13 research outputs found

    A sabedoria oriental na obra poética de Antero de Quental e ensaística de Manuel da Silva Mendes

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    O presente trabalho de investigação em literatura abrange um conjunto sistémico de ideias e de conceitos oriundos das correntes sapienciais do pensamento oriental, que foram tomados por Antero de Quental nos seus sonetos, e por Manuel da Silva Mendes nos seus ensaios, e tomaram um lugar central na sua mundivisão, através de um processo elaborado de tradução cultural, enformando a sua interpretação da realidade e estruturando o seu pensamento. No seio de debate sobre o Orientalismo, foi nossa intenção sublinhar o papel activo que estes autores de língua portuguesa desempenharam no diálogo cultural entre a Europa e o Oriente. Tendo como objectivo central a compreensão de como é que estes dois autores activaram um conjunto de estratégias e de instrumentos para efectivarem uma real tradução cultural, a fim de poderem inserir elementos da sabedoria e da filosofia orientais (budista e taoista) nos seus sistemas de interpretação do Mundo e do Homem, efectuámos uma análise detalhada das suas obras, de acordo com um enquadramento teórico bem definido. Se é verdade que, por um lado, Antero de Quental teve um contacto indirecto com o Oriente cultural, sobretudo através de traduções, já Silva Mendes, que viveu em Macau durante cerca de três décadas, teve um diálogo directo e contínuo com os orientais. Todavia, o que é relevante é que os dois pertencem a uma geração de grande empenhamento político e social, para além de fecunda do ponto de vista literário. Para além disso, ambos desenvolveram uma reflexão profunda que se estendeu pelos campos da metafísica e da ética, facto que trouxe às suas obras uma densidade e um alcance único, especialmente no contexto português. Se Antero de Quental tem já uma posição bem estabelecida no contexto do sistema literário de língua portuguesa, Manuel da Silva Mendes é bem menos conhecido, muito possivelmente porque passou a sua vida em Macau, apartado dos centros de cultura e de decisão, onde construiu uma carreira docente e de causídico. Sendo autores dos finais do séc. XIX e do início do séc. XX, ambos tiveram, ao longo de várias décadas, uma actividade poética e filosófica bastante importante. A sua obra, aliás, influenciou de forma marcante o diálogo intercultural da literatura portuguesa e europeia com o oriente sapiencial. Pensamos que estudos como este que apresentamos, são essenciais no mundo do dealbar do séc. XXI, pois que se colocam como um desafio académico a uma reflexão intercultural, com vista a poder desencadear um diálogo mais racional e uma compreensão mútua mais aprofundada com a Alteridade, que nos possam conduzir a uma tão desejada paz global

    As eleições em Piracicaba a partir de um jornal local: 1966/1987

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    Este artigo tenta perceber as eleições em Piracicaba a partir da análise das notícias veiculadas pelo Jornal de Piracicaba, no período de 1966 a 1978.


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    Studying the dynamics of soil properties is an important process in areas where the soil is subjected to different practices, as it may indicate management alternatives, besides allowing estimates of responses of soil attributes as a function of certain practices performed. The work was carried out in two stages, to conduct the research, the selection of four environments was made, being a Permanent Preservation Area (APP), agroforestry (A), a sheep grazing area (APO) and the Orchard of Goiabeira (PG). After the first stage (selection and characterization), the second stage was conducted, which consisted of dividing the study areas into five equal parts, equivalent to repetitions, within each one three simple samples were collected to form a composite sample collected at depths 0 – 20 cm, and the following chemical attributes were analyzed: pH, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and organic matter, determined in the soil, water and plant laboratory of the Federal Institute of Paraíba - Campus Sousa. The experimental design followed was completely randomized (IHD), for soil collection on chemical attributes, being considered as treatments the four soil use systems such as T1=permanent preservation area (APP), T2= agroforestry (A), T3= sheep grazing area (APO) and T4= guava orchard (PG) with five replications. The best chemical characteristics of the soil were expressed by the systems according to the following order: Pemanente Preservation Area (APP), followed by Agroforestry (A), Guava Orchard (PG) and sheep grazing area (APO).El estudio de la dinámica de las propiedades del suelo es un proceso importante en áreas donde el suelo está sometido a diferentes prácticas, ya que puede indicar alternativas de manejo, además de permitir estimaciones de respuestas de atributos del suelo en función de ciertas prácticas realizadas. El trabajo se realizó en dos etapas, para realizar la investigación, se realizó la selección de cuatro ambientes, siendo un Área de Preservación Permanente (APP), agroforestería (A), un área de pastoreo de ovejas (APO) y el Huerto de Goiabeira (PG). Después de la primera etapa (selección y caracterización), se realizó la segunda etapa, que consistió en dividir las áreas de estudio en cinco partes iguales, equivalentes a repeticiones, dentro de cada una se recolectaron tres muestras simples para formar una muestra compuesta recolectada a profundidades 0 – 20 cm, y se analizaron los siguientes atributos químicos: pH, fósforo, potasio, sodio, calcio, magnesio y materia orgánica, determinados en el laboratorio de suelo, agua y plantas del Instituto Federal de Paraíba - Campus Sousa.  Las mejores características químicas del suelo fueron expresadas por los sistemas de acuerdo con el siguiente orden: Área de Preservación Pemanente (APP), seguida de Agroforestería (A), Huerto de Guayaba (PG) y Área de pastoreo de ovejas (APO).Estudar as dinâmicas das propriedades dos solos é um processo importante em áreas em que o solo é submetido a diferentes práticas, pois pode indicar alternativas de manejo, além de possibilitar estimativas de respostas dos atributos do solo em função de determinadas práticas realizadas. O trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas, para condução da pesquisa se fez a seleção de quatro ambientes, sendo uma Área de Preservação Permanente (APP), a Agrofloresta (A), uma Área pastejo ovino (APO) e o Pomar da Goiabeira (PG). Depois de realizada a  primeira etapa (seleção e caracterização),  foi conduzida a segunda, que consistiu na divisão das áreas de estudos em cinco partes iguais, equivalente às repetições, dentro de cada uma foram coletadas três amostras simples para formar uma amostra composta coletada nas profundidades 0 – 20 cm, sendo analisados os atributos químicos a seguir: pH, fósforo, potássio, sódio, cálcio, magnésio e matéria orgânica, determinadas no laboratório de solo, água e planta do Instituto Federal da Paraíba – Campus Sousa. O delineamento experimental seguido foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC), para a coleta do solo sobre os atributos químicos, sendo considerados como tratamentos os quatros sistemas de uso do solo como T1=área de preservação permanente (APP), T2= agrofloresta (A), T3= área pastejo ovino (APO) e T4= pomar da goiabeira (PG) com cinco repetições. As melhores características químicas do solo foram expressas pelos sistemas de acordo com as seguinte ordem: Àrea de Preservação Pemanente (APP), seguido por Agrofloresta (A), Pomar de goiabeira (PG) e área pastejo ovino (APO).Estudar as dinâmicas das propriedades dos solos é um processo importante em áreas em que o solo é submetido a diferentes práticas, pois pode indicar alternativas de manejo, além de possibilitar estimativas de respostas dos atributos do solo em função de determinadas práticas realizadas. O trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas, para condução da pesquisa se fez a seleção de quatro ambientes, sendo uma Área de Preservação Permanente (APP), a Agrofloresta (A), uma Área pastejo ovino (APO) e o Pomar da Goiabeira (PG). Depois de realizada a  primeira etapa (seleção e caracterização),  foi conduzida a segunda, que consistiu na divisão das áreas de estudos em cinco partes iguais, equivalente às repetições, dentro de cada uma foram coletadas três amostras simples para formar uma amostra composta coletada nas profundidades 0 – 20 cm, sendo analisados os atributos químicos a seguir: pH, fósforo, potássio, sódio, cálcio, magnésio e matéria orgânica, determinadas no laboratório de solo, água e planta do Instituto Federal da Paraíba – Campus Sousa. O delineamento experimental seguido foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC), para a coleta do solo sobre os atributos químicos, sendo considerados como tratamentos os quatros sistemas de uso do solo como T1=área de preservação permanente (APP), T2= agrofloresta (A), T3= área pastejo ovino (APO) e T4= pomar da goiabeira (PG) com cinco repetições. As melhores características químicas do solo foram expressas pelos sistemas de acordo com as seguinte ordem: Àrea de Preservação Pemanente (APP), seguido por Agrofloresta (A), Pomar de goiabeira (PG) e área pastejo ovino (APO)

    A influência do ready-made na escultura moderna

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    The work produced by Marcel Duchamp revolutionized and redirected the path of the Visual Arts, allowing vast and numerous developments for artists and their creations. Under his influence, several changes came quickly and sequentially in many avant-garde movements and their transgressive and libertarian effects can be noticed in the artistic achievements over the past century and in contemporary times. This text intends to contribute to the quest for understanding a little better the relationship between Duchamp’s readymades and their influx, their parallel and consequences in the universe of sculpture. On the basis of information provided by the author and leading experts, covering the primary context for the second half of the 20th century, this research aims to address some unique aspects of the “duchampian” object as against or/in favor of sculpture. Although we have a wide perception of the groundbreaking and insurgent thoughts of Marcel Duchamp, his directions, proposals and intentions, it is relevant the need of an analysis of the readymade under the sculptural bias, as a three-dimensional conceptual object offered as opposing a three-dimensional “retinal” object and its impact as beneficial to Sculpture and, therefore, to Ar

    Community knowledge and acceptance of indoor residual spraying for malaria prevention in Mozambique: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background Malaria control remains a leading health challenge in Mozambique. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is an effective strategy to control malaria transmission, but there are often barriers to reaching the coverage necessary for attaining maximum community protective effect of IRS. Mozambique recorded a high number of household refusals during the 2016 IRS campaign. This study sought to evaluate household and community factors related to the acceptability of IRS to inform strategies for future campaigns in Mozambique and the region. Methods A cross-sectional, qualitative study was conducted in eight urban and rural communities in two high malaria burden provinces in Mozambique. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with community members, leaders, sprayers, and representatives of district health directorates; focus group discussions with community members who accepted and who refused IRS during the 2016 campaign; systematic field observations; and informal conversations. Data were systematically coded and analysed using NVIVO-11®. Results A total of 61 interviews and 12 discussions were conducted. Community participants predominantly described IRS as safe, but many felt that it had limited efficacy. The main factors that participants mentioned as having influenced their IRS acceptance or refusal were: understanding of IRS; community leader level of support; characteristics of IRS programmatic implementation; environmental, political and historical factors. Specifically, IRS acceptance was higher when there was perceived community solidarity through IRS acceptance, desire to reduce the insect population in homes, trust in government and community satisfaction with past IRS campaign effectiveness. Participants who refused were mainly from urban districts and were more educated. The main barriers to acceptance were associated with selection and performance of spray operators, negative experiences from previous campaigns, political-partisan conflicts, difficulty in removing heavy or numerous household assets, and preference for insecticide-treated nets over IRS. Conclusions Acceptance of IRS was influenced by diverse operational and contextual factors. As such, future IRS communications in targeted communities should emphasize the importance of high IRS coverage for promoting both familial and community health. Additionally, clear communications and engagement with community leaders during spray operator selection and spray implementation may help reduce barriers to IRS acceptance

    The Use of Research for Health Systems Policy Development and Implementation in Mozambique: A Descriptive Study

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    Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is generating an increasing amount of evidence in Mozambique, where implementation of a wide range of public health policies and interventions, and innovative technologies and solutions, is underway. We used qualitative methods to explore the relationship between HPSR and policy development and implementation in Mozambique. We conducted a literature review and in-depth interviews with researchers, experts, and policy makers. Through our analysis, we assessed barriers to the use of research evidence in the development and implementation of national health policies and identified potential opportunities to improve evidence use in this context.We found an increasing number of research institutions producing solid scientific evidence in the country, with activities in health in general and health systems specifically. There is also a growing trend for decision makers and policy makers to use the results of research during the design, formulation, and implementation of health policies. Most HPSR conducted in Mozambique is funded by international donors and focused on research questions of international interest. Therefore, research generated in Mozambique does not always address questions that are relevant to the local health system development agenda.While Mozambique has a lot of "gray literature" outlets, few of its publications support the translation of research evidence into policy. Much of the evidence generated in country is disseminated through project reports and briefings, not peer-reviewed literature. Furthermore, when the research evidence generated is not locally relevant, results may be published only in English and in scientific articles, instead of in formats useful to Mozambican policy makers—to the detriment of national-level understanding and use. We recommend that research institutions and policy makers in Mozambique collaborate on developing a platform that consolidates HPSR, making it more accessible and useful to policy makers

    A rapid qualitative assessment of oral cholera vaccine anticipated acceptability in a context of resistance towards cholera intervention in Nampula, Mozambique

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    Introduction : While planning an immunization campaign in settings where public health interventions are subject to politically motivated resistance, designing context-based social mobilization strategies is critical to ensure community acceptability. In preparation for an Oral Cholera Vaccine campaign implemented in Nampula, Mozambique, in November 2016, we assessed potential barriers and levers for vaccine acceptability. Methods : Questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions, as well as observations, were conducted before the campaign. The participants included central and district level government informants (national immunization program, logistics officers, public health directors, and others), community leaders and representatives, and community members. Results : During previous well chlorination interventions, some government representatives and health agents were attacked, because they were believed to be responsible for spreading cholera instead of purifying the wells. Politically motivated resistance to cholera interventions resurfaced when an OCV campaign was considered. Respondents also reported vaccine hesitancy related to experiences of problems during school-based vaccine introduction, rumors related to vaccine safety, and negative experiences following routine childhood immunization. Despite major suspicions associated with the OCV campaign, respondents’ perceived vulnerability to cholera and its perceived severity seem to override potential anticipated OCV vaccine hesitancy. Discussion : Potential hesitancy towards the OCV campaign is grounded in global insecurity, social disequilibrium, and perceived institutional negligence, which reinforces a representation of estrangement from the central government, triggering suspicions on its intentions in implementing the OCV campaign. Recommendations include a strong involvement of community leaders, which is important for successful social mobilization; representatives of different political parties should be equally involved in social mobilization efforts, before and during campaigns; and public health officials should promote other planned interventions to mitigate the lack of trust associated with perceived institutional negligence. Successful past initiatives include public intake of purified water or newly introduced medication by social mobilizers, teachers or credible leaders

    HIV prevalence and TB in migrant miners communities of origin in Gaza Province, Mozambique: The need for increasing awareness and knowledge.

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    BACKGROUND:As part of ongoing efforts to generate evidence needed on HIV and tuberculosis (TB) to inform policies and programs aimed to improve the health outcomes of migrants and communities affected by migration and mining, a preliminary investigation was conducted through a biological and behavioral (BBS) approach related to HIV and TB in two communities of origin of migrant mineworkers in Gaza Province. The main objective was to determine the prevalence of HIV and the rates of asymptomatic infection by TB, and the social and behavioral risk factors associated. METHODS:A cross-sectional survey was conducted from May to June 2017 using a simple random sampling methodology. Eligible participants were individuals who were living in the community at the time the survey was conducted, which included adult mine workers and members of their families aged 18 and above. A socio-behavioral questionnaire was administered, blood specimens were collected for HIV testing (Determine/Unigold) and sputum for TB (GeneXpert MTB/RIF) was collected. The statistical analysis was performed using the R studio software to produce means, proportion and odds ratio at 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS:A total of 1012 participants were enrolled, 75.2% were females, with a median age of 34. The overall prevalence of HIV found in the two communities was 24.2% (CI: 21.6-27.0) and was higher in the rural community (31.6%; 95% CI: 27.0-35.3). The prevalence of active TB was found to be 0.3% (n = 3) while 7.5% of the participants self-reported to have been previously diagnosed with TB at some point in their life. Only 2.8% of participants had knowledge of the basic principles of TB transmission. Condom use at last sexual intercourse with a regular partner was low among both sexes (17.3% male and 12.6% female). A considerable proportion of participants had not been aware of their HIV positive serostatus(31.1% female and 25.0% male). About 1/3 of the participants had had a history of STIs. CONCLUSION:The results of this survey confirm a high prevalence of HIV in communities of origin of migrant miners in Gaza province. Findings also demonstrated low levels of awareness/ knowledge and prevention of TB and HIV. It is important to strengthen strategies that encourage regular HIV testing and TB screening. Appropriate communication interventions on methods of transmission and prevention of HIV and TB in these communities must be intensified, as well as ensuring ongoing linkage to TB and HIV social and healthcare services