463 research outputs found

    Age au premier vĂȘlage et intervalle entre vĂȘlages de quatre races bovines en zone pĂ©riurbaine de N’DjamĂ©na, Tchad

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    L’objectif de l’étude est de dĂ©terminer l’ñge au premier vĂȘlage et l’intervalle entre vĂȘlages des vaches de quatre races bovines en zone pĂ©riurbaine de N’DjamĂ©na au Tchad. Les races locales concernĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© : Arabes, Bororo, Bokolodji et Kouri. Un Ă©chantillon de 43 vaches pour l’évaluation de l’intervalle entre vĂȘlages et 34 pour l’ñge au premier vĂȘlage a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ© et suivi de 1997 Ă  2014. Les valeurs moyennes obtenues ont Ă©tĂ©: 47,41 ± 9,92 mois pour l’ñge de premier vĂȘlage, 493,09 ± 187,30 jours pour l’intervalle entre vĂȘlages, 91,18 ± 26,31 jours pour l’intervalle vĂȘlage – saillie fĂ©condante et 285,73 ± 8,76 jours pour la durĂ©e de gestation. Les diffĂ©rents facteurs de variation de ces paramĂštres ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la race et l’annĂ©e de naissance des vaches ont influencĂ© l’ñge au premier vĂȘlage alors que c’est le type de saillie seul qui a influencĂ© la durĂ©e de l’intervalle entre les vĂȘlages. La fĂ©conditĂ© de bovins tchadiens a Ă©tĂ© acceptable dans le contexte africain mais n’a pas permis d’atteindre l’objectif d’un veau par vache et par an. D’oĂč l’importance de la conduite de la reproduction sur l’intervalle entre vĂȘlages. L’amĂ©lioration des performances de reproduction des bovins tchadiens doit passer par le croisement avec les races exotiques pour les premiers vĂȘlages et la mise au point d’un protocole pratique d’induction de chaleur, en pĂ©riode post-partum immĂ©diat afin de programmer la remise en reproduction des vaches pour rĂ©duire l’intervalle entre vĂȘlages.Mots-clĂ©s: Ăąge premier vĂȘlage, intervalle vĂȘlage-vĂȘlage, bovins, zone pĂ©riurbaine, N’DjamĂ©na, Tchad. Age at the first calving and interval between calving’s of four bovine breeds in N'Djamena per urban area, ChadThe aim of the study was to determine the age with the first calving and the interval between calving’s of the cows of four bovines breed in per urban area of N’Djamena at Chad. The local’s breeds concerned were: Arabs, Bororo, Bokolodji and Kuri. A sample of 43 cows for the evaluation from the interval between calving’s and 34 for the age with the first calving was made up and followed from 1997 to 2014. The average values obtained were: 47.41 ± 9.92 months for the age of first calving, 493.09 ± 187.30 days for the interval between calving, 91.18 ± 26.31 days for the interval calving – covered fertilizing and 285.73 ± 8.76 days for the gestation period. The various factors of variation of these parameters were analyzed and revealed that the breed and the year of birth of the cows influenced the age with the first calving whereas it is the type of projection alone which influenced the duration of the interval between the calving’s. The fertility of Chadians bovines was acceptable in the African context but did not allow achieving the goal of a calf per cow and per annum. From where importance of the control of the reproduction on the interval between calving’s. The improvement of the performances of reproduction of the Chadians bovine must pass by the crossing with the exotic races for the first calving’s and the development of a practical protocol of induction of heat, in period immediate postpartum in order to program the handing-over in reproduction of the cows to reduce the interval between calving’s.Keywords: age first calving, interval calving-calving, bovines, per urban area, N’Djamena, Chad

    ParamĂštres de reproduction des vaches Kouri au Lac Tchad

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    Objectif : Ă©valuer les performances de reproduction des vaches de la race Kouri au Tchad et proposer les actions d’amĂ©lioration.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats : une enquĂȘte longitudinale a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 101 vaches durant 10 ans, allant de novembre 2003 Ă  avril 2013 au Centre de Sauvegarde de cette race taurine en pleine zone sahĂ©lienne du Tchad. Les performances de reproduction de la vache Kouri ont Ă©tĂ©: l’ñge au premier vĂȘlage de 41,43 ± 0,66 mois (n=70), une durĂ©e de gestation moyenne de 298,74 ± 5,11 jours avec un poids moyen des veaux Ă  la naissance de 22,87 3,53 kg, l’intervalle entre vĂȘlages moyen de 477,23 ±118,58 jours (n=126) et a variĂ© en fonction de rang de vĂȘlage, un taux de fĂ©conditĂ© moyen de 76,48%, la fertilitĂ© en premiĂšre saillie de 80,77%, un indice coĂŻtal moyen de 1,53 ± 0,14. Les vĂȘlages ont eu lieu toute l’annĂ©e mais les pĂ©riodes de forte concentration se situent entre les mois de fĂ©vrier et avril.Conclusion et perspectives : Les performances de reproduction de la vache Kouri ont Ă©tĂ© faibles et ne permettent pas d’atteindre l’objectif d’un intervalle entre vĂȘlages classique de 365 jours. L’intervalle entre vĂȘlages a Ă©tĂ© plus long que l’intervalle standard d’un an. Ces performances ne peuvent ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©es que par la mise en place d’une meilleure conduite des pratiques d’élevage et d’un programme de suivi de la reproduction. Ces actions permettront la remise en reproduction des vaches dans les 3 mois aprĂšs vĂȘlageMots clĂ©s : Vache Kouri, Reproduction, Lac-Tchad

    Geometry of Information Integration

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    Information geometry is used to quantify the amount of information integration within multiple terminals of a causal dynamical system. Integrated information quantifies how much information is lost when a system is split into parts and information transmission between the parts is removed. Multiple measures have been proposed as a measure of integrated information. Here, we analyze four of the previously proposed measures and elucidate their relations from a viewpoint of information geometry. Two of them use dually flat manifolds and the other two use curved manifolds to define a split model. We show that there are hierarchical structures among the measures. We provide explicit expressions of these measures

    Response to comment on "preserved feedforward but impaired top-down processes in the vegetative state".

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    King et al. raise some technical issues about our recent study showing impaired top-down processes in the vegetative state. We welcome the opportunity to provide more details about our methods and results and to resolve their concerns. We substantiate our interpretation of the results and provide a point-by-point response to the issues raised.Peer reviewe

    Étude de l’oestrus et de la fertilitĂ© aprĂšs un traitement de maĂźtrise des cycles chez les femelles zĂ©bus

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    La recherche a visé à établir les taux de réponse et conception des animaux synchronisés au Crestar® associé à la PMSG. 39 femelles zébus (Bos indicus) Goudali et Azawak constitué de vaches et de génisses ont été utilisées dans l’étude. L’insémination artificielle a été faite de façon systématique 48 heures après l’arrêt du traitement. Le diagnostic de gestation a été déterminé 60 jours après insémination par palpation rectale. Le taux global de l’oestrus induit a été de 94,87%. La parité et la race de femelles n’ont eu aucun effet significatif sur la réponse de l’oestrus. Le délai d’apparition de l’oestrus a été de 30,11 ± 6,24 heures et 32,76 ± 4,75 heures après la fin du traitement respectivement pour les femelles zébus Goudali et Azawak. La durée moyenne de l’oestrus a été de 12,20 ± 1,30 heures (n = 5). Le taux global de fertilité a été de 41,03%. La parité et la race de femelles n’ont eu aucun effet significatif sur la fertilité.Mots clés: Insémination artificielle, Crestar, taux de gestation, synchronisation, Nige

    Consciousness and cortical responsiveness: a within-state study during non-rapid eye movement sleep.

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    When subjects become unconscious, there is a characteristic change in the way the cerebral cortex responds to perturbations, as can be assessed using transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography (TMS-EEG). For instance, compared to wakefulness, during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep TMS elicits a larger positive-negative wave, fewer phase-locked oscillations, and an overall simpler response. However, many physiological variables also change when subjects go from wake to sleep, anesthesia, or coma. To avoid these confounding factors, we focused on NREM sleep only and measured TMS-evoked EEG responses before awakening the subjects and asking them if they had been conscious (dreaming) or not. As shown here, when subjects reported no conscious experience upon awakening, TMS evoked a larger negative deflection and a shorter phase-locked response compared to when they reported a dream. Moreover, the amplitude of the negative deflection-a hallmark of neuronal bistability according to intracranial studies-was inversely correlated with the length of the dream report (i.e., total word count). These findings suggest that variations in the level of consciousness within the same physiological state are associated with changes in the underlying bistability in cortical circuits

    Application de l’échographie en reproduction chez le zebu Goudali

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    Les travaux traitant de l’utilisation de l’échographie en reproduction animale ont Ă©tĂ© revus. Cette synthĂšse s’intĂ©resse au contexte de l’application pratique de l’échographie en reproduction bovine, particuliĂšrement le suivi de la croissance folliculaire jusqu’à l’ovulation aprĂšs la synchronisation et l’induction des chaleurs, le diagnostic et le suivi de gestation chez les femelles zĂ©bus Goudali insĂ©minĂ©es par la semencede Holstein. Toutes ces applications ont pu se rĂ©aliser grĂące Ă  l’échographie d’ultrasons (Pie Medical 6227, Philispweg 1, Maastricht, Pays-Bas). La dĂ©termination de la pĂ©riode d’ovulation aprĂšs la fin d’un traitement de synchronisation de chaleur et de l’ovulation, le diagnostic prĂ©coce de gestation reprĂ©sentent des domaines prometteurs de l’utilisation de l’échographie. Cette technologie permettra d’amĂ©liorer nos connaissances en reproduction bovine et de rassurer les Ă©leveurs des rĂ©sultats de la pratique des biotechnologies de la reproduction. MalgrĂ© le coĂ»t Ă©levĂ© de la mĂ©thode Ă©chographique, elle prend de l’avance sur les autres mĂ©thodes de dĂ©termination des paramĂštres de la reproduction bovine (hormonologie et palpation rectale) car elle donne les rĂ©sultats immĂ©diats et observables par tous les acteurs prĂ©sents sur place. L’échographie s’est avĂ©rĂ©e un outil fiable pour le suivi de la croissance folliculaire, la dĂ©termination de l’intervalle entre le dĂ©but des chaleurset l’ovulation et un outil diagnostique fiable dĂšs le 28Ăšme jour post-insĂ©mination.Mots clĂ©s: Echographie, croissance folliculaire, diagnostic de gestation, bovins

    EEG-based effective connectivity distinguishes between unresponsive states with and without report of conscious experience and correlates with brain complexity

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    Objective methods for distinguishing conscious from unconscious states in humans are of key importance for clinical evaluation of general anesthesia and patients with disorders or consciousness. Here, we test the generalizability of a DTF-based algorithm - a measure of effective connectivity - as an objective measure of conscious experience during anesthesia and correlate it with a well-tested index of consciousness: the Perturbational Complexity Index (PCI). We reanalyzed EEG data from an experimental study in which 18 healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to one of three types of general anesthesia: propofol, xenon, and ketamine. EEG was recorded before and during anesthesia, and DTF was calculated from every 1-second segment of the EEG data to quantify the effective connectivity between channel pairs. This was used to classify the state of each participant as either conscious or unconscious, and the classifications were compared with the participant’s delayed report of experience, and the PCI. The algorithm was more likely to classify participants as conscious in the awake state than during propofol and xenon anesthesia (p0.05). Furthermore, the DTF-based confidence of being classified as conscious was highly correlated with PCI (r2=0.48, p<0.05). These results provide further support for the notion that effective connectivity measured between EEG electrodes can be used to distinguish between conscious and unconscious states in humans

    Consciousness Regained: Disentangling Mechanisms, Brain Systems, and Behavioral Responses

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    How consciousness (experience) arises from and relates to material brain processes (the "mind-body problem") has been pondered by thinkers for centuries, and is regarded as among the deepest unsolved problems in science, with wide-ranging theoretical, clinical, and ethical implications. Until the last few decades, this was largely seen as a philosophical topic, but not widely accepted in mainstream neuroscience. Since the 1980s, however, novel methods and theoretical advances have yielded remarkable results, opening up the field for scientific and clinical progress. Since a seminal paper by Crick and Koch (1998) claimed that a science of consciousness should first search for its neural correlates (NCC), a variety of correlates have been suggested, including both content-specific NCCs, determining particular phenomenal components within an experience, and the full NCC, the neural substrates supporting entire conscious experiences. In this review, we present recent progress on theoretical, experimental, and clinical issues. Specifically, we (1) review methodological advances that are important for dissociating conscious experience from related enabling and executive functions, (2) suggest how critically reconsidering the role of the frontal cortex may further delineate NCCs, (3) advocate the need for general, objective, brain-based measures of the capacity for consciousness that are independent of sensory processing and executive functions, and (4) show how animal studies can reveal population and network phenomena of relevance for understanding mechanisms of consciousness.European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation ProgrammeHermann and Lilly Schilling FoundationGerman Research FoundationCenter for Nanoscale Microscopy and Molecular Physiology of the BrainNational Institutes of Health/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeSao Paulo Research FoundationJames S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar AwardEU Grant H2020-FETOPENCanadian Institute for Advanced ResearchAzrieli Program in Brain, Mind and ConsciousnessFLAG-ERA JTC project CANONNorwegian Research CouncilNetherlands Organization for Scientific ResearchUniv Oslo, Inst Basal Med Sci, Div Physiol, Dept Mol Med, POB 1103 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, NorwayUniv Wisconsin, Dept Neurol, Madison, WI 53705 USAUniv Wisconsin, Dept Psychiat, Madison, WI 53719 USAUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Sci & Technol, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniv Milan, Dept Biomed & Clin Sci Luigi Sacco, I-20157 Milan, ItalyFdn Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS, Ist Ricovero & Cura Carattere Sci, I-20162 Milan, ItalyUniv Amsterdam, Swammerdam Inst Life Sci, Cognit & Syst Neurosci Grp, NL-1098 XH Amsterdam, NetherlandsUniv Amsterdam, Res Prior Program Brain & Cognit, NL-1098 XH Amsterdam, NetherlandsUniv Med Goettingen, Dept Cognit Neurol, D-37075 Gottingen, GermanyLeibniz Inst Primate Res, German Primate Ctr, D-37077 Gottingen, GermanyLeibniz Sci Campus Primate Cognit, D-37077 Gottingen, GermanyUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Sci & Technol, BR-12231280 Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilEuropean Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme: 720270German Research Foundation: WI 4046/1-1National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: 1R03NS096379FAPESP: 2016/08263-9EU Grant H2020-FETOPEN: RIA 686764Web of Scienc
