109 research outputs found

    Toksikološke metode otkrivanja opojnih droga u tragovima: kromatografska, spektroskopska i biološka karakterizacija derivata ecstasyja

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    Analysis often reveals variability in the composition of ecstasy pills from pure 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) to mixtures of MDMA derivatives, amphetamine, and other unidentifi ed substances. For a comprehensive toxicological analysis one needs to know all steps to MDMA synthesis which may originate impurities. The aim of this study was to synthesise and determine the chemical-physical and in vitro biological properties of a series of MDMA derivatives. 3,4-methylendioxyphenyl-2-nitropropene (MDNP) was obtained by condensation of piperonal with an excess of nitroethane in the presence of ammonium acetate. MDNP was then reduced to methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) by LiAlH3. All compounds were analysed using HPLC and spectroscopic technique [Raman, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), or infrared (IR)] at all the steps of synthesis. In addition, we assessed the biological potentials of these compounds by measuring in vitro their (i) blood cell/whole blood partition coeffi cient, (ii) binding to plasmatic proteins (Fbp), and (iii) membrane adsorption. Chemical structure was determined with antibody fl uorescence polarisation immunoassay (FPIA). This study showed the presence of solid impurities, particularly of a neurotoxic compound of Al3+ in the fi nal products. FPIA identifi ed the aminoethane group close to the substituted benzene ring, but did not detect the two major precursors of MDMA: MDNP and piperonal. Raman spectroscopy is an attractive alternative technique to characterise ecstasy pills and it can identify stereoisomeric forms such as cis-MDNP and trans-MDNP, which exhibit signals at 1650 cm-1 and 1300 cm-1, respectively.Analize često otkriju neujednačenost sastava tableta ecstasyja od čistoga 3,4-metilendioksimetamfetamina (MDMA) do mješavina njegovih derivata, amfetamina i drugih neutvrđenih tvari. Stoga je za kvalitetnu toksikološku analizu potreban uvid u sve korake sinteze MDMA, s obzirom na to da se ondje vjerojatno kriju izvori nečistoće (prekursori, katalizatori). Cilj ovog ispitivanja bio je sintetizirati derivate MDMA te napraviti njihovu kemijsko-fi zikalnu i biološku in vitro karakterizaciju. 3,4-metilendioksifenil-2-nitropropen (MDNP) dobiven je kondenzacijom piperonala u suvišku nitroetana uz dodatak amonijeva acetata. Njegovom redukcijom s pomoću LiAlH3 dobiven je 3,4-metilendioksiamfetamin (MDA). Svi spojevi iz pojedinih koraka sinteze karakterizirani su s pomoću tekućinske kromatografi je visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) i spektroskopskih tehnika [Ramanove spektroskopije, nuklearne magnetske rezonancije (NMR-a) te infracrvene spektroskopije (IR-a)]. Usto je ocijenjen i njihov biološki učinak in vitro mjerenjem (i) koefi cijenta raspodjele krvna stanica/puna krv, (ii) vezanja za bjelančevine u plazmi (Fbp) te (iii) adsorpcije na membranu. Kemijska je struktura utvrđena s pomoću fl uorescentnoga polarizacijskog imunokemijskog testa (FPIA). Analiza je u konačnim proizvodima utvrdila prisutnost krutih nečistoća, napose spojeva neurotoksičnog aluminija (Al3+). FPIA je prepoznao aminoetansku skupinu blizu supstituiranoga benzenskog prstena, ali ne i dva glavna prekursora za MDMA: MDNP i piperonal. Posebno je zanimljiva Ramanova spektroskopija budući da (i) pruža privlačnu alternativu za karakterizaciju sastava tableta ecstasyja te (ii) može otkriti stereoizomerne cis/trans-oblike spoja poput cis-MDNP-a odnosno trans-MDNP-a, čiji se signal vidi na 1650 cm-1 odnosno 1300 cm-1

    Bead-like structures and self-assembled monolayers from 2,6-dipyrazolylpyridines and their iron(II) complexes

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    Drop-casting acetone solutions of [Fe(bpp)2][BF4]2 (bpp = 2,6-di[pyrazol-1-yl]pyridine) onto a HOPG surface affords unusual chain-of-beads nanostructures. The beads in each chain are similar in size, with diameters in the range of 2–6 nm and heights of up to 10 Å, which is consistent with them containing between 10–50 molecules of the compound. The beads can be classified into two types, which exhibit different conduction regimes by current-imaging tunnelling spectroscopy (CITS) which appear to correlate with their positions in the chains, and may correspond to molecules containing high-spin and low-spin iron centres. Similarly drop-cast films of the complex on a gold surface contain the intact [Fe(bpp)2][BF4]2 compound by XPS. 4-Mercapto-2,6-di[pyrazol-1-yl]pyridine undergoes substantial decomposition when deposited on gold, forming elemental sulfur, but 4-(N-thiomorpholinyl)-2,6-di[pyrazol-1-yl]pyridine successfully forms SAMs on a gold surface by XPS and ellipsometry

    Increasing the Depth of Current Understanding: Sensitivity Testing of Deep-Sea Larval Dispersal Models for Ecologists

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    Larval dispersal is an important ecological process of great interest to conservation and the establishment of marine protected areas. Increasing numbers of studies are turning to biophysical models to simulate dispersal patterns, including in the deep-sea, but for many ecologists unassisted by a physical oceanographer, a model can present as a black box. Sensitivity testing offers a means to test the models' abilities and limitations and is a starting point for all modelling efforts. The aim of this study is to illustrate a sensitivity testing process for the unassisted ecologist, through a deep-sea case study example, and demonstrate how sensitivity testing can be used to determine optimal model settings, assess model adequacy, and inform ecological interpretation of model outputs. Five input parameters are tested (timestep of particle simulator (TS), horizontal (HS) and vertical separation (VS) of release points, release frequency (RF), and temporal range (TR) of simulations) using a commonly employed pairing of models. The procedures used are relevant to all marine larval dispersal models. It is shown how the results of these tests can inform the future set up and interpretation of ecological studies in this area. For example, an optimal arrangement of release locations spanning a release area could be deduced; the increased depth range spanned in deep-sea studies may necessitate the stratification of dispersal simulations with different numbers of release locations at different depths; no fewer than 52 releases per year should be used unless biologically informed; three years of simulations chosen based on climatic extremes may provide results with 90% similarity to five years of simulation; and this model setup is not appropriate for simulating rare dispersal events. A step-by-step process, summarising advice on the sensitivity testing procedure, is provided to inform all future unassisted ecologists looking to run a larval dispersal simulation

    Single-nanoparticle phase transitions visualized by four-dimensional electron microscopy

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    The advancement of techniques that can probe the behaviour of individual nanoscopic objects is of paramount importance in various disciplines, including photonics and electronics. As it provides images with a spatiotemporal resolution, four-dimensional electron microscopy, in principle, should enable the visualization of single-nanoparticle structural dynamics in real and reciprocal space. Here, we demonstrate the selectivity and sensitivity of the technique by visualizing the spin crossover dynamics of single, isolated metal–organic framework nanocrystals. By introducing a small aperture in the microscope, it was possible to follow the phase transition and the associated structural dynamics within a single particle. Its behaviour was observed to be distinct from that imaged by averaging over ensembles of heterogeneous nanoparticles. The approach reported here has potential applications in other nanosystems and those that undergo (bio)chemical transformations

    Electric-field-induced charge-transfer phase transition: a promising approach toward electrically switchable devices

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    Much research has been directed toward the development of electrically switchable optical materials for applications in memory and display devices. Here we present experimental evidence for an electric-field-induced charge-transfer phase transition in two cyanometalate complexes: Rb₀․₈Mn-[Fe(CN)₆]₀․₉₃•1.62H₂O and Co₃[W(CN)₈]₂(pyrimidine)₄•6H₂O, involving changes in their magnetic, optical, and electronic properties as well. Application of an electric field above a threshold value and within the thermal hysteresis region leads to a transition from the high- to the low-temperature phase in these compounds. A model is proposed to explain the main observations on the basis of a para-ferroelectric transition. Our observations suggest that this new concept of electrical switching, based on materials exhibiting charge-transfer phase transitions with large thermal hysteresis loops, may open up doors for novel electro-optical devices

    Multidimensional characterization of global food supply from 1961 to 2013

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    Food systems are increasingly globalized and interdependent, and diets around the world are changing. Characterization of national food supplies and how they have changed can inform food policies that ensure national food security, support access to healthy diets and enhance environmental sustainability. Here we analysed data for 171 countries on the availability of 18 food groups from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to identify and track multidimensional food supply patterns from 1961 to 2013. Four predominant food-group combinations were identified that explained almost 90% of the cross-country variance in food supply: animal source and sugar, vegetable, starchy root and fruit, and seafood and oilcrops. South Korea, China and Taiwan experienced the largest changes in food supply over the past five decades, with animal source foods and sugar, vegetables and seafood and oilcrops all becoming more abundant components of the food supply. In contrast, in many Western countries the supply of animal source foods and sugar declined. Meanwhile, there was remarkably little change in the food supply in countries in the sub-Saharan Africa region. These changes led to a partial global convergence in the national supply of animal source foods and sugar, and a divergence in those of vegetables and of seafood and oilcrops. Our analysis generated a novel characterization of food supply that highlights the interdependence of multiple food types in national food systems. A better understanding of how these patterns have evolved and will continue to change is needed to support the delivery of healthy and sustainable food system policies

    Iron(II) complexes of tridentate indazolylpyridine ligands: enhanced spin-crossover hysteresis and ligand-based fluorescence.

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    Reaction of 2,6-difluoropyridine with 2 equiv of indazole and NaH at room temperature affords a mixture of 2,6-bis(indazol-1-yl)pyridine (1-bip), 2-(indazol-1-yl)-6-(indazol-2-yl)pyridine (1,2-bip), and 2,6-bis(indazol-2-yl)pyridine (2-bip), which can be separated by solvent extraction. A two-step procedure using the same conditions also affords both 2-(indazol-1-yl)-6-(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine (1-ipp) and 2-(indazol-2-yl)-6-(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine (2-ipp). These are all annelated analogues of 2,6-di(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine, an important ligand for spin-crossover complexes. Iron(II) complexes [Fe(1-bip)2](2+), [Fe(1,2-bip)2](2+), and [Fe(1-ipp)2](2+) are low-spin at room temperature, reflecting sterically imposed conformational rigidity of the 1-indazolyl ligands. In contrast, the 2-indazolyl complexes [Fe(2-bip)2](2+) and [Fe(2-ipp)2](2+) are high-spin in solution at room temperature, whereas salts of [Fe(2-bip)2](2+) exhibit thermal spin transitions in the solid state. Notably, [Fe(2-bip)2][BF4]2·2MeNO2 adopts a terpyridine embrace lattice structure and undergoes a spin transition near room temperature after annealing, resulting in thermal hysteresis that is wider than previously observed for this structure type (T1/2 = 266 K, ΔT = 16-20 K). This reflects enhanced mechanical coupling between the cations in the lattice through interdigitation of their ligand arms, which supports a previously proposed structure/function relationship for spin-crossover materials with this form of crystal packing. All of the compounds in this work exhibit blue fluorescence in solution under ambient conditions. In most cases, the ligand-based emission maxima are slightly red shifted upon complexation, but there is no detectable correlation between the emission maximum and the spin state of the iron centers