18 research outputs found

    Multi-Parametric Field Experiment Links Explosive Activity and Persistent Degassing at Stromboli

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    Visually unattainable magmatic processes in volcanic conduits, such as degassing, are closely linked to eruptive styles at the surface, but their roles are not completely identified and understood. To gain insights, a multi-parametric experiment at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) was installed in July 2016 focusing on the normal explosive activity and persistent degassing. During this experiment, gas-dominated (type 0) and particle-loaded (type 1) explosions, already defined by other studies, were clearly identified. A FLIR thermal camera, an Ultra-Violet SO₂ camera and a scanning Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy were deployed to record pyroclast and SO2 masses emitted during individual explosions, as well as persistent SO₂ fluxes, respectively. An ASHER instrument was also deployed in order to collect ash fallouts and to measure the grain size distribution of the samples. SO2 measurements confirm that persistent degassing was far greater than that emitted during the explosions. Further, we found that the data could be characterized by two periods. In the first period (25–27 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 0 explosions, characterized by high velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were relatively low (280 kg/event on average), while persistent SO2 fluxes were high (274 t/d on average). In the second period (29–30 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 1 explosions, characterized by low velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were almost ten times higher (2,400 kg/event on average), while persistent gas fluxes were significantly lower (82 t/d on average). Ash characterization also indicates that type 0 explosions fragments were characterized by a larger proportion of non-juvenile material compared to type 1 explosions fragments. This week-long field experiment suggests that, at least within short time periods, Stromboli’s type 1 explosions can be associated with low levels of degassing and the mass of particles accompanying such explosive events depends on the volume of a degassed magma cap sitting at the head of the magma column. This could make the classic particle-loaded explosions of Stromboli an aside from the true eruptive state of the volcano. Instead, gas-dominated explosions can be associated with high levels of degassing and are indicative of a highly charged (with gas) system. We thus suggest that relatively deep magmatic processes, such as persistent degassing and slug formation can rapidly influence the superficial behavior of the eruptive conduit, modulating the presence or absence of degassed magma at the explosion/fragmentation level

    Caractérisation des émissions volcaniques par la vision thermique

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    In April 2010, the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) threw volcanic ash across northwest Europe for six days which led to air travel disruption. This recent crisis spotlighted the necessity to parameterise plume dynamics through emission, dispersion and fall out as to better model, track and forecast cloud motions. This eruption was labeled as a Strombolian-to-Sub-Plinian eruption type. Strombolian eruptions are coupled with a large range of volcanic event types (Lava flows, paroxysms) and eruption styles (Hawaiian, Sub-plinian) and offer a partial precursory-indicator of more dangerous eruptions. In addition, strombolian eruptions are small enough to allow observations from within few hundred meters with relative safety, for both operators and material. Since 2001, thermal cameras have been increasingly used to track, parameterise and understand dynamic volcanic events. However, analyses, modelling and post-processing of thermal data are still not fully automated. In this thesis, I focus on the different components of strombolian eruptions at the full range of remote sensing spatial scales. These range from millimeters for particles to kilometers for the entire features via satellite images. Overall, I aim to characterise volcanic emissions through thermal vision.En avril 2010, l’éruption de l’Eyjafjallajökull (Islande) a projeté des cendres sur toute l’Europe pendant six jours, causant d’importantes perturbations aériennes. Cette crise a soulevé la nécessité de mieux comprendre la dynamique des panaches lors de l’émission, de la dispersion, et de la retombée afin d’améliorer les modèles de suivis et de prédiction de ces phénomènes. Cette éruption a été classée comme Strombolienne. Ce type d’éruption offre un large panel de manifestations (coulée de lave, paroxysmes) et peut être utilisé comme indicateur d’éruptions plus dangereuses. Les éruptions stromboliennes permettent généralement une observation à quelques centaines de mètres tout en assurant la sécurité des opérateurs et du matériel. Depuis 2001, les caméras thermiques ont été de plus en plus utilisées pour comprendre la dynamique des évènements volcaniques. Toutefois, l’analyse, la modélisation et le post-traitement de ces données thermiques n’est toujours pas totalement informatisé. Durant ma thèse, j’ai étudié les différentes composantes d’une éruption strombolienne depuis les fines particules éjectées au niveau du cratère jusqu’à la vision d’ensemble offerte par les images satellites. Dans l’ensemble, j’ai caractérisé les émissions volcaniques à travers l’imagerie thermique

    Analysis of Thermal Video for Coarse to Fine Particle Tracking in Volcanic Explosion Plumes

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    International audienceThis paper presents two algorithms of feature extraction and 10 segmentation. The first algorithm is applied to detect tens of thousands of targets moving at high velocities (100's m/s) and with different sizes, velocities, shapes and directions. Upon detection, we compute statistics for each of these parameters for each particle, without any assumption nor a priori information. The second algorithm was developed to detect a 15 slow moving convective cloud. The challenge was to follow the evolution of the contours of a heterogeneous element in front of a homogeneous but possibly moving background. These algorithms were applied on images acquired with thermal cameras with different settings (frame rate, frame size, focal length, instantaneous field of view). A case study concern-20 ing images of volcanic explosive events is finally presented. Volcanoes provide, during an eruption, a source of both ballistic ejecta and a con-vective plume of finer particles, gas and entrained air both of which can be imaged in the infrared wavelength. : Results

    An algorithm for the detection and characterisation of volcanic plumes using thermal camera imagery

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    International audienceVolcanic plumes are turbulent mixtures of particles and gas which are injected into the atmosphere during avolcanic eruption. Depending on the intensity of the eruption, plumes can rise from a few tens of metres upto many tens of kilometres above the vent and thus, present a major hazard for the surrounding population.Currently, however, few if any algorithms are available for automated plume tracking and assessment. Here,we present a new image processing algorithm for segmentation, tracking and parameters extraction of convectiveplume recorded with thermal cameras. We used thermal video of two volcanic eruptions and twoplumes simulated in laboratory to develop and test an efficient technique for analysis of volcanic plumes.We validated our method by two different approaches. First, we compare our segmentation method to previouslypublished algorithms. Next, we computed plume parameters, such as height, width and spreadingangle at regular intervals of time. These parameters allowed us to calculate an entrainment coefficient andobtain information about the entrainment efficiency in Strombolian eruptions. Our proposed algorithm israpid, automated while producing better visual outlines compared to the other segmentation algorithms,and provides output that is at least as accurate as manual measurements of plumes

    Multi-parametric field experiment links explosive activity and persistent degassing at Stromboli

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    Co-auteur Ă©trangerInternational audienceVisually unattainable magmatic processes in volcanic conduits, such as degassing, are closely linked to eruptive styles at the surface, but their roles are not completely identified and understood. To gain insights, a multi-parametric experiment at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) was installed in July 2016 focusing on the normal explosive activity and persistent degassing. During this experiment, gas-dominated (type 0) and particle-loaded (type 1) explosions, already defined by other studies, were clearly identified. A FLIR thermal camera, an UV SOâ‚‚ camera and a scanning DOAS were deployed to record pyroclast and SO2 masses emitted during individual explosions, as well as persistent SOâ‚‚ fluxes, respectively. An ASHER instrument was also deployed in order to collect ash fallouts and to measure the grain size distribution of the samples. SO2 measurements confirm that persistent degassing was far greater than that emitted during the explosions. Further, we found that the data could be characterized by two periods. In the first period (25-27 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 0 explosions, characterized by high velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were relatively low (280 kg/event on average), while persistent SO2 fluxes were high (274 t/d on average). In the second period (29-30 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 1 explosions, characterized by low velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were almost ten times higher (2400 kg/event on average), while persistent gas fluxes were significantly lower (82 t/d on average). Ash characterization also indicates that type 0 explosions fragments were characterized by a larger proportion of non-juvenile material compared to type 1 explosions fragments. This week-long field experiment suggests that, at least within short time periods, Stromboli's type 1 explosions can be associated with low levels of degassing and the mass of particles accompanying such explosive events depends on the volume of a degassed magma cap sitting at the head of the magma column. This could make the classic particle-loaded explosions of Stromboli an aside from the true eruptive state of the volcano. Instead, gas-dominated explosions can be associated with hig

    Multi-parametric field experiment links explosive activity and persistent degassing at Stromboli

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    Co-auteur Ă©trangerInternational audienceVisually unattainable magmatic processes in volcanic conduits, such as degassing, are closely linked to eruptive styles at the surface, but their roles are not completely identified and understood. To gain insights, a multi-parametric experiment at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) was installed in July 2016 focusing on the normal explosive activity and persistent degassing. During this experiment, gas-dominated (type 0) and particle-loaded (type 1) explosions, already defined by other studies, were clearly identified. A FLIR thermal camera, an UV SOâ‚‚ camera and a scanning DOAS were deployed to record pyroclast and SO2 masses emitted during individual explosions, as well as persistent SOâ‚‚ fluxes, respectively. An ASHER instrument was also deployed in order to collect ash fallouts and to measure the grain size distribution of the samples. SO2 measurements confirm that persistent degassing was far greater than that emitted during the explosions. Further, we found that the data could be characterized by two periods. In the first period (25-27 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 0 explosions, characterized by high velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were relatively low (280 kg/event on average), while persistent SO2 fluxes were high (274 t/d on average). In the second period (29-30 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 1 explosions, characterized by low velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were almost ten times higher (2400 kg/event on average), while persistent gas fluxes were significantly lower (82 t/d on average). Ash characterization also indicates that type 0 explosions fragments were characterized by a larger proportion of non-juvenile material compared to type 1 explosions fragments. This week-long field experiment suggests that, at least within short time periods, Stromboli's type 1 explosions can be associated with low levels of degassing and the mass of particles accompanying such explosive events depends on the volume of a degassed magma cap sitting at the head of the magma column. This could make the classic particle-loaded explosions of Stromboli an aside from the true eruptive state of the volcano. Instead, gas-dominated explosions can be associated with hig

    Characteristics of puffing activity revealed by ground-based, thermal infrared imaging: the example of Stromboli Volcano (Italy)

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    Puffing, i.e., the frequent (1 s ca.) release of small (0.1-10 m3), over-pressurized pockets of magmatic gases, is a typical feature of open-conduit basaltic volcanoes worldwide. Despite its non-trivial contribution to the degassing budget of these volcanoes and its recognized role in volcano monitoring, detection and metering tools for puffing are still limited. Taking advantage of the recent developments in high-speed thermal infrared imaging, we developed a specific processing algorithm to detect the emission of individual puffs and measure their duration, size, volume, and apparent temperature at the vent. As a test case, we applied our method at Stromboli Volcano (Italy), studying "snapshots" of 1 min collected in the years 2012, 2013, and 2014 at several vents. In all 3 years, puffing occurred simultaneously at three or more vents with variable features. At the scale of the single vent, a direct relationship links puff temperature and radius, suggesting that the apparent temperature is mostly a function of puff thickness, while the real gas temperature is constant for all puffs. Once released in the atmosphere, puffs dissipate in less than 20 m. On a broader scale, puffing activity is highly variable from vent to vent and year to year, with a link between average frequency, temperature, and volume from 136 puffs per minute, 600 K above ambient temperature, 0.1 m3, and the occasional ejection of pyroclasts to 20 puffs per minute, 3 K above ambient, 20 m3, and no pyroclasts. Frequent, small, hot puffs occur at random intervals, while as the frequency decreases and size increases, an increasingly longer minimum interval between puffs, up to 0.5 s, appears. These less frequent and smaller puffs also display a positive correlation between puff volume and the delay from the previous puff. Our results suggest an important role of shallow bubble coalescence in controlling puffing activity. The smaller and more frequent puffing at "hotter" vents is in agreement with the rapid rise of small gas pockets with only limited coalescence, while slower rise, allowing more time for coalescence, leads to larger but less frequent puffing at "colder" vents. This link between puffing style and vent thermal state points to a feedback between gas flux and magma temperature (and viscosity), where higher gas flux stirs and heats the magma, which, by getting less viscous, becomes a preferential way for bubble rise. Such a link has implications for the monitoring of the state of the shallow conduit at open-vent volcanoes as well as for determination of their total gas budget, relevant for hazard forecast and environmental studies.Published245V. Dinamica dei processi eruttivi e post-eruttivi6V. PericolositĂ  vulcanica e contributi alla stima del rischioJCR Journa