5 research outputs found

    Quantifying the paleogeographic driver of Cretaceous carbonate platform development using paleoecological niche modeling

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    International audiencePlatform carbonates are a major component of the Earth System but their spatial extent through geological time is difficult to reconstruct, due to the incompleteness of the geological record, sampling heterogeneity and their intrinsic complexity. Here we use coupled ecological niche modeling and deep-time general circulation models to predict the occurrence of platform carbonates at the global scale during the Cretaceous. Specifically, niche modeling uses fuzzy logic to predict probable occurrence of platform carbonates as a function of sea-surface temperature, sea-surface salinity, primary productivity and water depth. The first three parameters derive from Cretaceous global paleoclimatic simulations using a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model, while bathymetry is based on paleogeographical reconstructions. Model predictions are validated with the well documented and abundant geological data from the Aptian. The methodologies developed for the Aptian are subsequently extended to other Cretaceous time intervals. The results of the niche model accurately predict the geographic distribution of Aptian carbonate platforms if a preference for low open-marine productivity levels is assumed for the rudist-dominated carbonate factories. However, if a preference for high productivity levels is assumed, the modeling results do not match the reported global distribution of Aptian carbonate platforms. From the Early Cretaceous into the Late Cretaceous sea level rose and the continents, on average, moved into lower latitudes. The model predicts a corresponding increase in the extent of the carbonate platforms, mainly due to the increasing extent of shallow-water environments available to carbonate development. These results indicate that long-term sea-level rise may have been a major factor responsible for the increase in the area of platform carbonates during the Cretaceous

    Carbonate platform production during the Cretaceous.

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    5 pagesInternational audiencePlatform carbonates are among the most voluminous of Cretaceous deposits. The production of carbonate platforms fluctuated through time. Yet, the reasons for these fluctuations are not well understood, and the underlying mechanisms remain largely unconstrained. Here we document the long-term trend in Cretaceous carbonate platform preservation based on a new data compilation and use a climate-carbon cycle model to explore the drivers of carbonate platform production during the Cretaceous. We show that neritic carbonate preservation rates followed a unimodal pattern during the Cretaceous and reached maximum values during the mid-Cretaceous (Albian, 110 Ma). Coupled climate-carbon cycle modeling reveals that this maximum in carbonate deposition results from a unique combination of high volcanic degassing rates and widespread shallow-marine environments that served as a substrate for neritic carbonate deposition. Our experiments demonstrate that the unimodal pattern in neritic carbonate accumulation agrees well with most of the volcanic degassing scenarios for the Cretaceous. Our results suggest that the first-order temporal evolution of neritic carbonate production during the Cretaceous reflects changes in continental configuration and volcanic degassing. Geodynamics, by modulating accommodation space, and turnovers in the dominant biota probably played a role as well, but it is not necessary to account for the latter processes to explain the first-order trend in Cretaceous neritic carbonate accumulation in our simulations

    Late Barremian–early Aptian ammonite bioevents from the Urgonian-type series of Provence, southeast France: Regional stratigraphic correlations and implications for dating the peri-Vocontian carbonate platforms

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    This work provides a new ammonite age-calibration of the rudistid limestones of the Urgonian-type Provence carbonate platform (Southeast France) based on sampling along three ~200 km-long platform to-basin transects and re-examination of historical collections. Ammonite key findings indicate that the first rudistid platform stage (including the Agriopleura and requieniidemonopleurid beds) develops and spreads northward through the Toxancyloceras vandenheckii-Gerhardtia sartousiana zones interval (lower upper Barremian). This stage is interrupted by the tectonically-induced deepening of the southern Provence domain during the Imerites giraudi Zone while the northern regions records the massive deposition of PalorbitolinaeHeteraster beds. Recovery of the rudistid carbonate system is illustrated by the development of caprinid-bearing rudistid limestones in the North Provence domain through the Martelites sarasini Subzone (lower Martelites sarasini Zone, uppermost Barremian), which shows a bidirectional progradation toward the South Provence and Vocontian basins. The caprinid-bearing limestones terminate at a shortterm exposure and are overlain by chertyeoobioclastic deposits spanning the Pseudocrioceras waagenoides Subzone (upper M. sarasini Zone) to the lower Deshayesites forbesi Zone. A regional-wide flooding of the study area is illustrated by the abrupt change to a marl-dominated regime occurring in the upper D. forbesi Zone. Compared to the previous datings, the Barremian/Aptian boundary should be relocated in the lower part of the post-caprinid, chertyeoobioclastic deposits although its precise level cannot be fixed due to the lack of a continuous ammonite record. Ammonite age-calibration of the surrounding Urgonian rudistid platform series is discussed and gives evidence of a comparable twofold demise of the peri-Vocontian rudistid biota during the uppermost Barremian. Accordingly, the link between the final demise of the peri-Vocontian rudistid biota and the onset and/or culmination of the mid-early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a should be reconsidered

    Discovery of Messinian canyons and new seismic stratigraphic model, offshore Provence (SE France): Implications for the hydrographic network reconstruction

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    International audienceThe interpretation of high-resolution 2D marine seismic profiles together with the analysis of sea-bottom cores allowed a stratigraphic and structural framework of the Provence continental shelf to be proposed. The integration of onshore and offshore stratigraphy, structure and geomorphology provided new insights into Messinian paleotopography and paleohydrography. A geological map of the offshore Provence continental shelf, isobath map of the base Plio-Quaternary surface are presented for the first time in this area. The base Plio-Quaternary surface is a polyphased unconformity that is composed of deep canyons developed by fluvial erosion during the Messinian event, and wave-cut surfaces formed during post-Messinian transgressions. The study evidenced a deep, E-W-trending canyon (Bandol canyon) connected to the head of the Cassidaigne canyon, and filled with up to 600 m-thick Plio-Quaternary deposits. The development of canyons on the Provence margin during the Messinian event was dominantly controlled by the lithology and structure of pre-Messinian formations. A map of the Messinian paleo-drainage network is proposed to explain the presence of deep canyons in the Eastern area and the lack of incision in the Western area. An underground karst drainage scheme is proposed, linked with the current submarine Port-Miou spring

    Platform-to-basin anatomy of a Barremian–Aptian Tethyan carbonate system: New insights into the regional to global factors controlling the stratigraphic architecture of the Urgonian Provence platform (southeast France)

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