69 research outputs found

    Dendrokronológiai kutatások Erdélyben = Dendrochronological researches in Transylvania

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    A pályázatban felsorolt eszközöket beszereztük és továbbra is Csíkszeredán maradnak. Elkezdtük összegyűjteni a recens adatsorok elkészítéséhez szükséges mintaanyagot, a tölgyekre fókuszálva. A recens gyűjtéseink súlypontja a kelet erdélyi területekre esik, a továbbiakban szintén kisrégiónként csoportosítva, több új lelőhely vizsgálata lesz szükséges majd. Több dendrokronológiai zónát sikerült lokalizálnunk. A kiderült, hogy Erdély területe a jelenlegi Magyarország területéhez hasonlóan dendrokronológiai szempontból mozaikos szerkezetű. A külföldi adatsorok lényegében nem használhatók Erdély területén. A megvizsgált területen tölgyek mellett nagy mennyiségben használtak fenyőféléket is. Legalább három gyakori fajta fordul elő: luc-, jegenye- és erdeifenyő. Úgy tűnik, hogy ezek használata nem helyfüggő. A kutatás fontos eredménye volt annak fölismerése, hogy a fenyőféléket az (kora)újkorban kezdik nagy(obb) mennyiségben alkalmazni, és ekkor a korábban tölgyből készített szerkezeteket is fenyővel javítják. A recens minták lehetővé tették a tölgyek szijácsstatisztikájának elkészítését. Az összességében hatvanhat lelőhelyről gyűjtött minták révén sikerült két, a régészeti/műemléki kutatásban használható tölgykronológiát készítenünk: a Csíki-medencére érvényeset (1526-1736) és a Küküllők felső folyására, Segesvár környékére érvényeset (1336-1518). Rendelkezünk két "lebegő", azaz konkrét évszámokhoz még nem kötött középkor végi - koraújkori fenyő-kronológiával, 119 és 179 év terjedelemben. | The tools and materials necessary for the work and listed at the beginning of the project have been purchased. These will stay further on in Csíkszereda (Romania). The collection of the recent samples was started concentrating on oaks. The current collection of the samples was mainly focusing on the East-Transylvanian region. In the future research of additional new small locations will be needed. We succeeded to localize more dendrochronological zones. It was found, that from the dendrochronological point of view Transylvania has the same fragmented structure as Hungary. The foreign chronologies can not be used in Transylvania. Beside oaks, several species of pine were used in the researched area, such as spruce, silver fir and Scots pine. So far it seems that the spread of these can not be limited to one region. Important result of our research was, as we noticed that pines were increasingly used from the 17th century, when even older oak structures were repaired with various species of pine. Based on the recent samples the calculated statistical number of the sapwood rings is: 15+/-2. During the project we collected samples from 66 sites and with them we managed to create two chronologies which can be used for the archeological and historical monument's research. The oak chronology of the first one covers the Csík-basin for the period of 1526-1736, the second is applicable in the Segesvár (Sighisoare - Schäßburg) region and the third for the upper valley of the Küküllő (Tarnava) rivers for the period of 1336-1518. We have also two 119 and 179 year long floating pine chronologies

    Die Fasern des Vagoaccessorius beim Menschen

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    Die Fasern des Vagoaccessorius beim Maki

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    Der Truncus sympathicus lumbalis

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    Die Fasern des Vagoaccessorius bei Schimpansen

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    Arte e escola : por um catálogo Raisonné para mestre Pedro

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Visuais, 2013.As potencialidades de um melhor conhecimento e divulgação da obra de um artista popular, Mestre Pedro, vão ao encontro da valorização, visibilidade e acesso à produção artística e diversidade cultural locais e da necessidade de subsídio a processos educativos. Uma coletânea de registros pessoais, fotografias da pesquisa, acerca da obra de Mestre Pedro, encontra-se disponível nos Anexos

    O regime jurídico dos auxiliares locais das representações brasileiras no exterior

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2014.O presente trabalho analisa o regime jurídico de fato aplicável aos Auxiliares Locais, pessoal contratado para a prestação de serviços de apoio pelas representações diplomáticas, consulares e militares do Brasil no exterior, sem vínculo de emprego ou cargo público, sob a regência das leis trabalhistas e previdenciárias locais. Incialmente, faz-se um arcabouço histórico de toda a legislação atinente a essa categoria. Em seguida, é feita uma divisão dos Auxiliares Locais em grupos e subgrupos, de acordo com a legislação vigente à época da admissão, para se avaliar qual o regime jurídico que se entende aplicável e, consequentemente, qual deveria ser a atual situação de cada um dentro da estrutura de pessoal da Administração Pública. Por fim, é feita uma avaliação, com base no ordenamento jurídico, da constitucionalidade das leis atualmente aplicáveis à categoria e das consequências impostas a esse grupo pelo Poder Público. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis undergraduate thesis endeavors to analyze the legal framework in fact applicable to “Local Assistants”, the name commonly given to the support staff hired by diplomatic, consular and military Brazilian representations in foreign countries, who provide work without an employment relationship or under any public office and are subject to local labor and social security legislation. Initially, an overview is provided of the historical framework under which the entire legislation relating to this particular category of workers is based. Then, Local Assistants are divided into groups and subgroups according to the legislation in force at the time of their hiring in order to ascertain the legal framework understood to have been applicable to them, and, consequently, to determine what should be the current status of members of each such groups and subgroups within the personnel structure of Brazil’s Public Administration. Finally, an assessment is conducted, based on current legal understanding, of the constitutionality of the laws currently applicable to this particular category of workers and the consequences imposed upon it by the Public Power

    Effect of the Nature of Donor Atoms on the Thermodynamic, Kinetic and Relaxation Properties of Mn(II) Complexes Formed With Some Trisubstituted 12-Membered Macrocyclic Ligands

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    During the past few years increasing attention has been devoted to Mn(II) complexes as possible substitutes for Gd(III) complexes as contrast agents in MRI. Equilibrium (log KMnL or pMn value), kinetic parameters (rates and half-lives of dissociation) and relaxivity of the Mn(II) complexes formed with 12-membered macrocyclic ligands were studied. The ligands were selected in a way to gain information on how the ligand rigidity, the nature of the donor atoms in the macrocycle (pyridine N, amine N, and etheric O atom), the nature of the pendant arms (carboxylates, phosphonates, primary, secondary and tertiary amides) affect the physicochemical parameters of the Mn(II) complexes. As expected, decreasing the denticity of DOTA (to afford DO3A) resulted in a drop in the stability and inertness of [Mn(DO3A)]− compared to [Mn(DOTA)]2−. This decrease can be compensated partially by incorporating the fourth nitrogen atom into a pyridine ring (e.g., PCTA) or by replacement with an etheric oxygen atom (ODO3A). Moreover, the substitution of primary amides for acetates resulted in a noticeable drop in the stability constant (PC3AMH), but it increased as the primary amides (PC3AMH) were replaced by secondary (PC3AMGly) or tertiary amide (PC3AMPip) pendants. The inertness of the Mn(II) complexes behaved alike as the rates of acid catalyzed dissociation increased going from DOTA (k1 = 0.040 M−1s−1) to DO3A (k1 = 0.45 M−1s−1). However, the rates of acid catalyzed dissociation decreased from 0.112 M−1s−1 observed for the anionic Mn(II) complex of PCTA to 0.0107 M−1s−1 and 0.00458 M−1s−1 for the cationic Mn(II) complexes of PC3AMH and PC3AMPip ligands, respectively. In spite of its lower denticity (as compared to DOTA) the sterically more hindered amide complex ([Mn(PC3AMPip)]2+) displays surprisingly high conditional stability (pMn = 8.86 vs. pMn = 9.74 for [Mn(PCTA)]−) and excellent kinetic inertness. The substitution of phosphonates for the acetate pendant arms (DOTP and DO3P), however, resulted in a noticeable drop in the conditional stability as well as dissociation kinetic parameters of the corresponding Mn(II) complexes ([Mn(DOTP)]6− and [Mn(DO3P)]4−) underlining that the phosphonate pedant should not be considered as a suitable building block for further ligand design while the tertiary amide moiety will likely have some implications in this respect in the future