238 research outputs found

    Hands-On Parameter Search for Neural Simulations by a MIDI-Controller

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    Computational neuroscientists frequently encounter the challenge of parameter fitting – exploring a usually high dimensional variable space to find a parameter set that reproduces an experimental data set. One common approach is using automated search algorithms such as gradient descent or genetic algorithms. However, these approaches suffer several shortcomings related to their lack of understanding the underlying question, such as defining a suitable error function or getting stuck in local minima. Another widespread approach is manual parameter fitting using a keyboard or a mouse, evaluating different parameter sets following the users intuition. However, this process is often cumbersome and time-intensive. Here, we present a new method for manual parameter fitting. A MIDI controller provides input to the simulation software, where model parameters are then tuned according to the knob and slider positions on the device. The model is immediately updated on every parameter change, continuously plotting the latest results. Given reasonably short simulation times of less than one second, we find this method to be highly efficient in quickly determining good parameter sets. Our approach bears a close resemblance to tuning the sound of an analog synthesizer, giving the user a very good intuition of the problem at hand, such as immediate feedback if and how results are affected by specific parameter changes. In addition to be used in research, our approach should be an ideal teaching tool, allowing students to interactively explore complex models such as Hodgkin-Huxley or dynamical systems

    Constant-angle surfaces in liquid crystals

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    We discuss some properties of surfaces in R3 whose unit normal has constant angle with an assigned direction field. The constant angle condition can be rewritten as an Hamilton-Jacobi equation correlating the surface and the direction field. We focus on examples motivated by the physics of interfaces in liquid crystals and of layered fluids, and discuss the properties of the constant-angle surfaces when the direction field is singular along a line (disclination) or at a point (hedgehog defect

    Lipoxin A4 Stimulates Calcium-Activated Chloride Currents and Increases Airway Surface Liquid Height in Normal and Cystic Fibrosis Airway Epithelia

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    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease characterised by a deficit in epithelial Cl− secretion which in the lung leads to airway dehydration and a reduced Airway Surface Liquid (ASL) height. The endogenous lipoxin LXA4 is a member of the newly identified eicosanoids playing a key role in ending the inflammatory process. Levels of LXA4 are reported to be decreased in the airways of patients with CF. We have previously shown that in normal human bronchial epithelial cells, LXA4 produced a rapid and transient increase in intracellular Ca2+. We have investigated, the effect of LXA4 on Cl− secretion and the functional consequences on ASL generation in bronchial epithelial cells obtained from CF and non-CF patient biopsies and in bronchial epithelial cell lines. We found that LXA4 stimulated a rapid intracellular Ca2+ increase in all of the different CF bronchial epithelial cells tested. In non-CF and CF bronchial epithelia, LXA4 stimulated whole-cell Cl− currents which were inhibited by NPPB (calcium-activated Cl− channel inhibitor), BAPTA-AM (chelator of intracellular Ca2+) but not by CFTRinh-172 (CFTR inhibitor). We found, using confocal imaging, that LXA4 increased the ASL height in non-CF and in CF airway bronchial epithelia. The LXA4 effect on ASL height was sensitive to bumetanide, an inhibitor of transepithelial Cl− secretion. The LXA4 stimulation of intracellular Ca2+, whole-cell Cl− currents, conductances and ASL height were inhibited by Boc-2, a specific antagonist of the ALX/FPR2 receptor. Our results provide, for the first time, evidence for a novel role of LXA4 in the stimulation of intracellular Ca2+ signalling leading to Ca2+-activated Cl− secretion and enhanced ASL height in non-CF and CF bronchial epithelia

    Optimality criteria without constraint qualications for linear semidenite problems

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    We consider two closely related optimization problems: a problem of convex Semi- Infinite Programming with multidimensional index set and a linear problem of Semidefinite Programming. In study of these problems we apply the approach suggested in our recent paper [14] and based on the notions of immobile indices and their immobility orders. For the linear semidefinite problem, we define the subspace of immobile indices and formulate the first order optimality conditions in terms of a basic matrix of this subspace. These conditions are explicit, do not use constraint qualifications, and have the form of criterion. An algorithm determining a basis of the subspace of immobile indices in a finite number of steps is suggested. The optimality conditions obtained are compared with other known optimality conditions

    Immobile indices and CQ-free optimality criteria for linear copositive programming problems

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    We consider problems of linear copositive programming where feasible sets consist of vectors for which the quadratic forms induced by the corresponding linear matrix combinations are nonnegative over the nonnegative orthant. Given a linear copositive problem, we define immobile indices of its constraints and a normalized immobile index set. We prove that the normalized immobile index set is either empty or can be represented as a union of a finite number of convex closed bounded polyhedra. We show that the study of the structure of this set and the connected properties of the feasible set permits to obtain new optimality criteria for copositive problems. These criteria do not require the fulfillment of any additional conditions (constraint qualifications or other). An illustrative example shows that the optimality conditions formulated in the paper permit to detect the optimality of feasible solutions for which the known sufficient optimality conditions are not able to do this. We apply the approach based on the notion of immobile indices to obtain new formulations of regularized primal and dual problems which are explicit and guarantee strong duality.publishe

    Error estimates for the discretization of the velocity tracking problem

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    In this paper we are continuing our work (Casas and Chrysafinos, SIAM J Numer Anal 50(5):2281–2306, 2012), concerning a priori error estimates for the velocity tracking of two-dimensional evolutionary Navier–Stokes flows. The controls are of distributed type, and subject to point-wise control constraints. The discretization scheme of the state and adjoint equations is based on a discontinuous time-stepping scheme (in time) combined with conforming finite elements (in space) for the velocity and pressure. Provided that the time and space discretization parameters, t and h respectively, satisfy t = Ch2, error estimates of order O(h2) and O(h 3/2 – 2/p ) with p > 3 depending on the regularity of the target and the initial velocity, are proved for the difference between the locally optimal controls and their discrete approximations, when the controls are discretized by the variational discretization approach and by using piecewise-linear functions in space respectively. Both results are based on new duality arguments for the evolutionary Navier–Stokes equations