45 research outputs found

    Kinematic Visual Servo Control of a Quadrotor aerial vehicle

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    Visual systems are key sensors for control of small scale unmanned aerial vehicles. In this paper we investigate a range of image based visual servo control algorithms for positioning of flying vehicles capable of hover. The image based outer control loop for translation kinematics is coupled to a high-gain inner control loop that regulates translational velocities and full attitude dynamics. Zero and first order image moments are used as visual features for the control design. Perspective projection moments with suitable scaling along with a classical image based visual servo control design lead to satisfactory transients and asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system when the image plane remains parallel to the target. However, the system response may lack robustness for aggressive manoeuvres. In order to overcome this problem, several control schemes, based on spherical image moments, are designed and their performance is analysed. All designed control laws have been tested on a kinematic robotic manipulator to demonstrate the relative strengths and weaknesses of thedifferent image based visual servo control designs. The three most promising control algorithms have been successfully implemented on an autonomous aerial vehicle showing excellent performances in all three cases

    Image-based visual servo control of the translation kinematics of a quadrotor aerial vehicle

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    International audienceIn this paper, we investigate a range of image-based visual servo control algorithms for regulation of the position of a quadrotor aerial vehicle. The most promising control algorithms have been successfully implemented on an autonomous aerial vehicle and demonstrate excellent performance

    Commande d'engins volants par asservissement visuel

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    Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la conception d'asservissements visuels pour deux types d'engins volants : un hélicoptère de type quadrirotor et un avion. Afin de positionner le quadrirotor par rapport à une cible visuelle, nous proposons une série de lois de commande reposant sur des informations visuelles ayant des propriétés de découplage ou de passivité. Nous avons expérimenté les meilleures de ces lois de commande. Concernant l'atterrissage de l'avion, nous utilisons des informations visuelles issues des paramètres des lignes de la piste d'atterrissage dans le plan image. Nous proposons une méthode de planification de la trajectoire prenant en compte le comportement de l'avion. Des lois de commande reposant sur un modèle linéarisé et découplé de l'avion intègrent les informations visuelles et les trajectoires. Les résultats obtenus sur un simulateur réaliste d'avion montrent que les schémas de commande proposés peuvent permettre à l'avion d'atterrir automatiquement.In this thesis, visual servoing schemes are proposed to control a quadrotor during a positioning task, and to control an airplane during landing. Concerning the control of the quadrotor, several control schemes based on perspective and spherical image moments are designed. Their properties are presented and their performances are analysed and compared. The most promising control algorithms are successfully implemented on a quadrotor showing excellent performances. Concerning the control of the airplane, we use decoupled visual features and design control laws by taking into account a linearized and decoupled model of the airplane dynamics. A desired trajectory is also designed to improve the airplane behaviour. Simulation results are obtained with a quite realistic flight simulator. They show that the airplane is able to land automatically by using the proposed control scheme.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocRENNES-INRIA Rennes Irisa (352382340) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Visual Servoing of an Airplane for Alignment with respect to a Runway

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a visual servoing scheme to align an airplane with respect to a runway. A linearized model of the airplane dynamics and decoupled visual features are designed to build the control scheme. Simulation results are obtained with a quite realistic flight simulator which is based on a non linear airplane dynamic model. They show that the airplane realizes correctly the specified task by using visual data

    Quelles méthodes pour animer une série d'exercices en classe ?

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    Professorat des lycées et collègesCe mémoire présente trois méthodes, testées dans une classe de 5ème et une classe de 4ème, pour animer une série d'exercices d'entraînement. La première est celle qui est la plus connue : les élèves cherchent à résoudre les exercices que nous corrigeons au fur et à mesure, la deuxième est basée sur l'autonomie de l'élève, enfin la troisième utilise le travail en groupe. Chacune d'elles est analysée a posteriori, en particulier grâce à des grilles d'évaluation complétées par les élèves et l'enseignant à la fin de chaque séance. Après comparaison de ces trois méthodes, il apparaît qu'elles sont complémentaires et qu'il est souhaitable de veiller à une juste alternance de celles-ci

    Visual servoing of an airplane for auto-landing

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    In this paper, an airplane equipped with a camera has to join the glide-path, follow it, and realize the flare manoeuvre in order to touchdown. We propose to apply the control schemes of [2] to the auto-landing task. The approach is strongly improved by designing adequate variable trajectories. The airplane is able to join the glide-path from further positions, and its behaviour is smoother. As in [2], an airplane equipped with a fly-by-wire system is considered: the pilot commands are converted to electronic signals, and flight control computers determine how best to move the actuators to provide the desired response. This paper is organized as follows: in Section II the noinria-00350637