60 research outputs found

    Una propuesta didáctica basada en la investigación para el uso de analogías en la enseñanza de las ciencias

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    In this paper, an analysis about the advantages and difficulties of the analogies, as a didactic resource in science education, is accomplished. According to the results of the investigation developed in this field during the last years, some criteria to take into account with the purpose of improving their use in the classroom, are also provided. All these contributions are accompanied by concrete examples that help to illustrate the considerations and the didactic implications for educational practice

    Un estudio sobre el papel de las analogías en la construcción del modelo cinético-molecular de la materia

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    En este trabajo se propone, en primer lugar, un marco teórico para analizar el papel de las analogías en la construcción de modelos sobre fenómenos científicos por parte de los alumnos. Tomando como base dicho marco, se fundamenta, en segundo lugar, un diseño didáctico concreto encaminado a facilitar la construcción del modelo cinético-molecular de la materia a través de analogías, en alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria. Finalmente, se evalúa el diseño didáctico empleado comparando los resultados finales alcanzados en pruebas de interpretación y predicción de fenómenos en un grupo experimental y en otro de control. Los resultados obtenidos parecen indicar que las analogías jugaron un papel relevante en la comprensión de los alumnos que fueron enseñados a través de dicho recurso. Éstos aportaron, finalmente, modelos explicativos más acordes con el modelo científico que los alumnos que fueron enseñados según un diseño semejante pero sin analogías, si bien las diferencias encontradas fueron pequeñas.In order to analyze the role of the analogies on the model construction about scientific phenomena in the students, a theoretical framework is firstly proposed. From this framework, a concrete didactic design is also proposed with regard to facilitating the construction of a kinetic-molecular model of matter through analogies, in students of compulsory secondary education. Finally, the didactic design used is evaluated, comparing the final results in the interpretation and prediction of phenomena between an experimental group and a control one. The post-test results indicate that the analogies used played a relevant role in the learning process of the pupils who were taught through the mentioned resource. They provided, finally, explanatory models more in agreement with the scientific model than the pupils who were taught according to a similar design but without analogies, although the differences found were small

    Las exposiciones científicas escolares y su contribución el ámbito afectivo de los alumnos participantes

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    En este trabajo se analiza la incidencia en el ámbito afectivo de los alumnos de «La Ciencia Divertida», una experiencia innovadora consistente en la planificación, construcción y realización de una exposición científica interactiva a cargo de grupos de alumnos y profesores. Los resultados obtenidos indican un alto grado de implicación y motivación del alumnado que diseñó los módulos y una incidencia positiva de la actividad en la autoestima y desarrollo personal de los alumnos. También sugieren una mejora de la convivencia y el clima de relaciones personales alumno-alumno y alumno-profesor, y en la motivación y satisfacción personal de los alumnos hacia la propia experiencia y la ciencia en general. Sin embargo, no se aprecian grandes logros respecto a la transferencia al aula de las actitudes positivas generadas hacia la experiencia desarrollada y la propia ciencia, aunque sí respecto al clima de relaciones personales.In this paper, the influence of «The Amusing Science» on the students' attitudes is evaluated. This innovative experience includes the design, construction and assembly of a scientific interactive exposition made up by students and teachers. The results show high rates of students' implication and motivation and a positive influence in their self-steem and personal development. They also suggest an improvement of the interpersonal relationships among students and among students and teachers, as well as of the students' satisfaction to the experience and to Science. The improved interpersonal relationships were translated into science classroom without stating the positive attitudes

    Molecular detection of "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" in a lion (Panthera leo) from a brazilian zoological garden

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    Although Mycoplasma haemofelis and "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" infections have been reported in wild cats from United States, their presence among native and captive wild cats in Brazil is still unknown. A 12 year old healthy male lion (Panthera leo) from the Zoological Garden of Curitiba, Brazil was anesthetized for transportation and dental evaluation. A blood sample was obtained for a complete blood cell count (CBC) and PCR analysis. DNA was extracted and fragments of Mycoplasma haemofelis and "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" 16S ribosomal RNA gene were amplified in PCR assays. CBC results were within reference intervals. A weak band of 192 pb for "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" was observed, and no band was amplified from Mycoplasma haemofelis reaction. A weak PCR band associated with normal CBC results and without visible parasitemia or clinical signs may suggest a chronic subclinical infection with "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum". The lack of clinical signs may also represent the low pathogenicity of this organism; however, it is noteworthy that immune suppression caused by management and/or corticoids treatment may induce parasitemia and anemia in this animal. This detection suggests further studies in captive wild cats in Brazilian Zoological Gardens.Embora a infecção por Mycoplasma haemofelis e "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" tenha sido reportada em felinos selvagens dos Estados Unidos, sua presença entre felinos selvagens de vida livre e de cativeiro no Brasil ainda é desconhecida. Um leão macho, saudável, com 12 anos de idade, residente no Zoológico de Curitiba, Brasil, foi anestesiado para transporte e avaliação dentária. Uma amostra de sangue foi coletada para a realização do hemograma completo e análise pela Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). O DNA foi extraído e fragmentos do gene 16SrRNA do Mycoplasma haemofelis e "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" foram submetidos à metodologia da PCR. O hemograma apresentou valores normais. Uma banda de baixa intensidade de aproximadamente 192 pb do "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" foi detectada, e nenhuma banda foi observada pela PCR na detecção de Mycoplasma haemofelis. A banda de baixa intensidade, o hemograma normal e a ausência de parasitemia e sinais clínicos podem sugerir uma infecção crônica subclínica por "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum". A ausência de sinais clínicos pode também indicar a baixa patogenicidade desse microrganismo; entretanto, a imunossupressão por manejo e/ou tratamento com corticóides podem levar a parasitemia e conseqüente anemia neste animal. Este achado sugere novos estudos em felinos selvagens de cativeiro em zoológicos brasileiros

    Interpreting long-term trends in bushmeat harvest in southeast Cameroon

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    Measuring hunting sustainability across West/Central African forests remains a challenge. Long-term assessment of trends is crucial. Via hunter-reported surveys we collected offtake data in three villages near the Dja Biosphere Reserve (southeast Cameroon). During four months (March–June) in 2003, 2009 and 2016, we gathered information on hunters, prey species and number of carcasses brought to the three settlements. Because it was not possible to record hunter effort i.e. the time a hunter spent pursuing animals or setting traps, to calculate catch per unit effort (CPUE), we used catch per hunter per day (CPHD) to document hunter returns. We then used the changes in the mean body mass indicator (MBMI) throughout the study period to test for defaunation in the three villages. Differences in CPHD and MBMI by month and year, between villages and hunting method, were investigated using Tweedie regression models. For all species pooled, we found that the mean CPHD remained relatively constant between 2003 and 2016. There was an observed shift from traps to firearms during the study period. CPHD for each of the seven most hunted species did not vary significantly during the entire study period, and a similar change from traps to firearms was observed. MBMI also remained stable for all species pooled, but significantly declined in the remotest village. Starting MBMI values for this village were higher than for the other two settlements perhaps because wildlife here is less depleted. Although hunter effort data may be difficult to obtain over long time periods, CPHD and MBMI may be useful tools as a measure of impact of hunters on prey populations

    Modelling the covariance structure in marginal multivariate count models: Hunting in Bioko Island.

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    The main goal of this article is to present a flexible statistical modelling framework to deal with multivariate count data along with longitudinal and repeated measures structures. The covariance structure for each response variable is defined in terms of a covariance link function combined with a matrix linear predictor involving known matrices. In order to specify the joint covariance matrix for the multivariate response vector, the generalized Kronecker product is employed. We take into account the count nature of the data by means of the power dispersion function associated with the Poisson–Tweedie distribution. Furthermore, the score information criterion is extended for selecting the components of the matrix linear predictor. We analyse a data set consisting of prey animals (the main hunted species, the blue duiker Philantomba monticola and other taxa) shot or snared for bushmeat by 52 commercial hunters over a 33-month period in Pico Basilé, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. By taking into account the severely unbalanced repeated measures and longitudinal structures induced by the hunters and a set of potential covariates (which in turn affect the mean and covariance structures), our method can be used to indicate whether there was statistical evidence of a decline in blue duikers and other species hunted during the study period. Determining whether observed drops in the number of animals hunted are indeed true is crucial to assess whether species depletion effects are taking place in exploited areas anywhere in the world. We suggest that our method can be used to more accurately understand the trajectories of animals hunted for commercial or subsistence purposes and establish clear policies to ensure sustainable hunting practices