206 research outputs found

    The formation of active protoclusters in the Aquila Rift: A millimeter continuum view

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    Abridged -- We present an analysis of the Aquila Rift complex which addresses the questions of the star formation rate (SFR), star formation efficiency (SFE) and typical lifetime of the Class 0 protostellar phase in two nearby cluster-forming clumps: the Serpens South and W40 protoclusters. We carried out a 1.2 mm dust continuum mapping of the Aquila Rift complex with the MAMBO bolometer array on the IRAM 30m telescope. We perform a systematic source extraction in our millimeter continuum map. Based on complementary data from the Herschel Gould Belt survey and Spitzer maps, we characterize the SEDs of the 77 mm continuum sources detected with MAMBO and estimate their evolutionary stages. Taking advantage of the comprehensive dataset available for the Serpens South region, spanning wavelengths from 2 microns to 1.2 mm, we estimate the numbers of young stellar objects (YSOs) at different evolutionary stages and find a ratio of Class 0 to Class I protostars N(0)/N(I)=0.19-0.27. This low ratio supports a scenario of relatively fast accretion at the beginning of the protostellar phase, and leads to a Class 0 lifetime of ~4-9x10^{4} yr. We also show that both the Serpens South and W40 protoclusters are characterized by large fractions of protostars and high SFRs ~20-50 Msun.Myr^{-1}pc^{-2}, in agreement with the idea that these two nearby clumps are active sites of clustered star formation currently undergoing bursts of star formation, and have the potential ability to form bound star clusters. While the formation of these two protoclusters is likely to have been initiated in a very different manner, the resulting protostellar populations are observed to be very similar. This suggests that after the onset of gravitational collapse, the detailed manner in which the collapse has been initiated does not affect much the ability of a clump to form stars.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Abstract has been shortened. Accepted for publication in A&A. Final version including corrections in section 4.1.2. Table 1 available upon request, contact the author

    Massive Clumps in the NGC 6334 Star Forming Region

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    We report observations of dust continuum emission at 1.2 mm toward the star forming region NGC 6334 made with the SEST SIMBA bolometer array. The observations cover an area of ∌2\sim 2 square degrees with approximately uniform noise. We detected 181 clumps spanning almost three orders of magnitude in mass (3\Msun−6×103-6\times10^3 \Msun) and with sizes in the range 0.1--1.0 pc. We find that the clump mass function dN/dlog⁥MdN/d\log M is well fit with a power law of the mass with exponent -0.6 (or equivalently dN/dM∝M−1.6dN/dM \propto M^{-1.6}). The derived exponent is similar to those obtained from molecular line emission surveys and is significantly different from that of the stellar initial mass function. We investigated changes in the mass spectrum by changing the assumptions on the temperature distribution of the clumps and on the contribution of free-free emission to the 1.2 mm emission, and found little changes on the exponent. The Cumulative Mass Distribution Function is also analyzed giving consistent results in a mass range excluding the high-mass end where a power-law fit is no longer valid. The masses and sizes of the clumps observed in NGC 6334 indicate that they are not direct progenitors of stars and that the process of fragmentation determines the distribution of masses later on or occurs at smaller spatial scales. The spatial distribution of the clumps in NGC 6334 reveals clustering which is strikingly similar to that exhibited by young stars in other star forming regions. A power law fit to the surface density of companions gives Σ∝ξ−0.62\Sigma\propto \theta^{-0.62}.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Magnetic Fields and Massive Star Formation

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    Massive stars (M>8M > 8 \msun) typically form in parsec-scale molecular clumps that collapse and fragment, leading to the birth of a cluster of stellar objects. We investigate the role of magnetic fields in this process through dust polarization at 870 ÎŒ\mum obtained with the Submillimeter Array (SMA). The SMA observations reveal polarization at scales of \lsim 0.1 pc. The polarization pattern in these objects ranges from ordered hour-glass configurations to more chaotic distributions. By comparing the SMA data with the single dish data at parsec scales, we found that magnetic fields at dense core scales are either aligned within 40∘40^\circ of or perpendicular to the parsec-scale magnetic fields. This finding indicates that magnetic fields play an important role during the collapse and fragmentation of massive molecular clumps and the formation of dense cores. We further compare magnetic fields in dense cores with the major axis of molecular outflows. Despite a limited number of outflows, we found that the outflow axis appears to be randomly oriented with respect to the magnetic field in the core. This result suggests that at the scale of accretion disks (\lsim 10^3 AU), angular momentum and dynamic interactions possibly due to close binary or multiple systems dominate over magnetic fields. With this unprecedentedly large sample massive clumps, we argue on a statistical basis that magnetic fields play an important role during the formation of dense cores at spatial scale of 0.01 - 0.1 pc in the context of massive star and cluster star formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    The Mass Distribution of Starless and Protostellar Cores in Gould Belt Clouds

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    Using data from the SCUBA Legacy Catalogue (850 ÎŒm) and Spitzer Space Telescope (3.6-70 ÎŒm), we explore dense cores in the Ophiuchus, Taurus, Perseus, Serpens, and Orion molecular clouds. We develop a new method to discriminate submillimeter cores found by Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) as starless or protostellar, using point source photometry from Spitzer wide field surveys. First, we identify infrared sources with red colors associated with embedded young stellar objects (YSOs). Second, we compare the positions of these YSO candidates to our submillimeter cores. With these identifications, we construct new, self-consistent starless and protostellar core mass functions (CMFs) for the five clouds. We find best-fit slopes to the high-mass end of the CMFs of –1.26 ± 0.20, –1.22 ± 0.06, –0.95 ± 0.20, and –1.67 ± 0.72 for Ophiuchus, Taurus, Perseus, and Orion, respectively. Broadly, these slopes are each consistent with the –1.35 power-law slope of the Salpeter initial mass function at higher masses, but suggest some differences. We examine a variety of trends between these CMF shapes and their parent cloud properties, potentially finding a correlation between the high-mass slope and core temperature. We also find a trend between core mass and effective size, but we are very limited by sensitivity. We make similar comparisons between core mass and size with visual extinction (for A_V ≄ 3) and find no obvious trends. We also predict the numbers and mass distributions of cores that future surveys with SCUBA-2 may detect in each of these clouds

    Circumstellar Structure around Evolved Stars in the Cygnus-X Star Formation Region

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    We present observations of newly discovered 24 micron circumstellar structures detected with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) around three evolved stars in the Cygnus-X star forming region. One of the objects, BD+43 3710, has a bipolar nebula, possibly due to an outflow or a torus of material. A second, HBHA 4202-22, a Wolf-Rayet candidate, shows a circular shell of 24 micron emission suggestive of either a limb-brightened shell or disk seen face-on. No diffuse emission was detected around either of these two objects in the Spitzer 3.6-8 micron Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) bands. The third object is the luminous blue variable candidate G79.29+0.46. We resolved the previously known inner ring in all four IRAC bands. The 24 micron emission from the inner ring extends ~1.2 arcmin beyond the shorter wavelength emission, well beyond what can be attributed to the difference in resolutions between MIPS and IRAC. Additionally, we have discovered an outer ring of 24 micron emission, possibly due to an earlier episode of mass loss. For the two shell stars, we present the results of radiative transfer models, constraining the stellar and dust shell parameters. The shells are composed of amorphous carbon grains, plus polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the case of G79.29+0.46. Both G79.29+0.46 and HBHA 4202-22 lie behind the main Cygnus-X cloud. Although G79.29+0.46 may simply be on the far side of the cloud, HBHA 4202-22 is unrelated to the Cygnus-X star formation region.Comment: Accepted by A

    Changes of dust opacity with density in the Orion A molecular cloud

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    We have studied the opacity of dust grains at submillimeter wavelengths by estimating the optical depth from imaging at 160, 250, 350, and 500 ÎŒm from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey and comparing this to a column density obtained from the Two Micron All Sky Survey derived color excess E(J – Ks). Our main goal was to investigate the spatial variations of the opacity due to "big" grains over a variety of environmental conditions and thereby quantify how emission properties of the dust change with column (and volume) density. The central and southern areas of the Orion A molecular cloud examined here, with NH ranging from 1.5 × 1021 cm–2 to 50 × 1021 cm–2, are well suited to this approach. We fit the multi-frequency Herschel spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of each pixel with a modified blackbody to obtain the temperature, T, and optical depth, τ1200, at a fiducial frequency of 1200 GHz (250 ÎŒm). Using a calibration of NH/E(J – Ks ) for the interstellar medium (ISM) we obtained the opacity (dust emission cross-section per H nucleon), σe(1200), for every pixel. From a value ~1 × 10–25 cm2 H–1 at the lowest column densities that is typical of the high-latitude diffuse ISM, σe(1200) increases as N 0.28H over the range studied. This is suggestive of grain evolution. Integrating the SEDs over frequency, we also calculated the specific power P (emission power per H) for the big grains. In low column density regions where dust clouds are optically thin to the interstellar radiation field (ISRF), P is typically 3.7 × 10–31 W H–1, again close to that in the high-latitude diffuse ISM. However, we find evidence for a decrease of P in high column density regions, which would be a natural outcome of attenuation of the ISRF that heats the grains, and for localized increases for dust illuminated by nearby stars or embedded protostars

    ALMA-IMF VIII -- Combination of Interferometric Continuum Images with Single-Dish Surveys and Structural Analysis of Six Protoclusters

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    We present the combination of ALMA-IMF and single-dish continuum images from the Mustang-2 Galactic Plane Survey (MGPS90) at 3 millimeters and the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS) at 1 millimeter. Six and ten out of the fiffteen ALMA-IMF fields are combined with MGPS90 and BGPS, respectively. The combination is made via the feathering technique. We used the dendrogram algorithm throughout the combined images, and performed further analysis in the six fields with combination in both bands (G012.80, W43-MM1, W43-MM2, W43-MM3, W51-E, W51-IRS2). In these fields, we calculated spectral index maps and used them to separate regions dominated by dust or free-free emission, and then performed further structural analysis. We report the basic physical parameters of the dust-dominated (column densities, masses) and ionized (emission measures, hydrogen ionization photon rates) structures. We also searched for multi-scale relations in the dust-dominated structures across the analyzed fields, finding that the fraction of mass in dendrogram leaves (which we label as "Leaf Mass Eficiency", LME) as a function of molecular gas column density follows a similar trend: a rapid, exponential-like growth, with maximum values approaching 100% in most cases. The observed behaviour of the LME with gas column is tentatively interpreted as an indicator of large star formation activity within the ALMA-IMF protoclusters. W51-E and G012.80 stand out as cases with comparatively large and reduced potential for further star formation, respectively.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Supplemen
