1,387 research outputs found

    Vision-Aided Autonomous Landing and Ingress of Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    Micro aerial vehicles have limited sensor suites and computational power. For reconnaissance tasks and to conserve energy, these systems need the ability to autonomously land at vantage points or enter buildings (ingress). But for autonomous navigation, information is needed to identify and guide the vehicle to the target. Vision algorithms can provide egomotion estimation and target detection using input from cameras that are easy to include in miniature systems

    Penetrative Convection Modifies the Dynamics of Downslope Gravity Currents

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    Abstract Gravity currents contribute to the transport of heat and mass in atmospheric and aquatic environments. In aquatic systems subject to daily surface cooling, gravity currents propagate through turbulent convective surroundings. Yet, the effects of thermal convection on aquatic gravity currents remain to be quantified. This paper demonstrates how the interaction between penetrative convection and downslope gravity currents impacts the fluid dynamics and transport across littoral aquatic systems. We performed field experiments in a wind‐sheltered lake experiencing differential cooling to resolve the dynamics of thermally driven gravity currents in convective environments. Our in situ observations reveal that convective plumes penetrate gravity currents, generating large vertical fluctuations that foster the erosion of the stratified layer. This enhanced vertical mixing destroys the stratified downslope flow and limits the basin‐scale transport. Our results demonstrate that the interaction between penetrative convection and downslope gravity currents controls the littoral‐pelagic connectivity in aquatic ecosystems

    Soil weathering rates in 21 catchments of the Canadian Shield

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    Soil mineral weathering represents an essential source of nutrient base cation (Ca, Mg and K) for forest growth in addition to provide a buffering power against precipitation acidity for soils and surface waters. Weathering rates of base cations were obtained for 21 catchments located within the temperate and the boreal forest of the Canadian Shield with the geochemical model PROFILE. Weathering rates ranged from 0.58 to 4.46 kmol<sub>c</sub> ha<sup>−1</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup> and their spatial variation within the studied area was mostly in agreement with spatial variations in soil mineralogy. Weathering rates of Ca and Mg were significantly correlated (<i>r</i> = 0.80 and 0.64) with their respective lake concentrations. Weathering rates of K and Na did not correlate with lake concentrations of K and Na. The modeled weathering rates for each catchment were also compared with estimations of net catchment exportations. The result show that modeled weathering rates of Ca were not significantly different than the net catchment exportations while modeled weathering rates of Mg were higher by 51%. Larger differences were observed for K and Na weathering rates that were significantly different than net catchment exportations being 6.9 and 2.2 times higher than net exportations, respectively. The results for K were expected given its high reactivity with biotic compartments and suggest that most of the K produced by weathering reactions was retained within soil catchments and/or above ground biomass. This explanation does not apply to Na, however, which is a conservative element in forest ecosystems because of the insignificant needs of Na for soil microorganisms and above ground vegetations. It raises concern about the liability of the PROFILE model to provide reliable values of Na weathering rates. Overall, we concluded that the PROFILE model is powerful enough to reproduce spatial geographical gradients in weathering rates for relatively large areas as well as adequately predict absolute weathering rates values for the sum of base cations, Ca and Mg

    Energy deposition by heavy ions: Additivity of kinetic and potential energy contributions in hillock formation on CaF2

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    The formation of nano-hillocks on CaF2 crystal surfaces by individual ion impact has been studied using medium energy (3 and 5 MeV) highly charged ions (Xe19+ to Xe30+) as well as swift (kinetic energies between 12 and 58 MeV) heavy ions. For very slow highly charged ions the appearance of hillocks is known to be linked to a threshold in potential energy while for swift heavy ions a minimum electronic energy loss is necessary. With our results we bridge the gap between these two extreme cases and demonstrate, that with increasing energy deposition via electronic energy loss the potential energy threshold for hillock production can be substantially lowered. Surprisingly, both mechanisms of energy deposition in the target surface seem to contribute in an additive way, as demonstrated when plotting the results in a phase diagram. We show that the inelastic thermal spike model, originally developed to describe such material modifications for swift heavy ions, can be extended to case where kinetic and potential energies are deposited into the surface.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    A phenomenological model of the superconducting state of the Bechgaard salts

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    We present a group theoretical analysis of the superconducting state of the Bechgaard salts, e.g., (TMTSF)_2PF_6 or (TMTSF)_2ClO_6. We show that there are eight symmetry distinct superconducting states. Of these only the (fully gapped, even frequency, p-wave, triplet) 'polar state' is consistent with the full range of the experiments on the Bechgaard salts. The gap of the polar state is d(k) (psi_uk,0,0), where psi_uk may be any odd parity function that is translationally invariant.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Defect-unbinding and the Bose-glass transition in layered superconductors

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    The low-field Bose-glass transition temperature in heavy-ion irradiated Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8+d increases progressively with increasing density of irradiation-induced columnar defects, but saturates for densities in excess of 1.5 x10^9 cm^-2. The maximum Bose-glass temperature corresponds to that above which diffusion of two-dimensional pancake vortices between different vortex lines becomes possible, and above which the ``line-like'' character of vortices is lost. We develop a description of the Bose-glass line that is in excellent quantitative agreement with the experimental line obtained for widely different values of track density and material parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Improved Arctic Sea Ice Freeboard Retrieval From Satellite Altimetry Using Optimized Sea Surface Decorrelation Scales

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    A growing number of studies are concluding that the resilience of the Arctic sea ice cover in a warming climate is essentially controlled by its thickness. Satellite radar and laser altimeters have allowed us to routinely monitor sea ice thickness across most of the Arctic Ocean for several decades. However, a key uncertainty remaining in the sea ice thickness retrieval is the error on the sea surface height (SSH) which is conventionally interpolated at ice floes from a limited number of lead observations along the altimeter's orbital track. Here, we use an objective mapping approach to determine sea surface height from all proximal lead samples located on the orbital track and from adjacent tracks within a neighborhood of 30–220 (mean 105) km. The patterns of the SSH signal's zonal, meridional, and temporal decorrelation length scales are obtained by analyzing the covariance of historic CryoSat-2 Arctic lead observations, which match the scales obtained from an equivalent analysis of high-resolution sea ice-ocean model fields. We use these length scales to determine an optimal SSH and error estimate for each sea ice floe location. By exploiting leads from adjacent tracks, we can increase the sea ice radar freeboard precision estimated at orbital crossovers by up to 20%. In regions of high SSH uncertainty, biases in CryoSat-2 radar freeboard can be reduced by 25% with respect to coincident airborne validation data. The new method is not restricted to a particular sensor or mode, so it can be generalized to all present and historic polar altimetry missions