71 research outputs found


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    This article sought to identify the representations of maternalist duties with physical education in the women's magazines Jornal das Moças and O Cruzeiro from 1930 to 1950. The methodology consisted in the search for these representations through the evidential paradigm and documentary analysis of reports. The analysis revealed that the main representations of duties with physical education were related to her and her children, namely the body educator. In addition, it was identified that the journalistic periodicals reinforced the role of mothers as an extension of the school space for the education of their children's bodies, based on the precepts of the discipline of physical education. Being a mother" was considered a divine conception and a social duty with the purpose of forming good citizens for the country.Este artículo buscó identificar las representaciones de los deberes maternalistas en las revistas femeninas Jornal das Moças y O Cruzeiro en el período de 1930 a 1950. La metodología consistió en una búsqueda de esas representaciones a través del paradigma evidencial y el análisis documental de los reportajes. El análisis reveló que las principales representaciones de los deberes fueron: esposa y educadora del cuerpo. Además, se identificó que los periódicos periodísticos reforzaron el papel de las madres como extensión del espacio escolar para la educación del cuerpo de sus hijos, a partir de preceptos de la disciplina de la educación física. “Ser madre” era considerado una concepción divina y un deber social con el fin de formar buenos ciudadanos para la patria. Palabras llave: Madres, Representación, Revista de Mujeres, Jornal das Moças, O Cruzeiro.Este artigo buscou identificar quais as representações dos deveres maternalistas com a educação física nas revistas femininas Jornal das Moças e O Cruzeiro no período de 1930 a 1950. A metodologia consistiu em uma busca por essas representações por meio do paradigma indiciário e a análise documental de reportagens. A análise revelou que as principais representações dos deveres com a educação física foram relacionados a si mesma e aos filhos, a saber: educadora do corpo. Além disso, identificou-se que os periódicos jornalísticos reforçaram a função das mães como extensão do espaço escolar para a educação dos corpos dos filhos, baseados em preceitos da disciplina de educação física. O “ser mãe” era considerado uma concepção divina e dever social com o propósito de criar bons cidadãos para a pátria. Palavras-chaves: Mães, Representação, Revista Feminina, Jornal das Moças, O Cruzeiro

    Bodily practices and healthy bodies: representations of gymnastics in a brazilian women’s magazine (1940–1950)

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    This research aims to understand the influence of bodily practices, especially gymnastics, in the construction of representations of a healthy body conveyed in a Brazilian women’s magazine in the 1940s and 1950s. We use records from the Jornal das Moças magazine for the analysis based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of cultural history. The results show that gymnastics for women was linked to body maintenance and used as a tool for establishing a body standard, thus disciplining and shapingthe construction of women’s health concepts, determined by the aesthetic bias of that period: a slim body as an ideal standard of beauty and health

    Reduction in erosive tooth wear using stannous fluoride-containing dentifrices : a meta-analysis

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    Dentifrices containing different active agents may be helpful to allow rehardening and to increase the resistance of the eroded surface to further acids or mechanical impacts. This study aimed to compare the effects of conventional (sodium fluoride [NaF]) and stannous fluoride (SnF2)-containing dentifrices on reducing erosive tooth wear (ETW). The PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, LILACS, BBO, EMBASE, TRIP electronic databases, and grey literature were searched until January 2021 to retrieve relevant in vitro and in situ studies related to research question. There were no restrictions on publication year or language. Two authors independently selected the studies, extracted the data, and assessed the risk of bias. ETW data were pooled to calculate and compare both dentifrices (overall analysis) and in vitro and in situ studies separately (subgroup analysis). Statistical analyses were performed using RevMan5.3 with a random effects model. Of 820 potentially eligible studies, 101 were selected for full-text analysis, and 8 were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. There was a significant difference between SnF2-containing dentifrices and NaF dentifrices only for in vitro studies (p=0.04), showing a higher effect of the SnF2-containing dentifrices against the erosion/abrasion (effect size: -6.80 95%CI: -13.42; -0.19). Most in vitro and in situ studies had high and low risk of bias, respectively. In vitro literature suggests that the ETW reduction is greater when using SnF2-containing dentifrices instead NaF-containing dentifrices. However, the evidence level is insufficient for definitive conclusions. Clinical trials are necessary for a better understanding of the effect of these compounds on ETW


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    The present study aims to identify the representations of the relationships between women and soccer published in the Jornal das Moças from 1941 to 1965, during the period of the Art. 54 of Decree-Law 3,199/1941, which delimited women sports practices. For that, a collection of information was carried out on the Jornal das Moças, a periodical directed to women. The reports were interpreted using the technique of documentary analysis. The Jornal de Moças, which was produced by men, was a tool to remove women from soccer and to regulate behaviors, with reports based on medical discourse, which attributed to this practice irreversible damage to the female reproductive organs as well as femininity. Although, women were in the role of spectators and viewers to participate in the soccer field; because of  this contact, there are vestiges that there was a need for a new decree to highlight such female distance.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las representaciones de las relaciones entre las mujeres y el fútbol vehiculadas en el Periódico de las Mujeres de 1941 a 1965, período en que se aplicó el Art. 54 del Decreto-Ley 3.199/1941, el cual delimitaba las prácticas deportivas a las mujeres. Para ello, se realizó una recolección de informaciones en el Jornal das Moças, periódico dirigido a las mujeres. Los reportajes se interpretaron a partir de la técnica de análisis documental. El Diario de las Mujeres Jóvenes, fue una herramienta de alejamiento de las mujeres del fútbol y normalizar comportamientos, con reportajes apoyados en el discurso médico. En el caso de las mujeres, se encontraban en el papel de espectadores una manera de participar en el medio futbolístico; debido a este contacto aproximado, hay vestigios que hubo la necesidad de un nuevo decreto para subrayar tal alejamiento femenino.O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar as representações das relações entre as mulheres e o futebol veiculadas no Jornal das Moças de 1941 a 1965, período em que vigorou o Art. 54 do Decreto-Lei 3.199/1941, o qual delimitava as práticas esportivas às mulheres. Para tanto, foi realizada uma coleta de informações no Jornal das Moças, periódico direcionado às mulheres. As reportagens foram interpretadas a partir da técnica de análise documental. O Jornal das Moças, que era produzido por homens, foi uma ferramenta de afastamento das mulheres do futebol e, também, normatizar comportamentos, com reportagens apoiadas no discurso médico, o qual atribuía a tal prática danos irreversíveis aos órgãos reprodutores femininos, bem como à feminilidade. Entretanto, as mulheres encontraram no papel de espectadoras e telespectadoras uma forma de participar do meio futebolístico; devido a esta aproximação, há vestígios de que houve a necessidade de um novo decreto para salientar tal afastamento feminino