568 research outputs found

    The Ultrastructure of the Corpus Luteum of the Goat

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    The ultra structure of luteal cells and the proportion of the different cell types in the functional corpus luteum of the goat were studied using the electron microscope. Two luteal cell types, large and small, were present in the corpus luteum of this species. The large more rounded luteal cell possessed numerous mitochondria and electron dense membrane- bound granules, extensive agranular endoplasmic reticulum and granular endoplasmic reticulum which at times appeared as stacks of closely packed cisternae. Few lipid droplets were present iri the luteal cell cytoplasma while whorled agranular endoplasmic reticulum was absent. Interspersed amongst the large luteal cells were smaller luteal cells with tapering cytoplasmic processes. These cells differed from the large luteal cells in that they possessed fewer mitochondria and electron dense membrane- bound granules. Occasional nuclei of the small luteal cells contained cytoplasmic inclusion bodies


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    The study aims to construct findings of impact between the flow experience, perceived enjoyment, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions toward the behavioral intention of Kota Kita mobile game players. For this study we applies a quantitative research methodology with non-probability sampling techniques. Using number of samples as many as 100 people of Kota Kita mobile game players in Indonesia. This study also employs descriptive analysis techniques and multiple linear regression for analysis purpose.The partial hypothesis test results show there is no significant effect between flow experience, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy on behavioral intention. Meanwhile, there is a significant effect between perceived enjoyment, social influence, and facilitating conditions toward behavioral intention on Kota Kita players. Furthermore, based on the results of the f test show that simultaneously, there is an effect between flow experience, perceived enjoyment, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions toward behavioral intention on Kota Kita players

    Pengaruh Flow Experience, Perceived Enjoyment, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Dan Facilitating Conditions Terhadap Behavioral Intention Pemain Mobile Game Kota Kita

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    Industri mobile game secara global terus mengalami perkembangan setiap tahunnya. Hal ini dikarenakan semakin majunya teknolgi internet dan semakin mudahnya masyarakat memperoleh smartphone untuk digunakan dalam keperluan sehari-hari. Meskipun industri mobile game terus mengalami perkembangan setiap tahunnya, keuntungan yang diserap oleh pengembang mobile game di Indonesia tidak sebesar pengembang dari negara lain. Sehingga perlu adanya langkah untuk memahami pola perilaku pengguna dalam memainkan mobile game di Indonesia. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mencari pengaruh antara flow experience, perceived enjoyment, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, dan facilitating conditions terhadap behavioral intention pemain mobile game Kota Kita. Sehingga kedepannya, pengembang dapat menyusun strategi pemasaran yang lebih baik maupun meningkatkan kualitas mobile game Kota Kita. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik sampling non probability sampling, yaitu dengan jumlah sample sebanyak 100 orang pemain mobile game Kota Kita di Indonesia. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif dan regresi linear berganda. Hasil uji hipotesis secara parsial menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh antara flow experience, performance expectancy, dan effort expectancy terhadap behavioral intention. Sementara terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara perceived enjoyment, social influence, dan facilitating conditions terhadap behavioral intention pada pemain mobile game Kota Kita. Selanjutnya berbadasarkan hasil uji f menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan terdapat pengaruh antara flow experience, perceived enjoyment, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, dan facilitating conditions terhadap behavioral intention pada pemain mobile game Kota Kita


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    Di Kota Manado lebih dari 90% perjalanan berbasis rumah tangga, dimana perjalanan dimulai dari rumah dan diakhiri kembali dirumah. Untuk memahami pola pergerakan yang akan terjadi dari setiap rumah tangga yang ada di Kota Manado, perlu suatu penelitian mengenai jumlah bangkitan yang terjadi dalam memprediksi kebutuhan akan sarana dan prasarana tahun-tahun mendatang. Permintaan lalu lintas yang melebihi penyediaan ruang jalan mengakibatkan kepadatan dan kemacetan lalu lintas. Berdasarkan kondisi ini maka sudah waktunya untuk melihat kepada program transportasi yang berkelanjutan (Sustainable Transport Modes). Direkomendasikan Transportasi umum berkelanjutan berbasis rel, yang cenderung bebas dari kemacetan sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa waktu tempuh yang dihasilkan akan semakin berkurang dengan daya angkut penumpang yang cukup besar. Bentuk yang direkomendasikan adalah sistem angkutan masal jenis LRT (Light Rail Transit). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka, pengumpulan data primer berupa survai wawancara rumah tangga, data sekunder dikumpulkan dari beberapa instansi terkait. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini yaitu diperoleh pemodelan Y = 3.2985 + 3.3645 X1 + 1.4508 X2 + 1.5686 X3, dengan Y adalah jumlah pergerakan seluruh anggota keluarga per-hari, X1 adalah komposisi keluarga, X2 jumlah anggota keluarga yang bekerja, X3 jumlah anggota keluarga yang belajar. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan tersebut Nilai Kofisien Determinan (R²) yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 0,7453 atau 74,5%. Dalam menentukan konstruksi tebal lapisan perkersan jalan rel menggunakan standar ketentuan umum jalan rel didapatkan hasil yaitu : Jalan Kelas I dengan penggunaan tipe rel R.54/R.50/R.42, jenis bantalan Beton/Kayu/Baja, dan jenis penambat bisa menggunakan ganda maupun tunggal. Kata Kunci : LRT (Light Rail Transit), Konstruksi Perkerasan Rel, Trip Distibution, Multiple Regression Model, Microsoft office exel

    Science Star over Asia

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    The founding director of Singapore's Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology illustrates the rise of science in Asia

    Relationship of scrotal circumference to age, body weight and onset of spermatogenesis in goats

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    Scrotal circumference (SC) and body weight (BW) measurements were obtained from 122 crossbred (Saanen × Loca; Jumnapari × Local) bucks, ranging in age from 3 to 28 months. Spermatogenesis and semeniferous tubule diameters were studied from testicular biopsies in 24 bucks. The results showed that SC increased curvilinearly and was significantly correlated with age (P < 0.05). Scrotal circumference correlated more significantly with BW (P < 0.001). Spermatogenesis was completed at 6–7 months with a sudden increase in tubular diameter at the same time. Since SC is an indirect measurement of testicular size, a marked increase in testicular size indicated the onset of active spermatogenesis and, hence, the possibility of using bucks for breeding at an earlier age than normally recommended. Further, SC norms obtained in this study may become useful in the evaluation of bucks for breeding soundness

    The research results of charter companies in Croatia

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    Demand for Croatia as a nautical country constantly maintains the upward trend. The reason for this is the fact that Croatia is on the way to the EU integration as a future equal member state. This fact significantly contributes to Croatia’s openness to the generating market in both economical and in terms of tourism. Nautical tourism of Croatia is profitable which has been recognized by foreign entrepreneurs by directing their fleets to the Adriatic and developing successful and today frequently leading charter companies. The paper defines the charter activity and points out its characteristics. The purpose of the paper is to research, understand and set forth the attitudes of nautical tourists within the charter domain as an activity with the highest annual growth rate in nautical tourism. Methodology used in this paper was questionnaire based on three sections of questions. First section of questions refers to structure of charter companies, the second section of questions refers to the features of demand and season of 2009, and the third section of the questionnaire shows the expectations of charter companies for the season of 2010. Further on, the authors have additionally researched Slovenian charter companies and made the correlation of Slovenian and Croatian charter market.The research in this paper is descriptive, conducted on a one-time basis and on an intentionally selected sample. Based on the results, appropriate conclusions and attitudes have been made also incorporating specific views regarding the quality improvement of a nautical tourist product and charter offer

    Chondrogenic phenotype of different cells encapsulated in κ-carrageenan hydrogels for cartilage regeneration strategies

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    Engineering articular cartilage substitutes using hydrogels with encapsulated cells is an approach that has received increasing attention in recent years. Hydrogels based on κ-carrageenan (κC), a thermoreversible natural-origin polymer, have been recently proposed as new cell/growth factor delivery vehicles for regenerative medicine. In this work, we report the potential of such hydrogels encapsulating either human-adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs), human nasal chondrocytes (hNCs), or a chondrocytic cell line (ATDC5) for cartilage regeneration strategies. The in vitro cellular behavior of the encapsulated cells within κC hydrogel was analyzed after different culturing periods using biochemical assays and histological and real-time reverse-transcription PCR analysis. The three types of cells encapsulated in κC hydrogels showed good cellular viability and proliferation up to 21 days of culture, and the cell-laden hydrogels were positive for specific cartilage markers. In summary, the results demonstrate that hASCs embedded in κC hydrogels proliferate faster and exhibit higher expression levels of typical cartilage markers as compared with hNCs or ATDC5 cells. Based on these data, it is possible to conclude that κC hydrogel provides a good support for culture and differentiation of encapsulated cells and that hASCs may provide an advantageous alternative to primary chondrocytes, currently used in clinical treatments of cartilage defects/diseases.Elena G. Popa would like to acknowledge Cristina Correia for help in the isolation of hNCs for this work. The authors would like to acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PhD grant, SFRH/BD/64070/2009)

    Electrospun nanofibrous meshes cultured with Wharton’s Jelly Stem Cell: an alternative for cartilage regeneration, without the need of growth factors

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    Many efforts are being directed worldwide to the treatment of OA-focal lesions. The majority of those efforts comprise either the refinement of surgical techniques or combinations of biomaterials with various autologous cells. Herein, we tested electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibrous meshes for cartilage tissue engineering. For that, articular chondrocytes (hACs) isolated from human osteoarthritic joints and Whartonâ s Jelly Stem Cells (hWJSCs) are cultured on electrospun nanofiber meshes, without adding external growth factors. We observed higher glycosaminoglycans production and higher overexpression of cartilage-related genes from hWJSCs cultured with basal medium, when compared to hACs isolated from osteoarthritic joints. Moreover, the presence of sulfated proteoglycans and collagen type II is observed on both types of cell cultures. We believe that this effect is due to either the electrospun nanofibers topography or the intrinsic chondrogenic differentiation potential of hWJSCs. Therefore, we propose the electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds in combination with hWJSCs as a viable alternative to the commercial membranes used in autologous chondrogenic regeneration approaches.The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the Post-Doc grant of Marta Alves da Silva (SFRH/BPD/73322/2010, financed by POPH QREN Tipologia 4.1 – Advanced Formation, co-financed by Fundo Social Europeu and MEC national funds). This work was supported by the project SPARTAN (PTDC/CTM-BIO/4388/2014) FCT/MEC with PIDDAC funds. It was also partly supported by the POLARIS (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1) and the Project “New methodologies for the isolation and control of stem cells differentiation using advanced culturing conditions and/or nanomaterials” (RL2 SCN NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000018), co-financed by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio