26 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequence of the Plant-Pathogenic Fungus Colletotrichum lupini

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    Colletotrichum is a fungal genus (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Glomerellaceae) that includes many economically important plant pathogens that cause devastating diseases of a wide range of plants. In this work, using a combination of long- and short-read sequencing technologies, we sequenced the genome of Colletotrichum lupini RB221, isolated from white lupin (Lupinus albus) in France during a survey in 2014. The genome was assembled into 11 nuclear chromosomes and a mitochondrial genome with a total assembly size of 63.41 Mb and 36.55 kb, respectively. In total, 18,324 protein-encoding genes have been predicted, of which only 39 are specific to C. lupini. This resource will provide insight into pathogenicity factors and will help provide a better understanding of the evolution and genome structure of this important plant pathogen

    Fungal planet description sheets: 951–1041

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica , Apenidiella antarctica from permafrost, Cladosporium fildesense fromanunidentifiedmarinesponge. Argentina , Geastrum wrightii onhumusinmixedforest. Australia , Golovinomyces glandulariae on Glandularia aristigera, Neoanungitea eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis, Teratosphaeria corymbiicola on leaves of Corymbia ficifolia, Xylaria eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus radiata. Brazil, Bovista psammophila on soil, Fusarium awaxy on rotten stalks of Zea mays, Geastrum lanuginosum on leaf litter covered soil, Hermetothecium mikaniae-micranthae (incl. Hermetothecium gen. nov.)on Mikania micrantha, Penicillium reconvexovelosoi in soil, Stagonosporopsis vannaccii from pod of Glycine max. British Virgin Isles , Lactifluus guanensis onsoil. Canada , Sorocybe oblongispora on resin of Picea rubens. Chile, Colletotrichum roseum on leaves of Lapageria rosea. China, Setophoma caverna fromcarbonatiteinKarstcave. Colombia , Lareunionomyces eucalypticola on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis. Costa Rica, Psathyrella pivae onwood. Cyprus , Clavulina iris oncalcareoussubstrate. France , Chromosera ambigua and Clavulina iris var. occidentalis onsoil. French West Indies , Helminthosphaeria hispidissima ondeadwood. Guatemala , Talaromyces guatemalensis insoil. Malaysia , Neotracylla pini (incl. Tracyllales ord. nov. and Neotra- cylla gen. nov.)and Vermiculariopsiella pini on needles of Pinus tecunumanii. New Zealand, Neoconiothyrium viticola on stems of Vitis vinifera, Parafenestella pittospori on Pittosporum tenuifolium, Pilidium novae-zelandiae on Phoenix sp. Pakistan , Russula quercus-floribundae onforestfloor. Portugal , Trichoderma aestuarinum from salinewater. Russia , Pluteus liliputianus on fallen branch of deciduous tree, Pluteus spurius on decaying deciduouswoodorsoil. South Africa , Alloconiothyrium encephalarti, Phyllosticta encephalarticola and Neothyrostroma encephalarti (incl. Neothyrostroma gen. nov.)onleavesof Encephalartos sp., Chalara eucalypticola on leaf spots of Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla, Clypeosphaeria oleae on leaves of Olea capensis, Cylindrocladiella postalofficium on leaf litter of Sideroxylon inerme , Cylindromonium eugeniicola (incl. Cylindromonium gen. nov.)onleaflitterof Eugenia capensis , Cyphellophora goniomatis on leaves of Gonioma kamassi , Nothodactylaria nephrolepidis (incl. Nothodactylaria gen. nov. and Nothodactylariaceae fam. nov.)onleavesof Nephrolepis exaltata , Falcocladium eucalypti and Gyrothrix eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., Gyrothrix oleae on leaves of Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa , Harzia metro sideri on leaf litter of Metrosideros sp., Hippopotamyces phragmitis (incl. Hippopota- myces gen. nov.)onleavesof Phragmites australis , Lectera philenopterae on Philenoptera violacea , Leptosillia mayteni on leaves of Maytenus heterophylla , Lithohypha aloicola and Neoplatysporoides aloes on leaves of Aloe sp., Millesimomyces rhoicissi (incl. Millesimomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Rhoicissus digitata , Neodevriesia strelitziicola on leaf litter of Strelitzia nicolai , Neokirramyces syzygii (incl. Neokirramyces gen. nov.)onleafspots o

    Fungal Planet description sheets : 951–1041

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica,Apenidiella antarctica from permafrost, Cladosporium fildesense from an unidentified marine sponge. Argentina,Geastrum wrightii on humus in mixed forest. Australia, Golovinomyces glandulariae on Glandularia aristigera,Neoanungitea eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis, Teratosphaeria corymbiicola on leaves of Corymbiaficifolia, Xylaria eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus radiata. Brazil, Bovista psammophila on soil, Fusarium awaxy onrotten stalks of Zea mays, Geastrum lanuginosum on leaf litter covered soil, Hermetothecium mikaniae-micranthae(incl. Hermetothecium gen. nov.) on Mikania micrantha, Penicillium reconvexovelosoi in soil, Stagonosporopsis vannacciifrom pod of Glycine max. British Virgin Isles, Lactifluus guanensis on soil. Canada, Sorocybe oblongisporaon resin of Picea rubens. Chile, Colletotrichum roseum on leaves of Lapageria rosea. China, Setophoma cavernafrom carbonatite in Karst cave. Colombia, Lareunionomyces eucalypticola on leaves of Eucalyptus grandis. CostaRica, Psathyrella pivae on wood. Cyprus, Clavulina iris on calcareous substrate. France, Chromosera ambiguaand Clavulina iris var. occidentalis on soil. French West Indies, Helminthosphaeria hispidissima on dead wood.Guatemala, Talaromyces guatemalensis in soil. Malaysia, Neotracylla pini (incl. Tracyllales ord. nov. and Neotracyllagen. nov.) and Vermiculariopsiella pini on needles of Pinus tecunumanii. New Zealand, Neoconiothyriumviticola on stems of Vitis vinifera, Parafenestella pittospori on Pittosporum tenuifolium, Pilidium novae-zelandiaeon Phoenix sp. Pakistan, Russula quercus-floribundae on forest floor. Portugal, Trichoderma aestuarinum fromsaline water. Russia, Pluteus liliputianus on fallen branch of deciduous tree, Pluteus spurius on decaying deciduous wood or soil. South Africa, Alloconiothyrium encephalarti, Phyllosticta encephalarticola and Neothyrostromaencephalarti (incl. Neothyrostroma gen. nov.) on leaves of Encephalartos sp., Chalara eucalypticola on leaf spots ofEucalyptus grandis x urophylla, Clypeosphaeria oleae on leaves of Olea capensis, Cylindrocladiella postalofficiumon leaf litter of Sideroxylon inerme, Cylindromonium eugeniicola (incl. Cylindromonium gen. nov.) on leaf litter ofEugenia capensis, Cyphellophora goniomatis on leaves of Gonioma kamassi, Nothodactylaria nephrolepidis (incl.Nothodactylaria gen. nov. and Nothodactylariaceae fam. nov.) on leaves of Nephrolepis exaltata, Falcocladiumeucalypti and Gyrothrix eucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., Gyrothrix oleae on leaves of Olea capensis subsp.macrocarpa, Harzia metro-sideri on leaf litter of Metrosideros sp., Hippopotamyces phragmitis (incl. Hippopotamycesgen. nov.) on leaves of Phragmites australis, Lectera philenopterae on Philenoptera violacea, Leptosilliamayteni on leaves of Maytenus heterophylla, Lithohypha aloicola and Neoplatysporoides aloes on leaves of Aloesp., Millesimomyces rhoicissi (incl. Millesimomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Rhoicissus digitata, Neodevriesiastrelitziicola on leaf litter of Strelitzia nicolai, Neokirramyces syzygii (incl. Neokirramyces gen. nov.) on leaf spots of Syzygium sp., Nothoramichloridium perseae (incl. Nothoramichloridium gen. nov. and Anungitiomycetaceae fam.nov.) on leaves of Persea americana, Paramycosphaerella watsoniae on leaf spots of Watsonia sp., Penicilliumcuddlyae from dog food, Podocarpomyces knysnanus (incl. Podocarpomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Podocarpusfalcatus, Pseudocercospora heteropyxidicola on leaf spots of Heteropyxis natalensis, Pseudopenidiella podocarpi,Scolecobasidium podocarpi and Ceramothyrium podocarpicola on leaves of Podocarpus latifolius, Scolecobasidiumblechni on leaves of Blechnum capense, Stomiopeltis syzygii on leaves of Syzygium chordatum, Strelitziomycesknysnanus (incl. Strelitziomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Strelitzia alba, Talaromyces clemensii from rotting wood ingoldmine, Verrucocladosporium visseri on Carpobrotus edulis. Spain, Boletopsis mediterraneensis on soil, Calycinacortegadensisi on a living twig of Castanea sativa, Emmonsiellopsis tuberculata in fluvial sediments, Mollisia cortegadensison dead attached twig of Quercus robur, Psathyrella ovispora on soil, Pseudobeltrania lauri on leaf litterof Laurus azorica, Terfezia dunensis in soil, Tuber lucentum in soil, Venturia submersa on submerged plant debris.Thailand, Cordyceps jakajanicola on cicada nymph, Cordyceps kuiburiensis on spider, Distoseptispora caricis onleaves of Carex sp., Ophiocordyceps khonkaenensis on cicada nymph. USA, Cytosporella juncicola and Davidiellomycesjuncicola on culms of Juncus effusus, Monochaetia massachusettsianum from air sample, Neohelicomycesmelaleucae and Periconia neobrittanica on leaves of Melaleuca styphelioides x lanceolata, Pseudocamarosporiumeucalypti on leaves of Eucalyptus sp., Pseudogymnoascus lindneri from sediment in a mine, Pseudogymnoascusturneri from sediment in a railroad tunnel, Pulchroboletus sclerotiorum on soil, Zygosporium pseudomasonii onleaf of Serenoa repens. Vietnam, Boletus candidissimus and Veloporphyrellus vulpinus on soil. Morphological andculture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes

    A large topographic feature on the surface of the trans-Neptunian object (307261) 2002 MS4_4 measured from stellar occultations

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    This work aims at constraining the size, shape, and geometric albedo of the dwarf planet candidate 2002 MS4 through the analysis of nine stellar occultation events. Using multichord detection, we also studied the object's topography by analyzing the obtained limb and the residuals between observed chords and the best-fitted ellipse. We predicted and organized the observational campaigns of nine stellar occultations by 2002 MS4 between 2019 and 2022, resulting in two single-chord events, four double-chord detections, and three events with three to up to sixty-one positive chords. Using 13 selected chords from the 8 August 2020 event, we determined the global elliptical limb of 2002 MS4. The best-fitted ellipse, combined with the object's rotational information from the literature, constrains the object's size, shape, and albedo. Additionally, we developed a new method to characterize topography features on the object's limb. The global limb has a semi-major axis of 412 ±\pm 10 km, a semi-minor axis of 385 ±\pm 17 km, and the position angle of the minor axis is 121 ^\circ ±\pm 16^\circ. From this instantaneous limb, we obtained 2002 MS4's geometric albedo and the projected area-equivalent diameter. Significant deviations from the fitted ellipse in the northernmost limb are detected from multiple sites highlighting three distinct topographic features: one 11 km depth depression followed by a 255+4^{+4}_{-5} km height elevation next to a crater-like depression with an extension of 322 ±\pm 39 km and 45.1 ±\pm 1.5 km deep. Our results present an object that is \approx138 km smaller in diameter than derived from thermal data, possibly indicating the presence of a so-far unknown satellite. However, within the error bars, the geometric albedo in the V-band agrees with the results published in the literature, even with the radiometric-derived albedo

    Refined physical parameters for Chariklo’s body and rings from stellar occultations observed between 2013 and 2020

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    Context. The Centaur (10199) Chariklo has the first ring system discovered around a small object. It was first observed using stellar occultation in 2013. Stellar occultations allow sizes and shapes to be determined with kilometre accuracy, and provide the characteristics of the occulting object and its vicinity. Aims. Using stellar occultations observed between 2017 and 2020, our aim is to constrain the physical parameters of Chariklo and its rings. We also determine the structure of the rings, and obtain precise astrometrical positions of Chariklo. Methods. We predicted and organised several observational campaigns of stellar occultations by Chariklo. Occultation light curves were measured from the datasets, from which ingress and egress times, and the ring widths and opacity values were obtained. These measurements, combined with results from previous works, allow us to obtain significant constraints on Chariklo's shape and ring structure. Results. We characterise Chariklo's ring system (C1R and C2R), and obtain radii and pole orientations that are consistent with, but more accurate than, results from previous occultations. We confirm the detection of W-shaped structures within C1R and an evident variation in radial width. The observed width ranges between 4.8 and 9.1 km with a mean value of 6.5 km. One dual observation (visible and red) does not reveal any differences in the C1R opacity profiles, indicating a ring particle size larger than a few microns. The C1R ring eccentricity is found to be smaller than 0.022 (3σ), and its width variations may indicate an eccentricity higher than ~0.005. We fit a tri-axial shape to Chariklo's detections over 11 occultations, and determine that Chariklo is consistent with an ellipsoid with semi-axes of 143.8-1.5+1.4, 135.2-2.8+1.4, and 99.1-2.7+5.4 km. Ultimately, we provided seven astrometric positions at a milliarcsecond accuracy level, based on Gaia EDR3, and use it to improve Chariklo's ephemeris

    Genome sequence of Colletotrichum abscissum the causal agent of citrus Post-Bloom Fruit Drop and the closely related species C. filicis

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    Colletotrichum is one of the most diverse and destructive plant pathogenic fungi containing genus, responsible for significant losses in agriculture and forest plants. In the present study, we present the draft whole-genome sequence of two closely related species belonging to the Colletotrichum acutatum species complex: C. abscissum, the causal agent of citrus post-bloom fruit drop and C. filicis, a rare species described to accommodate an isolate obtained from an identified fern in Costa Rica. The data resources presented here will provide insights into genetic elements associated with citrus post-bloom fruit drop and into the evolution of Colletotrichum

    First Report of Colletotrichum musicola Causing Soybean Anthracnose in Brazil

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    Soybean (Glycine max L.) is one of the most important crops worldwide as a source of protein-rich foods and animal feeds. Anthracnose, one of the major limiting factors to soybean production (Dias et al. 2016), is caused by species such as Colletotrichum truncatum, C. sojae, and C. plurivorum (Damm et al. 2009, 2019). In December 2016 and 2017, soybean plants of cultivars Monsoy 8768 and Pioneer y-70 with typical symptoms of anthracnose (necrotic and irregular brown lesions on stems, leaves, and pods) were collected in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Commercial fields sampled showed 10 to 15% incidence of anthracnose in 1 ha in each sampled area. In total, 10 different geographic locations were sampled. Colletotrichum strains were isolated and cultured on potato dextrose agar at 25°C with a 12-h light photoperiod from surface-disinfected (70% alcohol followed by 0.5% sodium hypochlorite) plant tissues. Among others, three single-spore isolates (LFN0048 from Sinop, LFN0074 and LFN0090 from Lucas do Rio Verde) showed different morphology; isolates LFN0048 and LFN0074 were selected for further characterization. Total DNA was extracted and partial glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), histone H3 (HIS3), and β-tubulin (TUB2) genes were amplified and sequenced. The sequences were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers MN604249 and MK163893 for HIS3, MN604248 and MK142674 for GAPDH, and MN604250 and MK142675 for TUB) and were compared with most similar reference sequences of Colletotrichum (Damm et al. 2019). Both isolates clustered with Colletotrichum musicola epitype (CBS 132885), showing 100 and 98.5% similarity in GAPDH, 99.5 and 98.9% in HIS3, and 99.2% in TUB2. On PDA, colonies showed dark-gray aerial mycelium with entire margins, reverse violaceous-black. Conidia and ascospore size and shape match those previously described by Damm et al. (2019): 12.12 to 15.86 × 4.93 to 6.95 µm and 15.5 to 19.34 × 5 to 7.84 µm, respectively (n = 100). Appressoria (n = 50) were single or in loose groups, violaceous-black with predominant obovoid, truncated, and cylindrical shapes, with smooth, undulate, or lobate margin, and 9.25 to 29.79 × 7.22 to 21.06 µm. Perithecia, paraphyses; and unitunicate eight-spored asci were also observed. Asci were cylindrical to clavate, smooth-walled, and 48.12 to 68.78 × 9.59 to 14.47 µm (n = 50). Soybean anthracnose is seed-borne (Dias et al. 2018; Rogério et al. 2017); therefore, pathogenicity tests were carried out on pregerminated seeds. Five seeds of Brasmax 8579 cultivar were inoculated with 10 µl of a conidial suspension (106 conidia/ml) that was placed in the emerging radicle, and five mock-inoculated seeds were used as a control. Seedlings were planted in vermiculite and incubated at 25°C with a 12-h photoperiod. After 7 days, inoculated plants showed necrotic lesions on the cotyledons, leaflets, and hypocotyl, whereas control plants remained asymptomatic. The experiment was repeated three times. C. musicola was reisolated from the symptomatic tissues, and the identity was confirmed by morphology and multilocus phylogeny. Until now, C. musicola has been reported to be associated with Musa sp. (Damm et al. 2019) and Colocasia esculenta (Vásquez-López et al. 2019) in Mexico, and with Phaseolus lunatus in Brazil (Cavalcante et al. 2018). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. musicola joining a group of new and emergent species of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose in soybean-producing regions around the world