232 research outputs found

    Structure of a Sixteen Heme Cytochrome by X-Ray Crystallography.

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    Experimental procedure for the characterization of radiation damage in macromolecular crystals

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    A novel automatic procedure to determine the sensitivity of macromolecular crystals to radiation damage is presented. The information extracted from this procedure can be directly used for optimal planning of data collection or/and beamline calibration

    The safety and tolerability study of tiozonid in single dose with it increasing

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    A study of the safety and tolerability tiozonid manufacturing by JSC «Pharm-Sintez» (Russia) at the single dose with it increasing (25, 200, 400 and 600 mg) in healthy volunteers. In each group, the volunteers were enrolled sequentially, based on the interim evaluation of safety parameters. This study was conducted in compliance with the requirements of legislation and the ethical principles set forth in the Federal Law «On Circulation of Medicines» (number 61-FZ of April 12, 2010), the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (1964, with subsequent amendments), GOST R 52379-2005 «Good clinical practice» The study drug tiozonid manufacturing by JSC «Pharm-Sintez» (Russia) has shown a sufficiently high safety and well-tolerated at single oral doses in the range of 25-600 mg

    Assessment of radiation damage behaviour in a large collection of empirically optimized datasets highlights the importance of unmeasured complicating effects

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    A retrospective analysis of radiation damage behaviour in a statistically significant number of real-life datasets is presented, in order to gauge the importance of the complications not yet measured or rigorously evaluated in current experiments, and the challenges that remain before radiation damage can be considered a problem solved in practice

    Carrying out an optimal experiment

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    Diffraction data collection parameters leading to optimal data quality are discussed in the context of different applications of these data

    Binding specificities of human RNA-binding proteins toward structured and linear RNA sequences

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulate RNA metabolism at multiple levels by affecting splicing of nascent transcripts, RNA folding, base modification, transport, localization, translation, and stability. Despite their central role in RNA function, the RNA-binding specificities of most RBPs remain unknown or incompletely defined. To address this, we have assembled a genome-scale collection of RBPs and their RNA-binding domains (RBDs) and assessed their specificities using high-through-put RNA-SELEX (HTR-SELEX). Approximately 70% of RBPs for which we obtained a motif bound to short linear sequenc-es, whereas similar to 30% preferred structured motifs folding into stem-loops. We also found that many RBPs can bind to multiple distinctly different motifs. Analysis of the matches of the motifs in human genomic sequences suggested novel roles for many RBPs. We found that three cytoplasmic proteins-ZC3H12A, ZC3H12B, and ZC3H12C-bound to motifs resembling the splice donor sequence, suggesting that these proteins are involved in degradation of cytoplasmic viral and/or unspliced transcripts. Structural analysis revealed that the RNA motif was not bound by the conventional C3H1 RNA-binding domain of ZC3H12B. Instead, the RNA motif was bound by the ZC3H12B's PilT N terminus (PIN) RNase domain, revealing a po-tential mechanism by which unconventional RBDs containing active sites or molecule-binding pockets could interact with short, structured RNA molecules. Our collection containing 145 high-resolution binding specificity models for 86 RBPs is the largest systematic resource for the analysis of human RBPs and will greatly facilitate future analysis of the various bi-ological roles of this important class of proteins.Peer reviewe
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