123 research outputs found

    Changes in Shared Decision-Making Roles and Perceived Stress in Syrian Refugee Parents Resettled in the Greater Toronto Area: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Little is known concerning the impact of adjusting to new social roles on stress for Syrian refugee parents after resettlement. This thesis explored changes in shared decision-making roles (day-to-day, financial, and major life decisions) and the relationship of those changes to perceived stress among 148 Syrian refugee parents after resettling in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) using a generalized estimated equation (GEE) model. An acculturative shift was observed among those participants who reported 'toward shared,’ and among parents who were classified as ‘not shared’, the majority were father dominance. In families in which both parents were unemployed, those who ‘always shared’ financial decisions had significantly lower perceived stress than those whose financial decisions were ‘toward shared’. These findings suggest that understanding the cultural contexts of gender roles and the impact of acculturation may help promote better post-migration strategies for Syrian refugee parents

    Changes in Shared Decision-Making Roles and Perceived Stress in Syrian Refugee Parents Resettled in the Greater Toronto Area: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Little is known concerning the impact of adjusting to new social roles on stress for Syrian refugee parents after resettlement. This thesis explored changes in shared decision-making roles (day-to-day, financial, and major life decisions) and the relationship of those changes to perceived stress among 148 Syrian refugee parents after resettling in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) using a generalized estimated equation (GEE) model. An acculturative shift was observed among those participants who reported 'toward shared, and among parents who were classified as not shared, the majority were father dominance. In families in which both parents were unemployed, those who always shared financial decisions had significantly lower perceived stress than those whose financial decisions were toward shared. These findings suggest that understanding the cultural contexts of gender roles and the impact of acculturation may help promote better post-migration strategies for Syrian refugee parents

    Acute pancreatitis associated with lamivudine therapy for chronic B hepatitis

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    Hyperamylasemia is a common complication during lamivudine use. We report a case of a pancreatitis following lamivudine therapy. A careful monitoring of amylase levels during treatment with lamivudine is discussed, mainly in the first weeks, considering the cost of this exam and further complication

    Polarization in Media Discourses on Europeanization in Spain

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    Political and media polarization has had a detrimental impact on democratic principles and democratic processes on a global scale. In Europe, such polarization has eroded the trust in national and European institutions and has challenged the basic values that stand at the heart of the European integration project. The aim of this study is to analyze Spanish media discourses on Europeanization, with an attempt to identify key areas in which polarizing narratives related to Europeanization are more prevalent. To conduct our study, six national media outlets were selected based on four criteria: media format, ownership, ideology, and consumption. A final sample of 540 news items collected between July 2021 to March 2022 was selected for analysis. Using a qualitative methodological approach, the study was carried out in two stages. In the first phase, we conducted a content analysis to identify the main topics discussed in relation to the European Union and the actors represented in them. This led to the identification of polarizing narratives and discourses emerging in the context of the discussed topics. In the second phase, we used critical discourse analysis to analyze polarizing discourses

    SPf66 vaccine trial in Brazil : conceptual framework study design and analytical approach

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    O presente artigo descreve a população de estudo e o desenho do ensaio de campo de fase III da vacina sintética SPf66 no Brasil. São avaliados os princípios básicos de validade e precisão, essenciais para a estimação adequada da eficácia vacinal. Os resultados da análise exploratória de dados são discutidos assim como, a abordagem analítica para a estimação da eficácia vacinal. Este trabalho fornece o marco conceitual para futuras publicações. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper describes the study population and the study design of the phase III field trial of the SPf66 vaccine in Brazil. Assessment of validity and precision principles necessary for the appropriate evaluation of the protective effect of the vaccine are discussed, as well as the results of the preliminary analyses of the gathered data. The analytical approach for the estimation of the protective effect of the vaccine is presented. This paper provides the conceptual framework for future publications

    Diagnóstico baseado em PCR para avaliar o desempenho de centros de referência em malária

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    Although the Giemsa-stained thick blood smear (GTS) remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of malaria, molecular methods are more sensitive and specific to detect parasites and can be used at reference centers to evaluate the performance of microscopy. The description of the Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale ssrRNA gene sequences allowed the development of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that had been used to differentiate the four species. The objective of this study was to determine Plasmodium species through PCR in 190 positive smears from patients in order to verify the quality of diagnosis at SUCEN's Malaria Laboratory. Considering only the 131 positive results in both techniques, GTS detected 4.6% of mixed and 3.1% of P. malariae infections whereas PCR identified 19.1% and 13.8%, respectively.Embora a gota espessa corada por Giemsa (GTS) permaneça o padrão ouro para o diagnóstico de malária, métodos moleculares são mais sensíveis e específicos para detectar parasitas e podem ser utilizados em centros de referência para avaliar o desempenho da microscopia. A descrição das seqüências dos genes ssrRNA de Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae e P. ovale permitiu o desenvolvimento de uma reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) que tem sido utilizada para diferenciar as quatro espécies. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as espécies de Plasmodium através de PCR em 190 lâminas positivas de pacientes para verificar a qualidade do diagnóstico realizado no Laboratório de Malária da SUCEN. Considerando somente os 131 resultados positivos em ambas as técnicas, GTS detectou 4,6% de infecções mistas e 3,1% de P. malariae enquanto o PCR identificou 19,1% e 13,8%, respectivamente

    The profile of patients followed at the Neuroimmunology Clinic at UNIFESP: 20 years analysis

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    Objective: To describe the clinical activities at the Neuroimmunology Clinic of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) from 1994 to 2013. Method: the final diagnosis of all patients that attended the center was reviewed and established upon specific guidelines for each disease. the number of total appointments and extra clinical activities (reports and prescriptions) were also analyzed, as are part of routine activities. Results: 1,599 patients attended the Clinic from 1994 to 2013: 816 with multiple sclerosis (MS), 172 with clinical isolated syndromes, 178 with neuromyelitis optica (NMO), 216 with other demyelinating disease, 20 with metabolic disorder, 42 with a vascular disease and 155 with other or undetermined diagnosis. A mean 219 outpatient visits and 65 extra clinical activities were performed monthly. Conclusion: We identified that 15% of patients seen have NMO. As patients with NMO have a more severe disease than MS, this data may be important for planning local health care policies.Bayer Health CareMerck SeronoTEVABiogen IdecTeva PharmaceuticalsUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Neurol, BR-04023900 São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Neurol, BR-04023900 São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Ação, "in vitro". Da violeta de genciana sobre formas evolutivas do plasmodium falciparum

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    In order to investigate whether gentian violet exhibited "in vitro" inhibitory activity against Plasmodium falciparum, the Authors have carried out 20 sensitivity tests according to the microtechnique described by RIECK MANN et al.5. Results have shown inhibition of schizonts'maturation at the following concentration: 1/1000; 1/1500; 1/2000; 1/2500; 1/3000 and 1/4000, thus demonstrating inhibitory activity of the tested dye against asexual blood parasites. The present data suggest gentain violet may be possibly used in the prophylaxis of transfusion-acquired malaria.Utilizando a técnica de RIECKMANN e col.5, os autores realizaram 20 microtestes de sensibilidade, procurando verificar a capacidade da violeta de genciana em impedir, na cultura "in vitro", o desenvolvimento habitual do Plasmodium falciparum. Os resultados mostraram que houve inibiçáo da evolução do protozoário nas concentrações de 1/1000, 1/1500, 1/2000, 1/2500, 1/3000 e 1/4000, significando que nas condições da experiência o corante atuou sobre as formas sangüíneas assexuadas do protozoário. Estas verificações sugerem que a violeta de genciana poderia ser usada na profilaxia da malária transfusional