10 research outputs found


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    Gejala kepunahan dalam bahasa khususnya bahasa ibu menjadi alasan penting dalam pengajaran bahasa di sekolah. Upaya pemertahanan ini merupakan sikap bahasa yang diwujudkan dalam pengembangan kurikulum. Pengembangan kurikulum bahasa yang berbasis pada analisis kebutuhan tidak hanya memfokuskan pada pengembangan kurikulum saja tetapi pada kebutuhan pembelajar. Analisis kebutuhan ini hadir dalam rancangan program pendidikan sejak tahun 1960 sebagai bagian dari sistem dan pendekatan dalam pengembangan kurikulum dan menjadi filosofi dari akuntabilitas pendidikan.Analisis kebutuhan dalam pengembangan kurikulum bahasa menjadikan kurikulum lebih bermakna. Mengingat bahwa pembelajar adalah orang yang paling bertanggunga jawab terhadap apa yang akan dipelajarinya. Untuk itu, sekolah harus mempertimbangkan pengembangan kurikulum bahasa yang berbasis kebutuhan pembelajar sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa


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    Discussions about efforts to understand literary works are still being developed today. To understand a work as a whole, there are many aspects that can be observed. One of them is understanding the tools and language used in literary works. Formalism is a school that was born in Russia as a form of opposition to the theoretical approach of previous literary works. According to the school of Formalism, there are two elements that can be studied in literary works related to internal mechanics and the language used in literary works. Internal mechanics examines literary works by looking at the structure and style of language used as a tool in constructing a literary work. Meanwhile, the analysis of the language of literary works is related to the defamiliarization technique used by the author in creating a story. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive techniques. In order to collect data, researchers used literature study with content analysis method. Sources of research data were taken from excerpts of sentences contained in the novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata. To perform data analysis, researchers used data triangulation which consisted of data collection, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the novel Ayah by Andrea Hirata contains elements of internal mechanics and good literary language in accordance with the theory of Formalism.

    Refleksi Ketidakadilan Gender dalam Novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban: Persfektif Gender dan Feminisme

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    Ketidakadilan gender dalam novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban tergambar jelas dalam setiap tahapan peristiwa fisik dan batin, komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal antar pelaku, hubungan sebab-akibat yang mengharuskan tokoh mengalami perubahan nasib serta gerakan perubahan yang dilakukan tokoh dalam mengubah nasib hidupnya. Tujuan artikel ini adalah memaparkan ketidakadilan gender dalam novel melalui perspektif gender dan feminisme. Analisis novel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskripsi analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketidakadilan gender berada dalam tiga lingkaran, yaitu (1) lingkaran kekuasaan dari garis patriarki yang mengatur perempuan dari berbagai sisi, (2) lingkaran anggapan yang memandang perempuan kaum yang lemah sehingga berbagai akses untuk memperoleh kesetaraan tidak berfungsi, dan (3) lingkaran patriarki yang menjadi dasar untuk mengontrol, menindas dan mengeksploitasi perempuan di ranah publik dan privat. Untuk itu, sikap feminisme dalam novel ini tergambar dalam perilaku tokoh berupa: a) pembentukkan konsep diri perempuan, b) kemandirian perempuan, c) perjuangan kebebasan atas penentuan tubuh sendiri

    PENGEMBANGAN SILABUS DAN BAHAN AJAR LITERASI BAHASA REJANG SEBAGAI MUATAN LOKAL DI SEKOLAH DASAR(Penelitian dan Pengembangan untuk Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu)

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan produk berupa silabus dan bahan ajar literasi Bahasa Rejang yang layak dan efektif digunakan di sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini didasari oleh situasi empiris dalam silabus dan bahan ajar Bahasa Rejang yang digunakan selama ini belum mengintegrasikan peningkatan keterampilan berbahasa dan literasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengombinasikan antara metode R&D yang dikembangkan oleh Borg dan Gall dengan model pengembangan silabus dan bahan ajar yang diadaptasi dari model Jolly dan Bolitho. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumen. Analisis data menggunakan uji t dan uji N Gain. Hasil pengembangan produk dalam penelitian ini mengembangkan enam tema dengan literasi budaya sebagai konten intinya. Uji kelayakan dilakukan secara teoritis dan empiris. Hasil uji kelayakan secara teoritis dari pakar literasi, pakar silabus dan bahan ajar serta pakar Bahasa Rejang menghasilkan kategori layak dan sangat layak. Sementara uji empiris dilakukan melalui uji one to one dan uji kelas kecil yang menghasilkan respon siswa dengan kategori tinggi dan sangat tinggi. Dari hasil uji empiris dan teoritis diperoleh kesimpulan produk silabus dan bahan ajar layak untuk dilakukan uji lapangan. Uji lapangan dilakukan di dua kelas yang berbeda. Dari uji lapangan diperoleh hasil tingkat keaktifan siswa mencapai 75%, sementara proses dan hasil pembelajaran 65%. Eksperimen semu dilakukan untuk menguji efektifitas silabus dan bahan ajar pada dua kelas yang berbeda. Hasil uji efektifitas diperoleh hasil pada kedua kelas adalah terdapat perbedaan hasil sebelum dan setelah menggunakan silabus dan bahan ajar literasi Bahasa Rejang. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah produk silabus dan bahan ajar literasi Bahasa Rejang layak dan efektif digunakan di sekolah dasar di kabupaten Rejang Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu. Kata kunci: pengembangan silabus, pengembangan bahan ajar, literasi Bahasa Rejang ******** The aim of the research is to develop a product in the form of a syllabus and teaching materials for Rejang Language literacy that are appropriate and effective for use in elementary schools. This research is based on the empirical situation in the syllabus and the Rejang language teaching materials used so far have not integrated the improvement of language and literacy skills. This research is a development research that combines the R&D method developed by Borg and Gall with the syllabus development model and teaching materials adapted from the Jolly and Bolitho model. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews, questionnaires and documents. Data analysis used t test and N Gain test. The product development results in this study developed six themes with cultural literacy as the core content. The feasibility test was carried out theoretically and empirically. The results of the theoretical feasibility test from literacy experts, syllabus and teaching materials experts as well as Rejang language experts resulted in a decent and very feasible category. While the empirical test was carried out through a one to one test and a small class test which resulted in student responses in the high and very high categories. From the results of empirical and theoretical tests, it is concluded that the syllabus and teaching materials are suitable for field testing. Field tests were carried out in two different classes. From the field test, it was found that the student's level of activity reached 75%, while the process and learning outcomes were 65%. A quasi-experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of the syllabus and teaching materials in two different classes. The results of the effectiveness test showed that in both classes there were differences in results before and after using the syllabus and Rejang Language literacy teaching materials. The conclusion in this study is that the product syllabus and literacy teaching materials for Rejang Language are feasible and effective to use in elementary schools in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province keyword: syllabus development, teaching materials development, Rejang language literac


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    This research aimed at finding out the semantic and social context of invective expressions in Bengkulu Malay Language. The data was taken from four families in Bengkulu Malay society by using observation, interview, and field notes techniques. The result shows that there are thirty invective expressions in Bengkulu Malay Language which are grouped into four categories: parts of body, intellectuality, disease, and behavior category. Contextually, invective expressions belong to negative semantic. Textually, those expressions belong to neutral semantic. It is due to the associations which encompass the expressions. Based on social context, there are some factors need to be considered in speech. They are: 1) kinship, superior-inferior, and social aloofness; 2) emotional state of the speaker; and 3) the scene in which the speech take place, including the place, time, and the act.

    Developing an Early Literacy Syllabus of Rejang Language as a Local Content Subject at Elementary Schools

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    This study conducted a research and development method with the aim of designing Rejang language learning as a mother tongue at elementary schools in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. The product designed was an early literacy syllabus for elementary school students at classes IV, V, and VI. The phenomenon underlying this study was the current reality that the presences of many local languages are abandoned in the midst of society. The most proximate indicator is that local languages, including Rejang language, are no longer used in familial communication. Such an empirical condition drove the researchers to design a learning product on the basis of early literacy in Rejang language teaching as an effort to preserve this local language. This study adopted Borg and Gall’s 10 developmental steps, and the data collection techniques deployed observations, interviews, and questionnaires representing the implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The data were analyzed using means and percentages. The syllabus feasibility test involved three experts in the fields of syllabus and materials, literacy, and Rejang language. This study revealed that the syllabus feasibility test demonstrated the average score of 3.06 with a feasible criterion; the literacy feasibility test showed a very feasible criterion with the average of 3.48; and the feasibility test of Rejang language exhibited a very feasible criterion with the average of 3.75. The results of this study suggested that this syllabus was feasible to be used at elementary schools in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia

    Dampak Pembatasan Kampanye Bagi Pasangan Calon pada Pilkada Serentak 2020

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the impact of campaign restrictions for the Bengkulu governor candidate pair in the simultaneous regional elections in 2020. The approach used is a qualitative descriptive method. There were 12 research informants from the winning candidate pair team, selected by purposive sampling. The results of the study show that the impact of limited meetings/face-to-face methods/dialogue, the candidate pair has the opportunity to be closer to the community it fosters, but it is less than optimal in reaching the number of voters and has limitations in introducing the candidate pair to the public directly, on the limitation of public debate, the positive debate is more directed because they are not influenced by supporting voices, more focused on content or material, presenters can be more focused in guiding, while the impact of limiting the distribution of campaign materials for each candidate pair is responded positively by each candidate, because the rules and regulations have not changed, even maintaining cleanliness of campaign material waste. The conclusion is that campaign restrictions for the Bengkulu governor and deputy governor candidates in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections have both positive and negative impacts, especially on restrictions on meetings, public debates and restrictions on the distribution of campaign materials and props to voters based on the campaign methods used.  Keywords: Campaign Restrictions, Candidate Pairs, Pandemic Impact &nbsp

    Dampak Pembatasan Kampanye Bagi Pemilih Pemula dalam Mendapatkan Informasi Kepemiluan di Masa Pandemi

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of campaign restrictions for novice voters to obtain electoral information in the 2020 local elections in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research. There are 21 research informants taken from representatives of BEM administrators throughout Bengkulu city, in selecting informants using purposive sampling technique, data obtained through interviews and documentation. The results of the study show a) In limited meetings, one of which is the lack of political education in the community; b) Regarding the rights and disclosure of information, namely: millennial voters are involved in the socialization process, through social media; c) Regarding voter participation, there are assumptions of millennial voters who are still apathetic towards the candidate pair and have an impact on the political confidence of millennial voters. The conclusion of this research is that campaign restrictions will cause limitations in obtaining information about election organizers, election participants, voters and even information about the vision, mission and work program plans offered by pairs of candidates for Pilkada candidates.   Keywords: Election Campaign, Election Information, Novice Voters, Pandemic. &nbsp


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai apa saja yang di terapkan dalam pembelajaran PAI di era Abad 21,penelitian ini muncul karena berbagai konflik dalam pembelajaran khususnya materi pembelajaran cendrung mengajarkan radikalisme serta tiada pengawasan dalam menggunakan teknologi sehingga menimbulkan transformasi nilai radikalisme pada peserta didik, penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa moderasi beragama sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran agama Islam di era modern, di mana ia menjadi landasan untuk membentuk siswa yang baik dan sejalan dengan perkembangan masyarakat yang semakin kompleks. Nilai-nilai moderasi antara lain komitmen kebangsaan, toleransi, anti radikalisme dan kekerasan, dan akomodatif dengan budaya lokal


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan kurikulum bahasa Rejang menurut siswa, guru, dan ahli bahasa Rejang, menyusun kurikulum bahasa Rejang berdasarkan hasil identifikasi kebutuhan, dan mengetahui uji ahli bahasa Rejang terhadap kurikulum bahasa Rejang. Responden yang dijaring kebutuhannya berjumlah 89 orang dari siswa, empat orang dari guru, dan dua orang dari ahli bahasa Rejang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 15 kebutuhan belajar bahasa Rejang menurut siswa, tiga kebutuhan belajar bahasa Rejang menurut guru, dan tiga kebutuhan belajar bahasa Rejang menurut ahli bahasa Rejang. Berdasarkan identifikasi kebutuhan menurut siswa, guru, dan ahli bahasa Rejang disusun kurikulum bahasa Rejang yang di dalamnya memuat prinsip-prinsip, landasan, tujuan, standar kompetensi, dan kompetensi dasar. Standar kompetensi yang dikembangkan dalam kurikulum ini berjumlah delapan standar kompetensi yaitu: (a) pemahaman kosakata dalam teks percakapan, (b) penyampaian informasi dengan pelafalan yang tepat, (c) pemahaman ragam teks percakapan, (d) pengungkapan pikiran, pengalaman, dan informasi melalui tulisan Ka Ga Nga, (e) pengapresiasian dongeng rakyat Rejang, (f) pengekspresian pikiran dan perasaan melalui kegiatan bercerita, (g) pembacaan teks bacaan sastra melalui membaca nyaring, dan (h) pengekspresian pikiran, perasaan, dan pengalaman melalui pantun dan cerita. Sementara kompetensi dasar berjumlah 24 kompetensi dasar dengan masing-masing jenjang kelas berjumlah delapan kompetensi dasar. Dari uji ahli bahasa Rejang yang menggunakan face validity diperoleh hasil bahwa kurikulum bahasa Rejang telah sesuai dan relevan dengan kebutuhan belajar bahasa Rejang di kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Sementara berdasarkan uji validitas Anova satu jalur diperoleh hasil Fhitung < Ftabel atau 0,87<3,13 maka Ha ditolak. Artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara ahli bahasa Rejang 1, ahli bahasa Rejang 2, dan ahli bahasa Rejang 3 terhadap rancangan kurikulum muatan lokal bahasa Rejang