44 research outputs found

    Tilsetningsstoffer i fôr til laks og regnbueørret - Sluttrapport FoU tillatelser SF HØ 25 og H B 46

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    Nofima har vært faglig ansvarlig for FoU tillatelsene SF HØ 25 og H B 46 til Aller Aqua. Målet til FoU tillatelsene har vært å teste tilsetningsstoffer i fôr for å styrke vekst og helse i laks og regnbueørret, og for å redusere påslag av lakselus. Mineralingrediensen Biofeed Forte og to planteekstrakter er testet. Forsøk på regnbueørret tildelt Biofeed Forte viste lavere lusetall, og gav grunnlag for å teste dette på laks også. I perioden 2017-2018 ble det gjennomført forsøk med laks der en sammenlignet Salmon Group fôr med Aller Aqua fôr tilsatt Biofeed Forte, samt forsøk i 2019 der en sammenlignet Aller Aqua fôr med og uten Biofeed Forte. Det ble ikke observert lavere lusetall hos fisk tildelt fôr fra Aller Aqua. Det kan skyldes at fôrbehandlingstiden ikke var tilstrekkelig. I tillegg, ulik fiskestørrelse i diettgruppene gjorde sammenligning mellom gruppene krevende. Videre har Aller Aqua testet to ulike planteekstrakter i fôr til laks, derav en fermentert ingrediens testet både i laks og regnbueørret. Forsøk på regnbueørret i 2021-2022 ble gjennomført i merder med laser og rensefisk som holdt lusetallene nede store deler av produksjonen, og ingen forskjeller i lusetall ble observert mellom diettgruppene. Forsøk med de to planteekstraktene i fôr til laks viste ingen effekter på lusetall. Forsøkene viser at ved lave lusetall pga. andre lusebehandlingstiltak som rensefisk, laser, avlusning skaper variasjon i data som gjør det krevende å isolere effekt av tilsetningsstoff i fôr mot lusepåslag på laks og ørret. En løsning for fremtidige forsøk kan være multifaktorielt design for å ta hensyn til alle lusebehandlingstiltak i et kontrollert og komplekst design. Alternativt tillatelse til å overskride lusegrense i periode for å teste fôr. Begge disse var utenfor mulighetsrommet i denne FoU-tillatelsen.Tilsetningsstoffer i fôr til laks og regnbueørret - Sluttrapport FoU tillatelser SF HØ 25 og H B 46publishedVersio

    Fractionation of Oil from Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens)

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    Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL; Hermetia illucens) are subjected to a conventional fishmeal process, or room-temperature formic acid hydrolysis, and lipid yield and composition between the two processes compared. Acid hydrolysis of BSFL results in higher protein yield in the meal and higher oil yield. Oils separated after acid hydrolysis have a lower trilaurin content (triacyglycerol with lauric acid (12:0) in all sn-positions) and a lower melting point (23 °C) compared to oils separated after conventional (fishmeal) processing (26 °C). Further reduction of trilaurin content and melting point (20 °C) are achieved by dry-fractionation (winterization) of the oil. Practical Applications: Fractionation of black soldier fly larvae oil could yield products with targeted levels of trilaurin and melting points adapted to different applications in feeds, foods, and cosmetics.publishedVersio


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    Fenomena alih wahana dari lirik lagu menjadi cerpen belum banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Buku Hidup Berawal Dari Mimpi merupakan sebuah buku yang yang berisi kumpulan cerpen yang diangkat dari lirik lagu. Fahd Djibran berkolaborasi bersama musisi Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black dalam penyusunan buku tersebut. Fadh djibran adalah seorang penulis yang mengeksplorasi lagu-lagu dari Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black. Buku Hidup Berawal Dari Mimpi ini terdiri dari 12 lirik lagu dan 12 cerpen dengan menggunakan judul yang sama. Pada penelitian ini peneliti mengambil 3 lirik lagu dan 3 cerpen. Pada penelitian ini yang dianalisis berupa stuktur lirik lagu, struktur cerpen dan proses alih wahana yang terjadi. Untuk menganalisis lirik lagu digunakan analisis puisi karena lirik lagu dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai puisi. Proses alih wahana yang terjadi dapat berupa penciutan, penambahan dan perubahan. mekanismenya adalah meniru karya sastra, membuat cerita baru dan mengambil konflik-konflik pentin

    PCB-126 spiked to polyethylene microplastic ingested by juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) accumulates in liver and muscle tissues

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    In the present study, polyethylene (PE) microplastics (150–300 μm) were added to Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) feeds at 1 %, either in their present form (Virgin PE) or spiked with PCB-126 (Spiked PE). The feeds were given to juvenile cod for a 4-week period. The fish grew from 11 to 23 g with no significant difference between dietary treatments. Cod fed spiked PE showed a significantly higher concentration of PCB-126 in liver and muscle samples compared to control and fish ingesting virgin PE. In accordance with the accumulation of PCB-126 in the liver, the expression of hepatic cyp1a was higher in cod fed spiked PE. Notably, we observed that spiked PE, as well as virgin PE, have an effect on skin. Overall changes indicated a reduced skin barrier in fish fed a diet containing PE. Indicating that PE itself through interaction with gut tissue may influence skin health in fish.PCB-126 spiked to polyethylene microplastic ingested by juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) accumulates in liver and muscle tissuespublishedVersio

    Effects of weathered polyethylene microplastic ingestion on sexual maturation, fecundity and egg quality in maturing broodstock Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

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    Microplastics (MPs) have become a global issue as they are omnipresent in the ocean. Fish ingesting MPs through feed could be affected in their physiological function, e.g., disrupted enzyme production and function, reduction of feeding and reproductive failure. This study assessed the effects of feed containing naturally weathered MPs from the Oslofjord (Norway) on the reproductive physiology of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Farmed cod broodstock were fed either control (C-diet) or feeds containing 1% microplastic (MP-diet) starting nine months prior to spawning, from June until May. No major differences were found between diet groups in overall biometrics or gonad histology. Sex steroid levels (testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone and 17β-estradiol) resulted in expected profiles increasing over time without any significant differences between treatments. Gene expression levels of the steroidogenic enzyme 20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20β-hsd) and vitellogenin1 (vtg1) showed significant differences between dietary treatments with lower expression in the control group. This can be a direct effect of MPs, but endocrine disrupting effects of potentially leachable plastic additives cannot be completely ruled out. Thus, these enzymes could be indicators of exposure to contaminants that disrupt sexual maturation by affecting the production of primarily maturation-inducing steroid. Although the concentration of MPs employed in this study may not be high enough to elicit any observable short-term biological effects, the observed gene expression suggests that long-term consequences should be considered caused by an expected increase of MPs in marine environments

    Xylanase supplementation in fish feed

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    Plant ingredients have so far been the most cost efficient alternative for fish in the aquafeed industry. This has increased the dietary content of indigestible carbohydrates, including non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) which dilute the energy concentration of the feeds and reduces digestibility/bioavailability of nutrients. Enzymes that hydrolyse NSP (NSP-enzymes) for better digestibility and growth performance have been introduced in the swine and poultry industry, and have also been studied in some fish species. Xylanase, an NSP-enzyme that hydrolyse cell wall components in plant, efficiently reduce NSP content in plant ingredient. Xylanase are found in yeasts, fungi and bacteria that are present naturally in the gut of some herbivorous fish species, such as carp and tilapia. This enzyme is commercially available alone or in multi-enzyme complexes for use in pre-processing of ingredients/diets or supplementation of diets during feed production. Dietary supplementation of xylanase have improved protein utilization and growth in several fish experiment. In addition some studies have reported increased endogenous enzyme production or prebiotic effects on the intestinal microbiota, which may lead to improved growth and health. To our knowledge, no peer-review publications exist on the use of xylanase as a supplement in feeds for Atlantic salmon

    Rapport/Report 25/2015 – norsk sammendrag

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    -Plant ingredients have so far been the most cost efficient alternative for fish in the aquafeed industry. This has increased the dietary content of indigestible carbohydrates, including non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) which dilute the energy concentration of the feeds and reduces digestibility/bioavailability of nutrients. Enzymes that hydrolyse NSP (NSP-enzymes) for better digestibility and growth performance have been introduced in the swine and poultry industry, and have also been studied in some fish species. Xylanase, an NSP-enzyme that hydrolyse cell wall components in plant, efficiently reduce NSP content in plant ingredient. Xylanase are found in yeasts, fungi and bacteria that are present naturally in the gut of some herbivorous fish species, such as carp and tilapia. This enzyme is commercially available alone or in multi-enzyme complexes for use in pre-processing of ingredients/diets or supplementation of diets during feed production. Dietary supplementation of xylanase have improved protein utilization and growth in several fish experiment. In addition some studies have reported increased endogenous enzyme production or prebiotic effects on the intestinal microbiota, which may lead to improved growth and health. To our knowledge, no peer-review publications exist on the use of xylanase as a supplement in feeds for Atlantic salmon.Fôringredienser fra planter har så langt vært det mest kostnadseffektive alternative til fisk i fiskefôr. Dette har i midlertidig økt innholdet av ufordøyelige polysakkarider som reduserer energiinnholdet i fôret og reduserer fordøyeligheten av næringsstoffer. Tilførsel i fôret av enzymer som bryter ned polysakkarider for økt proteinfordøyelighet og vekst har vært studert og er i bruk i produksjonen av svin og fjørfe, og nå også studert i fisk. Xylanase, ett naturlig enzym som bryter ned polysakkarider i plantespisende fisk, er kommersielt tilgjengelig som enzym-preparat alene eller i kombinasjon med andre enzym. Flere studier har vist at tilførsel av xylanase i fôr øker proteinfordøyelighet og vekst hos fisk fôret planteingredienser. I tillegg er det rapportert om økt produksjon av endogene enzymer og prebiotiske-effekter på tarmfloraen for en bedre vekst og helse hos fisk gitt xylanase. Tilførsel av xylanase i fôret til Atlantisk laks er ikke dokumentert. Bruk av xylanase i fôr til laks må dermed studeres for økt utnyttelse av polysakkarider fra planteingredienser

    Rapport/Report 25/2015 – norsk sammendrag

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    -Plant ingredients have so far been the most cost efficient alternative for fish in the aquafeed industry. This has increased the dietary content of indigestible carbohydrates, including non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) which dilute the energy concentration of the feeds and reduces digestibility/bioavailability of nutrients. Enzymes that hydrolyse NSP (NSP-enzymes) for better digestibility and growth performance have been introduced in the swine and poultry industry, and have also been studied in some fish species. Xylanase, an NSP-enzyme that hydrolyse cell wall components in plant, efficiently reduce NSP content in plant ingredient. Xylanase are found in yeasts, fungi and bacteria that are present naturally in the gut of some herbivorous fish species, such as carp and tilapia. This enzyme is commercially available alone or in multi-enzyme complexes for use in pre-processing of ingredients/diets or supplementation of diets during feed production. Dietary supplementation of xylanase have improved protein utilization and growth in several fish experiment. In addition some studies have reported increased endogenous enzyme production or prebiotic effects on the intestinal microbiota, which may lead to improved growth and health. To our knowledge, no peer-review publications exist on the use of xylanase as a supplement in feeds for Atlantic salmon.Fôringredienser fra planter har så langt vært det mest kostnadseffektive alternative til fisk i fiskefôr. Dette har i midlertidig økt innholdet av ufordøyelige polysakkarider som reduserer energiinnholdet i fôret og reduserer fordøyeligheten av næringsstoffer. Tilførsel i fôret av enzymer som bryter ned polysakkarider for økt proteinfordøyelighet og vekst har vært studert og er i bruk i produksjonen av svin og fjørfe, og nå også studert i fisk. Xylanase, ett naturlig enzym som bryter ned polysakkarider i plantespisende fisk, er kommersielt tilgjengelig som enzym-preparat alene eller i kombinasjon med andre enzym. Flere studier har vist at tilførsel av xylanase i fôr øker proteinfordøyelighet og vekst hos fisk fôret planteingredienser. I tillegg er det rapportert om økt produksjon av endogene enzymer og prebiotiske-effekter på tarmfloraen for en bedre vekst og helse hos fisk gitt xylanase. Tilførsel av xylanase i fôret til Atlantisk laks er ikke dokumentert. Bruk av xylanase i fôr til laks må dermed studeres for økt utnyttelse av polysakkarider fra planteingredienser

    Responses to Mineral Supplementation and Salmon Lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) Infestation in Skin Layers of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)

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    The crustacean ectoparasite salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), which severely affects Atlantic salmon health and welfare is one of the main problems of commercial aquaculture. In the present study, fish were fed a diet supplemented with extra minerals through the inclusion of a commercial additive (Biofeed Forte Salmon), substituting wheat in the control diet, before experimental infestation with salmon lice. Lice counts reduced with time but with no apparent effect of the diets. Further, fish fed the mineral diet had an overall higher number of blue (acidic) mucous cells, while the ratio of purple mucous cells was higher in the mineral diet. The transcriptional response in skin was enhanced at 7 dpc (copepodite life stage) in fish fed the mineral diet including immune and stress responses, while at 21 dpc (pre-adult life stage), the difference disappeared, or reversed with stronger induction in the control diet. Overall, 9.3% of the genes affected with lice also responded to the feed, with marked differences in outer (scale + epidermis) and inner (dermis) skin layers. A comparison of transcriptome data with five datasets from previous trials revealed common features and gene markers of responses to lice, stress, and mechanically induced wounds. Results suggested a prevalence of generic responses in wounded skin and lice-infected salmon.publishedVersio

    Feed for capture based aquaculture of Atlantic cod

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    Villfanget levendelagret torsk skal tilbys mat etter maksimalt 4 uker. Den kan så lagres videre inntil 12 uker etter fangst. Lagring ut over 12 uker krever særlig tillatelse, men gitt konsesjon kan fisken benyttes i fangstbasert akvakultur produksjon der fisken fôres. I dag benyttes hovedsakelig lodde, sild eller avskjær fra pelagisk industri som fôr. Dette er mat som villfanget fisk i stor grad aksepterer, og man kan også oppnå god tilvekst. Tilgang, kvalitet og pris på lodde og sild varierer, i tillegg er logistikk med lagring og fôring krevende. For at levendelagring og oppfôring av villfanget torsk skal utvikle seg videre er det nødvendig med et formulert fôr som er tilgjengelig uavhengig av sesong og har forutsigbar kvalitet. Kunnskap om torskens ernæringsbehov gjør at man har fôr-resepter som ikke begrenser fiskens vekstpotensiale. Det er imidlertid en utfordring å få fisken til å spise etter at den er fanget, og det er vist i forsøk at andelen varierer med hvilket fôr som benyttes. Denne rapporten oppsummerer kunnskap om fôr til levendelagring og fangstbasert akvakultur basert på torsk.Feed for capture based aquaculture of Atlantic co