361 research outputs found

    A simplified model of the formation of structures in the dark matter, and a background of very long gravitational waves

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    Collapse of the rotating spheroid is approximated by a system of ordinary differential equations describing its dynamics. The gravitational potential is approximated by the one of the iniform Maclaurin spheroid. Developement of gravitational instability and collapse in the dark matter medium do not lead to any shock formation or radiation, but is characterized by non-collisional relaxation, which is accompanied by the mass and angular momentum losses. Phenomenological account of these processes is done in this model. Formation of the equilibrium configuration dynamics of collapse is investigated for several parameters, characterizing the configuration. A very long gravitational wave emission during the collapse is estimated, and their possible connection with the observed gravitational lenses is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures; submitted to MNRA

    Potential population-level effectiveness of one-dose HPV vaccination in low-income and middle-income countries: a mathematical modelling analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Given the accumulating evidence that one-dose vaccination could provide high and sustained protection against human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and related diseases, we examined the population-level effectiveness and efficiency of one-dose HPV vaccination of girls compared with two-dose vaccination, using mathematical modelling. METHODS: In this mathematical modelling study, we used HPV-ADVISE LMIC, an individual-based transmission-dynamic model independently calibrated to four epidemiologically diverse low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs; India, Nigeria, Uganda, and Viet Nam). We parameterised and calibrated the model using sexual behaviour and epidemiological data identified from international population-based datasets and the literature. All base-case vaccination scenarios start in 2023 with the nonavalent vaccine and assumed 80% vaccination coverage with one or two doses. We assumed that two doses of vaccine provide 100% efficacy against vaccine-type infections and a lifelong duration of protection. We examined a non-inferior vaccination scenario for one dose compared with two doses, pessimistic scenarios of lower one-dose vaccine efficacy (85%) or a shorter duration of protection (ie, 20 or 30 years), and the effectiveness of a mitigation scenario in which schedules would switch from one dose to two doses. We also did sensitivity analyses by varying vaccination coverage. We used three outcomes: the relative reduction in cervical cancer incidence, the number of cervical cancers averted, and the number of vaccine doses needed to prevent one cervical cancer. FINDINGS: Assuming non-inferior vaccine characteristics for one dose compared with two doses, the model projections show that two-dose or one-dose routine vaccination of girls aged 9 years (with a multi-age cohort vaccination of girls aged 10-14 years) would avert 12·0 million (80% UI 9·5-14·5) cervical cancers in India, 4·7 million (3·4-5·8) in Nigeria, 2·3 million (1·9-2·6) in Uganda, and 0·4 million (0·2-0·5) in Viet Nam over 100 years. Under pessimistic assumptions of lower one-dose efficacy (85%) or a shorter duration of protection (ie, 30 years), one-dose routine vaccination would avert 69% (61-80) to 94% (92-96) of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose routine vaccination. However, when assuming a duration of protection of 20 years, one-dose routine vaccination would avert substantially fewer cervical cancers (ie, 35% [26-44] to 69% [65-71] of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose routine vaccination). A switch from one-dose to two-dose routine vaccination of girls aged 9 years, with a one-dose catch-up of girls aged 10-14 years, 5 years after the start of the vaccination programme, could mitigate potential losses in cervical cancer prevention from a short one-dose duration of protection (averting 92% [83-98] to 99% [97-100]) of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose routine vaccination). One-dose routine vaccination would result in fewer doses needed to prevent one cervical cancer than two-dose routine vaccination, even if the duration of protection is as low as 20 years. Finally, for countries with two-dose routine vaccination, adding one-dose multi-age cohort vaccination in the first year would provide similar benefits as a two-dose multi-age cohort vaccination, and would be more efficient even under the pessimistic assumptions of lower one-dose vaccine efficacy or duration of protection. INTERPRETATION: One-dose routine vaccination could avert most of the cervical cancers averted with two-dose vaccination while being more efficient, provided the duration of one-dose protection is greater than 20-30 years (depending on the LMIC). The doses saved by introducing one-dose routine vaccination could offer the opportunity to vaccinate girls before they age out of the vaccination window of 9-14 years and, potentially, to vaccinate boys or older age groups. FUNDING: Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé, Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    The effect of the dynamical state of clusters on gas expulsion and infant mortality

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    The star formation efficiency (SFE) of a star cluster is thought to be the critical factor in determining if the cluster can survive for a significant (>50 Myr) time. There is an often quoted critical SFE of ~30 per cent for a cluster to survive gas expulsion. I reiterate that the SFE is not the critical factor, rather it is the dynamical state of the stars (as measured by their virial ratio) immediately before gas expulsion that is the critical factor. If the stars in a star cluster are born in an even slightly cold dynamical state then the survivability of a cluster can be greatly increased.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Review talk given at the meeting on "Young massive star clusters - Initial conditions and environments", E. Perez, R. de Grijs, R. M. Gonzalez Delgado, eds., Granada (Spain), September 2007, Springer: Dordrecht. Replacement to correct mistake in a referenc

    Analysis of galactic tides and stars on CDM microhalos

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    A special purpose N-body simulation has been built to understand the tidal heating of the smallest dark matter substructures (10^{-6}\msun and 0.01pc) from the grainy potential of the Milky Way due to individual stars in the disk and the bulge. To test the method we first run simulations of single encounters of microhalos with an isolated star, and compare with analytical predictions of the dark particle bound fraction as a function of impact parameter. We then follow the orbits of a set of microhalos in a realistic flattened Milky Way potential. We concentrate on (detectable) microhalos passing near the Sun with a range of pericenter and apocenter. Stellar perturbers near the orbital path of a microhalo would exert stochachstic impulses, which we apply in a Monte Carlo fashion according to the Besancon model for the distribution of stars of different masses and ages in our Galaxy. Also incorporated are the usual pericenter tidal heating and disk-shocking heating. We give a detailed diagnosis of typical microhalos and find microhalos with internal tangential anisotropy are slightly more robust than the ones with radial anisotropy. In addition, the dark particles generally go through of a random walk in velocity space and diffuse out of the microhalos. We show that the typical destruction time scales are strongly correlated with the stellar density averaged along a microhalo's orbit over the age of the stellar disk. We also present the morphology of a microhalo at several epochs which may hold the key to dark matter detections.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    L'impact de la CAO/FAO sur la QVT: le cas de Marconi

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    Suite à l'implantation de la CAO/F AO dans la compagnie Marconi Canada, une mesure de l'impact du changement sur la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) a été réalisée auprès de 104 utilisateurs de la nouvelle technologie. La QVT dans cette étude est perçue dans son sens le plus large englobant les dimensions du travail en soi, des conditions de travail, de la santé et la sécurité au travail et du contexte organisationnel. L'approche retenue pour mesurer les impacts est subjectiviste et ceux-ci sont différenciés, s'il y a lieu, selon la catégorie occupationnelle, le taux d'utilisation de la nouvelle technologie et la formation reçue en CAO/FAO.After the implementation of a CAD/CAM system at Marconi Canada, the impact of this new technology on the quality of worklife (QWL) of 104 users was assessed. In this study, QWL was defîned to encompass the characteristics of the work itself, working conditions, health and safety, and the organizational context. Respondents were asked how the new technology had affected the quality of their work life; information was also gathered on occupation, rate of utilisation of CAD/CAM procedures, and training received on the new technology.The results showed that enriching job content, improving interpersonal relations, and enhancing participation, cooperation, and communication all contributed to improving QWL. In contrast, increased mental burden, noise, isolation, control problems, aspects of the physical move, and health issues contributed to decreases in QWL. A further analysis, using concepts based on job satisfaction, showed that the respondents accorded the most importance to changes intrinsic to their work, most notably job enrichment

    Heterosexual HIV-1 infectiousness and antiretroviral use : systematic review of prospective studies of discordant couples

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    Background: Recent studies have estimated the reduction in HIV-1 infectiousness with antiretroviral therapy (ART), but high-quality studies such as randomized controlled trials, accompanied by rigorous adherence counseling, are likely to overestimate the effectiveness of treatment-as-prevention in real-life settings. Methods: We attempted to summarize the effect of ART on HIV transmission by undertaking a systematic review and meta-analysis of HIV-1 infectiousness per heterosexual partnership (incidence rate and cumulative incidence over study follow-up) estimated from prospective studies of discordant couples. We used random-effects Poisson regression models to obtain summary estimates. When possible, the analyses were further stratified by direction of transmission (man-to-woman or woman-to-man) and economic setting (high- or low-income countries). Potential causes of heterogeneity of estimates were explored through subgroup analyses. Results: Fifty publications were included. Nine allowed comparison between ART and non-ART users within studies (ART-stratified studies), in which summary incidence rates were 3.6/100 person-years (95% confidence interval = 2.0-6.5) and 0.2/100 person-years (0.07-0.7) for non-ART- and ART-using couples, respectively (P < 0.001), constituting a 91% (79-96%) reduction in per-partner HIV-1 incidence rate with ART use. The 41 studies that did not stratify by ART use provided estimates with high levels of heterogeneity (I2 statistic) and few reported levels of ART use, making interpretation difficult. Nevertheless, estimates tended to be lower with ART use. Infectiousness tended to be higher for low-income than high-income settings, but there was no clear pattern by direction of transmission (man-to-woman and woman-to-man). Conclusions: ART substantially reduces HIV-1 infectiousness within discordant couples, based on observational studies, and could play a major part in HIV-1 prevention efforts. However, the non-zero risk from partners receiving ART demonstrates that appropriate counseling and other risk-reduction strategies for discordant couples are still required. Additional estimates of ART effectiveness by adherence level from real-life settings will be important, especially for persons starting treatment early without symptoms

    The impact of policing and homelessness on violence experienced by women who sell sex in London: a modelling study

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    Street-based sex workers experience considerable homelessness, drug use and police enforcement, making them vulnerable to violence from clients and other perpetrators. We used a deterministic compartmental model of street-based sex workers in London to estimate whether displacement by police and unstable housing/homelessness increases client violence. The model was parameterized and calibrated using data from a cohort study of sex workers, to the baseline percentage homeless (64%), experiencing recent client violence (72%), or recent displacement (78%), and the odds ratios of experiencing violence if homeless (1.97, 95% confidence interval 0.88-4.43) or displaced (4.79, 1.99-12.11), or of experiencing displacement if homeless (3.60, 1.59-8.17). Ending homelessness and police displacement reduces violence by 67% (95% credible interval 53-81%). The effects are non-linear; halving the rate of policing or becoming homeless reduces violence by 5.7% (3.5-10.3%) or 6.7% (3.7-10.2%), respectively. Modelled interventions have small impact with violence reducing by: 5.1% (2.1-11.4%) if the rate of becoming housed increases from 1.4 to 3.2 per person-year (Housing First initiative); 3.9% (2.4-6.9%) if the rate of policing reduces by 39% (level if recent increases had not occurred); and 10.2% (5.9-19.6%) in combination. Violence reduces by 26.5% (22.6-28.2%) if half of housed sex workers transition to indoor sex work. If homelessness decreased and policing increased as occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the impact on violence is negligible, decreasing by 0.7% (8.7% decrease-4.1% increase). Increasing housing and reducing policing among street-based sex workers could substantially reduce violence, but large changes are needed. [Abstract copyright: © 2024. The Author(s).