1,193 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the Impact of Anger on Aggression in Pretend Play and the Role of Pretend Play in Regulating Anger in Preschoolers

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    Multiple studies have supported the link between anger and aggression. It is not uncommon for anger to result in aggressive acts, especially in children still learning socially appropriate ways of coping. Furthermore, childhood aggression is typically viewed as a concerning act that should be reduced or eliminated. However, some research shows that within pretend play, aggression can be adaptive. Studies have supported the Mastery/Catharsis hypothesis, the theory that aggression in pretend play acts as a release of emotions and processing of events, by showing that children who exhibit more aggression within their pretend play exhibit less aggression outside of play. Pretend play has been proposed as an adaptive coping mechanism for children. Although the literature supports the role of pretend play in coping with anxiety, the role of play in coping with anger has not previously been evaluated. The current study used a pretest/posttest design to evaluate the relationships between anger and aggression in pretend play and the role of aggression in pretend play in regulating anger in preschool aged children. Mood was measured at three time points: baseline measure prior to play or mood induction (Time 1), measure after the mood induction (Time 2), and after the condition manipulation (Time 3). Baseline measures of pretend play were also collected prior to the mood induction for all children. After the mood induction, half the participants participated in a measure of pretend play and the other half watched an emotionally neutral 5-minute video. Measures of mood were then collected again. Given the strong relationship between anger and aggression, it was hypothesized that anger would increase aggression in pretend play. Furthermore, according to the Mastery/Catharsis hypothesis engaging in aggression in pretend play should reduce anger. Therefore, it was hypothesized that participants in the treatment condition, who engaged in pretend play, would show a greater reduction in anger than children in the control group, who watched a neutral video. Results indicated that the mood induction resulted in a worse mood than the baseline mood. Furthermore, children engaged in more aggression in pretend play after being angered than prior to being angered. Finally, there were no significant differences in mood scores at the end of the study between the treatment and control groups. The present study developed a novel, effective, and mild negative mood induction procedure for preschoolers. Additionally, it found a relationship between anger and aggression in pretend play in preschoolers. Although the present study did not find pretend play was more effective in improving mood that the control condition, future studies should evaluate this relationship further as there were several extraneous variables that were not controlled for (e.g., emotion regulation abilities)

    Written Review 2 - Vibrato

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    Architecture & Allied Art

    Comparison of Arterial-Level Signal Coordination Features of Five Selected Software Programs

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    Synchro, PTV Vistro, TransModeler, Tru-Traffic, and TranSync are software programs that are part of different software packages that can all be used for traffic signal coordination tasks in countries that use ring-barrier signal controllers. Each program has different functions, features, inputs and outputs. Synchro, Vistro, and TransModeler all require volume inputs to make an analysis while Tru-Traffic and TranSync do not require volumes. These five programs were compared on the basis of their ability to assist the engineer in designing an optimized arterial coordination timing plan, which included automatic optimization, editing and viewing information presented on the time-space diagram, and selecting various timing plans and intersections to show the time-space diagram.The same arterial was modeled in all five programs and phase sequence and offset default optimization functions were executed separately for Synchro, Vistro, Tru-Traffic and TranSync. The average vehicle travel time and average number of vehicle stops were simulated using TransModeler, a third-party traffic simulation program to ensure results are not biased. Results showed that Synchro and Tru-Traffic had the lowest peak direction travel time through the whole arterial and the least number of stops. The optimization produced by Vistro and TranSync was 1 minute or 10% slower for the peak direction average travel time than Synchro and Tru-Traffic, which were tied. The southbound travel time for the optimization produced by Vistro was very similar to TranSync, but TranSync had the shortest northbound travel time. The northbound travel time from TranSync was 10% or 1 minute faster than the slowest off-peak (northbound) optimization which was performed by Vistro. TranSync had the greatest number of features for the time-space diagram and timing plan options compared to the other four programs.This research reviewed the features of each software package so practitioners can make a better educated decision on which program they would like to use. Using the right tool for the task can save project resources (time, budget, etc.) and contribute to efficiently designed timing plans

    Mental health policy through the lens of a social worker

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    Due to stigma and lack of education, mental health agencies are often the first to receive budget cuts. After conducting research on mental health policy and policy advocacy, the researcher identified an opportunity for social work practitioners to improve mental health policy advocacy, based upon their unique perspective to witness the direct impact of policies on this population. This in-depth literature review encompassed the origins of mental health advocacy, an overview of the mental health system in the United States, barriers to effective service, and best practices in the field of social work. From this research, the author developed a series of recommendations for more effective mental health policy advocacy for social work practitioners

    Automaticity:schema modes in addiction

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    Automaticity is a hallmark of substance use disorder. In Schema Therapy (an evidence-based form of psychotherapy, that has also been applied to substance use disorders), automaticity appears to be a relevant variable. However, the role of automaticity in Schema Therapy has never been made explicit. In the present article, we investigate the role of automaticity in schema modes and its role in different phases in Schema Therapy for substance use disorders. In performing this investigation, we facilitate a better understanding of the working mechanisms of Schema Therapy, and, vice versa, suggest an alternative understanding of automaticity in substance use disorders. We suggest that the automatic use of substances is way of coping with schemas and, therefore, is the consequence of schema mode activity. In the article, four characteristics of automaticity (unconscious, uncontrollable/uncontrolled, efficient, fast) are translated to schema modes. Subsequently, a Schema Therapy case of a patient suffering from an alcohol use disorder and a narcissistic personality disorder is discussed, focusing on the four facets of automaticity. Last, implications for theory, clinical practice and future research are discussed.</p

    Dip coating film impinged by a gas jet

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    Analysis of Functions and Managerial Skills of Dietitians in Business and Industry

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    Food Nutrition, and Insitution Administratio

    Food behavior in student residence halls: a setting for health promotion

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    OBJECTIVE: To qualitatively describe food practices of students living in a residence hall. METHODS: A quantitative and qualitative study was carried out in a drawn sample of 100 university students living in a residence hall in the city of Campinas, Southeastern Brazil, in 2004. Students were interviewed using a questionnaire to collect 24-hour food recall information including open questions on shopping and intake practices. Criteria were established for the analysis of meal quality. The Chi-square and the exact Fisher test were used at a 5% significance level. Representations based on Moscivici's theory of social representations were obtained in the interviews and analyzed. RESULTS:Assessment of 24-hour food recall: breakfast - 30% of the students skipped it, 13% had full, 37% had standard and 20% had partial meal; lunch - 5% skipped, 72% had full, and 23% had partial meal; dinner - 1% skipped, 36% had full, and 63% had partial meal. Lunch was the best quality meal and of those who had lunch, 63% had it at the university cafeteria. Of all respondents, 48% had no fruit and 39% had no milk. Most (69%) showed an individual food behavior and 43% thought that having meals together had a positive impact on their food behavior. The experience of becoming the provider of their own food changes the students' food behaviors and representations. CONCLUSIONS: Diet quality, patterns of commensality and social representations of food provide input for developing healthy diet care and health promotion.OBJETIVO: Descrever qualitativamente o comportamento alimentar de estudantes residentes em moradia universitĂĄria. MÉTODOS: Estudo quanti-qualitativo realizado com uma amostra sorteada de cem estudantes universitĂĄrios, residentes em moradia estudantil no municĂ­pio de Campinas, SP, em 2004. Foram feitas entrevistas utilizando-se formulĂĄrio para colher o recordatĂłrio alimentar nas Ășltimas 24 horas, incluindo questĂ”es abertas relativas ao sistema de compras e prĂĄticas de consumo. Foram criados critĂ©rios para anĂĄlise da qualidade das refeiçÔes. Foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado e o exato de Fisher, ao nĂ­vel de significĂąncia de 5%. Nas entrevistas foram obtidos e analisados dados de natureza representacional, com base na teoria das representaçÔes sociais de Moscivici. RESULTADOS: Avaliação do recordatĂłrio 24 horas: desjejum, 30% nĂŁo consumiram, 13% foram completos, 37% padrĂŁo e 20% incompletos; almoço, 5% nĂŁo consumiram, 72% consumiram refeição completa e 23% incompleta; jantar, 1% nĂŁo consumiu, 36% foram completos e 63% incompletos. A refeição de melhor qualidade foi o almoço, e dos estudantes que almoçaram, 63% o fizeram no restaurante universitĂĄrio. Dos entrevistados, 48% nĂŁo ingeriram nenhuma fruta e 39% nĂŁo ingeriram leite no dia. A maioria (69%) apresentou comportamento alimentar individual e 43% consideraram que o fato de comer em companhia alterava positivamente sua alimentação. A experiĂȘncia de passar a prover a prĂłpria alimentação modifica comportamentos e representaçÔes entre os estudantes acerca do ato alimentar. CONCLUSÕES: A qualidade da alimentação, os padrĂ”es de comensalidade e as representaçÔes sociais do ato alimentar oferecem subsĂ­dios para o desenvolvimento de prĂĄticas de cuidado com a alimentação e promoção Ă  saĂșde.19720

    Discriminatiemonitor niet-westerse allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt 2007

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    De conclusies samengevat – Diverse onderzoeksbevindingen wijzen erop dat discriminatie van niet-westerse allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt met name de toetreding tot de arbeidsmarkt (instroom) en het verkrijgen van vast werk belemmert. – Discriminatie lijkt minder invloed te hebben op de positie van allochtone werkenden. Allochtonen en autochtonen met vergelijkbare, voor de arbeidsmarkt relevante kenmerken als opleiding, ervaring en kennis van de Nederlandse taal, hebben vergelijkbare beroepsposities en inkomens. – De Marokkaanse groep lijkt het meest met discriminatie te worden geconfronteerd. – De tweedegeneratie-Antillianen laten het gunstigste beeld zien: zij hebben nagenoeg dezelfde kansen op (vast) werk als autochtonen. – De verschillen in arbeidsmarktpositie tussen autochtone en allochtone vrouwen worden beter verklaard door de in het model opgenomen variabelen, dan de verschillen tussen autochtone en allochtone mannen. Wellicht treft etnische discriminatie allochtone vrouwen minder dan allochtone mannen. Nader onderzoek moet hierover echter meer duidelijkheid geven. Surinaamse vrouwen nemen een bijzondere positie in: (goed geĂŻntegreerde) Surinaamse vrouwen verschillen in arbeidsmarktpositie niet van vergelijkbare autochtone vrouwen. – Circa 20% van de niet-werkende Turken, Marokkanen, Surinamers en Antillianen is van mening dat zij vanwege discriminatie minder kansen hebben op een baan dan autochtonen. De andere 80% vindt dat er sprake is van gelijke kansen op de arbeidsmarkt of noemt andere factoren. – In de periode 2004-2006 werden bij antidiscriminatiebureaus (ADB’s) per jaar gemiddeld 400 klachten en meldingen ingediend over arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie van niet-westerse allochtonen. De meeste van deze klachten betreffen discriminatie op de werkvloer (43%), gevolgd door werving en selectie (24%) en (dreigende) beĂ«indiging van het dienstverband (12%). De meeste klachten worden ingediend door Marokkanen. Veel klachten hebben betrekking op het dragen van een hoofddoek. – De CGB sprak in de periode 2004-2006 93 oordelen uit over ervaren discriminatie van niet-westerse allochtonen op de arbeidsmarkt. In meer dan de helft van de gevallen werd de klacht door de CGB gegrond verklaard. De meeste oordelen (40%) betreffen werving, selectie en arbeidsbemiddeling. In 30% van de oordelen spelen verhoudingen op de werkvloer – discriminerende bejegening, waaronder pesterijen en belediging – een rol. – Niet-westerse allochtonen ervaren dat zij zich meer moeten inspannen dan autochtonen om dezelfde arbeidsmarktpositie te bereiken. Zij hebben vaak het gevoel dat ze zich extra moeten bewijzen en dat er extra op hen wordt gelet. Zij ervaren dat zij voortdurend moeten laten zien dat zij niet beantwoorden aan het – ongunstige – beeld van hun groep. – Allochtone werkzoekenden houden rekening met discriminatie door onder andere specifieke bedrijven en sectoren te mijden, geen geboortelandgegevens op te nemen in de sollicitatiebrief en de hoofddoek af te doen op het werk.

    Europeiska styrmedel för ökad anvÀndning av biodrivmedel

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    Skattebefrielsen för biogas och andra drivmedel utgör statsstöd enligt fördraget om EU:s funktionssĂ€tt. För att undvika att behöva ansöka om statsstödgodkĂ€nnande hos EU-kommissionen för styrmedelsutformningen kan styrmedlen utformas pĂ„ andra sĂ€tt. Genom en utblick i Europa har styrmedlen för att uppnĂ„ EU:s mĂ„l om 10 % förnybar energi i transportsektorn Ă„r 2020 studerats. De lĂ€nder som studerats vidare i rapporten Ă€r Finland, Tyskland och Storbritannien. Finland vĂ€ntar pĂ„ godkĂ€nnande frĂ„n kommissionen om en differentierad koldioxidskatt. De biodrivmedel som ger 60 % lĂ€gre utslĂ€pp Ă€n fossilt alternativ blir helt befriade frĂ„n koldioxidskatt. Samtidigt ges en energiskatt pĂ„ flera biodrivmedel i syfte att effektivisera energianvĂ€ndning. Biogas Ă€r idag befriad frĂ„n bĂ„de koldioxid- och energiskatt. Åsikterna skiljer sig mellan EU-parlamentariker och departementet för energi- och miljö kring vad den differentierade koldioxidskatten kan leda till. Överkompensationsreglerna kan hindra att lĂ€nder genom differentierade skatter kan göra biodrivmedel billigare Ă€n fossila alternativ. Tyskland har valt reduktionsplikt vilket innebĂ€r att drivmedelsleverantörer mĂ„ste minska sina utslĂ€pp med en viss procent per Ă„r. Den sĂ„lda volymen ska jĂ€mföras mot utslĂ€ppen frĂ„n enbart fossila drivmedel. Inom reduktionsplikten faller biogasen ut dĂ„ den ger drivmedelsleverantörerna möjlighet att minska utslĂ€ppen till lĂ€gst kostnad. PĂ„ grund av den lĂ„ga anvĂ€ndningen av biogas som drivmedel Ă€r det svĂ„rt för producenterna att fĂ„ ersĂ€ttning i form av certifikat. Endast gas som sĂ„lts ger möjlighet till ersĂ€ttning i form av certifikat. Certifikaten kan sedan handlas med drivmedelsleverantörerna för att ge fiskal ersĂ€ttning. Storbritannien har en kvotplikt med gröna certifikat. ErsĂ€ttningen till biogas frĂ„n avfall motsvarar 3,8 certifikat. Till de priser som hittills uppstĂ„r pĂ„ marknaden för certifikat motsvarar det en ersĂ€ttning som bör gynna biogas som drivmedel. Parallellt med de gröna certifikaten ges stöd för anvĂ€ndandet av biogas till vĂ€rme som idag ger bĂ€ttre ersĂ€ttning. Trots att biogas inte kan distribueras genom naturgasnĂ€tet sĂ„ sĂ€gs hindret för biogas som drivmedel frĂ€mst vara den generösa ersĂ€ttningen vid anvĂ€ndning som vĂ€rme. Biogas har fortsatt behov av stöd för sĂ„vĂ€l anvĂ€ndning som produktion. Av de styrmedel som analyserats i rapporten förefallet reduktionsplikt vara det mest lĂ€mpade för att minska utslĂ€ppen av vĂ€xthusgaser i relation till kostnaden. DĂ„ reduktionsplikt inte sker med statliga medel kan det fungera under lĂ„ng tid. Differentierad koldioxidskatt kan utformas genom att ha mindre snĂ€va grĂ€nser för reducerade skattesatser.Biogas Ă€r ett klimatsmart biodrivmedel i behov av stöd. I studien analyseras olika politiska beslut och styrmedel som bidrar till fortsatt positiv utveckling för biogas som drivmedel
