143 research outputs found

    Schizosaccharomyces pombe Ofd2 Is a Nuclear 2-Oxoglutarate and Iron Dependent Dioxygenase Interacting with Histones

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    2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent dioxygenases are ubiquitous iron containing enzymes that couple substrate oxidation to the conversion of 2OG to succinate and carbon dioxide. They participate in a wide range of biological processes including collagen biosynthesis, fatty acid metabolism, hypoxic sensing and demethylation of nucleic acids and histones. Although substantial progress has been made in elucidating their function, the role of many 2OG dioxygenases remains enigmatic. Here we have studied the 2OG and iron (Fe(II)) dependent dioxygenase Ofd2 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a member of the AlkB subfamily of dioxygenases. We show that decarboxylation of 2OG by recombinant Ofd2 is dependent on Fe(II) and a histidine residue predicted to be involved in Fe(II) coordination. The decarboxylase activity of Ofd2 is stimulated by histones, and H2A has the strongest effect. Ofd2 interacts with all four core histones, however, only very weakly with H4. Our results define a new subclass of AlkB proteins interacting with histones, which also might comprise some of the human AlkB homologs with unknown function

    Gaze fixation improves the stability of expert juggling

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    Novice and expert jugglers employ different visuomotor strategies: whereas novices look at the balls around their zeniths, experts tend to fixate their gaze at a central location within the pattern (so-called gaze-through). A gaze-through strategy may reflect visuomotor parsimony, i.e., the use of simpler visuomotor (oculomotor and/or attentional) strategies as afforded by superior tossing accuracy and error corrections. In addition, the more stable gaze during a gaze-through strategy may result in more accurate movement planning by providing a stable base for gaze-centered neural coding of ball motion and movement plans or for shifts in attention. To determine whether a stable gaze might indeed have such beneficial effects on juggling, we examined juggling variability during 3-ball cascade juggling with and without constrained gaze fixation (at various depths) in expert performers (n = 5). Novice jugglers were included (n = 5) for comparison, even though our predictions pertained specifically to expert juggling. We indeed observed that experts, but not novices, juggled significantly less variable when fixating, compared to unconstrained viewing. Thus, while visuomotor parsimony might still contribute to the emergence of a gaze-through strategy, this study highlights an additional role for improved movement planning. This role may be engendered by gaze-centered coding and/or attentional control mechanisms in the brain

    Megascopic Quantum Phenomena. A Critical Study of Physical Interpretations

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    A megascopic revalidation is offered providing responses and resolutions of current inconsistencies and existing contradictions in present-day quantum theory. As the core of this study we present an independent proof of the Goldstone theorem for a quantum field formulation of molecules and solids. Along with phonons two types of new quasiparticles appear: rotons and translons. In full analogy with Lorentz covariance, combining space and time coordinates, a new covariance is necessary, binding together the internal and external degrees of freedom, without explicitly separating the centre-of-mass, which normally applies in both classical and quantum formulations. The generally accepted view regarding the lack of a simple correspondence between the Goldstone modes and broken symmetries, has significant consequences: an ambiguous BCS theory as well as a subsequent Higgs mechanism. The application of the archetype of the classical spontaneous symmetry breaking, i.e. the Mexican hat, as compared to standard quantum relations, i.e. the Jahn-Teller effect, superconductivity or the Higgs mechanism, becomes a disparity. In short, symmetry broken states have a microscopic causal origin, but transitions between them have a teleological component. The different treatments of the problem of the centre of gravity in quantum mechanics and in field theories imply a second type of Bohr complementarity on the many-body level opening the door for megascopic representations of all basic microscopic quantum axioms with further readings for teleonomic megascopic quantum phenomena, which have no microscopic rationale: isomeric transitions, Jahn-Teller effect, chemical reactions, Einstein-de Haas effect, superconductivity-superfluidity, and brittle fracture.Comment: 117 pages, 17 sections, final revised version from 20 May 2019 but uploaded after the DOI was know

    Global landscape review of serotype-specific invasive pneumococcal disease surveillance among countries using PCV10/13: The pneumococcal serotype replacement and distribution estimation (PSERENADE) project

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    Serotype-specific surveillance for invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is essential for assessing the impact of 10- and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV10/13). The Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation (PSERENADE) project aimed to evaluate the global evidence to estimate the impact of PCV10/13 by age, product, schedule, and syndrome. Here we systematically characterize and summarize the global landscape of routine serotype-specific IPD surveillance in PCV10/13-using countries and describe the subset that are included in PSERENADE. Of 138 countries using PCV10/13 as of 2018, we identified 109 with IPD surveillance systems, 76 of which met PSERENADE data collection eligibility criteria. PSERENADE received data from most (n = 63, 82.9%), yielding 240,639 post-PCV10/13 introduction IPD cases. Pediatric and adult surveillance was represented from all geographic regions but was limited from lower income and high-burden countries. In PSERENADE, 18 sites evaluated PCV10, 42 PCV13, and 17 both; 17 sites used a 3 + 0 schedule, 38 used 2 + 1, 13 used 3 + 1, and 9 used mixed schedules. With such a sizeable and generally representative dataset, PSERENADE will be able to conduct robust analyses to estimate PCV impact and inform policy at national and global levels regarding adult immunization, schedule, and product choice, including for higher valency PCVs on the horizon

    Investigating Population Genetic Structure in a Highly Mobile Marine Organism: The Minke Whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata in the North East Atlantic

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    Inferring the number of genetically distinct populations and their levels of connectivity is of key importance for the sustainable management and conservation of wildlife. This represents an extra challenge in the marine environment where there are few physical barriers to gene-flow, and populations may overlap in time and space. Several studies have investigated the population genetic structure within the North Atlantic minke whale with contrasting results. In order to address this issue, we analyzed ten microsatellite loci and 331 bp of the mitochondrial D-loop on 2990 whales sampled in the North East Atlantic in the period 2004 and 2007–2011. The primary findings were: (1) No spatial or temporal genetic differentiations were observed for either class of genetic marker. (2) mtDNA identified three distinct mitochondrial lineages without any underlying geographical pattern. (3) Nuclear markers showed evidence of a single panmictic population in the NE Atlantic according STRUCTURE's highest average likelihood found at K = 1. (4) When K = 2 was accepted, based on the Evanno's test, whales were divided into two more or less equally sized groups that showed significant genetic differentiation between them but without any sign of underlying geographic pattern. However, mtDNA for these individuals did not corroborate the differentiation. (5) In order to further evaluate the potential for cryptic structuring, a set of 100 in silico generated panmictic populations was examined using the same procedures as above showing genetic differentiation between two artificially divided groups, similar to the aforementioned observations. This demonstrates that clustering methods may spuriously reveal cryptic genetic structure. Based upon these data, we find no evidence to support the existence of spatial or cryptic population genetic structure of minke whales within the NE Atlantic. However, in order to conclusively evaluate population structure within this highly mobile species, more markers will be required

    Clinical chronobiology: a timely consideration in critical care medicine

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    A fundamental aspect of human physiology is its cyclical nature over a 24-h period, a feature conserved across most life on Earth. Organisms compartmentalise processes with respect to time in order to promote survival, in a manner that mirrors the rotation of the planet and accompanying diurnal cycles of light and darkness. The influence of circadian rhythms can no longer be overlooked in clinical settings; this review provides intensivists with an up-to-date understanding of the burgeoning field of chronobiology, and suggests ways to incorporate these concepts into daily practice to improve patient outcomes. We outline the function of molecular clocks in remote tissues, which adjust cellular and global physiological function according to the time of day, and the potential clinical advantages to keeping in time with them. We highlight the consequences of "chronopathology", when this harmony is lost, and the risk factors for this condition in critically ill patients. We introduce the concept of "chronofitness" as a new target in the treatment of critical illness: preserving the internal synchronisation of clocks in different tissues, as well as external synchronisation with the environment. We describe methods for monitoring circadian rhythms in a clinical setting, and how this technology may be used for identifying optimal time windows for interventions, or to alert the physician to a critical deterioration of circadian rhythmicity. We suggest a chronobiological approach to critical illness, involving multicomponent strategies to promote chronofitness (chronobundles), and further investment in the development of personalised, time-based treatment for critically ill patients