749 research outputs found

    Exploring the Connections between Information Literacy and Writing for International Students

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    a mixed-method investigation of undergraduate and graduate international students' proficiencies in both information literacy and academic writing to see if a relationship exists between the

    Recreational Reading of International Students in Academic Libraries

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    survey of international students in a university library as to whether or not they engage in recreational reading and if they think it helps their language learnin

    International Activities of Canadian Librarians

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    Guest editorial for themed issue on international activities of Canadian librarians

    Is Library Database Searching a Language Learning Activity?

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    A qualitative research study that asked international students how they thought of words to enter into a library database to see if language learning was also involved

    Il rischio di recidiva di epatocarcinoma dopo trapianto di fegato

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    Il rischio di recidiva di epatocarcinoma dopo trapianto di fegato Introduzione: Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di valutare il rischio di recidiva di carcinoma epatocellulare (HCC) dopo trapianto di fegato (LT) nei pazienti sottoposti a retrostadiazione pre-trapianto mediante embolizzazione intra-epatica trans-arteriosa (TACE). Materiali e metodi: Abbiamo condotto un’analisi retrospettiva di un database raccolto prospetticamente presso la nostra istituzione. I criteri d’inclusione comprendevano: riceventi adulti (18 anni); trapianto epatico primario da donatore cadavere; trattamento pre-trapianto con TACE e almeno un controllo post-TACE con tecnica d’imaging con contrasto, e disponibilità dell’analisi patologica del fegato nativo e di dati clinici. La documentazione radiologica è stata rivista retrospettivamente e la risposta alla TACE valutata secondo i criteri mRECIST. Sono state identificate le variabili associate al rischio di recidiva di HCC e i pazienti poi stratificati sulla base dei fattori di rischio presenti. Risultati: Da Agosto 1996 a Dicembre 2014, XXX pazienti son stati sottoposti a TACE prima del LT. Cinquantadue pazienti sono stati esclusi dall’analisi per mancanza di un controllo radiologico post-TACE e and XXX sono stati inclusi nella presente analisi (M/F: 148/16; età mediana: 57 anni). Il follow-up mediano dell’intera popolazione era di 5,5 anni (estremi: 3,0-9,7). Pazienti affetti da epatocarcinoma al di fuori dei criteri di Milano (p=0.006), un livello sierico di alfafetoproteina (AFP) post-TACE AFP >200 ng/mL (p=0.09) e l’assenza di risposta radiologica completa (p=0.08) erano associati con un rischio superiore di recidiva post-trapianto. Il tasso di recidiva a 5 anni è stato dello 0%, 5,0% e 22,6% per i pazienti senza fattori di rischio (=36), con un fattore di rischio (=86) o 2-3 fattori di rischio (n=42), rispettivamente (p<0,0001). Conclusioni: La combinazione dello stadio di neoplasia prima della retrostadiazione (Milano vs. fuori Milano), la biologia (AFP) e la risposta alla TACE consente una migliore stratificazione dei pazienti e potrebbe essere impiegata per guidare l’allocazione del graft epatico

    Adult education and academic libraries

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    Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this review is to offer practicing academic librarians an overview of adult education theories as a way to more deeply understand and further foster adult learning in academic libraries. Design/methodology approach – This article is a literature review. Findings – This review introduces academic librarians to a range of specific adult education learning theories, it offers examples of academic library users engaging in these types of adult learning, it considers how academic libraries can further foster adult learning, and it identifies major characteristics of adult learners. Originality/value – This literature review offers a summative overview of adult education in a way that has not appeared in the library literature to date, along with explicit connections between adult education theories and academic library practices

    Review of the Cambrian Stratigraphy of the Argentine Precordillera

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    The Cambrian rocks of the Argentine Precordillera are analyzed and updated providing a new stratigraphic interpretation. The lithostratigraphic assemblages provide evidence that the Precordilleran Cambrian Basin was a rimmed platform. The lithostratigraphy record enables to distinguish three large areas corresponding to an inner platform, an outer platform to slope environment and a mixed zone where both platforms and the rim interfinger. The biostratigraphic proposal based on trilobites include restricted shelf biozones to the East, characterized by sparse, endemic and low diversity polymeroid faunules. Moreover, to the West outer shelf biozones are characterized by widespread, high diversity, mixed endemic and cosmopolitan polymeroid and agnostoid faunas. The lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data prove the existence of an important hiatus near the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary, which is correlated to the Hawke Bay regressive event recorded along the eastern margin of Laurentia. The Olenellus Zone assemblage trilobites underlies the Glossopleura or the Ehmaniella Zone. The early Middle Cambrian zones (from Plagiura-Poliella to Albertella) are lacking in the whole Precordillera

    2017 ‘Why Humanities?’ Finalist

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    As a 2017 finalist of the University of Windsor’s Humanities Research Group’s ‘Why Humanities?’ undergraduate essay/creative project contest, Maria Bordonaro’s poem challenges the common notion that the Humanities are dead and provides their answer to ‘Why the Humanities’

    The street and children’s informal economy in Cape Verde

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    Since the 1990s Cape Verde has undergone dramatic economic and political transformations that have brought about growing social class distinction. The two main towns (Praia and Mindelo) have grown rapidly in the last decades and their urban structure today reflects the increasing polarisation of the population. Middle and upper class families occupy the older parts of town and the recently built planned areas, while spontaneous neighbourhoods spread without planning on the less valuable land. It is in these latter areas that most social issues associated with childhood and youth have become highly visible in the last decade. In this article I will focus on children’s reasons for going to live on the streets of Mindelo, arguing that it is in terms of autonomous mobility within a non-heterogeneous and profoundly divided urban and social space that we can better understand what is commonly defined as the phenomenon of street children
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