121 research outputs found

    Aproximación al estudio del doblaje y la subtitulación desde la perspectiva prescriptivista y la descriptivista: la traducción audiovisual

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    Screen translation has long been labled as a form of adaption rather than translation. Under prescriptive ideas, using this term was the only possibility. However, relatively recent work has begun to challenge this traditional model. Descriptive studies and the arrival of different Schools of Translation have helped screen translation to become recognized as an independent field of study that is necessarily linked to the Theory of Translation. This article is an approach to the dubbing and subtitling processes from both the traditional and more modern perspectives

    Riders of the lost motivation. A didactic proposal to motivate Literary Translation students

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    Resulta frecuente encontrar cierto grado de desmotivación en el alumnado de asignaturas obligatorias y de especialidad en las aulas de Traducción e Interpretación, como en las de cualquier otro tipo de estudio universitario. En el caso de la traducción literaria podremos encontrar algunas reticencias previas relacionadas con las capacidades que los alumnos se presuponen, así como sobre las dificultades respecto del acceso al mercado editorial. Analizando otras propuestas y apoyándonos sobre todo en diferentes enfoques metodológicos, en este artículo pretendemos ofrecer una propuesta didáctica de actividades que trata de fomentar la motivación y el interés del alumnado en esta asignatura. De esta manera, aspiramos a que consigan mejores resultados y una mayor preparación para el mundo profesional.It is common to find a certain lack of motivation among students of compulsory and specialized subjects in the Translation and Interpretation classrooms, as in those of any other type of university degree. In the case of Literary Translation, we can find some previous reticence related to the abilities that students are supposed to have, as well as about the difficulties regarding the access to the editorial market. Analyzing other proposals and relying mainly on different methodological approaches, this article intends to offer a didactic proposal of activities that aims to promote the motivation and interest of the students in this subject. This way, they are expected to achieve better results and preparation for the professional world

    La intertextualidad en Zootrópolis. ¿Cosa de niños?

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    Intertextuality is inherent in film and television texts, where we often find allusions, quotes or references that reach us through different channels and codes. Its presence is not a coincidence and it is fully motivated. For example, when it comes to cartoons, it might attract the attention of older viewers. In this article we will approach the film Zootopia (2016) to examine the use of intertextuality in this Disney product. This way, we will be able to analyse its different types of intertexts and establish who these hidden messages and references are addressed to.La intertextualidad es una característica inherente al texto cinematográfico y al televisivo, donde encontramos alusiones, citas y referencias que llegan a nosotros a través de diferentes canales y códigos. Su aparición no es casual, sino totalmente motivada. En los dibujos animados, por ejemplo, puede resultar un buen reclamo para llamar la atención del espectador adulto. En este artículo nos acercaremos al caso de la película Zootrópolis (Zootopia, 2016) para observar el uso de la intertextualidad presente en este producto de Disney. Así, podremos estudiar los diferentes tipos de intertextos y determinar a quiénes van dirigidos esos guiños y referencias

    Approaching intertextuality on entertainment software. Case study of Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded

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    Los textos audiovisuales suelen recurrir a menudo al uso de la intertextualidad, en ocasiones con una finalidad humorística, otras a modo de homenaje o evocación del recuerdo, entre muchas otras funciones. La intertextualidad audiovisual da lugar a un sinfín de posibilidades que solemos encontrar al darse cruces de personajes y elementos de producciones previas, contemporáneas o incluso futuras. Este fenómeno se observa constantemente en los videojuegos, en los que se producen transvases culturales de todo tipo. En este artículo nos acercaremos al juego Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded, fuente de abundantes referencias, para estudiar las características del intertexto videolúdico presente en él. Mediante el estudio de ejemplos que contengan referencias intertextuales y apoyados en análisis descriptivos previos propios y ajenos, estudiaremos sus características y particularidades. De esta manera, podremos ver las diferencias con la intertextualidad audiovisual y la literaria y descubriremos cómo se articulan las fases de su proceso de traducción.Intertextuality is a common element in every audiovisual media. Sometimes it is used in a comical way, but it can also be used as a tribute or with the objective of recalling a memory, among others. Audiovisual intertextuality opens up an unlimited number of possibilities thanks to the crossover of characters and elements from other past, contemporary or even future works. This phenomenon is a constant in videogames, where we can find several kinds of cultural transfer. In this paper, we will analyze the videogame Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded, as it has many references and it is a good case study to see which are the main characteristics of intertextuality in entertainment software. We will take several examples with intertextual references and, using previous descriptive analysis, we will study their main characteristics and their distinctive features. This way, we will be able to see the differences with intertextuality in audiovisual and literary works, and we will find out in which way the translation process is different from one media to another

    Estereotipos y referencias culturales en comedias de televisión dobladas: una exploración en el aula de lengua española como lengua extranjera

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    Streaming video-on-demand (SVoD) platforms have recently set out to produce an ever-increasing number of non-English-language films and TV series distributed worldwide. These, in turn, have become the perfect vehicle for disseminating cultural realities other than those from English-speaking countries. In this article, we endeavour to analyse the presence of stereotypes and cultural references in the English-dubbed version of the Spanish TV series Valeria (Benítez, 2020–present) and the way they travel through dubbing. To this end, we conducted a comparative study in which seven video excerpts from the English-dubbed version and their original Spanish version were shown to 57 native English-speaking participants from a British higher education institution, who shared a similar knowledge of Spanish as a foreign language. Specifically, we explored the participants’ overall perception of humorous passages, their identification of cultural references, their informed opinion on the translation techniques applied (and alternatives given), and their self-assessment of the metacognitive effort required. The findings show two aspects of learners: (a) overall, these learners were eager to maintain stereotypes and cultural references used for humorous purposes in audiovisual comedies, and (b) their understanding of these items often relies on audiovisual support. The findings offer an initial examination of English speakers’ cognitive and evaluative perception of Spanish comedies that have been dubbed in English and can be useful for translator training purposes.Recientemente, las plataformas de video por demanda (SVoD) en streaming se propusieron producir un número cada vez mayor de películas y series de TV con distribución global. Estas, a su vez, se han convertido en el vehículo perfecto para divulgar realidades culturales diferentes a las de los países anglófonos. En este artículo, intentamos analizar la presencia de estereotipos y referencias culturales en la versión doblada al inglés de la serie de televisión española Valeria (Benítez, 2020–presente) y de la manera como estos aparecen en el doblaje. Con este fin, realizamos un estudio comparativo en el que se presentaron siete fragmentos de video de la versión doblada al inglés y su versión original en español a 57 participantes nativos de habla inglesa pertenecientes a una institución británica de educación superior, quienes compartían un conocimiento similar del español como lengua extranjera. Específicamente, se exploró la percepción general entre los participantes de los pasajes humorísticos, su identificación de referentes culturales, su opinión informada sobre las técnicas traductivas aplicadas (y las alternativas dadas) y su autoevaluación del esfuerzo metacognitivo que requirieron. Los hallazgos mostraron dos aspectos de los estudiantes: a) en términos generales, estaban bien dispuestos a conservar los estereotipos y referentes culturales usados con fines humorísticos en las comedias audiovisuales, y b) la comprensión de estos elementos muchas veces dependía del apoyo audiovisual. Los hallazgos ofrecen un análisis inicial de la percepción cognitiva y evaluativa de los hablantes de inglés sobre las comedias españolas dobladas al inglés y pueden ser útiles para la formación de traductores

    Patients’ expectations and satisfaction towards an Internet-based treatment for flying phobia: preliminary data

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    The treatment of choice for specific phobias is in vivo exposure. Despite the proven efficacy of this technique, it is linked to a number of limitations in its acceptation. Information and Communication Technologies (i.e., computerassisted exposure programs and Internet) could help to overcome these issues. However, to our knowledge, no other studies investigate the acceptability of an Internet-based treatment for Flying Phobia. The aim of this work is to offer data about the patients’ expectations and satisfaction towards NO-FEAR Airlines in a pilot study. The sample was composed by four participants residents in Spain (N=3) and Colombia (N=1). Participants completed the Treatment ExpectationSatisfaction Questionnaire, reporting high expectations (M=8.7; SD=.85) and satisfaction (M=9.4; SD=.44) about the treatment. In conclusion, NO-FEAR Airlines was a well accepted Internet-based Treatment for FP

    Las bibliotecas digitales y su aplicación en el aula de ELE

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    [ES] La expansión del uso de Internet y de los recursos digitales, tales como las bibliotecas, blogs específicos o los portales especializados en las diferentes disciplinas científicas, ha revolucionado durante la última década el mundo de la enseñanza, y más concretamente, la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. En este artículo se ofrece un breve recorrido por las diferentes secciones que ofrecen las bibliotecas digitales e internet en general y su aplicación como materiales con fines didácticos en el aula de español como lengua extranjera

    Exploring Stereotypes and Cultural References in Dubbed TV Comedies in the Spanish-as-a-Foreign-Language Classroom

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    Streaming video-on-demand (SVoD) platforms have recently set out to produce an ever-increasing number of non-English-language films and tv series distributed worldwide. These, in turn, have become the perfect vehicle for disseminating cultural realities other than those from English-speaking countries. In this article, we endeavour to analyse the presence of stereotypes and cultural references in the English-dubbed version of the Spanish tv series Valeria (Benítez, 2020–present) and the way they travel through dubbing. To this end, we conducted a comparative study in which seven video excerpts from the English-dubbed version and their original Spanish version were shown to 57 native English-speaking participants from a British higher education institution, who shared a similar knowledge of Spanish as a foreign language. Specifically, we explored the participants’ overall perception of humorous passages, their identification of cultural references, their informed opinion on the translation techniques applied (and alternatives given), and their self-assessment of the metacognitive effort required. TThe findings show two aspects of learners: (a) overall, these learners were eager to maintain stereotypes and cultural references used for humorous purposes in audiovisual comedies, and (b) their understanding of these items often relies on audiovisual support. The findings offer an initial examination of English speakers’ cognitive and evaluative perception of Spanish comedies that have been dubbed in English and can be useful for translator training purposes