Personalizovana vizuelizacija geo-informacija iz integrisanih izvora informacija zasnovana na semantici i web tehnologijama


The research subject of this PhD thesis is personalized vizuelization of geo-information originating from integrated geo-information sources, performed within Web-based Geographic Information Systems (Web GIS). The research presented in this PhD thesis includes the definition, design and implementation of Web GIS system architecture that enables personalized visualization of geospatial information based on contextual information. The presented architecture relies on the usage of GeoNis framework for interoperability of GIS applications. GeoNis platform uses a hybrid ontology approach for information integration purposes. By taking advantage of hybrid ontology approach, GeoNis platform provides an infrastructure that enables acquiring geospatial information from a large number of GIS systems, whereas GIS systems implement their interface components in the form of Web services developed according to geospatial information dissemination standards. The presented architecture enables efficient usage of GIS system’s interface components to provide customers with a personalized view over the integrated geo-information available within any of the GIS system integrated within GeoNis platform. The presented architecture of Web Geo-Information System for personalized visualization of geospatial information uses a textual description of user preferences as a baseline for selection of geospatial content from integrated geo-information sources for individual users. A description of user preferences is used to discover geo-information sources within GeoNis platform, whereby user preferences description becomes the basis for the development of user context, in terms of selected information and maps. To discover geo-information sources, described architecture takes advantage of semantic description of integrated geo-information sources, e.g. integrated GIS systems (application). As a semantic description of the integrated geospatial information sources, this process is capable of utilizing domain GeoNis ontology and local ontologies of integrated GIS systems. The model used for storing user’s contextual information within the presented Web GIS system is defined according to the OGC Web Map Context Document specification. The development of a Web GIS system according to the proposed architecture included the development of specification and implementation of a Web service that enables creating, storing and acquiring contextual documents developed for a particular user. Also, this PhD thesis included an implementation of a mechanism that allows the prediction of geospatial context of new Web GIS system user, in terms of the selection of geospatial information and maps for individual Web GIS system user. This mechanism is based on the use of metadata that had to be previously developed for each Web GI Service in the presented Web GIS system architecture. Due to the importance of a symbology used to visualize information in a GIS, an implementation of a Web GIS system for personalized visualization of integrated geospatial information included a development of a specification and implementation of the repository that enables creating, storing and acquiring symbology used to visualize geospatial information

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