124 research outputs found

    Altered keratinization and vitamin D metabolism may be key pathogenetic pathways in syndromic hidradenitis suppurativa: a novel whole exome sequencing approach

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    Background: Diagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum, acne and hidradenitis suppurativa (PASH) and pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, and hidradenitis suppurativa (PAPASH) patients, in spite of recently identified genetic variations, is just clinical, since most patients do not share the same mutations, and the mutations themselves are not informative of the biological pathways commonly disrupted in these patients. Objective: To reveal genetic changes more closely related to PASH and PAPASH etiopathogenesis, identifying novel common pathways involved in these diseases. Methods: Cohort study on PASH (n = 4) and PAPASH (n = 1) patients conducted using whole exome sequencing (WES) approach and a novel bioinformatic pipeline aimed at discovering potentially candidate genes selected from density mutations and involved in pathways relevant to the disease. Results: WES results showed that patients presented 90 genes carrying mutations with deleterious and/or damage impact: 12 genes were in common among the 5 patients and bared 237 ns ExonVar (54 and 183 in homozygosis and heterozygosis, respectively). In the pathway enrichment analysis, only 10 genes were included, allowing us to retrieve 4 pathways shared by all patients: (1) Vitamin D metabolism, (2) keratinization, (3) formation of the cornified envelope and (4) steroid metabolism. Interestingly, all patients had vitamin D levels lower than normal, with a mean value of 10 ng/mL. Conclusion: Our findings, through a novel strategy for analysing the genetic background of syndromic HS patients, suggested that vitamin D metabolism dysfunctions seem to be crucial in PASH and PAPASH pathogenesis. Based on low vitamin D serum levels, its supplementation is envisaged

    Functional Genetic Variants in DC-SIGNR Are Associated with Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1

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    BACKGROUND: Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) is the main cause of HIV-1 infection in children worldwide. Given that the C-type lectin receptor, dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin-related (DC-SIGNR, also known as CD209L or liver/lymph node-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin (L-SIGN)), can interact with pathogens including HIV-1 and is expressed at the maternal-fetal interface, we hypothesized that it could influence MTCT of HIV-1. METHODS AND FINDINGS: To investigate the potential role of DC-SIGNR in MTCT of HIV-1, we carried out a genetic association study of DC-SIGNR in a well-characterized cohort of 197 HIV-infected mothers and their infants recruited in Harare, Zimbabwe. Infants harbouring two copies of DC-SIGNR H1 and/or H3 haplotypes (H1-H1, H1-H3, H3-H3) had a 3.6-fold increased risk of in utero (IU) (P = 0.013) HIV-1 infection and a 5.7-fold increased risk of intrapartum (IP) (P = 0.025) HIV-1 infection after adjusting for a number of maternal factors. The implicated H1 and H3 haplotypes share two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in promoter region (p-198A) and intron 2 (int2-180A) that were associated with increased risk of both IU (P = 0.045 and P = 0.003, respectively) and IP (P = 0.025, for int2-180A) HIV-1 infection. The promoter variant reduced transcriptional activity in vitro. In homozygous H1 infants bearing both the p-198A and int2-180A mutations, we observed a 4-fold decrease in the level of placental DC-SIGNR transcripts, disproportionately affecting the expression of membrane-bound isoforms compared to infant noncarriers (P = 0.011). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that DC-SIGNR plays a crucial role in MTCT of HIV-1 and that impaired placental DC-SIGNR expression increases risk of transmission

    Genomewide Association Study for Determinants of HIV-1 Acquisition and Viral Set Point in HIV-1 Serodiscordant Couples with Quantified Virus Exposure

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    Host genetic factors may be important determinants of HIV-1 sexual acquisition. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for host genetic variants modifying HIV-1 acquisition and viral control in the context of a cohort of African HIV-1 serodiscordant heterosexual couples. To minimize misclassification of HIV-1 risk, we quantified HIV-1 exposure, using data including plasma HIV-1 concentrations, gender, and condom use.We matched couples without HIV-1 seroconversion to those with seroconversion by quantified HIV-1 exposure risk. Logistic regression of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for 798 samples from 496 HIV-1 infected and 302 HIV-1 exposed, uninfected individuals was performed to identify factors associated with HIV-1 acquisition. In addition, a linear regression analysis was performed using SNP data from a subset (n = 403) of HIV-1 infected individuals to identify factors predicting plasma HIV-1 concentrations.After correcting for multiple comparisons, no SNPs were significantly associated with HIV-1 infection status or plasma HIV-1 concentrations.This GWAS controlling for HIV-1 exposure did not identify common host genotypes influencing HIV-1 acquisition. Alternative strategies, such as large-scale sequencing to identify low frequency variation, should be considered for identifying novel host genetic predictors of HIV-1 acquisition

    Novel Anti-bacterial Activities of β-defensin 1 in Human Platelets: Suppression of Pathogen Growth and Signaling of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation

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    Human β-defensins (hBD) are antimicrobial peptides that curb microbial activity. Although hBD's are primarily expressed by epithelial cells, we show that human platelets express hBD-1 that has both predicted and novel antibacterial activities. We observed that activated platelets surround Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), forcing the pathogens into clusters that have a reduced growth rate compared to S. aureus alone. Given the microbicidal activity of β-defensins, we determined whether hBD family members were present in platelets and found mRNA and protein for hBD-1. We also established that hBD-1 protein resided in extragranular cytoplasmic compartments of platelets. Consistent with this localization pattern, agonists that elicit granular secretion by platelets did not readily induce hBD-1 release. Nevertheless, platelets released hBD-1 when they were stimulated by α-toxin, a S. aureus product that permeabilizes target cells. Platelet-derived hBD-1 significantly impaired the growth of clinical strains of S. aureus. hBD-1 also induced robust neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation by target polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), which is a novel antimicrobial function of β-defensins that was not previously identified. Taken together, these data demonstrate that hBD-1 is a previously-unrecognized component of platelets that displays classic antimicrobial activity and, in addition, signals PMNs to extrude DNA lattices that capture and kill bacteria

    Intracellular Function of Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist in Ischemic Cardiomyocytes

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    Background: Loss of cardiac myocytes due to apoptosis is a relevant feature of ischemic heart disease. It has been described in infarct and peri-infarct regions of the myocardium in coronary syndromes and in ischemia-linked heart remodeling. Previous studies have provided protection against ischemia-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis by the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 receptor-antagonist (IL-1Ra). Mitochondria triggering of caspases plays a central role in ischemia-induced apoptosis. We examined the production of IL-1Ra in the ischemic heart and, based on dual intra/extracellular function of some other interleukins, we hypothesized that IL-1Ra may also directly inhibit mitochondria-activated caspases and cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Methodology/Principal Findings: Synthesis of IL-1Ra was evidenced in the hearts explanted from patients with ischemic heart disease. In the mouse ischemic heart and in a mouse cardiomyocyte cell line exposed to long-lasting hypoxia, IL-1Ra bound and inhibited mitochondria-activated caspases, whereas inhibition of caspase activation was not observed in the heart of mice lacking IL-1Ra (Il-1ra−/−) or in siRNA to IL-1Ra-interfered cells. An impressive 6-fold increase of hypoxia-induced apoptosis was observed in cells lacking IL-1Ra. IL-1Ra down-regulated cells were not protected against caspase activation and apoptosis by knocking down of the IL-1 receptor, confirming the intracellular, receptor-independent, anti-apoptotic function of IL-1Ra. Notably, the inhibitory effect of IL-1Ra was not influenced by enduring ischemic conditions in which previously described physiologic inhibitors of apoptosis are neutralized. Conclusions/Significance: These observations point to intracellular IL-1Ra as a critical mechanism of the cell self-protection against ischemia-induced apoptosis and suggest that this cytokine plays an important role in the remodeling of heart by promoting survival of cardiomyocytes in the ischemic regions

    Determination of Beta-Defensin Genomic Copy Number in Different Populations: A Comparison of Three Methods

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    There have been conflicting reports in the literature on association of gene copy number with disease, including CCL3L1 and HIV susceptibility, and β-defensins and Crohn's disease. Quantification of precise gene copy numbers is important in order to define any association of gene copy number with disease. At present, real-time quantitative PCR (QPCR) is the most commonly used method to determine gene copy number, however the Paralogue Ratio Test (PRT) is being used in more and more laboratories.In this study we compare a Pyrosequencing-based Paralogue Ratio Test (PPRT) for determining beta-defensin gene copy number with two currently used methods for gene copy number determination, QPCR and triplex PRT by typing five different cohorts (UK, Danish, Portuguese, Ghanaian and Czech) of DNA from a total of 576 healthy individuals. We found a systematic measurement bias between DNA cohorts revealed by QPCR, but not by the PRT-based methods. Using PRT, copy number ranged from 2 to 9 copies, with a modal copy number of 4 in all populations.QPCR is very sensitive to quality of the template DNA, generating systematic biases that could produce false-positive or negative disease associations. Both triplex PRT and PPRT do not show this systematic bias, and type copy number within the correct range, although triplex PRT appears to be a more precise and accurate method to type beta-defensin copy number

    Copy Number Variation in CNP267 Region May Be Associated with Hip Bone Size

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    Osteoporotic hip fracture (HF) is a serious global public health problem associated with high morbidity and mortality. Hip bone size (BS) has been identified as one of key measurable risk factors for HF, independent of bone mineral density (BMD). Hip BS is highly genetically determined, but genetic factors underlying BS variation are still poorly defined. Here, we performed an initial genome-wide copy number variation (CNV) association analysis for hip BS in 1,627 Chinese Han subjects using Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping SNP 6.0 Array and a follow-up replicate study in 2,286 unrelated US Caucasians sample. We found that a copy number polymorphism (CNP267) located at chromosome 2q12.2 was significantly associated with hip BS in both initial Chinese and replicate Caucasian samples with p values of 4.73E-03 and 5.66E-03, respectively. An important candidate gene, four and a half LIM domains 2 (FHL2), was detected at the downstream of CNP267, which plays important roles in bone metabolism by binding to several bone formation regulator, such as insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 5 (IGFBP-5) and androgen receptor (AR). Our findings suggest that CNP267 region may be associated with hip BS which might influence the FHL2 gene downstream

    A rare loss-of-function genetic mutation suggest a role of dermcidin deficiency in hidradenitis suppurativa pathogenesis

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a multifactorial aetiology that involves a strict interplay between genetic factors, immune dysregulation and lifestyle. Familial forms represent around 40% of total HS cases and show an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance of the disease. In this study, we conducted a whole-exome sequence analysis on an Italian family of 4 members encompassing a vertical transmission of HS. Focusing on rare damaging variants, we identified a rare insertion of one nucleotide (c.225dupA:p.A76Sfs*21) in the DCD gene encoding for the antimicrobial peptide dermcidin (DCD) that was shared by the proband, his affected father and his 11-years old daughter. Since several transcriptome studies have shown a significantly decreased expression of DCD in HS skin, we hypothesised that the identified frameshift insertion was a loss-of-function mutation that might be associated with HS susceptibility in this family. We thus confirmed by mass spectrometry that DCD levels were diminished in the affected members and showed that the antimicrobial activity of a synthetic DCD peptide resulting from the frameshift mutation was impaired. In order to define the consequences related to a decrease in DCD activity, skin microbiome analyses of different body sites were performed by comparing DCD mutant and wild type samples, and results highlighted significant differences between the groins of mutated and wild type groups. Starting from genetic analysis conducted on an HS family, our findings showed, confirming previous transcriptome results, the potential role of the antimicrobial DCD peptide as an actor playing a crucial part in the etio-pathogenesis of HS and in the maintenance of the skin’s physiological microbiome composition; so, we can hypothesise that DCD could be used as a novel target for personalised therapeutic approach