2,376 research outputs found

    Distrofia neuroaxonal en el Rottweiler : caso clínico y revisión bibliográfica en el perro y el gato

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    Se describe el caso clínico de un Rottweiler adulto con distrofia neuroaxonal, sospechada clínicamente y confirmada mediante el estudio histopatológico (implica la presencia microscópica de dilataciones axonales). En este caso se trata de una enfermedad neurodegenerativa de carácter crónico progresivo, y con desenlace fatal. El diagnóstico presuntivo se establece en base al cuadro clínico y tras la exclusión de otras enfermedades mediante las pruebas complementarias. La distrofia neuroaxonal se presenta con mayor frecuencia en el Rottweiler que en otras razas, aunque con relativa variabilidad en el cuadro clínico

    Using Expression Profiling to Understand the Effects of Chronic Cadmium Exposure on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

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    Cadmium is a metalloestrogen known to activate the estrogen receptor and promote breast cancer cell growth. Previous studies have implicated cadmium in the development of more malignant tumors; however the molecular mechanisms behind this cadmium-induced malignancy remain elusive. Using clonal cell lines derived from exposing breast cancer cells to cadmium for over 6 months (MCF-7-Cd4, -Cd6, -Cd7, -Cd8 and -Cd12), this study aims to identify gene expression signatures associated with chronic cadmium exposure. Our results demonstrate that prolonged cadmium exposure does not merely result in the deregulation of genes but actually leads to a distinctive expression profile. The genes deregulated in cadmium-exposed cells are involved in multiple biological processes (i.e. cell growth, apoptosis, etc.) and molecular functions (i.e. cadmium/metal ion binding, transcription factor activity, etc.). Hierarchical clustering demonstrates that the five clonal cadmium cell lines share a common gene expression signature of breast cancer associated genes, clearly differentiating control cells from cadmium exposed cells. The results presented in this study offer insights into the cellular and molecular impacts of cadmium on breast cancer and emphasize the importance of studying chronic cadmium exposure as one possible mechanism of promoting breast cancer progression

    Diabetes insípida central e hipotiroidismo secundario debidos a un macroadenoma hipofisario en un perro

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    Se expone el caso de una perra que presentaba inicialmente midriasis unilateral como único signo clínico. A los 12 meses apareció también midriasis en el otro ojo junto con poliuria, polidipsia, letargia y alopecia bilateral troncal. Tras distintas pruebas se diagnosticó diabetes insípida central e hipotiroidismo secundario, presuntamente debidos a un tumor hipofisario posteriormente confirmado mediante necropsia.

    FEMsum at DUC 2006: Semantic-based approach integrated in a Flexible Eclectic Multitask Summarizer Architecture

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    In order to face different requirements at TALP Research Center we have built a highly parameterized environment allowing to instantiate specific summarizers for different summarization tasks in different languages. This paper describes and analyzes how our system deals with the DUC 2006 task of providing summary-length answers to complex questions. The given query is used to detect relevant passages. After that, semantic similarities between these relevant sentences are detected and then used as input of an iterative graph-based algorithm to avoid redundancy and obtain a cohesioned text. NIST human evaluations are used to analyze several aspects of our system and a specific analysis for each of the three different kinds of submitted summaries is reported.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Correlations Between Parental Inbred Lines and Derived Hybrid Performance for Grain Filling Traits in Maize

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    Individual kernel weight (KW) is largely genetically determined, and its variability is achieved through different combinations of rate and duration of kernel growth. Genetic variability for grain-filling patterns has been observed among inbred lines and commercial hybrids, and there is current interest on dissecting its genetic basis. However, suitable grain filling phenotyping protocols are still to be determined, such as the value to study traits at the inbred or hybrid levels. The objective of our study was to evaluate the correlation between parental inbred line and derived hybrid performance for several grain-filling traits in maize (Zea mays L.). We hypothesized that there would be high correlations due to the relative high heritability of grainfilling traits. Three trials were conducted (two in Argentina and one in the United States) with commercial relevant germplasm (totaling 25 parental inbreds and 31 single-cross hybrids). Traits were KW, kernel growth rate (KGR), grainfilling duration (GFD), maximum water content (MWC), moisture concentration at physiological maturity (MCPM), and kernel desiccation rate (KDR) during the effective grain filling. Both heterosis and correlations between midparental value and hybrid performance were significant (p < 0.05) for all traits (r values of 0.63, 0.71, 0.81, 0.83, 0.61, and 0.71 for KW, KGR, GFD, MWC, KDR, and MCPM, respectively). Our results confirm that studying inbred lines for grain-filling traits generates valuable information for derived hybrid performanceFil: Alvarez Prado, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Producción Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gambin, Brenda Laura. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Producción Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Novoa, A. Daniel. Nidera S. A; ArgentinaFil: Foster, Daniel. Syngenta Seeds; Estados UnidosFil: Senior, M. Lynn. Syngenta Biotechnology,; Estados UnidosFil: Zinselmeier, Christopher. Syngenta Seeds; Estados UnidosFil: Otegui, Maria Elena. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Borras, Lucas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Producción Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Accaparement de terres et droits de l'homme: rôle des sociétés et des entités financières européennes dans l'accaparement de terres en dehors de l'Union européenne

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    Dans les travaux de recherche antérieurs sur l'accaparement de terres, les auteurs se sont initialement intéressés aux sociétés étrangères investissant dans d'autres pays et ont mis notamment l'accent sur les sociétés implantées dans des pays tels que la Chine, les États du Golfe, la Corée du Sud et l'Inde. Ces dernières années, il est devenu évident que la palette des pays d'origine des investisseurs fonciers est bien plus large et comprend des acteurs implantés en Atlantique Nord et dans l'Union européenne. Dans la présente étude, nous fournissons des données qualitatives et quantitatives pour illustrer le rôle des entités financières et des sociétés établies dans l'Union européenne dans les transactions foncières opérées en dehors de l'Union. Cette étude analyse également le phénomène international de "ruée vers la terre" avec les droits de l'homme en arrière-plan, en examinant les répercussions de certaines transactions foncières auxquelles des investisseurs basés dans l'Union européenne participent, ainsi que leurs effets sur les populations qui vivent dans les secteurs visés par les investissements. Ces recherches s'appuient en partie sur l'étude réalisée en 2014 par Cotula sur les facteurs favorisant l'accaparement de terres et les répercussions de ce phénomène sur les droits de l'homme, mais s'en écartent également par la façon dont l'accent est mis expressément sur certains cas d'abus et de violations, potentielles ou effectives des droits de l'homme dans le cadre d'activités dans lesquelles des sociétés et des entités financières européennes sont impliquées. Dans nos conclusions, nous proposons une série de recommandations sur la façon dont l'Union européenne peut s'attaquer de façon efficace à ces problèmes

    Land Grabbing and Human Rights: the Involvement of European Corporate and Financial Entities in Land Grabbing outside the European Union

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    In early research on land grabbing, the initial focus was on foreign companies investing abroad, with a particular focus on those based in countries such as China, Gulf States, South Korea, and India. In recent years, it has become evident that the range of countries land investors originate in is far broader, and includes both North Atlantic - and EU-based actors. In this study, we offer both quantitative and qualitative data illustrating the involvement of EU-based corporate and financial entities in land deals occurring outside of the EU. This study also analyses the global land rush within a human rights framework, examining the implications of particular land deals involving EU-based investors and their impact on communities living in areas where the investments are taking place. The research presented here builds partly on Cotula’s 2014 study on the drivers and human rights implications of land grabbing, but differs in that it focuses explicitly on particular cases of possible, actual or potential human rights abuses and violations, in the context of activities involving European corporate and financial entities. In our conclusions, we offer a series of recommendations on how the EU can more effectively address these issues

    Integrative analysis of extracellular and intracellular bladder cancer cell line proteome with transcriptome: improving coverage and validity of –omics findings

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    Characterization of disease-associated proteins improves our understanding of disease pathophysiology. Obtaining a comprehensive coverage of the proteome is challenging, mainly due to limited statistical power and an inability to verify hundreds of putative biomarkers. In an effort to address these issues, we investigated the value of parallel analysis of compartment-specific proteomes with an assessment of findings by cross-strategy and cross-omics (proteomics-transcriptomics) agreement. The validity of the individual datasets and of a “verified” dataset based on cross-strategy/omics agreement was defined following their comparison with published literature. The proteomic analysis of the cell extract, Endoplasmic Reticulum/Golgi apparatus and conditioned medium of T24 vs. its metastatic subclone T24M bladder cancer cells allowed the identification of 253, 217 and 256 significant changes, respectively. Integration of these findings with transcriptomics resulted in 253 “verified” proteins based on the agreement of at least 2 strategies. This approach revealed findings of higher validity, as supported by a higher level of agreement in the literature data than those of individual datasets. As an example, the coverage and shortlisting of targets in the IL-8 signalling pathway are discussed. Collectively, an integrative analysis appears a safer way to evaluate -omics datasets and ultimately generate models from valid observations

    TALP-UPC at TREC 2005: Experiments using voting scheme among three heterogeneous QA systems

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    This paper describes the experiments of the TALP-UPC group for factoid and ’other’ (definitional) questions at TREC 2005 Main Question Answering (QA)task. Our current approach for factoid questions is based on a voting scheme among three QA systems: TALP-QA (our previous QA system), Sibyl (a new QA system developed at DAMA-UPC and TALP-UPC), and Aranea (a web-based data-driven approach). For defitional questions, we used two different systems: the TALP-QA Definitional system and LCSUM (a Summarization-based system). Our results for factoid questions indicate that the voting strategy improves the accuracy from 7.5% to 17.1%. While these numbers are low (due to technical problems in the Answer Extraction phase of TALP-QA system) they indicate that voting is a succesful approach for performance boosting of QA systems. The answer to definitional questions is produced by selecting phrases using set of patterns associated with definitions. Its results are 17.2% of F-score in the best configuration of TALP-QA Definitional system.Postprint (published version

    Anisotropic Resistivity Surfaces Produced in ITO Films by Laser‐Induced Nanoscale Self‐organization

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    Highly anisotropic resistivity surfaces are produced in indium tin oxide (ITO) films by nanoscale self‐organization upon irradiation with a fs‐laser beam operating at 1030 nm. Anisotropy is caused by the formation of laser‐induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) extended over cm‐sized regions. Two types of optimized structures are observed. At high fluence, nearly complete ablation at the valleys of the LIPSS and strong ablation at their ridges lead to an insulating structure in the direction transverse to the LIPSS and conductive in the longitudinal one. A strong diminution of In content in the remaining material is then observed, leading to a longitudinal resistivity ρL ≈ 1.0 Ω·cm. At a lower fluence, the material at the LIPSS ridges remains essentially unmodified while partial ablation is observed at the valleys. The structures show a longitudinal conductivity two times higher than the transverse one, and a resistivity similar to that of the pristine ITO film (ρ ≈ 5 × 10−4 Ω·cm). A thorough characterization of these transparent structures is presented and discussed. The compositional changes induced as laser pulses accumulate, condition the LIPSS evolution and thus the result of the structuring process. Strategies to further improve the achieved anisotropic resistivity results are also provided.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Spanish Research Agency (AEI, Ministry of Research and Innovation), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (grant numbers TEC2017-82464-R, PID2019-109603RA-I00, and PID2019-110430GB-C21), the “Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía” (PAIDI-2020 projects P18-RT-3480 and -6079). The authors also acknowledge the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas for the “Intramural Project” (201850E057). C.L.-S. acknowledges the funding of the University of Seville through the “VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la US” (VI PPIT-US). M.M.-M. acknowledges the postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva Incorporación grant (IJCI-2017-33317)) of the same ministry. C.F. thanks the support from the European Commission through the Marie Curie Global Fellowship grant number 844977. V.L.-F. thanks the support from European Commission/Junta de Andalucía Talent-Hub Program