87 research outputs found

    Las profesiones técnicas y científicas en el ochocientos

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    Bisfenol (A) una toxina a tener en cuenta en el enfermo renal en hemodiálisis

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    Introduction: Most uremic toxins are by-products of protein metabolism by action of intestinal flora. The metabolism of aromatic amino acids originates phenolic type residues. The most studied is p-cresol that is associated with renal function and vascular damage. Bisphenol A (BPA) is an exogenous molecule with characteristics similar to these aromatic uremic toxins. BPA is an estrogenic endocrine disruptor, found in tin cans, plastic bottles, epoxy resins and in some dialyzers. This molecule accumulates in patients who have impaired renal function. Observational studies have shown that exposure of BPA is linked to renal and cardiovascular injury, among many others in humans, and in animal studies a causal link has been described. Kidneys with normal renal function rapidly excrete BPA, but insufficient excretion in patients with CKD results in accumulation of BPA in the body.Muchas toxinas urémicas son originadas como consecuencia del catabolismo proteico por la flora intestinal. El metabolismo de aminoácidos aromáticos origina residuos de tipo fenólico. De estas toxinas, la más estudiada es el p-cresol, que se asocia a la función renal y daño vascular. El Bisfenol A (BPA) es una molécula exógena de características semejantes a estas toxinas urémicas aromáticas. El BPA es un disruptor endocrino estrogénico que se encuentra en latas de conserva, botellas de plástico, resinas epoxi y en algunos dializadores. Esta molécula se acumula en pacientes que tienen deteriorada la función renal. Estudios observacionales han demostrado que una exposición a BPA está vinculada, entre otras muchas, a lesión renal y cardiovascular en los seres humanos; en estudios en animales se ha descrito un vínculo causal. Los riñones con función renal normal excretan rápidamente BPA, pero una excreción insuficiente en pacientes con ERC da lugar a la acumulación del BPA en el organismo

    Bisphenol A in chronic kidney disease

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    Phenols are uremic toxins of intestinal origin formed by bacteria during protein metabolism. Of these molecules, p-cresol is the most studied and has been associated with renal function impairment and vascular damage. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a molecule with structural similarity with phenols found in plastic food and beverage containers as well as in some dialyzers. BPA is considered an environmental toxicant based on animal and cell culture studies. Japanese authorities recently banned BPA use in baby bottles based on observational association studies in newborns. BPA is excreted in urine and uremic patients present higher serum levels, but there is insufficient evidence to set cut-off levels or to link BPA to any harmful effect in CKD. However, the renal elimination and potential exposure during dialysis warrant the monitoring of BPA exposure and the design of observational studies in which the potential health risks of BPA for end-stage renal disease patients are evaluated.This research was supported by a grant from ISCIII and FEDER funds PS09/00447, Sociedad Española de Nefrologia, ISCIII-RETICREDinREN/RD06/0016, RD12/0021/,Comunidad de Madrid/CIFRA/S2010/BMD-2378, and salary support was from ERA/EDTA to Usama Elewa and Programa Intensificación Actividad Investigadora (ISCIII/Agencia Laín-Entralgo/CM) to Alberto Ortiz Arduán. ISC III (PI10/ 00072), RECAVA (RD06/0014/0038) and Lilly Foundation to Jesús Egido

    Application Acceleration on FPGAs with OmpSs@FPGA

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.OmpSs@FPGA is the flavor of OmpSs that allows offloading application functionality to FPGAs. Similarly to OpenMP, it is based on compiler directives. While the OpenMP specification also includes support for heterogeneous execution, we use OmpSs and OmpSs@FPGA as prototype implementation to develop new ideas for OpenMP. OmpSs@FPGA implements the tasking model with runtime support to automatically exploit all SMP and FPGA resources available in the execution platform. In this paper, we present the OmpSs@FPGA ecosystem, based on the Mercurium compiler and the Nanos++ runtime system. We show how the applications are transformed to run on the SMP cores and the FPGA. The application kernels defined as tasks to be accelerated, using the OmpSs directives are: 1) transformed by the compiler into kernels connected with the proper synchronization and communication ports, 2) extracted to intermediate files, 3) compiled through the FPGA vendor HLS tool, and 4) used to configure the FPGA. Our Nanos++ runtime system schedules the application tasks on the platform, being able to use the SMP cores and the FPGA accelerators at the same time. We present the evaluation of the OmpSs@FPGA environment with the Matrix Multiplication, Cholesky and N-Body benchmarks, showing the internal details of the execution, and the performance obtained on a Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC (up to 128x). The source code uses OmpSs@FPGA annotations and different Vivado HLS optimization directives are applied for acceleration.This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 program through the EuroEXA project (grant 754337), and HiPEAC (GA 687698), by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015- 0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015-65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovació Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d’Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Cellular vaccines in listeriosis: role of the Listeria antigen GAPDH

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    The use of live Listeria-based vaccines carries serious difficulties when administrated to immunocompromised individuals. However, cellular carriers have the advantage of inducing multivalent innate immunity as well as cell-mediated immune responses, constituting novel and secure vaccine strategies in listeriosis. Here, we compare the protective efficacy of dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages and their safety. We examined the immune response of these vaccine vectors using two Listeria antigens, listeriolysin O (LLO) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and several epitopes such as the LLO peptides, LLO189-201 and LLO91-99 and the GAPDH peptide, GAPDH1-22. We discarded macrophages as safe vaccine vectors because they show anti-Listeria protection but also high cytotoxicity. DCs loaded with GAPDH1-22 peptide conferred higher protection and security against listeriosis than the widely explored LLO91-99 peptide. Anti-Listeria protection was related to the changes in DC maturation caused by these epitopes, with high production of interleukin-12 as well as significant levels of other Th1 cytokines such as monocyte chemotactic protein-1, tumor necrosis factor-α, and interferon-γ, and with the induction of GAPDH1-22-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) immune responses. This is believed to be the first study to explore the use of a novel GAPDH antigen as a potential DC-based vaccine candidate for listeriosis, whose efficiency appears to highlight the relevance of vaccine designs containing multiple CD4(+) and CD8(+) epitopes

    Adipose Tissue Overexpression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Protects Against Diet-Induced Obesity and Insulin Resistance

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    During the expansion of fat mass in obesity, vascularization of adipose tissue is insufficient to maintain tissue normoxia. Local hypoxia develops and may result in altered adipokine expression, proinflammatory macrophage recruitment, and insulin resistance. We investigated whether an increase in adipose tissue angiogenesis could protect against obesity-induced hypoxia and, consequently, insulin resistance. Transgenic mice overexpressing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and white adipose tissue (WAT) were generated. Vessel formation, metabolism, and inflammation were studied in VEGF transgenic mice and wild-type littermates fed chow or a high-fat diet. Overexpression of VEGF resulted in increased blood vessel number and size in both WAT and BAT and protection against high-fat diet-induced hypoxia and obesity, with no differences in food intake. This was associated with increased thermogenesis and energy expenditure. Moreover, whole-body insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance were improved. Transgenic mice presented increased macrophage infiltration, with a higher number of M2 anti-inflammatory and fewer M1 proinflammatory macrophages than wild-type littermates, thus maintaining an anti-inflammatory milieu that could avoid insulin resistance. These studies suggest that overexpression of VEGF in adipose tissue is a potential therapeutic strategy for the prevention of obesity and insulin resistance

    Guia de recursos per al personal de control oficial

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    Control oficial; Recursos humans; Gestió del coneixementControl oficial; Recursos humanos; Gestión del conocimientoOfficial control; Human resources; Knowledge managementAquesta guia dona resposta tant al personal que s’incorpora de nou a l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya, com als que ja estan treballant i necessiten un document de consulta on es recullen diferents aspectes com ara l'explicació de conceptes clau relacionats amb la seva tasca i relació de recursos informàtics (intranet..) i altres (programes, guies pràctiques...) que necessita per fer el control oficial; els relacionats amb la formació (formació específica, Comunitat de Pràctica...) i els aspectes relacionats amb recursos humans (jornada i horari, règim retributiu...).Esta guía da respuesta tanto al personal que se incorpora de nuevo a la Agencia de Salud Pública de Cataluña, como a los que ya están trabajando y necesitan un documento de consulta en el que se recojan diferentes aspectos como la explicación de conceptos clave relacionados con su labor y relación de recursos informáticos (intranet..) y otros (programas, guías prácticas...) que necesita para realizar el control oficial; los relacionados con la formación (formación específica, Comunidad de Práctica...) y los aspectos relacionados con recursos humanos (jornada y horario, régimen retributivo...).This guide responds both to personnel who are joining the Public Health Agency of Catalonia again, and to those who are already working and need a consultation document that includes different aspects such as the explanation of key concepts related to their work and list of computer resources (intranet...) and others (programs, practical guides...) that you need to carry out the official control; those related to training (specific training, Community of Practice...) and aspects related to human resources (day and schedule, remuneration regime...

    The coronavirus disease pandemic among adult congenital heart disease patients and the lessons learnt - results of a prospective multicenter european registry.

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    BACKGROUND At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, professionals in charge of particularly vulnerable populations, such as adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) patients, were confronted with difficult decision-making. We aimed to assess changes in risk stratification and outcomes of ACHD patients suffering from COVID-19 between March 2020 and April 2021. METHODS AND RESULTS Risk stratification among ACHD experts (before and after the first outcome data were available) was assessed by means of questionnaires. In addition, COVID-19 cases and the corresponding patient characteristics were recorded among participating centres. Predictors for the outcome of interest (complicated disease course) were assessed by means of multivariable logistic regression models calculated with cluster-robust standard errors. When assessing the importance of general and ACHD specific risk factors for a complicated disease course, their overall importance and the corresponding risk perception among ACHD experts decreased over time. Overall, 638 patients (n = 168 during the first wave and n = 470 during the subsequent waves) were included (median age 34 years, 52% women). Main independent predictors for a complicated disease course were male sex, increasing age, a BMI >25 kg/m2, having ≥2 comorbidities, suffering from a cyanotic heart disease or having suffered COVID-19 in the first wave vs. subsequent waves. CONCLUSIONS Apart from cyanotic heart disease, general risk factors for poor outcome in case of COVID-19 reported in the general population are equally important among ACHD patients. Risk perception among ACHD experts decreased during the course of the pandemic