29 research outputs found

    Materials to the flora of dandelions (Taraxacum – Asteraceae) in Błażowa (SE Poland)

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    The paper includes a list of localities of 35 Taraxacum species found in Błażowa town. The species belongs to 3 sections: Borea, Palustria, and Ruderalia. The record of the new species to the Polish flora – Taraxacum clarum Kirschner, Štěpánek et Trávníček – is given. Data were collected from 2011 to 2014

    Efekt Bisfenolu S a Bisfenolu A na morfometrické parametry štítné žlázy, změny hormonů a koncentrace jodu v moči potkanů Wistar

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    Bisphenol S (BPS) is the major substitute of the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA). Due to the presence of strong double bonds, BPS is more resistant to biodegradation and therefore more BPS remains in the environment. Numerous studies show that BPS disrupts the reproductive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems and could have an impact on thyroid hormones. The study aimed to analyze the effects of a 10-week exposition of BPS and BPA on lipid markers, morphometric parameters of the rat thyroid gland, the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and the influence of BPS on urine iodine concentration. Male Wistar rats received BPS in sunflower oil daily by gavage. The control group (GI) received only the vehicle. The BPS experimental group two (GII) received 4 ug/kg/day, group three (GIII) received 50 ug/kg/day, and group four (GIV) received 100 mg BPS/kg/day. Group five (GV) received 100 mg BPA/kg/day. Groups four and five were made to compare the influence of high concentration between BPS and BPA. Results show the influence of BPS and BPA on body weight, triacylglycerols, cholesterol and total protein concentration. Morphometric changes in the size of thyroid gland follicles show a bigger influence of BPS than BPA. Results show also increasing in TSH concentrations in all groups with bisphenols up to physiology standards of Wistar rats (GI 3.14 ± 1.28 ng/ml, GII 5.12 ± 1.16 ng/ml, GIII 5.55 ± 2.39 ng/ml, GIV 5.56 ± 1.98 ng/ml, GV 4.47 ± 1.09 ng/ml) and influence of BPA and BPS on higher iodine concentrations in urine.Bisfenol S (BPS) je hlavní náhradou endokrinního disruptoru bisfenolu A (BPA). Díky přítomnosti silných dvojných vazeb je BPS odolnější vůči biologickému rozkladu, a proto zůstává více v prostředí. Četné studie ukazují, že BPS narušuje reprodukční, nervový a kardiovaskulární systém a může mít vliv na hormony štítné žlázy. Cílem studie bylo analyzovat účinky 10 týdenní expozice BPS a BPA na lipidové markery, morfometrické parametry štítné žlázy potkana, hladiny tyreoidálního stimulačního hormonu (TSH) a vliv BPS na koncentraci jódu v moči. Samci potkanů Wistar dostávali BPS ve slunečnicovém oleji denně jícnovou sondou. Kontrolní skupina (GI) obdržela pouze nosič. Experimentální skupina dvě (GII) dostávala 4 ug BPS/kg/den, skupina tři (GIII) dostávala 50 ug BPS/kg/den, skupina čtyři (GIV) dostávala 100 mg BPS/kg/den. Skupina pět (GV) dostávala 100 mg BPA/kg/den. Čtvrtá a pátá skupina byly vytvořeny pro porovnání vlivu vysoké koncentrace BPS a BPA. Výsledky ukazují vliv BPS a BPA na tělesnou hmotnost, triacylglyceroly, cholesterol a celkovou koncentraci bílkoviny. Morfometrické změny velikosti folikulů štítné žlázy vykazují větší vliv BPS než BPA. Výsledky také ukazují zvýšení koncentrací TSH ve všech skupinách s bisfenoly nad fyziologické standardy potkanů Wistar (GI 3,14 ± 1,28 ng/ml, GII 5,12 ± 1,16 ng/ml, GIII 5,55 ± 2 ,39 ng/ml, GIV 5,56 ± 1,98 ng/ml, GV 4,47 ± 1,09 ng/ml) a vliv BPA a BPS na zvýšené koncentrace jódu v moči

    New chromosome counts and genome size estimates for 28 species of Taraxacum sect. Taraxacum

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    The species-rich and widespread genus Taraxacum F. H. Wiggers, 1780 (Asteraceae subfamily Cichorioideae) is one of the most taxonomically complex plant genera in the world, mainly due to its combination of different sexual and asexual reproduction strategies. Polyploidy is usually confined to apomictic microspecies, varying from 3x to 6x (rarely 10x). In this study, we focused on Taraxacum sect. Taraxacum (= T. sect. Ruderalia; T. officinale group), i.e., the largest group within the genus. We counted chromosome numbers and measured the DNA content for species sampled in Central Europe, mainly in Czechia. The chromosome number of the 28 species (T. aberrans Hagendijk, Soest & Zevenbergen, 1974, T. atroviride Štěpánek & Trávníček, 2008, T. atrox Kirschner & Štěpánek, 1997, T. baeckiiforme Sahlin, 1971, T. chrysophaenum Railonsala, 1957, T. coartatum G.E. Haglund, 1942, T. corynodes G.E. Haglund, 1943, T. crassum H. Øllgaard & Trávníček, 2003, T. deltoidifrons H. Øllgaard, 2003, T. diastematicum Marklund, 1940, T. gesticulans H. Øllgaard, 1978, T. glossodon Sonck & H. Øllgaard, 1999, T. guttigestans H. Øllgaard in Kirschner & Štěpánek, 1992, T. huelphersianum G.E. Haglund, 1935, T. ingens Palmgren, 1910, T. jugiferum H. Øllgaard, 2003, T. laticordatum Marklund, 1938, T. lojoense H. Lindberg, 1944 (= T. debrayi Hagendijk, Soest & Zevenbergen, 1972, T. lippertianum Sahlin, 1979), T. lucidifrons Trávníček, ineditus, T. obtusifrons Marklund, 1938, T. ochrochlorum G.E. Haglund, 1942, T. ohlsenii G.E. Haglund, 1936, T. perdubium Trávníček, ineditus, T. praestabile Railonsala, 1962, T. sepulcrilobum Trávníček, ineditus, T. sertatum Kirschner, H. Øllgaard & Štěpánek, 1997, T. subhuelphersianum M.P. Christiansen, 1971, T. valens Marklund, 1938) is 2n = 3x = 24. The DNA content ranged from 2C = 2.60 pg (T. atrox) to 2C = 2.86 pg (T. perdubium), with an average value of 2C = 2.72 pg. Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time for 26 species (all but T. diastematicum and T. obtusifrons), and genome size estimates for 26 species are now published for the first time

    Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 1

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    Despite a long history of botanical research on the Czech flora and the large amount of data on plant distribution that has been collected, there is still no comprehensive piece of work with distribution maps in this country and no distribution maps are available for more than a half of plant taxa. This paper is the first part of a series of publications prepared within the PLADIAS project, intended as the first step towards a complete atlas of the distribution of both native and alien vascular plants in the Czech Republic. It contains grid distribution maps of 75 taxa of the genera Achillea, Aegilops, Aira, Alopecurus, Avena, Bolboschoenus, Carex, Cladium, Elatine, Eleocharis, Eriophorum, Glyceria, Polypogon, Sclerochloa, Scheuchzeria, Sparganium, Tofieldia, Tragus and Viola. The maps are based on all available herbarium, literature and field records, which were stored at the CzechDistrib database, checked geographically and evaluated taxonomically, and shown inmaps using the Central European mapping grid template derived from quadrants of 5 × 3 arc minutes (corresponding to approximately 5.5 × 5.9 km). Many of these maps resulted from detailed revisions carried out during the work on the Flora of the Czech Republic. Maps of taxonomically difficult groups are based solely or mainly on herbarium specimens revised by taxonomic experts. If useful, recent versus old records, native versus alien occurrences, or records based on revised herbarium specimens versus all other records are distinguished using different symbols. Records used for producing maps are listed in electronic appendices. The maps are accompanied by texts that include an outline of general distribution, information on habitats and specific details on the distribution in the country. Where appropriate, comments on taxonomy, biology or spatial and temporal dynamics in distribution are given

    Forum Geobotanicum Vol. 6 (2012/2015)

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    Forum Geobotanicum is an electronic journal devoted to disseminate information concerning geographical distribution, ecology, morphology, taxonomy and conservation of vascular plants in the European Union with a main focus on middle Europe. It covers from molecular biology to environmental aspects. The focus is to publish original papers, reviews and announcements for the educated generalist as well as the specialist in this broad field. Forum Geobotanicum does not aim to supplant existing paper journals, but will be much more flexible in format, publication time and world-wide distribution than paper journals. Many important studies are being currently published in local journals and booklets and some of them are published privately. Hence, these studies will become aware to only a limited readership. Forum Geobotanicum will encourage authors of such papers to submit them as special issues of the journal. Moreover, the journal is planning to build up an E-mail-address section to support communication between geobotanists in Europe. The editors are optimistic that this electronic journal will develop to a widely used communication forum that will help to stimulate activities in the entire field of geobotany in middle Europe. To overcome problems of long term archivation and effective taxonomic publication of articles published electronically in Forum Geobotanicum, print versions of each volume of the journal and appropriate digital storage devices will be delivered freely to selected university libraries and state libraries in middle Europe.Forum Geobotanicum ist eine elektronische Plattform, deren Zielsetzung darin besteht, neue Erkenntnisse der geobotanischen Forschung in der Europäischen Union mit Schwerpunkt Mitteleuropa umfassend zu verbreiten. Das Journal befasst sich mit allen Fragen von Verbreitung, Ökologie, Morphologie und Taxonomie von Gefäßpflanzen und soll das gesamte Spektrum der Geobotanik von molekularbiologischen Aspekten bis zu Umwelt- und Naturschutzfragen abdecken. Der Hauptfokus liegt auf der Publikation von Originaluntersuchungen und Übersichtsartikeln sowie Behandlung aktueller Fragen des Naturschutzes. Die Zielgruppen sind Personen mit Allgemeinkenntnissen in der Botanik und Floristik sowie Spezialisten auf den Gebieten der Geobotanik und Pflanzensystematik. Das Journal soll keine Zeitschrift in Druckform ersetzen, sondern eine Ergänzung zu den traditionellen Publikationsorganen bilden. Der Vorteil der Zeitschrift liegt in ihrer Flexibilität und raschen Publikationszeit nach Begutachtung der eingereichten Manuskripte und den Möglichkeiten, in größerem Umfang Fotografien und andere Abbildungen zu veröffentlichen. Der Vorteil einer elektronischen Zeitschrift besteht weiterhin darin, dass die Veröffentlichungen weltweit jedermann sofort zugänglich sind. Viele durchaus wichtige Untersuchungen aus dem Bereich der Geobotanik erscheinen in lokalen Publikationsorganen, wie Jahrbüchern und Heimatkalendern, oder auch im Eigenverlag. Da solche Veröffentlichungen bibliographisch kaum erfasst werden, können sie auch nicht in adäquater Weise wahrgenommen werden. Forum Geobotanicum soll ermöglichen, dass auch solche Publikationen in einer Literaturrubrik bekannt gemacht werden und ggf. nach Klärung von Copyright-Fragen als Supplemente der Zeitschrift ins Netz gestellt werden. Forum Geobotanicum nutzt die Vorteile des Internets, indem es abrufbare Hilfen, wie ein Verzeichnis von Adressen, Pflanzenlisten etc. zur Verfügung stellt. Insgesamt soll die Kommunikation zwischen Geobotanikern in Mitteleuropa erleichtert und eine Kommunikationsplattform etabliert werden, die die Aktivitäten auf dem gesamten Wissenschaftsgebiet stimuliert. Das Journal ist uneigennützig und für Autoren und Benutzer kostenfrei. Für die Kostendeckung sind Sponsoren erwünscht, denen eine begrenzte Möglichkeit zur Darstellung eingeräumt werden kann. In der Anfangsphase wird das Journal von einem kleinen Herausgebergremiumbetrieben. Sollte sich Forum Geobotanicum erfolgreich weiter entwickeln, ist an eine Erweiterung des Herausgebergremiums auf Experten aus allen Nationen des mitteleuropäischen Raums gedacht. Um eine langfristige Verfügbarkeit der Publikationen zu gewährleisten, wird jeder Jahrgang von Forum Geobotanicum ausgedruckt, gebunden und mit digitalem Datenträger versehen an ausgewählte Universitätsbibliotheken, Landes- und Staatsbibliotheken Deutschlands und wichtiger Städte Mitteleuropas zur Archivierung und Ausleihe versandt

    Contribution to the genus Taraxacum in Bavaria

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    Eine Reihe mehrtägiger Suchexkur-sionen / Transekte in verschiedene Regionen Bayerns in den Jahren 2011 bis 2014 waren der Gattung Taraxacum gewidmet. Unter den gesammelten und beobachteten Arten ist Taraxacum broddesonii (sect. Ruderalia / Taraxacum) neu für Deutschland. Neu für Bayern sind Taraxacum fusciflorum, marklundii, spiculatum (sect. Hamata) und Taraxacum acroglossum, atroviride, clarum, floccosum, freticola, glossodon, hemicyclum, homoschistum, infuscatum, intumescens, lacinulatum, leucopodum, lundense, ottonis, pallidipes, praestabile, pseudoretroflexum, pulverulentum, saxonicum, sellandii, sundbergii, uncidentatum, uniforme, violaceinervosum (sect. Ruderalia / Taraxacum). Taraxacum lojoënse wird als ältester und korrekter Name für T. lippertianum und T. matricium und wahrscheinlich auch für T. ampelophytum und T. debrayi angesehen. Seltenere Arten sind abgebildet.Several excursions in selected regions of Bavaria were undertaken in the years 2011-2014 to broaden our knowledge of the genus Taraxacum in Bavaria. Among the observed and collected species Taraxacum broddesonii (sect. Ruderalia / Taraxacum) is new for Germany, and the following species are new for Bavaria: Taraxacum fusciflorum, marklundii, spiculatum (sect. Hamata) and Taraxacum acroglossum, atroviride, clarum, floccosum, freticola, glossodon, hemicyclum, homoschistum, infuscatum, intumescens, lacinulatum, leucopodum, lundense, ottonis, pallidipes, praestabile, pseudo-retroflexum, pulverulentum, saxonicum, sellandii, sundbergii, uncidentatum, uniforme, violaceinervosum (sect. Ruderalia / Taraxacum). Taraxacum lojoënse is accepted as the oldest and correct name for T. lippertianum and T. matricium and probably also for T. ampelophytum and T. debrayi. The more remarkable and rare species are depicted by herbarium specimen

    The pattern of genetic variability in apomictic clones of Taraxacum officinale indicates the alternation of asexual and sexual histories of apomicts.

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    Dandelions (genus Taraxacum) comprise a group of sexual diploids and apomictic polyploids with a complicated reticular evolution. Apomixis (clonal reproduction through seeds) in this genus is considered to be obligate, and therefore represent a good model for studying the role of asexual reproduction in microevolutionary processes of apomictic genera. In our study, a total of 187 apomictic individuals composing a set of nine microspecies (sampled across wide geographic area in Europe) were genotyped for six microsatellite loci and for 162 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Our results indicated that significant genetic similarity existed within accessions with low numbers of genotypes. Genotypic variability was high among accessions but low within accessions. Clustering methods discriminated individuals into nine groups corresponding to their phenotypes. Furthermore, two groups of apomictic genotypes were observed, which suggests that they had different asexual histories. A matrix compatibility test suggests that most of the variability within accession groups was mutational in origin. However, the presence of recombination was also detected. The accumulation of mutations in asexual clones leads to the establishment of a network of clone mates. However, this study suggests that the clones primarily originated from the hybridisation between sexual and apomicts