140 research outputs found

    Homozygous FVII deficiencies with different reactivity towards tissue thromboplastins of different origin.

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    The reagents most frequently used for FVII activity assay are obtained by rabbit brain or human placenta. In recent years, human recombinant thromboplastins have received great attention. FVII activity in FVII deficiency is usually low, regardless of the thromboplastin used. There are a few exceptions to this rule. These are represented by FVII Padua (Arg304Gln), FVII Nagoya (Arg304Trp), and FVII (Arg79Gln). In these three instances, clear discrepancies were noted in the FVII activity depending on the thromboplastin used. This indicates that at least two areas of FVII are involved in tissue binding, namely an epidermal growth factor domain of the light chain (Arg79Gln) and the catalytic domain (Arg304), controlled by exons 4 and 8, respectively. Since these three variants are cross reactive material positive, namely they are Type 2 defects, all other variants with normal antigen should be investigated by a panel of at least three tissue thromboplastins (rabbit brain, human tissue or human recombinant, and ox brain derived) in order to obtain a satisfactory classification

    Dissection of the collisional and collisionless mass components in a mini sample of CLASH and HFF massive galaxy clusters at z0.4z \approx 0.4

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    We present a multi-wavelength study of the massive (M200c1M_{200\textrm{c}} \approx 1-2×1015M2 \times 10^{15} M_\odot) galaxy clusters RXC J2248.7-4431, MACS J0416.1-2403, and MACS J1206.2-0847 at z0.4z \approx 0.4. Using the X-ray surface brightness of the clusters from deep Chandra data to model their hot gas, we are able to disentangle this mass term from the diffuse dark matter in our new strong-lensing analysis, with approximately 5050-100100 secure multiple images per cluster, effectively separating the collisional and collisionless mass components of the clusters. At a radial distance of 10%10\% of R200cR_{200\textrm{c}} (approximately 200200 kpc), we measure a projected total mass of (0.129±0.001)(0.129 \pm 0.001), (0.131±0.001)(0.131 \pm 0.001) and (0.137±0.001)×M200c(0.137 \pm 0.001)\times M_{200\textrm{c}}, for RXC J2248, MACS J0416 and MACS J1206, respectively. These values are surprisingly similar, considering the large differences in the merging configurations, and, as a consequence, in the mass models of the clusters. Interestingly, at the same radii, the hot gas over total mass fractions differ substantially, ranging from 0.082±0.0010.082 \pm 0.001 to 0.133±0.0010.133 \pm 0.001, reflecting the various dynamical states of the clusters. Moreover, we do not find a statistically significant offset between the positions of the peak of the diffuse dark matter component and of the BCG in the more complex clusters of the sample. We extend to this sample of clusters previous findings of a number of massive sub-halos higher than in numerical simulations. These results highlight the importance of a proper separation of the different mass components to study in detail the properties of dark matter in galaxy clusters.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; lensing models available at https://sites.google.com/site/vltclashpublic


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    Para tanto, neste estudo objetivou-se analisar os entraves existentes para a legalização do aborto em condições de contaminação da gestante com a febre Zika, mesmo na ausência de um rebento comprovadamente microcéfalo. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, de cunho descritivo, elaborado mediante revisão bibliográfica, busca on-line de artigos nas bases científicas Scielo, Pubmed e Google acadêmico, com subsequente parecer dos resultados. Como explana Bonamigo (2015, p. 126), o ato do aborto caracteriza crime, salvo em algumas exceções em que apenas não é estabelecida uma punição. Na tardia comprovação do diagnóstico de microcefalia no período intrauterino é que nasce a primeira complicação a qual dificulta a inclusão de tal enfermidade entre esses casos excepcionais: tal inferência somente é viável em torno de 30 semanas de gravidez, quando o bebê já está praticamente formado (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, 2016). “O termo seria interrupção prematura da gravidez. Nesse caso, o bebê vai nascer vivo. E quem vai decidir se ele continuará vivo ou não?” (PIRES, 2016 apud FERNANDES, 2016). Uma jovem da Eslovênia, infectada por Zika em Natal, RN no primeiro trimestre da gestação, optou por interromper a gravidez na 32ª semana, quando foi confirmado o diagnóstico de microcefalia com sérias lesões cerebrais no feto. O procedimento foi permitido por dois comitês de ética (MLAKAR; KORVA; TUL, 2016). Por conseguinte, a segunda complicação existente consiste na possibilidade – remota – de a microcefalia não ser uma consequência da febre Zika, uma vez que ainda não foram totalmente elucidados os mecanismos fisiopatológicos pelo qual o Zika vírus causa problemas no sistema nervoso central. Embora haja evidências epidemiológicas cada vez mais sólidas de uma relação, não se pode afirmar com certeza a sua existência (BROUTET; KRAUER; RIESEN, 2016, tradução nossa). Como terceira complicação, a inclusão ocasionaria à jurisprudência a possibilidade de interrupção de gravidez nos diagnósticos de outras patologias, em que o grau de comprometimento da criança é ainda mais alto do que nos casos de microcefalia. Contudo, se “[...] a legislação vai liberar para as síndromes causadas pelo Zika vírus, é preciso contemplar outras patologias ainda mais graves. Senão, vamos restringir o debate.” (REINALDO, 2016 apud CARVALHO, 2016). Nesse contexto, inclui-se a discussão sobre o Código de Ética Médica (CONSELHO FEDERAL DE MEDICINA, 2009) cuja orientação sobre o aborto depende da legislação vigente (artigo 15).  Conclui-se, então, que a possibilidade de aborto em caso de malformação fetal por Zika vírus encontra seus principais entraves no déficit de conhecimento até agora adquirido, na legislação e nas orientações éticas que somente serão dissolvidos a partir da apuração científica, do aprimoramento no diagnóstico e de solidificação dos conceitos legislativos e éticos vigentes. Palavras-chave: Aborto. Microcefalia. Zika vírus. Bioética. Ciência

    Discovery and first models of the quadruply lensed quasar SDSS J1433+6007

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    We report the discovery of the quadruply lensed quasar SDSS J1433+6007 (RA =14:33:22.8, Dec.=+60:07:13.44), mined in the SDSS DR12 photometric catalogues using a novel outlierselection technique, without prior spectroscopic or ultraviolet excess information. Discovery data obtained at the Nordic Optical Telescope (La Palma) show nearly identical quasar spectra at zs= 2.737 \ub1 0.003 and four quasar images in a fold configuration, one of which sits on a blue arc, with maximum separation 3.6 arcsec. The deflector redshift is zl= 0.407 \ub1 0.002, from Keck-ESI spectra. We describe the selection procedure, discovery and follow-up, image positions and BVRi magnitudes, and first results and forecasts from lens model fit to the relative image positions

    Considerações sobre o manejo do complexo afídeos / nanismo-amarelo em trigo, Independência/rs, 2018.

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    Os afídeos figuram como importantes pragas nas mais diversas culturas. Porém na cultura do trigo e demais cereais de inverno são as principais pragas causadoras de danos. Sua importância se deve pelos impactos negativos causados pelos danos diretos e indiretos. Os danos diretos dizem respeito à sucção de seiva e ao depauperamento das plantas

    Conservation of wild mushrooms through electron beam irradiation

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    The high perishability is a characteristic of the mushrooms consumed in fresh. Therefore, it is mandatory the application of effective conservation technologies to preserve and protect their chemical composition and nutritional value. Drying processes are widely used, but do not avoid the development of bacteria and fungi which have the ability to survive for long periods of time in dry foods, causing the loss of some nutrients and leading to food browning and oxidation of lipids and vitamins [1]. Irradiation appears as an alternative to food preservation assuring and maintaining its quality [2]. In this work, the effects of electron beam irradiation and storage time on nutritional and chemical parameters of wild samples of Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer, previously submitted to a drying process (oven at 30 ºC), were assessed. The wild mushroom samples were collected in Trás-os-Montes; electron beam irradiation (doses 0.5, 1 and 6 kGy) was carried out in the INCT- Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw, Poland and the analyses were performed over the storage period (0, 6 and 12 months). The results were compared with a control (non-irradiated samples). The nutritional value was determined according to the official procedures of food analysis, while the profiles of fatty acids, tocopherols, mono and oligosaccharides were obtained by chromatographic techniques [1]. The irradiation showed a better capacity to maintain the nutritional and chemical profile, in comparison with the storage time. Effectively, the storage time had a significant effect in all parameters, but fatty acids undergone significant changes both with irradiation doses and storage time. Electron beam irradiation can be considered a suitable technique for conservation of mushrooms for long periods of time, attenuating the changes caused by the drying treatment.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013), A. Fernandes (SFRH/BPD/114753/2016) and J.C.M. Barreira contract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pearl Millet Breeding Lines Developed at ICRISAT: A Reservoir of Variability and Useful Source of Non-Target Traits

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    The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi- Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) conducts inter-disciplinary and partnership-based research for the genetic improvement of its mandate crops. During the 1970s and 1980s, the pearl millet improvement at ICRISAT, Patancheru, emphasized on: (i) developing a diverse range of traitspecific composites, based on the germplasm largely from the Western and Central Africa; (ii) improving them by the process of recurrent selection, principally for grain yield and downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet ) resistance; and (iii) developing open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) (Rai and Anand Kumar 1994). The improved composites, OPVs, and breeding lines derived from them, were disseminated for worldwide utilization. These germplasm, improved populations, and breeding lines were also utilized at ICRISAT, Patancheru, mostly for pedigree breeding which was aimed at developing a wide and diverse range of improved trait-specific breeding lines and hybrid parents employing higher grain yield potential and downy mildew (DM) resistance, as the main selection criteria. Limited efforts were also made to develop composites, OPVs, and breeding lines with additional resistance to smut (Tolyposporium penicillariae Bref.) and ergot (Claviceps fusiformis Loveless)