185 research outputs found

    Fragmentation and Limits to Dynamical Scaling in Viscous Coarsening: An Interrupted in situ X-Ray Tomographic Study

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    X-Ray microtomography was used to follow the coarsening of the structure of a ternary silicate glass experiencing phase separation in the liquid state. The volumes, surfaces, mean and Gaussian curvatures of the domains of minority phase were measured after reconstruction of the 3D images and segmentation. A linear growth law of the characteristic length scale ℓ∌t\ell \sim t was observed. A detailed morphological study was performed. While dynamical scaling holds for most of the geometrical observables under study, a progressive departure from scaling invariance of the distributions of local curvatures was evidenced. The latter results from a gradual fragmentation of the structure in the less viscous phase that also leads to a power-law size distribution of isolated domains

    ISO observations of four active galaxies

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    We present ISO PHOT-S spectra of four galaxies known or suspected to host a central AGN, selected from the initial Iras/Rosat sample of Boller et al. (1992). Two of them had no obvious Seyfert features in their previous optical spectra: IRAS 14201+2956, and IRAS 21582+1018. The latter was bright enough to also allow SWS observations around selected neon lines, to establish its excitation. While both PHOT-S spectra are characteristic of starburst-dominated galaxies, the neon line ratios in IRAS 21582+1018 indicate the presence of a hard excitation source. New, high-resolution, optical spectra show only a weak, broad component around Halpha, classifying now these two objects as Sey 1.9 galaxies. The two other galaxies observed are the NLS1 galaxies Mrk 359 and Mrk 1388. Their ISO spectra however do not reveal the typical, strong PAH features found in the starburst galaxies and are more like those of standard Seyferts. These results show therefore that, although IR observations were expected to be able to always reveal the presence of an active nucleus by piercing through the central obscuration, the result may be ambiguous: the broad band IR energy distribution can still be dominated by starburts located in a circumnuclear region, and the AGN appear only in specific observations (high-excitation lines in the IR, or optical spectra with better quality than classification spectra). The obscuration needs however to be patchy rather than complete, to explain the detection of the high-excitation lines or broad Balmer wings. Only high-energy observations can then establish the strength of the central AGN and the amount of extinction with certainty.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Ultra-Efficient On-Chip Supercontinuum Generation from Sign-Alternating-Dispersion Waveguides

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    Fully integrated supercontinuum sources on-chip are critical to enabling applications such as portable and mechanically-stable medical imaging devices, chemical sensing and LiDAR. However, the low-efficiency of current supercontinuum generation schemes prevent full on-chip integration. In this letter, we present a scheme where the input energy requirements for integrated supercontinuum generation is drastically lowered by orders of magnitude, for bandwidth generation of the order of 500 to 1000 nm. Through sign-alternating the dispersion in a CMOS compatible silicon nitride waveguide, we achieve an efficiency enhancement by factors reaching 3800. We show that the pulse energy requirement for large bandwidth supercontinuum generation at high spectral energy (e.g., 1/e level) is lowered from nanojoules to 6 picojoules. The lowered pulse energy requirements enables that chip-integrated laser sources, such as mode-locked heterogeneously or hybrid integrated diode lasers, can be used as a pump source, enabling fully integrated on-chip high-bandwidth supercontinuum sources

    ErtrĂ€ge und NĂ€hrstoffgehalte von alten, biologisch und konventionell gezĂŒchteten Winterweizensorten in verschiedenen landwirtschaftlichen Systemen

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    Due to limited nutrient conditions in organic farming winter wheat cultivars can often not perform to the full extent of their genetic potential. This study aims to assess nutrient acquisition potential and yields of old, organically and conventionally bred winter wheat cultivars. Ten cultivars were tested within the DOK long-term experiment in two organic systems at low and moderate intensity, a conventional stockless system and an unfertilized control. Yields and nutrient contents of grain and straw were significantly affected by cultivars and systems. Cultivar x system interactions were not detected. Yields were increasing with nutrient level and year of release of cultivars. Under organic conditions all cultivars performed equally well with respect to yield. Grain nitrogen content was increasing in line with nitrogen input, but dropping along year of release of cultivar

    Toward integrated synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillators in silicon nitride

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    We present a tunable, hybrid waveguide-fiber optical parametric oscillator (OPO) synchronously pumped by an ultra-fast fiber laser exploiting four-wave mixing (FWM) generated in silicon nitride waveguides. Parametric oscillation results in a 35 dB enhancement of the idler spectral power density in comparison to spontaneous FWM, with the ability of wide wavelength tuning over 86 nm in the O-band. Measurements of the oscillation threshold and the efficiency of the feedback loop reveal how an integration of the OPO on a single silicon nitride chip can be accomplished at standard repetition rates of pump lasers in the order of 100 MHz

    Impact of long-term conventional and organic farming on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    Previous work has shown considerably enhanced soil fertility in agroecosystems managed by organic farming as compared to conventional farming. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a crucial role in nutrient acquisition and soil fertility. The objective of this study was to investigate the diversity of AMF in the context of a long-term study in which replicated field plots, at a single site in Central Europe, had been cultivated for 22years according to two "organic” and two "conventional” farming systems. In the 23rd year, the field plots, carrying an 18-month-old grass-clover stand, were examined in two ways with respect to AMF diversity. Firstly, AMF spores were isolated and morphologically identified from soil samples. The study revealed that the AMF spore abundance and species diversity was significantly higher in the organic than in the conventional systems. Furthermore, the AMF community differed in the conventional and organic systems: Glomus species were similarly abundant in all systems but spores of Acaulospora and Scutellospora species were more abundant in the organic systems. Secondly, the soils were used to establish AMF-trap cultures using a consortium of Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium pratense and Lolium perenne as host plants. The AMF spore community developing in the trap cultures differed: after 12months, two species of the Acaulosporaceae (A. paulinae and A. longula) were consistently found to account for a large part of the spore community in the trap cultures from the organic systems but were found rarely in the ones from the conventional systems. The findings show that some AMF species present in natural ecosystems are maintained under organic farming but severely depressed under conventional farming, indicating a potentially severe loss of ecosystem function under conventional farmin

    Correlations among Multi-Wavelength Luminosities of Star-Forming Galaxies

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    It has been known for two decades that a tight correlation exists between far-infrared (FIR) and radio (1.4 and 4.8 GHz) global fluxes/luminosities from galaxies, which may be explained in terms of massive star formation activities in these galaxies. For this very reason, a correlation might also exist between X-ray and FIR/radio global luminosities of galaxies. We analyze data from {\it ROSAT} All-Sky Survey and {\it IRAS} to show that such correlation does indeed exist between FIR (42.5−122.5ÎŒ-122.5\mum) and soft X-ray (0.1−-2.4keV) luminosities in active star-forming galaxies (ASFGs).In order to establish a physical connection between the L_{\rmX}-L_{\rm FIR} correlation and global star formation rate (SFR) in galaxies, we empirically derive both LX−LBL_{\rm X}-L_{\rm B} and LFIR−LBL_{\rm FIR}-L_{\rm B} relations. Futhermore, we propose a relation between soft X-ray luminosity and SFR in star-forming galaxies. To further understand the LX−LFIRL_{\rm X}-L_{\rm FIR} relation, we construct an empirical model in which both FIR and X-ray emissions consist of two components with one being closely associated with star formation and the other not.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Imaging Carbon Monoxide Emission in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 6000

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    We present measurements of carbon monoxide emission in the central region of the nearby starburst NGC 6000 taken with the Submillimeter Array. The J=2-1 transition of 12CO, 13CO, and C18O were imaged at a resolution of ~3''x2'' (450x300 pc). We accurately determine the dynamical center of NGC 6000 at R.A(J2000.0)=15h49m49.5s and dec(J2000.0)=-29d23'13'' which agrees with the peak of molecular emission position. The observed CO dynamics could be explained in the context of the presence of a bar potential affecting the molecular material, likely responsible for the strong nuclear concentration where more than 85% of the gas is located. We detect a kinematically detached component of dense molecular gas at relatively high velocity which might be fueling the star formation. A total nuclear dynamical mass of 7x10^9 Msun is derived and a total mass of gas of 4.6x10^8 Msun, yielding a Mgas/Mdyn~6%, similar to other previously studied barred galaxies with central starbursts. We determined the mass of molecular gas with the optically thin isotopologue C18O and we estimate a CO-to-H2 conversion factor X(CO)=0.4x10^20 cm-2/(K km s-1) in agreement with that determined in other starburst galaxies.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal
