305 research outputs found

    Acute and sub-chronic pre-clinical toxicological study of Averrhoa carambola L. (Oxalidaceae)

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    Averrhoa carambola L., a species belonging to the Oxalidaceae family, is associated with neurological symptoms in individuals with renal diseases. The objective of this work was to accomplish a preclinical toxicological study of the hydroalcoholic extract (HE) from A. carambola leaves. Wistar rats and Swiss mice, both male and female, were used in these experiments. The rats were used in the acute toxicity assessment, with the extract administered at doses of 0.1 to 8.0 g/kg (oral route), and 0.5 to 3.0 g/kg (via intraperitoneal route). The mice received the extract in doses of 0.5 to 5.0 g/kg (via oral and intraperitoneal routes) and were observed for 14 days. Rats were also used in the sub-chronic toxicity evaluation, and divided into three groups (n=10): control group, HE 0.125 g/kg and HE 0.25 g/kg. These animals received HE for a 60 day period, at the end of which a macroscopic analysis of selected organs was performed with biochemical analysis of the blood. The acute toxicity assessment revealed that the HE of A. carambola L. presented low toxicity in the mice and rats. Furthermore, no signs of toxicity were present in the sub-chronic assessment.Keywords: Averrhoa carambola L., Oxalidaceae, acute toxicity, sub-chronic toxicityAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(40), pp. 5917-592

    An overview of the alfa crux cubesat mission for narrowband communication

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    The development and operation of a reliable voice and data communication systems in remote or difficult-to-reach areas is still a challenge in the modern world. In this framework, the mission Alfa Crux, based on a nanosatellite system under development at the Laboratory of Simulation and Control of Aerospace Systems (LODESTAR), University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, proposes the use of narrow bandwidth to create data and voice connections from low orbit. The Alfa Crux system aims at contributing to improve agricultural monitoring, water level controlling in rivers and reservoirs, as well as improving the communications technology between devices (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT), especially in remote regions where communication infrastructures on land are unreliable or cost prohibitive. The main problem addressed in this work concerns the development of a nanosatellite communication system based on UHF amateur radio frequency band. The choice of the frequency band is based on the fact that the use of narrowband in nanosatellite communication systems has relevant characteristics such as energy efficiency, spectrum, reliability, performance, safety, communication range, among others. This paper presents an overview of the communication architecture of the space mission of the Alfa Crux nanosatellite

    A rare genomic duplication in 2p14 underlies autosomal dominant hearing loss DFNA58

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    Here we define a ~ 200Kb genomic duplication in 2p14 as the genetic signature that segregates with post-lingual progressive sensorineural autosomal dominant hearing loss in 20 affected individuals from the DFNA58 family, first reported in 2009. The duplication includes two entire genes, PLEK and CNRIP1, and the first exon of PPP3R1 (protein-coding), in addition to four uncharacterized long noncoding (lnc) RNA genes and part of a novel protein-coding gene. Quantitative analysis of mRNA expression in blood samples revealed selective overexpression of CNRIP1 and of two lncRNA genes (LOC107985892 and LOC102724389) in all affected members tested, but not in unaffected ones. Qualitative analysis of mRNA expression identified also fusion transcripts involving parts of PPP3R1, CNRIP1 and an intergenic region between PLEK and CNRIP1, in the blood of all carriers of the duplication, but were heterogeneous in nature. By in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence, we showed that Cnrip1, Plek and Ppp3r1 genes are all expressed in the adult mouse cochlea including the spiral ganglion neurons, suggesting changes in expression levels of these genes in the hearing organ could underlie the DFNA58 form of deafness. Our study highlights the value of studying rare genomic events leading to hearing loss such as copy number variations. Further studies will be required to determine which of these genes, either coding proteins or non-coding RNAs, is or are responsible for DFNA58 hearing loss

    Uso da acupressão para minimizar desconfortos na gestação

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    Objetivo: Descrever respostas emitidas por gestantes, quanto à melhora dos desconfortos gravídicos após aplicação da técnica da acupressão.Método: Estudo qualitativo e descritivo desenvolvido com 15 gestantes entre novembro de 2013 e fevereiro de 2014 em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Natal-RN, Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista não estruturada, e os depoimentos, depois de transcritos e tratados de acordo com a proposta operativa de Minayo, foram lidos criteriosamente, comparados entre si e organizados em dois grupos.Resultados: As categorias suscitadas foram: Repercussões positivas da acupressão e Recomendações do uso da acupressão. Segundo as gestantes, os desconfortos da gravidez como câimbras, cansaço nos membros inferiores, lombalgia e cefaleia diminuíram com o uso da acupressão.Conclusões: Baseado nos resultados obtidos, a acupressão deve ser introduzida pela(o) enfermeira(o) em consultas pré-natais como recurso terapêutico em prol da obtenção do bem-estar da gestante.Palavras-chave: Enfermagem obstétrica. Cuidado pré-natal. Acupressão. Humanização da assistência

    A Qualitative View of Drug Use Behaviors of Mexican Male Injection Drug Users Deported from the United States

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    Deportees are a hidden yet highly vulnerable and numerous population. Significantly, little data exists about the substance use and deportation experiences of Mexicans deported from the United States. This pilot qualitative study describes illicit drug use behaviors among 24 Mexico-born male injection drug users (IDUs), ≥18 years old, residing in Tijuana, Mexico who self-identified as deportees from the United States. In-person interviews were conducted in Tijuana, Mexico in 2008. Content analysis of interview transcripts identified major themes in participants’ experiences. Few participants had personal or family exposures to illicit drugs prior to their first U.S. migration. Participants reported numerous deportations. Social (i.e., friends/family, post-migration stressors) and environmental factors (e.g., drug availability) were perceived to contribute to substance use initiation in the U.S. Drugs consumed in the United States included marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and crack. More than half of men were IDUs prior to deportation. Addiction and justice system experiences reportedly contributed to deportation. After deportation, several men injected new drugs, primarily heroin or methamphetamine, or a combination of both drugs. Many men perceived an increase in their substance use after deportation and reported shame and loss of familial social and economic support. Early intervention is needed to stem illicit drug use in Mexican migrant youths. Binational cooperation around migrant health issues is warranted. Migrant-oriented programs may expand components that address mental health and drug use behaviors in an effort to reduce transmission of blood-borne infections. Special considerations are merited for substance users in correctional systems in the United States and Mexico, as well as substance users in United States immigration detention centers. The health status and health behaviors of deportees are likely to impact receiving Mexican communities. Programs that address health, social, and economic issues may aid deportees in resettling in Mexico

    Understory Bird Communities in Amazonian Rainforest Fragments: Species Turnover through 25 Years Post-Isolation in Recovering Landscapes

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    Inferences about species loss following habitat conversion are typically drawn from short-term surveys, which cannot reconstruct long-term temporal dynamics of extinction and colonization. A long-term view can be critical, however, to determine the stability of communities within fragments. Likewise, landscape dynamics must be considered, as second growth structure and overall forest cover contribute to processes in fragments. Here we examine bird communities in 11 Amazonian rainforest fragments of 1–100 ha, beginning before the fragments were isolated in the 1980s, and continuing through 2007. Using a method that accounts for imperfect detection, we estimated extinction and colonization based on standardized mist-net surveys within discreet time intervals (1–2 preisolation samples and 4–5 post-isolation samples). Between preisolation and 2007, all fragments lost species in an area-dependent fashion, with loss of as few as <10% of preisolation species from 100-ha fragments, but up to 70% in 1-ha fragments. Analysis of individual time intervals revealed that the 2007 result was not due to gradual species loss beginning at isolation; both extinction and colonization occurred in every time interval. In the last two samples, 2000 and 2007, extinction and colonization were approximately balanced. Further, 97 of 101 species netted before isolation were detected in at least one fragment in 2007. Although a small subset of species is extremely vulnerable to fragmentation, and predictably goes extinct in fragments, developing second growth in the matrix around fragments encourages recolonization in our landscapes. Species richness in these fragments now reflects local turnover, not long-term attrition of species. We expect that similar processes could be operating in other fragmented systems that show unexpectedly low extinction

    A novel fragment derived from the β chain of human fibrinogen, β43–63, is a potent inhibitor of activated endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo

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    Background: Angiogenesis and haemostasis are closely linked within tumours with many haemostatic proteins regulating tumour angiogenesis. Indeed we previously identified a fragment of human fibrinogen, fibrinogen E-fragment (FgnE) with potent anti-angiogenic properties in vitro and cytotoxic effects on tumour vessels in vivo. We therefore investigated which region of FgnE was mediating vessel cytotoxicity. Methods: Human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) were used to test the efficacy of peptides derived from FgnE on proliferation, migration, differentiation, apoptosis and adhesion before testing the efficacy of an active peptide on tumour vasculature in vivo. Results: We identified a 20-amino-acid peptide derived from the β chain of FgnE, β43–63, which had no effect on EC proliferation or migration but markedly inhibited the ability of activated ECs to form tubules or to adhere to various constituents of the extracellular matrix – collagen IV, fibronectin and vitronectin. Furthermore, our data show that β43–63 interacts with ECs, in part, by binding to αvβ3, so soluble αvβ3 abrogated β43–63 inhibition of tubule formation by activated ECs. Finally, when injected into mice bearing tumour xenografts, β43–63 inhibited tumour vascularisation and induced formation of significant tumour necrosis. Conclusions: Taken together, these data suggest that β43–63 is a novel anti-tumour peptide whose anti-angiogenic effects are mediated by αvβ3