121 research outputs found
The Balkan Slavs solidarity during the great Eastern crisis (1875–1878) and their assistance to Russia in the Russo-Turkish war (1877–1878)
Niezdolność armii Imperium Osmańskiego do stłumienia buntu w Bośni i Hercegowinie
w 1875 wywołała podniecenie wśród narodów słowiańskich na calych Bałkanach. Słowiańskie narody Bałkanów dołączyły do swoich braci z Bośni i Hercegowiny w walce przeciwko Turkom. W latach Wielkiego Kryzysu Wschodniego (1875-1878) Serbia i Czarnogóra wypowiedziała wojnę Imprerium Osmańskiemu, a w Bułgarii i w Tureckiej Macedonii wybuchły liczne powstania. Narody bałkańskie wspierały się wzajemnie w walce przeciwko Imprerium, pomogły także armii rosyjskiej w czasie wojny rosyjsko-tureckiej (1877–1878) wysyłając wolontariuszy, jak również ubrania, żywność, leki, itp, mając nadzieję, że wielki słowiański brat z północy pomoże im wypędzić Turków z Bałkan i przyniesie im wyzwolenie i wolnoś
This scientific paper determined the microbiological quality of Macedonian white brined cheese. Four best variants of Macedonian white brined cheeses were analysed for their microbiological parameters. From pathogenic microflora the following parameters were examined: a total number of Coliforms, E. coli, pathogenic staphylococci, Molds, Yeast, Listeria and Salmonella. From lactic acid bacteria the following parameters were examined: the total number of Lactococcus bacteria and the total number of Lactobacillus bacteria. In all examined cheese samples pathogenic bacteria were not detected. Lactococcus bacteria was dominant bacteria in all four cheese variants at the beginning of ripening period till day 20. After that and at the end of ripening period (60 day) the Lactobacillus bacteria were predominant.
El puerto de Concordia (1905-1910), una mirada desde la prensa escrita
A fines del siglo XIX, la ciudad de Concordia poseía el tercer puerto delinterior en importancia por el volumen de tráfico en mercaderías, tantoentrante como saliente y también de personas que arribaban. Se estabaen medio del aluvión inmigratorio y la zona era propicia para el mercadointernacional y la acogida de nuevos brazos para trabajar las fértilestierras de las lomadas entrerrianas
Utjecaj položaja furnira u strukturi furnirskih ploča na njihovu vlačnu čvrstoću
The aim of the research presented in this paper is to study the plywood tensile strength through a change of the position of layers in the panel structure around the central axis, without changing the number and thickness of veneers. So far, it has been known that the veneer layout in plywood structure has a significant impact on plywood bending properties. Besides these mechanical properties, the tensile strength of plywood is also a property that can define the use of plywood as a structural or non-structural panel. For studying the impact of veneer layout on plywood tensile strength, experimental models of nine-layer plywood were made. The models were made from peeled beech veneer with the thickness of 1.2, 1.5, 2.2 and 3.2 mm. The modelling was performed on the basis of changing the position of veneer, 3.2 mm thick, around the central axis. Pure water-soluble phenol-formaldehyde resin was used as plywood binder. The tensile strength of plywood panels was tested in five directions: parallel and perpendicular to the face grain, as well as at the angle of 22.5°, 45° and 67.5° to the face grain of the plywood panel. On the basis of the obtained data for tensile strength in different directions of plywood panel, the coefficient of equality of tensile strength of plywood models was calculated (Ket). The coefficient of mass quality (Kmq) was calculated, too. The research results showed that different veneer layouts in plywood structure have a significant impact on plywood tensile strength. All tested plywood models meet the defined values of tensile strength in accordance with the requirements of the national (МКС) standard for structural plywood for use in construction. Different layouts of veneer sheets in panel structure give opportunities for production of panels with different strength characteristics.U radu su opisana istraživanja čiji je cilj bio proučiti vlačnu čvrstoću furnirskih ploča s obzirom na promjenu položaja furnira u strukturi ploče oko središnje osi, bez promjene broja i debljine furnira. Do danas je poznato da položaj furnira u strukturi furnirskih ploča ima znatan utjecaj na savojna svojstva furnirskih ploča. Osim savojnih svojstava furnirskih ploča, važna je i njihova vlačna čvrstoća, koja može utjecati na to hoće li furnirske ploče biti primijenjene kao strukturni ili kao nestrukturni element. Za proučavanje utjecaja položaja furnira na vlačnu čvrstoću furnirske ploče izrađeni su eksperimentalni modeli devetoslojnih furnirskih ploča. Modeli su napravljeni od bukovih ljuštenih furnira debljine 1,2; 1,5; 2,2 i 3,2 mm. Modeliranje je obavljeno na temelju promjene položaja furnira debljine 3,2 mm oko središnje osi. Kao vezivo je upotrijebljena čista vodotopljiva fenol-formaldehidna smola. Vlačna čvrstoća furnirskih ploča ispitana je u pet smjerova: paralelno i okomito na smjer vlakanaca vanjskih furnira te pod kutom od 22,5°, 45° i 67,5° s obzirom na smjer vlakanaca vanjskih furniraploče. Na temelju dobivenih podataka o vlačnoj čvrstoći u različitim smjerovima ploče, izračunan je koeficijent jednakosti vlačne čvrstoće modela furnirskih ploča (Ket). Također je izračunan i koefi cijent masene kvalitete (Kmq). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da različit položaj furnira u strukturi furnirskih ploča znatno utječe na njihovu vlačnu čvrstoću. Svi ispitani modeli furniskih ploča zadovoljavaju vrijednosti vlačne čvrstoće definirane u skladu s makedonskim normama za strukturne furnirske ploče namijenjene uporabi u graditeljstvu. Različit položaj furnira u strukturi ploče omogućuje proizvodnju ploča različitih svojstava čvrstoće
Characteristics of Medium Density Fiberboards for Furniture Production and Interior Application
BACKGROUND: The paper analyzes the properties of medium density fiberboards (MDF) intended for furniture production and interior application. Because MDF panels are one of the mostly used wood-based panels in furniture production sector in the Republic of Macedonia it is important to know and understand their basic physical and mechanical properties. AIM: For better understanding of MDF panels and their proper end use by the furniture constructors and designers, physical and mechanical properties of MDF panels present in the market are tested.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Commercially produced MDF panels taken from one company from wood-based panel market were tested. Evaluation of the quality of the panels was made on the basis of the obtained results for the physical and mechanical properties of the panels. Properties of MDF were tested according to the national MKS standards and European norms.RESULTS: Tested MDF panels present on our market are characterized by good physical and mechanical properties that meet the requirements of the standards for MDF for use in dry conditions including furniture production and interior applications.CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended to avoid application of these MDF panels in high humidity conditions for a longer exploitation period. For this kind of applications, such as bathroom areas, the furniture constructors and interior designers should consider use of MDF.H type of panel for application in high humidity conditions, which will provide good dimensional stability of the products during whole exploitation period
O acesso a terra e a justiça social em Rondônia: o caso do território zona da mata
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada junto ao
Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente,
Área de concentração em Políticas Públicas e
Desenvolvimento Regional, para a obtenção do
título de Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional e
Meio Ambiente. Orientador: Dr. Emanuel Fernando
Maia de SouzaA colonização e ocupação do território amazônico se deram através da visão
desenvolvimentista do Estado Brasileiro. Neste processo os programas de ordenamento
territorial e desenvolvimento, sobretudo econômico, oriundos de programas e políticas
macroeconômicas do governo federal, como o Plano Nacional do Desenvolvimento (PND) e
POLONOROESTE configuraram inicialmente as disposições territoriais e modalidades de
uso e ocupação do ambiente, pautados na extração dos recursos naturais e nas atividades
agropecuárias. Todavia ao longo dos anos, estas organizações territoriais externas foram
paulatinamente substituídas por processos endógenos de organização derivados da pluralidade
socioeconômica e diversidade étnica e cultural resultante da ocupação. Com este trabalho,
objetiva-se analisar a estrutura fundiária frente aos indicadores econômicos e sociais do
Território da Zona da Mata rondoniense, no âmbito das discussões do desenvolvimento
sustentável na Amazônia. No início do processo de colonização da região foram concedidas
propriedades com até 100 ha, entretanto, com o aumento da população migrante, as
propriedades distribuídas se tornaram menores, a ponto de serem inviáveis de garantir a
qualidade de vida e geração de renda das famílias assentadas, que associados à ausência de
processos indutores de desenvolvimento apropriados para as condições locais, acarretaram
elevados níveis de pobreza e baixos índices de desenvolvimento humano nos municípios da
região. Tomando como estudo de caso o Projeto de Assentamento Rio Muqui, em Nova
Brasilândia D’Oeste, foi verificado que a ausência do poder público em acompanhar as etapas
de criação, instalação e consolidação dos assentamentos acarretou no abandono, invasão e
vendas de lotes destinados à reforma agrária, reconfigurando a extensão de cada lote,
inviabilizando o uso previsto para a terra. Tal processo culminou atualmente no
fracionamento e na aglutinação de propriedades, acarretando num panorama de êxodo rural e
de concentração fundiária. Conclui-se que os programas de colonização e reforma agrária,
realizados na Zona da Mata rondoniense não foram suficientes para cumprir as metas
previstas para um novo ordenamento fundiário bem como para o desenvolvimento humano
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in a Patient with Primary Ovarian Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
The primary ovarian lymphoma is a rare disease with poor prognosis. The incidence of autoimmune hemolytic anemia in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is estimated at 3%. However, a substantial portion of the previously reported cases of ovarian lymphoma actually represented ovarian involvement by more diffuse lymphomatous process. If stringent criteria are used for case selection, true primary ovarian lymphoma usually carries a favorable prognosis. We present a primary malignant lymphoma of ovary accompanied by autoimmune hemolytic anemia in a 29-yr-old patient. After ablative surgery, the hemoglobin level and the reticulocyte count were normalized. One year following surgery and chemotherapy, the patient is alive and disease free
A Rare Case of Soft Tissue Erdheim Chester Disease: Diagnostic Dilemma and Management
BACKGROUND: Erdheim Chester disease (ECD) is a rare form of non-Langerhans histiocytosis that still presents a diagnostic and clinical dilemma.
CASE PRESENTATION: We present a rare case of ECD, young 31 male with atypical localisation and soft tissue presentation and no bone involvement. He started clinical investigations due to subcutaneous tumour mass in the lumbar spine that caused severe back pain. Skin biopsy revealed ECD with Immunohistochemistry CD68+, CD10+, CD11c+, vimentin+, S100A4+. Activating BRAFV600E mutation was positive from the tumour tissue. The patient was referred to the haematology department. PET CT was performed for initial disease staging. Treatment was started with corticosteroids (methylprednisolone 0.5 mg/kg per day), and after 7 days, a significant clinical improvement was noticed in terms of pain disappearance with no need for pain killers. After two weeks, treatment with interferon Alfa (IFN-α) was started in a dose of 3 million units 3 times per week. After 4 months of interim treatment PET, CT revealed a significant reduction of the tumour mass. Therapy with IFN-α was continued, and the patient is still clinically in good condition.
CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that shortening the time of diagnosis of ECD is essential in treatment outcome of this disease. Still, large studies have to confirm the best treatment of this rare condition
Transitions to food democracy through multilevel governance
status: publishe
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