31 research outputs found

    Architectural fiction: project and reality beyond reality

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    Јединственим опажањем постојања овостране и оностране реалности, архитектонска стварност је јединствена стварност фикционог света, јер је он стваран и нестваран, док је свесно и несвесно замислив свет њених имагинарних стварности једне исте реалности. Оне су његова фикционална и ониричка стварност у оностраној реалности и јединствена, постојећа и нова архитектонска стварност у овостраној, само онда, када пројектант у процесу пројектовања сневањем, инструментализује ониричку фикцију архитектуре у пројекту реалности изван реалности. Сневањем у оностраним реалностима, фикционалној и ониричкој, а затим преласком у једну нову реалност, Он је Пројектант јединствене свести, јер је јединствен субјект фикције који пројектује јединством имагинације, ониричком и стваралачком имагинацијом сањалачког фикционог света сна фикционалног и ониричког субјекта архитектонског пројектовања. Када ониричку фикцију архитектуре у пројекту реалности изван реалности, инструментализује њеном новом фикцијом у пројекту реалности у реалности, сањалачки фикциони свет сна је његов архитектонски сан пројекта реалности једне исте, али Нове реалности.By a unique perception of the existance of the hither and the transcendent reality, the architectural reality is a unique reality of the fictional world, since it is real as well as unreal, while the world of its imaginary realities of the one and the same reality can be imagined both consciously and unconsciously. These imaginary realities represent his fictional and oneiric reality in the transcendent reality and a unique, existing and new architectural reality in the hither one, only when a Designer, in the process of designing by dreaming, instrumentalizes the oneiric fiction of architecture in a project of a reality beyond reality. By dreaming in the transcendent realities, fictional and oneiric ones, and then by a transition into a New Reality, He is a Designer of a unique consciousness, being a unique subject of the fiction who designs by a unity of imagination, oneiric and creative imagination of the dreamy fiction world of a dream of the fictional and oneiric entity of the architectural design. When the oneiric fiction of architecture in the project of reality beyond reality is instrumentalized by its new fiction in the project of reality within reality, a dreamy fiction world of the dream is his architectural dream of the project of reality of the one and the same, but a New Reality

    Properties of soils formed on the limestone massifs of southeastern Serbia and their influence on the floristic composition of grassland communities

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    Кречњачки масиви и на њима образована земљишта су доста распрострањена у Србији, како у источној, у подручју Карпатско-балканског планинског система, тако и у западној Србији и представљају станишта различитих заједница природних и полуприродних травњака. О планинским земљиштима се недовољно зна, јер је већина светских програма истраживања земљишта оријентисана на обрадива земљишта у циљу повећања пољопривредне производње. Међутим, да би се поставили приоритети у очувању природе и управљању природним стаништима планинских региона, неопходне су детаљније информације о биодиверзитету аутохтоне флоре и фауне, као и односима између својстава земљишта и живог света који насељава ова станишта. Циљ истраживања ове докторске дисертације је утврђивање утицаја морфолошких, физичких и хемијских карактеристика земљишта и њихове систематске припадности, на тип и флористички састав травњачких биљних формација, као и земљишног микробиома на кречњачким масивима југоисточне Србије. Након детаљних педолошких проучавања, према домаћој класификацији, издвојена су два типа земљишта: кречњачко-доломитна црница (калкомеланосол) и рендзина. Истраживана земљишта у међународном WRB 2022 систему класификације одговарају лептосолима (Leptosols), фаоземима (Phaeozems) и умбрисолима (Umbrisols). Извршена су детаљна фитоценолошка истраживања травњачке вегетације. Кластер анализом вегетацијa истраживаног подручја груписана је у четири кластера, који одговарају травњачким свезама: Festucion valesiacae (кластер 1), Saturejion montanae на нижим надморским висинама (кластер 2), Saturejion montanae на вишим надморским висинама (кластер 3) и Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae (кластер 4). Oрдинационе методе мултиваријантне статистике коришћене су у циљу утврђивања утицаја карактеристика земљишта на развој травњачке вегетације. Резултати показују да, од основних својстава земљишта, дубина и садржај глине утичу на развој заједница свезе Festucion valesiacae, затим садржај хумуса, CEC и сaдржај праха на Saturejion montanae, док на развој вегетације типа Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae утичу садржај пескa, pH и степен засићености базним катјонима. Даље, резултати указују да су лакоприступачни Mg, Mn и Ni значајни за свезу Festucion valesiacae, Fe и Zn за Saturejion montanae, а Ca и Cu за Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae. Група Saturejion montanaе се развила искључиво на кречњачко-доломитној црници, група Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae на рендзини, док је Festucion valesiacae присутна на оба типа земљишта. Анализе микробиома земљишта употребом секвенцирања наредне гeнерације показале су да не постоје значајне разлике у микробном саставу испитиваних земљишта.Limestone massifs and the soils formed on them are widespread in Serbia, both in eastern Serbia, in the area of the Carpatho-Balkan mountain system as well as in western Serbia, and represent the habitats of various communities of natural and semi-natural grasslands. Not much is known about mountain soils, as most soil research programs worldwide focus on arable soils to increase agricultural production. However, to prioritize the conservation and management of natural habitats in mountainous regions, more detailed information is needed on biodiversity of autochthonous flora and fauna and on the relationships between soil properties and habitat in these localities. The aim of the research in this dissertation is to determine the influence of morphological, physical and chemical properties of the soil and their systematic affiliation on the type and floristic composition of grassland formations and the soil microbiome in the limestone massifs of southeastern Serbia. After detailed pedological investigations, two soil types were distinguished according to the national classification: Limestone-dolomite black soil (Calcomelanosol) and Rendzina. According to the international classification system WRB 2022, the studied soils correspond to Leptosols, Phaeozemes and Umbrisols. Detailed grassland vegetation phytocenological studies were carried out. By means of a cluster analysis, the vegetation of the study area was divided into four clusters corresponding to the grassland communities: Festucion valesiacae (cluster 1), Saturejion montanae at lower altitudes (cluster 2), Saturejion montanae at higher altitudes (cluster 3), and Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae (cluster 4). Detrended correspondence analysis was used to determine the influence of soil properties on the development of grassland vegetation. The results show that among the main soil properties, soil depth and clay content affect the development of Festucion valesiacae vegetation, followed by humus content, CEC and silt content in the development of Saturejion montanae, while the development of Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae type vegetation is influenced by sand content, pH and base saturation. In addition, the results show that plant-available Mg, Mn, and Ni are significant for the separation of Festucion valesiacae, Fe and Zn for Saturejion montanae, and Ca and Cu for Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae. The Saturejion montanae group developed exclusively on limestone-dolomitic black soil, the Koelerio-Festucion dalmaticae group on rendzina, while Festucion valesiacae occurred on both soil types. Analyzes of the soil microbiome using next generation sequencing showed that there are no significant differences in the microbial composition of the examined soil

    Raw material studies of West Central Serbia

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    This paper deals with raw material problems in the territory of West Central Serbia geologically determined as the Čačak-Kraljevo (or West Morava) basin. Our research is presented through the most striking case studies, Lojanik, Vlaška Glava and Lazac.  The Lojanik hill is a silicified forest by origin. It has occasionally been in use from the earliest periods of prehistory until today as a source of black and ochre-coloured flint, opal and silicified wood. A detailed prospection, including the mapping of surface finds using square nets, was conducted during two research campaigns.The Vlaška Glava is an open-air Palaeolithic site at which artefacts made of white, ochre, red, brown and black chert, silicified magnesite, volcanic and metamorphic rocks were found. Our research of primary and secondary geological deposits in the vicinity of the site showed equivalent raw material. We also found an interesting primary deposit of high quality bluish grey flint with outcrop activities (Workshop 1).The Lazac shaft is a contemporary magnesite mine, recently abandoned because of the high percentage of silicon-dioxide. We determined the same raw material in collections found at nearby Neolithic sites. Certain similarities between the wooden support systems of ore exploration in the Middle Ages and modern times were established at the entrance of the shaft.Our research in the territory of the West Morava basin resulted in reconstruction of some links between geological deposits and settlements and also creation of a relevant base for future raw material studies

    Essential Elements as a Distinguishing Factor between Mycorrhizal Potentials of Two Cohabiting Truffle Species in Riparian Forest Habitat in Serbia

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    True truffles (Tuber sp.) that establish ectomycorrhizal symbiosis (ECM) with trees in the Mediterranean and temporal regions have species specific abilities to assimilate soil born elements. Suitable habitats are usually inhabited by few truffle species, while distinguishing their symbiotic potentials appeared very difficult. Two species that commonly inhabit riparian forests in Serbia are the most prized one, Tuber magnatumPico (Piedmont white truffle) and not so highly valued Tuber brumaleVitt. In order to assess potential differences between their assimilation and accumulation abilities, the differences between contents of elements that may be the subjects of the symbiotic trade between the host plant and fungi were evaluated in accumulation target (ascocarps) and their source (the soil). Essential (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, S, and Zn) and essential trace elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, and Se) in truffles and soil samples were determined by means of inductively coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Their concentrations (mg/kg) in ascocarps were in the range from 1.364 +/- 0.591 (Cr) to 10760.862 +/- 16.058 (K), while in soil ranged from 23.035 +/- 0.010 (Cr) to 20809.300 +/- 122.934 (Fe). Element accumulation potential (bioaccumulation factor) was calculated in the system truffle/soil. The statistical approaches were used for establishing the differences, while the possible differentiation between symbiotic potentials of two mycelia in the defined soil conditions was discussed

    The process of harvesting of cultivated cereals in the late neolithic of Serbia - experimental research

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    Novija istaživanja poznoneolitskog naselja na lokalitetu Vinča–Belo (1998–2007) pružila su mogućnosti detaljnog proučavanja međusobne dispozicije artefakata u prostoru i strukturu radnih operacija u najpoznijoj fazi života vinčanske zajednice. Stoga su izvršeni eksperimenti kao komplementarni segment standardnom paketu tehnološko–tipoloških i petroarheoloških analiza okresanih kamenih artefakata. Prikazani su etape i rezultati eksperimenata vezanih za dva aspekta istraživanja: 1) izrada dve replike praistorijskog kompozitnog srpa i mikroskopske analize tragova upotrebe nakon žetve; 2) eksperimentalno gajenje i žetva starih vrsta žitarica koristeći replike praistorijskih srpova. Snimci sečiva replike srpova posle svakog radnog ciklusa su analizirani u odnosu na arheološke primerke. Eksperimentalno napravljeni srpovi pokazali su se kao efikasno i trajno orudje za žetvu žitarica koje može da se koristi više od jedne sezone. Naša istraživanja daju kvantifikovane podatke za proces izrade srpa, proces setve, žetve i vršidbe žitarica, donoseći niz novih informacija o ljudskim aktivnostima koje mobilišu veći broj ljudi, ključnih za bolje razumevanje delatnosti i organizacije praistorijskih zajednica.The recent investigations at the late Neolithic settlement at Vinča-Belo Brdo (1998–2007) in Serbia provided an opportunity for a detailed study of the special disposition of artefacts, and work operations from the latest phase of the Vinča community. We conducted series of experiments as a complementary segment to the standard package of technological-typological and petro-archaeological analyses of chipped stone artefacts recovered from the latest archaeological campaigns. We present the stages and the results of the experiments related to two aspects of our research: 1) production of two replicas of the prehistoric composite sickles and microscopic analysis of use-wear left after harvesting of cereals; 2) experimental cultivation and harvesting of ancient cereal species/varieties using replicas of prehistoric sickles. Images of blades were taken after each recorded work cycle, used to study traces and use-wear observed on archaeological specimens. The sickle replicas proved to be effective and durable tools that could be used for more than one season of harvesting. The quantifiable data of all stages of growing and harvesting of cereals with prehistoric tool replicas, provide important new information about activities involving mobilization of a larger number of people, essential for a better understanding of the activities and organization of prehistoric communities

    Geochemical origin of Ni and Cr in ranker-type soils formed on serpentinites massifs in Serbia

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    The paper presents the results of research on the content of accessible forms of Ni and Cr in the ranker-type soils that are formed on the serpentinites massifs in Serbia. Soil samples were taken from seven different locations across Serbia (Zlatibor mountain, Kopaonik mountain, Miroč, Maljen mountain, Bukovi, Suvobor and Bubanj Potok) at the altitude range between 100 and 1700 m. There were analyzed 46 soil samples in total. The concentration of accessible forms of Ni and Cr was determined by extraction in a solution of DTPA-TEA (pH 7.3, ratio soil and solution = 1:2) by optical emission spectroscopy with induced coupled plasma (ICP-OES). The content of accessible Ni in the all examined soil samples of ranker-type soils varies from 68 - 920 mg/kg, while the most common results (about 70% of the total number of samples) vary from 200 - 600 mg/kg. The content of accessible Cr in all examined soils varies from 16 - 216 mg/kg. The content of both, Ni and Cr significantly exceeds the value limits in soils. The results of the analysis of all soil samples of ranker-type soils refer to high concentration of accessible Ni and Cr and thus correspond to phytotoxic concentrations. Given the fact that there are no anthropogenic sources of pollution nearby the investigation locations, it can be concluded that such a high concentration of accessible Ni and Cr in the ranker-type soils, that were formed on serpentinites massifs under the various pedogenetic conditions, is of geochemical origin. The geochemical distribution of Ni and Cr places this type of soil in the group of lithogenic soils.Organized by: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Geology and Geoenvironmen

    А medieval burial from the site of Сupska: an anthropological and contextual analysis of the skeletal remains from grave 1

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    In 1956, the Institute of Archaeology and the National Museum in Belgrade carried out excavations at the site of Supska, near Ćuprija, in Central Serbia. Based on the material culture findings, the site is mostly known as a Late Neolithic one; however, archaeological findings from other periods were discovered too. In the 1956 excavations, the cultural layers, and archaeological features with the Vinča culture archaeological materials were examined, as well as one grave, marked as Grave 1. The results of this excavation have been previously published in one monograph; however, an anthropological analysis of the individual found in Grave 1 has not been conducted before. In this paper, we present the results of contextual, bioanthropological, stable isotopes and C14 analyses of human skeletal remains found in Grave 1. The results showed that a young adult, who had experienced nonspecific metabolic stress during childhood, as evidenced by traces of linear enamel hypoplasia and porotic hyperostosis, was buried in this grave. AMS date revealed that this individual lived between 1280–1390 cal. AD, while the results of the stable isotope analyses suggested that it had mixed diet based on C4 plants (such as millet) and/or C3 plants, with larger amounts of animal protein, possible deriving from freshwater fish

    Water characteristic of grassland soils (Eastern Serbia)

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    Soil water characteristic (SWC) is an important hydraulic property. Changes in plant diversity in arid and semi-arid grassland ecosystems are closely related to soil moisture. The main objective of this study was to measure the SWC of Calcomelanosols (Leptosol and Phaeozems) under grassland vegetation in Eastern Serbia (Mts. Rtanj, Devica and Ozren). A total of ten representative soil profiles were excavated, described and sampled. Soil saturated water content (SSWC), field water capacity (FWC) and wilting point (WP) were measured at pressures of 0.0 kPa, -33 kPa and -1500 kPa, respectively. The plant available water capacity (AWC) and the water storage capacity (WSC) were calculated. The saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) was measured using the falling water head test. The basic physical and chemical soil properties were determined by common methods. The average SSWC value was high (71.8±2.97%). The FWC showed high values (exceeding 35%) and the WP was estimated as relatively high (exceeding 23.1%). AWC values ranged from 8.09 to 11.9% (average 9.98±1.43%). Shallower soil depth mainly caused low to moderate soil WSC. The Ksat ranged from 21.1 cm h−1 to 66.5 cm h−1 (average 46.0±16.03 cm h−1). The Ksat measurements showed that the soils in the study area belonged to the high and very high classes. SWC showed a significant (p<0.05) correlation with the following soil parameters: depth, texture, structure, humus and CEC. The investigated soils are primarily characterized by a lower WSC, which is mainly influenced by the shallower soil depth. Nevertheless, the species richness was not affected by the moderate SWC, and the grassland vegetation, corresponding to the Festucion valesiacae and Saturejion montanae alliances, is characterized by exceptional species diversity at the study sites

    Establishment and confirmation of heterotic groups and genetic diversity assessment of maize inbred lines using microsatellite data

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    Twenty-seven maize inbreds (12 commercial and 15 developing lines) from Maize Research Institute breeding program were subjected to microsatelite analysis. The aim was genetic diversity determination, establishing relationships among tested lines and assigning them to heterotic groups according to molecular marker data. Number of alelles detected was 97, with an average of 3.23. Major allele frequency was in a range from 0.33 to 0.82 (average 0.55). The highest value for observed heterozygosity was 10% for several developing lines. Mean values for gene diversity and PIC were 0.56 and 0.48, respectively. Frequency-based distances were calculated using Roger's coefficient and average value of 0.57 indicates high genetic diversity in analyzed maize inbreds. Distance matrices were subjected to cluster analysis and PCA. Multivariate analysis methods showed considerable concurrency with pedigree data. Results of analysis with 30 microsatellite markers could be useful for defining/redefining heterotic groups but should be complemented with field testing data