223 research outputs found

    Тотожність асоціативного значення, аналогічності, характеру ситуації вживання при порівнянні деяких українських та англійських прислів’їв та приказок (The identities of the associative values, analogy, the nature of the situation of use when comparing some Ukrainian and English proverbs and sayings)

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    У статті розглянуті питання предмету фразеологія – полученню слів, що не утворюються спонтанно у мовленні, а впроваджуються як готові форми з певними значеннями. Серед досліджуваних одиниць виокремлено фразеологічні одиниці – паремії. На матеріалі українських і англійських фразеологізмів зіставлене образну специфіку прислів’їв і приказок, які можуть бути подібними за лексичним складом, комунікативним значенням та стилістичним забарвленням, але значна частина їх має свої особливості у порівнюваній мові, та частіше буває тільки приблизним. Характерним при порівнянні прислів’їв і приказок є визначення тотожності асоціативного значення, аналогічності, характеру ситуації їх вживання. (The article deals with the issue of the subject of phraseology – the unity of words that do not form spontaneously in speech, but are implemented as ready forms with certain meanings. Among the studied units, the phraseology units – paremias are outlined. Based on Ukrainian and English phraseological units, image specificity of proverbs and sayings that can be shaped by the lexical composition, communicative meaning and stylistic colour are mapped. However, a significant portion of them has its own characteristics in the comparable language, and often is only approximate. Comparing proverbs and sayings, it is required to determine the identities of the associative meanings, analogous, the nature of the situation their consumption.

    Digital Competition in Different Sectors of the Economy

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    The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into different sectors of the economy has led to the emergence of the digital economy, defined by the “fourth industrial revolution”. Digital competition in different sectors of the Ukrainian economy is mainly seen in the creation of digital services, while global practice demonstrates the modernization of enterprises based on digitalization of production, the sales sphere and so on.Digitization and its competition in different spheres of the national economy is studied here. Namely, it is determined that nowadays digitization of the real sector of Ukraine's economy in the form of innovative production is not observed at the moment, but digitalization is more represented in the financial sector. Taking into account the current structure of the financial market in Ukraine, it was found that digitalization processes have largely affected the banking sector, which is embodied in the presence of developed Internet banking. It is found that the stock market in Ukraine currently lags far behind the banking sector in terms of the introduction of digital technologies

    Blockchain technologies in healthcare institutions : focus on security and effective cooperation with the government

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    Purpose: This article considers the relevance of healthcare modernization processes in Russia in terms of marketing activities activation, public-private partnerships intensification. Design/Methodology/Approach: The problem of ensuring security when government and healthcare institutions interact by means of blockchain technologies is under-explored and requires further research and investigation. Therefore, methods of induction, deduction, problem, system and logical analysis along with the economic process and system modelling method combined with the formalization method are used in this article. Findings: A mechanism for effective ensuring the safety of interaction between the government and healthcare institutions using blockchain technologies in the course of conducting financial flows and operational information exchange in modern Russia is proposed. Practical Implications: The proposed mechanism for effective ensuring of security in terms of interaction between the government and the healthcare institution by means of blockchain technologies in modern Russia effectively ensures the security of interaction between the government and healthcare institutions . Originality/Value: Authors’ findings could be introduced into the healthcare industry.peer-reviewe

    Influence of preeclampsia on morpho-functional peculiarities of spiral arteries of decidua

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    State of utero-placental blood flow is a important factor which is necessary for ensure the basic function of the placenta - oxygen exchange between maternal body and the growing fetus. Spiral arteries are one of the most important units of placental blood supply. In connection with this the aim of this study was to determine the morphological and functional features of the spiral arteries of the decidua in the presence of pre-eclampsia

    Influence of preeclampsia on morpho-functional peculiarities of spiral arteries of decidua

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    State of utero-placental blood flow is a important factor which is necessary for ensure the basic function of the placenta - oxygen exchange between maternal body and the growing fetus. Spiral arteries are one of the most important units of placental blood supply. In connection with this the aim of this study was to determine the morphological and functional features of the spiral arteries of the decidua in the presence of pre-eclampsia


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    During the Covid-19 pandemic in all countries of the world and Ukraine in particular, this industry almost stopped working. The process of state regulation of tourism requires the implementation of a set of organizational, economic, financial, managerial and other measures as components of effective implementation of public policy. Given the above, government regulation of tourism can be seen through the action of the basic mechanisms of regulation at all levels of management Linnaeus, the list of which authors include: a regulating, organizing, controlling, Correct pol, social and stimulating. Studies of the mechanisms of state regulation of tourism show that the basis of state regulation is the organizational mechanism

    Experimental Investigations of Hydrogen Purification by Purging Through Metal Hydride

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    In an experimental stand [1] for investigation of properties of hydrogen accumulating the materials investigated a new type of reactor cleaning and storage of hydrogen. The applicability of hydrogen purging through metal hydride beds for the purification from nonpoisoning admixtures is studied experimentally. The main characteristics of the process together with the main technical barriers of the proposed technology are defined. Specially designed stainless steel continuous flow reactor filled with LaFe0.1Mn0.3Ni4.8 intermetallic compound is tested at variable inlet hydrogen/inert gas composition with measuring mass flow, pressure, temperature and hydrogen content at the outlet both for charging and discharging mode. The estimations of hydrogen losses and purification capacity show certain advantages of the studied technology in comparison with PSA-like mode [1], especially from the point of view of operation regime simplification. The evident process slow-down observed in the experiment is connected with saturation of metal hydride porous bed by hydrogen and with temperature increase due to high thermal effect at sorption (~ 40 kJ/mole Н2). The ways for heat and mass transfer optimization together with the range of applicability of the method for fine hydrogen purification are described and discussed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3522

    Analysis of Collectivism and Egoism Phenomena within the Context of Social Welfare

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    Comparative benefits provided by the basic social strategies including collectivism and egoism are investigated within the framework of democratic decision-making. In particular, we study the mechanism of growing "snowball" of cooperation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Translated from Russian. Original Russian Text published in Problemy Upravleniya, 2008, No. 4, pp. 30-3