86 research outputs found

    Evolution inhabituelle d’un adĂ©nofibrome mammaire A propos d'un cas et revue de la littĂ©rature

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    Le fibroadĂ©nome est une lĂ©sion bĂ©nigne frĂ©quente rencontrĂ©es chez l’adolescente et la jeunefemme jeune. L’adĂ©nofibrome est une lĂ©sion Ă©pithĂ©liale bĂ©nigne sans risque carcinologique. LefibroadĂ©nome contenant des foyers de carcinome canalaire in situ (CCIS) sont de diagnosticdifficile. Nous illustrons un cas clinique du service, d’une patiente suivie pour mastopathiesfibrokystique, chez qui, Ă  la suite de l’apparition d’une induration mammaire gauche, sagynĂ©cologue lui prĂ©conise de faire une mammographie et une Ă©chographie mammaire.L’imagerie standard met en Ă©vidence une masse suspecte intra mammaire gauche et une autremasse du prolongement axillaire homolatĂ©rale, connue et Ă©tiquetĂ©e adĂ©nofibrome contenantactuellement des microcalcifications.La microbiopsies des deux masses est revenue en faveur d’ un carcinome canalaire infiltrant etd’un adĂ©nofibrome avec hyperplasie canalaire avec atypie. La patiente est opĂ©rĂ©e. L’étudeanatomopathologique de la piĂšce opĂ©ratoire retrouve un carcinome infiltrant type non spĂ©cifiquepour la masse du QSE et un fibroadĂ©nome axillaire avec un contingent Ă©pithĂ©lial colonisĂ© pardes lĂ©sions de carcinome canalaire in situ

    Two deciduous human molars from the early Pleistocene deposits of Barranco LeĂłn (Orce, Spain)

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    Recently Toro-Moyano et al. (2013) reported a deciduous tooth from Barranco LeoÂŽn (Spain; BL02-J54-100) and claimed it to be the oldest human fossil in Europe. In that paper, the authors suggest that a previously reported human molar fragment from the same site (BL5-0) was not human but a deciduous molar of Hippopotamus found out of stratigraphic context. Here, we show the stratigraphic and spatial position of BL5-0, and we separate it from deciduous teeth of Hippopotamus. We conclude that two human deciduous molars have been discovered at the Barranco LeoÂŽn site. Both teeth were found 9 meters apart, have a similar size, are heavily worn on the occlusal surface, have a nearly identical interstitial contact facet, and in both cases the roots are practically missing due to resorption. These similarities and the proximity of the finds suggest that both molars probably belonged to the same individua


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    Early onset lactating adenoma and the role of breast MRI: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Lactating adenoma is a benign condition, representing the most prevalent breast lesion in pregnant women and during puerperium; in this paper, a case of a woman with lactating adenoma occurring during the first trimester of pregnancy is reported. There have been no reports in the literature, according to our search, focusing on magnetic resonance imaging findings in cases of lactating adenomas. Also the early onset of the lesion during the first trimester of pregnancy is quite unusual and possibly unique.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a primiparous 30-year-old Caucasian woman, who noted an asymptomatic lump within her left breast during the 9<sup>th </sup>week of gestation, slightly increasing in size over the next few weeks. Ultrasound demonstrated a hypoecoic solid mass, hypervascularized and measuring 4 cm. On magnetic resonance imaging, performed in the first month after delivery, the lesion appeared as an ovoidal homogeneous mass, with regular margins and a significant contrast enhancement indicative of a giant adenoma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Magnetic resonance imaging could play an important role in the differential diagnosis of pregnancy-related breast lumps, particularly during puerperium, thus avoiding unnecessary surgical biopsies.</p

    Ecoulement mamelonnaire sanglant unilateral et cancer du sein a Libreville, Gabon: Analyse rétrospective sur 10 ans.

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    Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective menĂ©e dans deux centres hospitaliers de Libreville sur une pĂ©riode de dix ans, du 1er janvier 1998 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2007. Les objectifs Ă©taient de dĂ©terminer la proportion des Ă©tiologies malignes Ă  l’origine de l’écoulement mamelonnaire sanglant unilatĂ©ral Ă  Libreville et d’analyser le pronostic de ces patientes. A partir des dossiers mĂ©dicaux, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, les rĂ©sultats histologiques et le pronostic. 78 cas d’écoulement mamelonnaire ont Ă©tĂ© diagnostiquĂ©s durant cette pĂ©riode, soit un taux d’incidence de 0,7% de l’ensemble de la pathologie mammaire opĂ©rĂ©e durant cette pĂ©riode. L’ñge moyen des patientes Ă©tait de 44±3,7 ans. La pyramidectomie centrĂ©e sur le galactophore a Ă©tĂ© la chirurgie diagnostique la plus frĂ©quente (73%). Il y a eu 11 cas de cancer (14,1%). Le carcinome canalaire invasif (45,45%) Ă©tait la forme histologique la plus frĂ©quente. En seconde intention, la mastectomie radicale associĂ©e au curage ganglionnaire axillaire a Ă©tĂ© le traitement majeur des cas de malignitĂ©. La survie Ă©tait de 62,5% Ă  cinq ans et de 54,5% Ă  dix ans. A Libreville, l’écoulement mamelonnaire sanglant apparait chez des femmes d’ñge moyen de 44±3,7 ans et son Ă©tiologie est gĂ©nĂ©ralement bĂ©nigne. Cependant des formes malignes peuvent ĂȘtre individualisĂ©es et leur pronostic Ă  court terme est trĂšs rĂ©servĂ©.MOTS CLES: Ecoulements mamelonnaires sanglants - Cancer du sein - Pronostic - Afrique

    Giant phyllodes tumour – Case report, oncoplastic treatment and literature controversies

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    Phyllodes tumour corresponds to 1% of breast primary tumours. Its primary treatment is presently surgical and, for several reasons, it usually requires breast reconstruction. First of all, an important breast volume is often removed, not only because it can easily achieve great dimensions, thanks to it fast growing potential, but also because wide excision is recommended to avoid its frequent but unpredictable local recurrence (meaning that ideal tumour resection margins are unknown). Second, it frequently affects young woman with more aesthetic concerns. We present a case of phyllodes tumour recurrence where oncoplastic surgery was necessary at both episodes and discuss the literature controversies on this subject, mainly related to treatment and prognosis prediction factors.El tumor phyllodes representa el 1% de los tumores primarios de mama. Actualmente, su tratamiento primario es la cirugĂ­a y, por muchas razones, requiere normalmente reconstrucciĂłn de mama. Primeramente, porque a menudo es extirpado un importante volumen de mama, no sĂłlo porque el tumor puede adquirir grandes dimensiones gracias a su alto potencial de crecimiento, sino tambiĂ©n porque es recomendado una amplia excisiĂłn para evitar su frecuente pero impredecible recidiva local (los mĂĄrgenes quirĂșrgicos ideales no son conocidos). Segundo, porque afecta frecuentemente a mujeres jĂłvenes con mĂĄs preocupaciones estĂ©ticas. Presentamos un caso de recidiva de tumor phyllodes donde la cirugĂ­a oncoplĂĄstica fue necesaria en ambos episodios y discutimos las controversias en la literatura sobre este tema, principalmente dirigidos al tratamiento y a los factores pronĂłsticos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: Currently, nuclear medicine is becoming increasingly important, through the discovery of several medical radioisotopes, which are used in diagnosis, treatment, and medical imaging. Among the most important radionuclide which is commonly used is iodine-131, with a half-life of 8.02 d. Iodine-131 is one of the mainly essential elements in nuclear medicine. Since their first use, several studies have been conducted to meet the world need of hospital specialists in nuclear medicine. The purpose of this study was to participate in a lawsuit about the feasibility of producing 131I.Methods: using neutron activation of the dioxide of tellurium (TeO2) under a neutron flux which varies between 5 1011 and 1013 n/cmÂÂČs for 4, 6 and 8 hours** per irradiation cycle during 5 d, and used the Fortron90 Code to calculate the activity of iodine-131.Results: The result of the activity of iodine-131 found about 4,634 Curie with an irradiation of 4 hours** per day and 9.381 Curie with an activation of 8 hours** per day.Conclusion: Production of iodine-131 can be very effective if an acceptable capsule is used for different masses of tellurium and a neutron flux in a nuclear reactor

    Classification of Luminal Subtypes in Full Mammogram Images Using Transfer Learning

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    Automatic identification of patients with luminal and non-luminal subtypes during a routine mammography screening can support clinicians in streamlining breast cancer therapy planning. Recent machine learning techniques have shown promising results in molecular subtype classification in mammography; however, they are highly dependent on pixel-level annotations, handcrafted, and radiomic features. In this work, we provide initial insights into the luminal subtype classification in full mammogram images trained using only image-level labels. Transfer learning is applied from a breast abnormality classification task, to finetune a ResNet-18-based luminal versus non-luminal subtype classification task. We present and compare our results on the publicly available CMMD dataset and show that our approach significantly outperforms the baseline classifier by achieving a mean AUC score of 0.6688 and a mean F1 score of 0.6693 on the test dataset. The improvement over baseline is statistically significant, with a p-value of p<0.0001.Comment: Submitted to IEEE ISBI 202

    Lucia RáčkovĂĄ, François Schmitt, Les interfĂ©rences linguistiques du français sur le slovaque. LÊŒexemple du systĂšme verbal

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