85 research outputs found


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    Today the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohia is still regarded a^ an extremely agricultural region. The intensive social and economical transformation of this region has started not until New Yugoslavia had come into being. This region entered the phase of faster transformation particularly after 1956 when the Federation formed special funds for the development of less developed areas. The author in this article considers the present agrarian structure and the consequences of economical development on rural life in Kosovo and Metohia. At the beginning, he explicates the basic characteristics of private landownership structure, then discusses the changes of the socio-economical structure of rural population, gives the main data about market-production of individual farms and at the end deals with the trends in formation and distribution of farms’income. The AP Kosovo and Metohia is the only region in Yugoslavia where during the period 1953 till 1961, the number of total agricultural popultaion rose (16,5%). This was due to the high natural increase of popultaion which is more than twice higher in comparison with the rate of natural increase for the whole country. In the meantime intensive economical development caused considerable migration tendencies of agricultural population to towns and industrial centers under construction. Also the number of employed peasants in nonagricultural activities increased. In 1961 there were more than 50.000 peasants in full time employment out of agriculture

    Personalizovana vizuelizacija geo-informacija iz integrisanih izvora informacija zasnovana na semantici i web tehnologijama

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    The research subject of this PhD thesis is personalized vizuelization of geo-information originating from integrated geo-information sources, performed within Web-based Geographic Information Systems (Web GIS). The research presented in this PhD thesis includes the definition, design and implementation of Web GIS system architecture that enables personalized visualization of geospatial information based on contextual information. The presented architecture relies on the usage of GeoNis framework for interoperability of GIS applications. GeoNis platform uses a hybrid ontology approach for information integration purposes. By taking advantage of hybrid ontology approach, GeoNis platform provides an infrastructure that enables acquiring geospatial information from a large number of GIS systems, whereas GIS systems implement their interface components in the form of Web services developed according to geospatial information dissemination standards. The presented architecture enables efficient usage of GIS system’s interface components to provide customers with a personalized view over the integrated geo-information available within any of the GIS system integrated within GeoNis platform. The presented architecture of Web Geo-Information System for personalized visualization of geospatial information uses a textual description of user preferences as a baseline for selection of geospatial content from integrated geo-information sources for individual users. A description of user preferences is used to discover geo-information sources within GeoNis platform, whereby user preferences description becomes the basis for the development of user context, in terms of selected information and maps. To discover geo-information sources, described architecture takes advantage of semantic description of integrated geo-information sources, e.g. integrated GIS systems (application). As a semantic description of the integrated geospatial information sources, this process is capable of utilizing domain GeoNis ontology and local ontologies of integrated GIS systems. The model used for storing user’s contextual information within the presented Web GIS system is defined according to the OGC Web Map Context Document specification. The development of a Web GIS system according to the proposed architecture included the development of specification and implementation of a Web service that enables creating, storing and acquiring contextual documents developed for a particular user. Also, this PhD thesis included an implementation of a mechanism that allows the prediction of geospatial context of new Web GIS system user, in terms of the selection of geospatial information and maps for individual Web GIS system user. This mechanism is based on the use of metadata that had to be previously developed for each Web GI Service in the presented Web GIS system architecture. Due to the importance of a symbology used to visualize information in a GIS, an implementation of a Web GIS system for personalized visualization of integrated geospatial information included a development of a specification and implementation of the repository that enables creating, storing and acquiring symbology used to visualize geospatial information

    Quine's naturalistic epistemology

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    Moderna epistemologija je disciplina koju nam je u nasleđe ostavio veliki francuski filozof Rene Dekart, i uobičajeno se smatra da je u pitanju tipično filozofska disciplina čijim se problemima, prema tome, isključivo možemo baviti i filozofskim (spekulativnim) istraživačkim sredstvima. U novije vreme međutim, javila se ideja za naturalizacijom epistemoloških istraživanja koja podrazumeva da bi umesto filozofskim, problemima znanja bilo moguće pristupiti objektivnim istraživačkim tehnikama koje karakterišu metodologiju prirodnih nauka. Ovo je stanovište koje je između ostalog zastupao i američki filozof Vilard Van Orman Kvajn, čiji će predlog za reformom epistemoloških istraživanja, odnosno, za njihovom naturalizacijom biti predmet ovog rada. Međutim, taj predlog će, kao što ćemo videti, ostaviti prostor za bitno različite interpretacije na kojim bi prepostavkama pomenutu reformu trebalo sprovesti. Naime, u savremenoj literaturi preovlađuju tri tipa tumačenja Kvajnovog apela za reformom epistemoloških istraživanja: bihejvioristički, koji je u većoj meri zastupao Kvajn, ali i koherentistički i fizikalistički za koje će se zalagati neki od njegovih interpretatora. Međutim, dok su prve dve od ovih opcija po našem mišljenju neprihvatljive jer nisu u stanju da obezbede neophodnu autonomnost epistemološkom istraživačkom kontekstu, iako drugačijim, pokušaćemo da pokažemo kako je i fizikalizam opterećen teškoćama koje ga čine neodrživom pozicijom kada je reč o epistemološkim istraživanjima. Uprkos tome, smatramo da u Kvajnovom predlogu ima vrednih uvida, kao i da se iz neuspeha dosadašnjih tumačenja mogu izvući važne pouke kako po pitanju pozicije koju bi u njegovoj interpretaciji trebalo zauzeti, tako i – što je u bliskoj vezi s ovim – mogućnosti reforme epistemoloških istraživanja uopšte. Drugim rečima, poučeni slabostima Kvajnovog predloga i njegovih interpretacija, zastupaćemo tezu da je epistemološkim istraživanjima u krajnjoj instanci moguće pristupiti sa jedne od dve međusobno inkompatibilne teorijske pozicije: tradicionalne ili kartezijanske, i kantijanske. S tim u vezi, razmatraćemo mogućnost uspostavljanja tog fundamentalnog nivoa istraživanja kakav je epistemološki na koji je Kvajn morao da pretenduje, ali povezujući ga sa gledištima koja bi trebalo da nam omoguće njegovu sintezu sa Kantovim pristupom kao po našem mišljenju, jedinom pravom alternativom tradicionalnom programu. Iako će podrazumevati usvajanje svojevrsne kompromisne pozicije koju ne bismo mogli da pripišemo Kvajnu, i zbog čega je neizvesno da bi to bila interpretacija koju bi on podržao, osim što bi sačuvala određene naturalističke elemente, takođe verujemo i da bi to bila interpretacija koja bi konačno ispunila većinu zahteva koje je pred epistemološka istraživanja sam Kvajn postavioModern epistemology is a discipline that we inherited from the great French philosopher René Descartes, and it is usually considered to be a typically philosophical discipline, whose problems could therefore be addressed only by philosophical (speculative) methods of enquiry. Recently, however, an idea of the naturalisation of epistemological enquiry has emerged, which implies that problems of knowledge could be addressed not by philosophical methods, but by objective techniques of enquiry that characterise the metodology of natural sciences. This is a viewpoint held by the american philosopher Willard Van Orman Quine, whose proposal for the reform of epistemological enquiry, that is, for the naturalisation, will be the topic of this work. However, this proposal, as we shall see, makes room for fundamentally different interpretations on which the above reform should be based. Namely, in contemporary literature there are three prevailing types of interpretation of Quine's appeal for the reform of epistemological enquiry: behaviouristic, advocated mostly by Quine, but also coherentistic and physicalistic, that some of his interpreters advocate. However, while the first two options are, in my opinion, unacceptable because they are unable to provide the necessary autonomy for the epistemological context of enquiry, I will try to show that physicalism is also burdened with difficulties that, although different, make it an unsustainable position when it comes to epistemological enquiry. Nevertheless, I argue that there are certain valuable insights in Quine's proposal, and that we can draw important lessons from the failures of previous interpretations as regards the position that should be taken in the interpretation, as well as – which is closely related – the possibility of the reform of epistemological enquiry in general. In other words, having learned from the weaknesess of Quine's proposal and his interpretations, I will argue that the epistemological questions could ultimately be approached only from one of the two mutually incompatible theoretical positions: traditional or Cartesian, and Kantian. Accordingly, I will examine the possibility of establishing this fundamental domain of enquiry such as epistemological that Quine had to commit himself to, but connecting it with the views that should enable its synthesis with Kant's approach as, in my opinion, the only real alternative to the traditional programme. Although this will imply the adoption of a kind of intermediate position that could not be attributed to Quine, which makes it uncertain that this would be the interpretation he would support, apart from preserving certain naturalistic elements, I also believe that this interpretation would in the end fulfil most requirements that Quine has set for epistemological enquiry

    Use of business simulations on ISCED 5/6 level – good practice example

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    Poslovne simulacije široko su korišten alat za podršku poslovnoj edukaciji budući da omogućuju studentima suočavanje s posljedicama njihovih odluka u sigurnom okruženju u svrhu pripreme za stvaran poslovni svijet. U ovom članku istražujemo korištenje poslovnih simulacija u Visokoj školi za ekonomiju, poduzetništvo i upravljanje „Nikola Šubić Zrinski“ iz Zagreba s ciljem jačanja poduzetničkih stavova studenata na ISCED 5/6 razini. Anketa je provedena na trećoj godini stručnog studija za vrijeme kolegija Kontroling. Studenti su, osim stjecanja teorijskog znanja, koristili poslovnu simulaciju CESIM OnService. Rezultati su pokazali da korištenje poslovnih simulacija praćenih i koreliranih s teoretskom podrškom u procesu donošenja odluka utječe na povećanje poduzetničkih stavova.Business simulations are a widely used tool to support business education in view of the fact they enable students to face consequences of their decisions in safe environment in order to prepare them for the real business world. In this paper we explore the use of business simulations to enhance entrepreneurial attitudes of students on ISCED 5/6 level in University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management “Nikola Subic Zrinski” in Zagreb. The survey was conducted among 3rd year bachelor students during the study course Controlling. Students were, aside from gaining theoretical knowledge, using business simulation CESIM OnService. The results have showed that the usage of business simulations accompanied by and correlated to the theoretical support for the decision-making process impacts advancement of entrepreneurial attitudes

    Electrochemical oxidation of maricite NaFePO4 in mild aqueous solutions as a way to boost its charge storage capacity

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    Lithium has a low abundance in the Earth's crust, which in a few years will lead to difficult lithium production, and therefore difficult production of lithium-ion batteries. Sodium-ion batteries, on the other hand, have been proven to be a good replacement. The material obtained from iron combined with the phosphate and pyrophosphate compounds of sodium has attracted attention as a possible cathode material for sodium-ion batteries. NaFePO4 exists in two polymorphic structures (triphylite and maricite). Maricite NaFePO4 is a more thermodynamically stable structure than triphylite NaFePO4 but doesn’t have channels for Na+ movement and electrochemical performance of this structure is low. In comparison to maricite NaFePO4, triphylite NaFePO4 (structural analogue to LiFePO4) has one-dimensional channels for Na+-ions movement and better electrochemical activity but it is not stable and is difficult to synthesize. Herein, the maricite NaFePO4 can be obtained by sintering a polyanionic compound, Na4Fe3(PO4)2P2O7, at temperatures above 600 °C, as shown by XRD. Na4Fe3(PO4)2P2O7 is synthesized by the glycine-nitrate process after which it was sintered at temperatures above 500 °C. The glycine-nitrate process was found to catalyze the decomposition of the sintered Na4Fe3(PO4)2P2O7 to the NaFePO4 maricite. The electrochemical characterization of the sintered material, evaluated in aqueous NaNO3 and LiNO3 electrolyte by cyclic voltammetry, showed poor electrochemical activity of maricite NaFePO4. By exposing the sintered material to high anodic potentials, the electrochemical activity and specific capacity of the material were increased by 50% in case of NaNO3 and 80% in case of LiNO3 relative to the pristine with low activity. After electrochemical measurements, residual powder was characterized by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. It was shown that high anodic polarization of the material tested in LiNO3 causes the formation of triphylite LiFePO4. Similarly, it is assumed that the electrochemical activity obtained by deep anodic polarization of the material in NaNO3 electrolyte originates from the formed triphylite NaFePO4. The obtained results open novel directions regarding the use of NaFePO4 in metal-ion rechargeable batteries

    Study of C−H⋅⋅⋅π interactions with pyrrole and chelate rings in metal-porphyrin complexes

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    The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) was screened in order to find and investigate specific C−H⋅⋅⋅π interactions between C−H groups and two types of rings with delocalized π-bonds that exist in porphyrin: pyrrole and six-membered chelate. Statistical analysis of geometrical parameters for interactions in both types of rings was done. In order to determine preferred positions in porphyrinato ring for C−H⋅⋅⋅π interactions fifteen different points distributed over porphyrin ring have been chosen and each of them have been analyzed. Calculations of these interactions by density functional theory (DFT) have been done on three different model systems.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200


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    In the Big Data era data visualization and exploration systems, as means for data perception and manipulation are facing major challenges. One of the challenges for modern visualization systems is to ensure adequate visual presentation and interaction.  Therefore, within this paper, we present a tool for interactive visualization of data with a hierarchical structure. It is a general-purpose tool that uses a graph-based approach. However, its main focus is on the visual analysis of concept lattices generated as the output of the Formal Concept Analysis algorithm. As the data grow, concept lattice can become complex and hard for visualization and analysis. In order to address this issue, functionalities important for the exploration of the large concept lattices are applied within this tool. The usage of the tool is presented in the example of visualization of concept lattices generated based on the available data on the Canadas open data portal and can be used for exploring the usage of tags within datasets


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    Under influence of data transparency initiatives, a variety of institutions have published a significant number of datasets. In most cases, data publishers take advantage of open data portals (ODPs) for making their datasets publicly available. To improve the datasets' discoverability, open data portals (ODPs) group open datasets into categories using various criteria like publishers, institutions, formats, and descriptions. For these purposes, portals take advantage of metadata accompanying datasets. However, a part of metadata may be missing, or may be incomplete or redundant. Each of these situations makes it difficult for users to find appropriate datasets and obtain the desired information. As the number of available datasets grows, this problem becomes easy to notice. This paper is focused on the first step towards decreasing this problem by implementing knowledge structures to be used in situations where a part of datasets' metadata is missing. In particular, we focus on developing knowledge structures capable of suggesting the best match for the category where an uncategorized dataset should belong to. Our approach relies on dataset descriptions provided by users within dataset tags. We take advantage of a formal concept analysis to reveal the shared conceptualization originating from the tags' usage by developing a concept lattice per each category of open datasets. Since tags represent free text metadata entered by users, in this paper we will present a method of optimizing their usage through means of semantic similarity measures based on natural language processing mechanisms. Finally, we will demonstrate the advantage of our proposal by comparing concept lattices generated using formal the concept analysis before and after the optimization process. The main experimental research results will show that our approach is capable of reducing the number of nodes within a lattice more than 40%

    Development of entrepreneurial compmetence through usage of business simulation

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    Poduzetnička kompetencija se, kao jedna od ključnih kompetencija Europskog kompetencijskog okvira cjeloživotnog obrazovanja (Europska komisija, 2004.), sastoji od specifičnih i definiranih znanja, vještina i stavova. Poduzetništvo se definira kao sposobnost pretvaranja ideja u djela i time se kristalizira kao imperativ obrazovnog i gospodarskog sustava. U Republici Hrvatskoj Strategija učenja za poduzetništvo 2010.-2014. (2010.) identificira nekoreliranost obrazovnih programa s potrebama tržišta rada te, inter alia, predlaže inkorporiranje poduzetničke kompetencije u sve oblike i na sve razine učenja. Poslovne simulacije, kao oblik aktivnih metoda učenja i poučavanja kroz timski rad, mogu se koristiti u cilju razvoja poduzetničkih kompetencija.Entrepreneurial competence, as one of the eight key competences of European Reference Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (European Commission, 2004) consists of specific and defined set of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Entrepreneurship is defined as the ability to turn ideas into actions whereby it becomes recognized as an imperative in educational and economic system. In the Republic of Croatia, the Strategy on Entrepreneurial Learning 2010-2014 (2010) has identified non-correlation between educational programs and the needs of the labour market and, among other things, suggests incorporation of entrepreneurial competence into all forms and levels of learning. Business simulations, as a form of active learning and teaching methods through teamwork, can be used with the aim of developing entrepreneurial competence