31 research outputs found

    Introduction to a culturally sensitive measure of well-being: Combining life satisfaction and interdependent happiness across 49 different cultures

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    How can one conclude that well-being is higher in country A than country B, when well-being is being measured according to the way people in country A think about well-being? We address this issue by proposing a new culturally sensitive method to comparing societal levels of well-being. We support our reasoning with data on life satisfaction and interdependent happiness focusing on individual and family, collected mostly from students, across forty-nine countries. We demonstrate that the relative idealization of the two types of well-being varies across cultural contexts and are associated with culturally different models of selfhood. Furthermore, we show that rankings of societal well-being based on life satisfaction tend to underestimate the contribution from interdependent happiness. We introduce a new culturally sensitive method for calculating societal well-being, and examine its construct validity by testing for associations with the experience of emotions and with individualism-collectivism. This new culturally sensitive approach represents a slight, yet important improvement in measuring well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving bread-making processing phases of fibre-rich formulas using chia (Salvia hispanica) seed flour

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    [EN] The capacity of chia seed flour to improve the behaviour of wholemeal formulas of wheat bread during the bread-making process was tested. Seven formulas were produced: one employing only wheat flour (control), two formulas substituting 13% and 23% (d.b.) of wheat flour with bran (wholemeal), and these last two bran formulas were combined in turn with chia, in which substituting 5% and 10% (d.b.) of their wheat flour fraction. The fermentation phase improved. Chia led to an increase in the gas retention of dough with 13% of bran, and height was reached with no differences compared to the refined wheat dough. Water retention did not show differences between formulas after the baking phase. The 13% bran/5% chia formula generated breads with 12% fibre content (w.b), but no differences were found in specific volume and similar hardness to the refined wheat ones. Finally, this bran/chia combination, which showed no differences during the bread-making process with the refined wheat formula, was tested for sensory attributes. No significant effect was detected on the sensory attributes compared to the same wholemeal formula without chia flour. Chia modified the properties of wholemeal doughs, which improved the bread making process and produced bread with no deterioration in sensory attributes.Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2017). Improving bread-making processing phases of fibre-rich formulas using chia (Salvia hispanica) seed flour. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 84:419-425. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2017.06.007S4194258

    Introduction to a Culturally Sensitive Measure of Well-Being: Combining Life Satisfaction and Interdependent Happiness Across 49 Different Cultures

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    How can one conclude that well-being is higher in country A than country B, when well-being is being measured according to the way people in country A think about well-being? We address this issue by proposing a new culturally sensitive method to comparing societal levels of well-being. We support our reasoning with data on life satisfaction and interdependent happiness focusing on individual and family, collected mostly from students, across forty-nine countries. We demonstrate that the relative idealization of the two types of well-being varies across cultural contexts and are associated with culturally different models of selfhood. Furthermore, we show that rankings of societal well-being based on life satisfaction tend to underestimate the contribution from interdependent happiness. We introduce a new culturally sensitive method for calculating societal well-being, and examine its construct validity by testing for associations with the experience of emotions and with individualism-collectivism. This new culturally sensitive approach represents a slight, yet important improvement in measuring well-being

    Introduction to a culturally sensitive measure of well-being: Combining life satisfaction and interdependent happiness across 49 different cultures

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    How can one conclude that well-being is higher in country A than country B, when wellbeing is being measured according to the way people in country A think about wellbeing? We address this issue by proposing a new culturally sensitive method to comparing societal levels of well-being. We support our reasoning with data on life satisfaction and interdependent happiness focusing on individual and family, collected mostly from students, across forty-nine countries. We demonstrate that the relative idealization of the two types of wellbeing varies across cultural contexts and are associated with culturally different models of selfhood. Furthermore, we show that rankings of societal well-being based on life satisfaction tend to underestimate the contribution from interdependent happiness. We introduce a new culturally sensitive method for calculating societal well-being, and examine its construct validity by testing for associations with the experience of emotions and with individualism-collectivism. This new culturally sensitive approach represents a slight, yet important improvement in measuring well-being

    Development of new technologies for shipping natural gas by sea

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    In recent years dynamic increase of orders for ships intended for liquified natural gas (LNG) shipping has been observed with simultaneous trend of increasing their transport capability. This results from the fact that natural gas has become today the third energy source worldwide just next to crude oil and coal. The fast growth of demand for natural gas and its limited resources would cause growth of its price, therefore better solutions of natural gas transport technology with respect to economy, ecology and safety should be searched for. This paper presents various technologies for natural gas transport by sea with special attention paid to some alternative methods of transport, namely: CNG and NGH ransport technologies in contrast to LNG one

    Regression analysis use for the preliminary design of the main characteristics ro-ro trailer ships

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    W artykule przedstawiono główne charakterystyki rozwiązań projektowych typowych pojazdowców, m.in. rozplanowanie przestrzenne statku, typ konstrukcyjny. Przy wykorzystaniu analizy regresji oceniono wpływ istotności badanych parametrów. Zawarte w artykule zależności regresyjne jedno- i wieloparametrowe umożliwiają we wczesnym etapie projektowania oszacowanie wielkości statku-pojazdowca, jak i głównych jego charakterystyk.This article presents the main characteristics of typical design solutions of ro-ro trailer ships, including spatial layout of the ships and the type of design. With the use of regression analysis, the impact of the importance of the test parameters was assessed. The regression formulae, which are one and multi-veriable, can be used in preliminary design for the estimation of ro-ro trailer vessel dimensions and main characteristics

    The Determination of Power Output of the Tracking Control System of a Mining Ship

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    Dla statku wydobywczego jednym z ważniejszych systemów jest system sterowania ruchem, którego moc zależy od parametrów pogodowych w rejonie eksploatacyjnym i od wymiarów statku. Moc tego systemu będzie bardzo duża, stąd na wymiary statku będzie miał wpływ ciężar i wymiary siłowni okrętowej (elektrowni). W artykule przed-stawiono koncepcję wymiarowo-przestrzenną statku wydobywczego oraz określenie dla niej maksymalnej, zapotrzebowanej mocy systemu sterowania ruchem. Artykuł stanowi kontynuację zagadnienia przedstawionego w [2].In a mining ship, the tracking control system is one of its most significant systems. Its power output depends on weather parameters in the mining area and on dimensions of the ship. The tracking control system power is very high, thus the dimensions of the ship are considerably influenced by the weight and dimensions of the ship power plant. The article presents a spatial conception of a mining ship and the determined maximum power demand of the tracking control system. This article is a continuation of the problem described in [2]

    Analysis of optimum size of ships for natural gas transportation with the use of various transport technologies

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    Wzrost zapotrzebowania na gaz ziemny w skali światowej, jego ograniczone zasoby jak również ograniczone możliwości pobierania z miejsc występowania siecią rurociągów będą powodowały wzrost cen, dlatego należy poszukiwać alternatywnych rozwiązań technologii transportu gazu ziemnego pod względem ekonomicznym, ekologicznym i bezpieczeństwa. W artykule przedstawiono analizę projektową wraz z uproszczoną koncepcją statków do przewozu gazu w różnych jego postaciach, jako gaz skroplony (statkami LNG), gaz sprężony (statkami CNG) i gaz w postaci hydratów (statkami NGH). Scharakteryzowano i porównano główne parametry statków ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przestrzeni ładunkowej. Oszacowano ilość rejsów w ciągu roku, liczbę floty na daną trasę żeglugową oraz przybliżone koszty eksploatacyjne. W analizie przewidziano transport gazu z Norwegii do Polski.The increase in demand for natural gas in the world and the limited capacity of pipelines will cause an increase in prices; therefore, alternative natural gas transportation technologies must take into account economic, environmental and safety concerns. The article presents an analysis of the design concepts for the transport of gas in its various forms, particularly, liquefied natural gas (LNG ships), compressed natural gas (CNG ships) and in the form of gas hydrates (NGH ships). The main parameters of vessels with particular reference to cargo capacity are characterised and compared. An estimated number of voyages during the year, the number of the fleet on the route and approximate operating costs are considered. The analysis concerns the transport of natural gas from Norway to Poland

    Koncepcja techniczno-eksploatacyjna gazowca LNG

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    In connection with the current investment project of building an liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Świnoujście, an analysis of design solutions and operational features of the potential variant of an LNG carrier supplying gas from the Persian Gulf areas has been conducted. As a result of studying the waterway restrictions on the assumed route, the article presents the concept of the optimum LNG carrier size - its overall dimensions - along with an analysis of design parameters. A hull shape model was used to examine the hull resistance and propulsion system. Besides, the size of the ship engine room was estimated and the power demand of the main propulsion system was determined. The cost patterns of LNG carrier construction and operation was included as well as the estimated mean value of its construction unit cost.W związku z rozpoczętą inwestycją budowy gazoportu do obsługi skroplonego gazu ziemnego w Świnoujściu przeprowadzono analizę techniczno-eksploatacyjną potencjalnego wariantu gazowca LNG, dostarczającego gaz z obszarów Zatoki Perskiej. W wyniku przestudiowania ograniczeń drogi wodnej na założonej trasie w artykule przedstawiono koncepcję optymalnej wielkości gazowca LNG - jego wymiary wraz z analizą parametrów projektowych. Dla zamodelowanego kształtu kadłuba statku przeprowadzono wstępną analizę oporowo-napędową, oszacowano wielkość siłowni okrętowej i wyznaczono zapotrzebowaną moc napędu głównego. Zamieszczono strukturę kosztów budowy i eksploatacji gazowca LNG wraz z oszacowaniem średniej wartości jednostkowego kosztu jego budowy

    Design analysis of the mining ship to the extraction of Fe-Mn

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    In the last years, in the area of mining polymetallic nodules has been made a lot of progress in their search, assessment of the marine environment, the development of mining technology, was developed a framework for political and legal and made economic analysis. Therefore, is increasingly becoming a feasible mining of Fe-Mn on an industrial scale. One of the basic elements of the whole system of mining is mining ship, hence the article presents a scheme the determination of its size depending on the initial parameters, i.e.: the annual efficiency of mining and storage period of excavated material in the holds of the ship. Determined dependence of regression to the preliminary forecasting ship size by using the information from drill ships – deemed similar in terms of functional and architectural. As a result of analyzing the main compartments of the vessel was estimated the percentage of volume in the hull of the vessel. Performed visualization of spatial design concept of mining ship