21 research outputs found

    Causes and consequences of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems: what is old and what is new?

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    Dispersal is a well recognized driver of ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and simultaneously an evolving trait. Dispersal evolution has traditionally been studied in single-species metapopulations so that it remains unclear how dispersal evolves in spatially structured communities and food webs. Since most natural systems are biodiverse and spatially structured, and thus affected by dispersal and its evolution, this knowledge gap should be bridged. Here we discuss whether knowledge established in single-species systems holds in spatially structured multispecies systems and highlight generally valid and fundamental principles. Most biotic interactions form the ecological theatre for the evolutionary dispersal play because interactions mediate patterns of fitness expectations in space and time. While this allows for a simple transposition of certain known drivers to a multispecies context, other drivers may require more complex transpositions, or might not be transferred. We discuss an important quantitative modulator of dispersal evolution in the increased trait dimensionality of biodiverse meta-systems and an additional driver in co-dispersal. We speculate that scale and selection pressure mismatches due to co-dispersal, together with increased trait dimensionality may lead to slower and more "diffuse" evolution in biodiverse meta-systems. Open questions and potential consequences in both ecological and evolutionary terms call for more investigation

    Evolutionary ecology of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems : what is old and what is new?

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    Dispersal is a well-recognized driver of ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and simultaneously an evolving trait. Dispersal evolution has traditionally been studied in single-species metapopulations so that it remains unclear how dispersal evolves in metacommunities and metafoodwebs, which are characterized by a multitude of species interactions. Since most natural systems are both species-rich and spatially structured, this knowledge gap should be bridged. Here, we discuss whether knowledge from dispersal evolutionary ecology established in single-species systems holds in metacommunities and metafoodwebs and we highlight generally valid and fundamental principles. Most biotic interactions form the backdrop to the ecological theatre for the evolutionary dispersal play because interactions mediate patterns of fitness expectations across space and time. While this allows for a simple transposition of certain known principles to a multispecies context, other drivers may require more complex transpositions, or might not be transferred. We discuss an important quantitative modulator of dispersal evolution-increased trait dimensionality of biodiverse meta-systems-and an additional driver: co-dispersal. We speculate that scale and selection pressure mismatches owing to co-dispersal, together with increased trait dimensionality, may lead to a slower and more 'diffuse' evolution in biodiverse meta-systems. Open questions and potential consequences in both ecological and evolutionary terms call for more investigation. This article is part of the theme issue 'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics'

    Heritability and Artificial Selection on Ambulatory Dispersal Distance in Tetranychus urticae: Effects of Density and Maternal Effects

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    Dispersal distance is understudied although the evolution of dispersal distance affects the distribution of genetic diversity through space. Using the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, we tested the conditions under which dispersal distance could evolve. To this aim, we performed artificial selection based on dispersal distance by choosing 40 individuals (out of 150) that settled furthest from the home patch (high dispersal, HDIS) and 40 individuals that remained close to the home patch (low dispersal, LDIS) with three replicates per treatment. We did not observe a response to selection nor a difference between treatments in life-history traits (fecundity, survival, longevity, and sex-ratio) after ten generations of selection. However, we show that heritability for dispersal distance depends on density. Heritability for dispersal distance was low and non-significant when using the same density as the artificial selection experiments while heritability becomes significant at a lower density. Furthermore, we show that maternal effects may have influenced the dispersal behaviour of the mites. Our results suggest primarily that selection did not work because high density and maternal effects induced phenotypic plasticity for dispersal distance. Density and maternal effects may affect the evolution of dispersal distance and should be incorporated into future theoretical and empirical studies

    Local Adaptation of Aboveground Herbivores towards Plant Phenotypes Induced by Soil Biota

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    Background: Soil biota may trigger strong physiological responses in plants and consequently induce distinct phenotypes. Plant phenotype, in turn, has a strong impact on herbivore performance. Here, we tested the hypothesis that aboveground herbivores are able to adapt to plant phenotypes induced by soil biota. Methodology and Principal Findings: We bred spider mites for 15 generations on snap beans with three different belowground biotic interactions: (i) no biota (to serve as control), (ii) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and (ii) root-feeding nematodes. Subsequently, we conducted a reciprocal selection experiment using these spider mites, which had been kept on the differently treated plants. Belowground treatments induced changes in plant biomass, nutrient composition and water content. No direct chemical defence through cyanogenesis was detected in any of the plant groups. Growth rates of spider mites were higher on the ecotypes on which they were bred for 15 generations, although the statistical significance disappeared for mites from the nematode treatment when corrected for all multiple comparisons. Conclusion/Significance: These results demonstrate that belowground biota may indeed impose selection on the aboveground insect herbivores mediated by the host plant. The observed adaptation was driven by variable quantitativ

    Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover

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    Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental change drives parallel evolution by sampling 110,019 white clover plants from 6169 populations in 160 cities globally. Plants were assayed for a Mendelian antiherbivore defense that also affects tolerance to abiotic stressors. Urban-rural gradients were associated with the evolution of clines in defense in 47% of cities throughout the world. Variation in the strength of clines was explained by environmental changes in drought stress and vegetation cover that varied among cities. Sequencing 2074 genomes from 26 cities revealed that the evolution of urban-rural clines was best explained by adaptive evolution, but the degree of parallel adaptation varied among cities. Our results demonstrate that urbanization leads to adaptation at a global scale

    Belowground plant-plant signaling of root infection by nematodes

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    Communication between plants mediated by herbivore-induced volatile organic compounds has been extensively studied aboveground. However, the role of root herbivory in belowground plant-plant communication is much less understood. We here investigated whether root herbivores can trigger plant roots to emit warning signals to neighbouring plants that are not yet in direct contact with them. We used a split-root system and infected half of the roots of Agrostis stolonifera plants with root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne minor) and left the other half uninfected. As a control, we grew plants without nematodes in separate pots. Leachates from each split-root soil compartment and from soils with control plants were applied to separate pots with A. stolonifera plants, of which biomass allocation and morphological traits were measured one month after leachate addition. Plants receiving leachates from the soil with the nematode-free roots of the nematode-infected plants showed a significantly larger total biomass, more root branches, and deeper rooting than plants receiving leachates from the soil with the nematode-infected roots or from soil with control plants. Plants were taller and the root/shoot ratio was higher in plants receiving leachates from soil with the nematode-free roots than in plants receiving leachates from soil with nematode-infected roots. Shoot tiller number was higher in plants receiving leachates from either root compartment of the nematode-infected plants than in plants receiving control leachates. Our results suggest that an overcompensation response was triggered by systemically induced root-derived compounds from nematode-free roots of a plant locally infected with root-feeding nematodes. Signals from directly attacked roots of the same nematode-infected plant only caused receiver plants to develop more shoot tillers, possibly for future stolon development to grow away from the infected area. This may indicate an anticipatory tolerance response to root feeders that are still distant and an additional generalized escape response to root feeding.</p

    Leachates from plants recently infected by root-feeding nematodes cause increased biomass allocation to roots in neighbouring plants

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    Plants can adjust defence strategies in response to signals from neighbouring plants attacked by aboveground herbivores. Whether similar responses exist to belowground herbivory remains less studied, particularly regarding the spatiotemporal dynamics of such belowground signalling. We grew the grass Agrostis stolonifera with or without root-feeding nematodes (Meloidogyne minor). Leachates were extracted at different distances from these plants and at different times after inoculation. The leachates were applied to receiver A. stolonifera plants, of which root, shoot, and total biomass, root/shoot ratio, shoot height, shoot branch number, maximum rooting depth and root number were measured 3 weeks after leachate application. Receiver plants allocated significantly more biomass to roots when treated with leachates from nematode-inoculated plants at early infection stages. However, receiver plants’ root/shoot ratio was similar when receiving leachates collected at later stages from nematode-infected or control plants. Overall, early-collected leachates reduced growth of receiver plants significantly. Plants recently infected by root-feeding nematodes can thus induce increased root proliferation of neighbouring plants through root-derived compounds. Possible explanations for this response include a better tolerance of anticipated root damage by nematodes or the ability to grow roots away from the nematode-infected soil. Further investigations are still needed to identify the exact mechanisms.</p