of the iron-based superconductor, Fe1+yTe1-xSex, utilizing neutron scattering techniques. It is found that the structural and magnetic transitions, which occur at \sim 60 K without Cu, are monotonically depressed with increasing Cu content. By 10% Cu for Fe, the structural transition is hardly detectable, and the system becomes a spin glass below 22 K, with a slightly incommensurate ordering wave vector of (0.5-d, 0, 0.5) with d being the incommensurability of 0.02, and correlation length of 12 angstrom along the a axis and 9 angstrom along the c axis. With 4% Cu, both transition temperatures are at 41 K, though short-range incommensurate order at (0.42, 0, 0.5) is present at 60 K. With further cooling, the incommensurability decreases linearly with temperature down to 37 K, below which there is a first order transition to a long-range almost-commensurate antiferromagnetic structure. A spin anisotropy gap of 4.5 meV is also observed in this compound. Our results show that the weakly magnetic Cu has large effects on the magnetic correlations; it is suggested that this is caused by the frustration of the exchange interactions between the coupled Fe spins.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, version as appeared on PR

    Heat capacity study of BaFe2_{2}As2_{2}: effects of annealing

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    Heat-capacity, X-ray diffraction, and resistivity measurements on a high-quality BaFe2_{2}As2_{2} sample show an evolution of the magneto-structural transition with successive annealing periods. After a 30-day anneal the resistivity in the (ab) plane decreases by more than an order of magnitude, to 12 μΩ\mu\Omegacm, with a residual resistance ratio ∼\sim36; the heat-capacity anomaly at the transition sharpens, to an overall width of less than K, and shifts from 135.4 to 140.2 K. The heat-capacity anomaly in both the as-grown sample and after the 30-day anneal shows a hysteresis of ∼\sim0.15 K, and is unchanged in a magnetic field μ0\mu_{0}H = 14 T. The X-ray and heat-capacity data combined suggest that there is a first order jump in the structural order parameter. The entropy of the transition is reported

    Experimental elucidation of the origin of the `double spin resonances' in Ba(Fe1−x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2As2_2

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    We report a combined study of the spin resonances and superconducting gaps for underdoped (Tc=19T_c=19 K), optimally doped (Tc=25T_c=25 K), and overdoped (Tc=19T_c=19 K) Ba(Fe1−x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2As2_2 single crystals with inelastic neutron scattering and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We find a quasi two dimensional spin resonance whose energy scales with the superconducting gap in all three compounds. In addition, anisotropic low energy spin excitation enhancements in the superconducting state have been deduced and characterized for the under and optimally doped compounds. Our data suggest that the quasi two dimensional spin resonance is a spin exciton that corresponds to the spin singlet-triplet excitations of the itinerant electrons. However, the intensity enhancements of the anisotropic spin excitations are dominated by the out-of-plane spin excitations of the ordered moments due to the suppression of damping in the superconducting state. Hence we offer a new interpretation of the double energy scales differing from previous interpretations based on anisotropic superconducting energy gaps, and systematically explain the doping-dependent trend across the phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Crystal growth and elasticity

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    The purpose of this paper is to review some elasticity effects in epitaxial growth. We start by a description of the main ingredients needed to describe elasticity effects (elastic interactions, surface stress, bulk and surface elasticity, thermodynamics of stressed solids). Then we describe how bulk and surface elasticity affect growth mode and surface morphology by means of stress-driven instability. At last stress-strain evolution during crystal growth is reported.Comment: 12 page
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