146 research outputs found

    Use of Echinoderms and Marine and Terrestrial Plant Materials in the Technology of Mayonnaise Sauce

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    Sea urchin caviar is a valuable product, as well as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for cancer, it removes radionuclides from the body, increases the body’s resistance to various types of infections, with physical and mental fatigue, under stress. In addition to the above mentioned aspects, the ingestion of sea urchin caviar helps to increase the human body’s resistance to adverse and harmful environmental factors, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and thyroid function. The gonads of sea urchins contain a set of all amino acids not synthesized by the human body, moreover, in a ratio close to the composition of the “ideal protein”. The technology for manufacturing a new mayonnaise sauce using such valuable ingredients as sea urchin caviar, kelp, and nettle has been scientifically substantiated and created. A prescription composition of a new product has been developed; samples of mayonnaise sauce were made and their study during storage was carried out. The implementation of such a technology will allow not only rational use of stocks of marine non-fish raw materials and plants, but also expand the range and properties of functional products


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    The article analyses development regularities of human system and investigates possible social and economic development models in the era of digital transformation. The article demonstrates that there are three models that can be applied in the conditions of Industry 4.0 technological revolution with its rapidly emerging digital devices and technology breakthroughs of the 21st century. These models are shaped in accordance with their development purposes, which can establish different relations between state, society, business, and specific individuals. The authors convincingly show that there is only one model capable of providing sustainable development and creating a new model for economic development, which corresponds to digital technologies of the 21st century

    Scientific tools for forming professional competence of patrol police officers

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    In this paper, the scientific sources analysis was presented. The peculiarities of the professional competence formation of the future patrol officers were determined. Moreover, the specifics of the service activity of patrol officers were considered. The original method for the formation of professional competence of modern police officers was substantiated and tested its effectiveness. The essence of this methodology was to introduce simulated situational tasks, aimed at forming the professional skills and abilities of future police officers. The pedagogical experiment involved students of the primary vocational training course applied in 2018 (n=183) who were studying at the center of primary vocational training “Police Academy” of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine). An experimental (EG, n=93) and control (CG, n=90) group were formed. Cognitive and operational criteria evaluated the efficiency of the original methodology. The results of the pedagogical experiment indicated the greater efficiency of the original methods compared to the traditional one. A significant (р<0.05-0.001) improvement of the indicators “Knowledge of professional and practical course”, “Professional and practical skills formation” and “The effectiveness of solving scenarios” was designated.

    Ecology and safety in the field of national economy

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    This article addresses the important issue of the interrelation between ecology and safety in the national economy. The authors analyze the influence of environmental factors on production processes and the livelihoods of the population, as well as examine measures to ensure environmental safety in various economic sectors. This article serves as valuable research for specialists in the fields of ecology, economics, and management, as well as for anyone interested in the issues of environmental safety at the national economy level. The work thoroughly analyzes the impact of environmental factors on production processes, economic activity, and the social sphere. It also discusses the importance of ensuring environmental safety for sustainable societal development and the preparation of relevant personnel. Domestic education has recently faced a shortage of personnel in the management system and has organized training based on colleges and universities; however, this approach has not yielded the desired effect. The paper presents scientific approaches to this problem (N.A. Zarubova, D.A. Pastukhova, T.N. Melnikova, V.K. Vittenbek, M.E. Kiryagina, and others) and addresses approaches to personnel training. Special attention is paid to issues of corporate and state social responsibility in environmental protection, as well as the interaction of various stakeholders in the process of forming an environmentally friendly national economy

    The lack of future officers’ methodical competence in physical training as a pedagogical problem

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    The level of the cadets’ of higher military educational institutions (HMEI), who are future officers, methodical competence in physical training is investigated in the article. 609 cadets participated in the study. Two groups were formed: EG (n=38), which included the cadets who were 3 engaged in various sports and CG (n=65), which included the cadets who were training according to the traditional physical training program. The methodical competence was assessed by the level of mastering the theoretical bases of physical training and the quality of implementation of practical actions of physical training. It was determined that EG cadets had a higher level of methodical competence in physical training than CG cadets at the end of the study at HME

    Отработка методики численного моделирования трехмерного вязкого течения в осерадиальном колесе центробежного компрессора в программном комплексе Ansys CFX

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    Целью данной работы была отработка методики численного эксперимента для анализа течения в осерадиальном колесе компрессора. Был изучен и использован функционал программ, входящих в Ansys для проектирования элементов турбомашин, в частности программ Vista CCD, Vista TF, BladeGen и BladeModeler. Объектом численного моделирования было осерадиальное центробежное колесо, созданное в модуле VistaCCD. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3132

    The lack of future officers’ methodical competence in physical training as a pedagogical problem

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    English The level of the cadets’ of higher military educational institutions (HMEI), who are future officers, methodical competence in physical training is investigated in the article. 609 cadets participated in the study. Two groups were formed: EG (n= 38), which included the cadets who were engaged in various sports and CG (n= 65), which included the cadets who were training according to the traditional physical training program. The methodical competence was assessed by the level of mastering the theoretical bases of physical training and the quality of implementation of practical actions of physical training. It was determined that EG cadets had a higher level of methodical competence in physical training than CG cadets at the end of the study at HMEI

    Визначення зон стійкості режимів і параметрів руху вібраційних машин різного технологічного призначення

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    This paper reports a study into the movement of vibratory machines for various technological purposes that determined their stable zones. These zones warrant that the predetermined parameters of energy saving and energy-efficient mode are maintained. The structural scheme of energy transmission within the elements of a vibratory machine has been built. It is common for any design of the vibratory machine and its operating modes. The machine estimation scheme has been constructed taking into consideration a technological load, which is a certain manufacturing environment or a material subject to processing based on the appropriate technology. Underlying the motion equations built is a substantiated discrete-continual model of the vibratory machine and processing environment. The estimation scheme takes into consideration possible structural solutions for a vibratory machine whose movement modes are harmonious or impact-vibrational. The adopted scheme is a resonance vibration-impact system. This study into the movement and establishing the zones of stability has been adapted to simpler and more complex systems by reducing a combined discrete-continual model to the discrete one. The result reveals a qualitative pattern of the vibratory machine movement ensuring the specified mode of its operation. It was found that at the predefined frequency of impacts and weight of a working body, the efficiency of the impact-vibratory machine is determined by the impact speed. The distribution of the basic parameters of such vibration systems has been estimated; stability cards for different zones have been built.This very approach opens up new possibilities for designing highly efficient vibration equipment. A stable resonance mode makes it possible to significantly reduce the energy cost of the manufacturing process and warrant the rational parameters of vibratory machine operation specified by the technology. The results obtained were applied for the development of methods for calculating and constructing a new class of vibratory machines that implement appropriate energy-saving stable zones of the workflowИсследовано движение вибрационных машин различного технологического назначения и установлены устойчивые зоны. Эти зоны гарантируют обеспечение заранее заданных параметров энергосберегающего и энергоэффективного режима. Разработана структурная схема передачи энергии в элементах вибрационной машины. Она является общей для любой конструкции вибрационной машины и ее режимов работы. Создана расчетная схема машины с учетом технологической нагрузки, которая представляет собой определенную технологическую среду или материал, подлежащих, предполагаемой соответствующей технологией, обработке. Составлены уравнения движения на основе обоснованной дискретно-континуальной модели вибрационной машины и обрабатывающей среды. Расчетная схема учитывает возможные конструктивные решения вибрационной машины с гармоническим и с ударно-вибрационным режимами движения. Принятая схема представляет собой резонансную виброударную систему. Исследование движения и установления устойчивых зон адаптировано к простым и более сложным системам редукцией смешанной дискретно-континуальной модели к дискретной. Этот результат раскрывает качественную картину движения вибрационной машины с обеспечением заданного режима ее работы. Обнаружено, что при заданных частоте ударов и массе рабочего органа эффективность ударно-вибрационной машины определяется ударной скоростью. Осуществлена оценка распределения основных параметров таких вибрационных систем и построены карты устойчивости для различных зон.Именно такой подход открывает новые возможности создания высокоэффективной вибрационной техники. Устойчивый резонансный режим позволяет значительно снизить затраты энергии на протекание технологического процесса и гарантировать заданные технологией рациональные параметры работы вибрационной машины. Полученные результаты использованы при разработке методов расчета и создания нового класса вибрационных машин, реализующих соответствующие энергосберегающие стойкие зоны рабочего процессаДосліджено рух вібраційних машин різного технологічного призначення та встановлені стійкі зони. Ці зони гарантують забезпечення наперед заданих параметрів енергоощадного та енергоефективного режиму. Розроблена структурна схема передачі енергії в елементах вібраційної машини. Вона є загальною для будь-якої конструкції вібраційної машини та її режимів роботи. Створена розрахункова схема машини із урахуванням технологічного навантаження, яким є певне технологічне середовище чи матеріал, що підлягають, передбачуваній відповідною технологією, обробці. Складені рівняння руху на основі обґрунтованої дискретно-континуальної моделі вібраційної машини та оброблювального середовища. Розрахункова схема враховує можливі конструктивні рішення вібраційної машини із гармонійним та із ударно-вібраційним режими руху. Прийнята схема представляє собою резонансну віброударну систему. Дослідження руху та встановлення стійких зон адаптовано до простих та більш складних систем редукцією змішаної дискретно-континуальної моделі до дискретної. Цей результат розкриває якісну картину руху вібраційної машини із забезпеченням заданого режиму її роботи. Виявлено, що при заданих частоті ударів і масі робочого органу ефективність ударно-вібраційної машини визначається ударною швидкістю. Здійснена оцінка розподілу основних параметрів таких вібраційних систем та побудовані карти стійкості для різних зон.Саме такий підхід відкриває нові можливості створення високоефективної вібраційної техніки. Стійкий резонансний режим дозволяє значно знизити витрати енергії на протікання технологічного процесу та гарантувати задані технологією раціональні параметри роботи вібраційної машини. Отримані результати використані при розробці методів розрахунку та створенні нового класу вібраційних машин, що реалізують відповідні енергоощадні стійкі зони робочого процес

    Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases among patients with diabetes mellitus according to the federal diabetes register of the Russian Federation (2013–2016)

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of death for patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). AIMS: To evaluate the CVD epidemiology: coronary heart disease (CHD), myocardial infarction (MI) and cerebrovascular diseases in adult patients with type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 (T2DM) diabetes, compare dynamics with data of implementation of the Federal Program «Diabetes mellitus» in 2007–2012 and over the online period 2013–2016. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The database of the Federal Diabetes register (81 regions at 12.2017). We estimated prevalence and incidence rates/10 thousand (th) adult DM patients over 18 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of CVD for the period 2007 – 2016 significant decreased in CHD for T1DM from 14,9% to 3,5%, for T2DM from 20,1% to 11,7%; MI for T1DM from 5,7% to 1,3%, for T2DM from 7,6% to 3,5%; cerebrovascular diseases for T1DM from 4,9% to 1,7%, for T2DM from 7,6% to 4,3%, respectively. In 2013→2016 positive trends continued: MI for T1DM 8,2→5,9/10th patients, for T2DM 19,2→14,7/10th patients, respectively; CVD for T1DM 11,3→10,5, for T2DM 29,4→25,4/10th patients, respectively. There was a large heterogeneity of the prevalence of CVD in the regions. MI varied in patients for T1DM from 319/10 th patients to absence, for T2DM from 800 to 7/10 th patients; the development of cerebrovascular diseases for T2DM from 900 to less than 100/10 th patients, which is largely due to differences in their registration. A small number of cases may be due to insufficient filling of the database, the facts of a huge number require further analysis. The average age of development of MI had increased: for T1DM 51,2→53 years, for T2DM 63,5→65 years, cerebrovascular diseases for T1DM 52,3→52.5 years, for T2DM 65,2→66,5, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of CVD significantly decreased in the Russian Federation compared to 2007–2012, as well as for the period 2013–2016: the prevalence of CHD and cerebrovascular diseases declined, the number of new cases of MI decreased, the average age and duration of DM before the development of CVD significantly increased. These data reflect the results of the program for improvement medical care and prevention measures for patients with diabetes