580 research outputs found

    Computer aided systems human engineering: A hypermedia tool

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    The Computer Aided Systems Human Engineering (CASHE) system, Version 1.0, is a multimedia ergonomics database on CD-ROM for the Apple Macintosh II computer, being developed for use by human system designers, educators, and researchers. It will initially be available on CD-ROM and will allow users to access ergonomics data and models stored electronically as text, graphics, and audio. The CASHE CD-ROM, Version 1.0 will contain the Boff and Lincoln (1988) Engineering Data Compendium, MIL-STD-1472D and a unique, interactive simulation capability, the Perception and Performance Prototyper. Its features also include a specialized data retrieval, scaling, and analysis capability and the state of the art in information retrieval, browsing, and navigation

    Lean on Librarians for Canvas Commons

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    Learn how librarians became the business owners of Canvas Commons on their campus. This session includes implementation details from getting buy-in to the communication plan leading up to the launch. Faculty training and support as well as ideas on how to garner contributions to the Commons will also be shared

    Environmental Display Can Buffer the Effect of Pesticides on Solitary Bees

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    Environmental quality (e.g., diversity of resource availability, nesting sites, environmental display) plays an important role in an animal's life. While homogeneous environments can restrict organisms from developing activities such as food seeking (behavioral impairment), more complex environments allow animals to perform activities with learning and behavioral perfecting outcomes. Pesticides are known to affect the learning and foraging behaviors of bees; however, little is known about the counterbalance displayed by the environment. Herein, we conducted two experiments that simulated distinct environmental displays, in which the effects of a fungicide (IndarTM 5EW-febunconazole) on solitary bee foraging activities were tested. We found that the fungicide only impaired the activities of bees in one of the studied environments. The difference in visitation rates and flower exploitation of bees between the two different environmental displays led to changes in metrics of bee-flower networks across environments. Linkage density, a metric associated with pollination efficiency that is known to be impacted by different environments, differed across environments. Our results showed that ecological interaction network metrics can differ regarding the different environmental displays. This study indicates that environmental complexity helps balance the negative effects of pesticides on solitary bees and highlights the potential use of solitary bees as model organisms for experimental simulations of environmental change

    Avaliação de ensaios preliminares de linhagens de soja de primeiro ano.

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    bitstream/item/133858/1/ID13041-1984-1985sojaresultados-p14-28.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XIII Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Porto Alegre, 1984

    Sistema Intensivo de Suínos Criados ao Ar Livre - SISCAL: comedouro de gestação.

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    Comparação de programas de alimentação para poedeiras vermelhas (Embrapa 031) confinadas em piso e semi-confinadas.

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    Avaliação de armadilhas e atrativos na captura de Grapholita molesta Busck (1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) em pomares de macieira.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar modelos de armadilhas e atrativos alimentares para o monitoramento de adultos de Grapholita molesta

    Avaliação de armadilhas para a captura de fêmeas de Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) na cultura da macieira.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de diferentes modelos de armadilhas na captura de fêmeas de G. molesta na cultura da macieira no ano agrícola 2011/12 em Farroupilha, RS

    Avaliação intermediária e final de linhagens de soja.

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    bitstream/item/133857/1/ID13042-1984-1985sojaresultados-p43-47.pdfTrabalho apresentado na XIII Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Porto Alegre, 1984