1,329 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of using carbonate isotope measurements of body tissues to infer diet in human evolution: Evidence from wild western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)*

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    Changes in diet throughout hominin evolution have been linked with important evolutionary changes. Stable carbon isotope analysis of inorganic apatite carbonate is the main isotopic method used to reconstruct fossil hominin diets; to test its effectiveness as a paleodietary indicator we present bone and enamel carbonate carbon isotope data from a well-studied population of modern wild western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of known sex and age from Taï, Cote d'Ivoire.We found a significant effect of age class on bone carbonate values, with adult chimpanzees being more 13C- and 18O-depleted compared to juveniles. Further, to investigate habitat effects, we compared our data to existing apatite data on eastern chimpanzees (P. troglodytes schweinfurthii) and found that the Taï chimpanzees are significantly more depleted in enamel d13Cap and d18Oap compared to their eastern counterparts. Our data are the first to present a range of tissue-specific isotope data from the same group of wild western chimpanzees and, as such, add new data to the growing number of modern non-human primate comparative isotope datasets providing valuable information for the interpretation of diet throughout hominin evolution. By comparing our data to published isotope data on fossil hominins we found that our modern chimpanzee bone and enamel data support hypotheses that the trend towards increased consumption of C4 foods after 4 Ma (millions of years ago) is unique to hominins

    Minimal chordal sense of direction and circulant graphs

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    A sense of direction is an edge labeling on graphs that follows a globally consistent scheme and is known to considerably reduce the complexity of several distributed problems. In this paper, we study a particular instance of sense of direction, called a chordal sense of direction (CSD). In special, we identify the class of k-regular graphs that admit a CSD with exactly k labels (a minimal CSD). We prove that connected graphs in this class are Hamiltonian and that the class is equivalent to that of circulant graphs, presenting an efficient (polynomial-time) way of recognizing it when the graphs' degree k is fixed

    Automatic Scan Planning for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee Joint

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    Automatic scan planning for magnetic resonance imaging of the knee aims at defining an oriented bounding box around the knee joint from sparse scout images in order to choose the optimal field of view for the diagnostic images and limit acquisition time. We propose a fast and fully automatic method to perform this task based on the standard clinical scout imaging protocol. The method is based on sequential Chamfer matching of 2D scout feature images with a three-dimensional mean model of femur and tibia. Subsequently, the joint plane separating femur and tibia, which contains both menisci, can be automatically detected using an information-augmented active shape model on the diagnostic images. This can assist the clinicians in quickly defining slices with standardized and reproducible orientation, thus increasing diagnostic accuracy and also comparability of serial examinations. The method has been evaluated on 42 knee MR images. It has the potential to be incorporated into existing systems because it does not change the current acquisition protoco

    Systematic mapping of developmental milestones in wild chimpanzees

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    ostnatal development is protracted relative to lifespan in many primates, including modern humans (Homo sapiens ), facilitating the acquisition of key motor, communication and social skills that can maximise fitness later in life. Nevertheless, it remains unclear what evolutionary drivers led to extended immature periods. While the developmental milestone literature is well established in humans, insight we can gain from one‐species models is limited. By comparing the timing of relatable developmental milestones in a closely related species, the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ), we can gain further understanding of the evolution of such an extended developmental phase. To date, few studies have specifically attempted to estimate developmental milestones in a manner comparable to the human literature, and existing studies lack sufficient sample sizes to estimate which milestones are more plastic with higher inter‐individual variation in the timing of their emergence. Here, we describe the emergence of gross motor, fine motor, social interaction and communication traits from a longitudinal sample of 19 wild chimpanzee infants (8 females and 11 males), Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. Gross motor traits emerged at a mean of four months, communication traits at 12 months, social interaction traits at 14 months and fine motor traits at 15 months, with later emerging milestones demonstrating greater inter‐individual variation in the timing of the emergence. This pattern of milestone emergence is broadly comparable to observations in humans, suggesting selection for a prolonged infantile phase and that sustained skills development has a deep evolutionary history, with implications for theories on primate brain development

    Automated discovery of reprogrammable nonlinear dynamic metamaterials

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    Harnessing the rich nonlinear dynamics of highly-deformable materials has the potential to unlock the next generation of functional smart materials and devices. However, unlocking such potential requires effective strategies to spatially design optimal material architectures for desired nonlinear dynamic responses such as guiding of nonlinear elastic waves, energy focusing, and cloaking. Here, we introduce an inverse-design framework for the discovery of flexible mechanical metamaterials with a target nonlinear dynamic response. The desired dynamic task is encoded via optimal tuning of the full-scale metamaterial geometry through an inverse-design approach powered by a custom-developed fully-differentiable simulation environment. By deploying such strategy, we design mechanical metamaterials tailored for energy focusing, energy splitting, dynamic protection, and nonlinear motion conversion. Furthermore, we illustrate that our design framework can be expanded to automatically discover reprogrammable architectures capable of switching between different dynamic tasks. For instance, we encode two strongly competing tasks -- energy focusing and dynamic protection -- within a single architecture, utilizing static pre-compression to switch between these behaviors. The discovered designs are physically realized and experimentally tested, demonstrating the robustness of the engineered tasks. All together, our approach opens an untapped avenue towards designer materials with tailored robotic-like reprogrammable functionalities.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Application of a PCA-based Fast Radiative Transfer Model to XCO_2 Retrievals in the Shortwave Infrared

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    In this work, we extend the principal component analysis (PCA)-based approach to accelerate radiative transfer (RT) calculations by accounting for the spectral variation of aerosol properties. Using linear error analysis, the errors induced by this fast RT method are quantified for a large number of simulated Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) measurements (N≈ 30,000). The computational speedup of the approach is typically 2 orders of magnitude compared to a line-by-line discrete ordinates calculation with 16 streams, while the radiance residuals do not exceed 0.01% for the most part compared to the same baseline calculations. We find that the errors due to the PCA-based approach tend to be less than ±0.06 ppm for both land and ocean scenes when two or more empirical orthogonal functions are used. One advantage of this method is that it maintains the high accuracy over a large range of aerosol optical depths. This technique shows great potential to be used in operational retrievals for GOSAT and other remote sensing missions

    Separation of small metabolites and lipids in spectra from biopsies by diffusion-weighted HR-MAS NMR: a feasibility study.

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    High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR allows metabolic characterization of biopsies. HR-MAS spectra from tissues of most organs show strong lipid contributions that are overlapping metabolite regions, which hamper metabolite estimation. Metabolite quantification and analysis would benefit from a separation of lipids and small metabolites. Generally, a relaxation filter is used to reduce lipid contributions. However, the strong relaxation filter required to eliminate most of the lipids also reduces the signals for small metabolites. The aim of our study was therefore to investigate different diffusion editing techniques in order to employ diffusion differences for separating lipid and small metabolite contributions in the spectra from different organs for unbiased metabonomic analysis. Thus, 1D and 2D diffusion measurements were performed, and pure lipid spectra that were obtained at strong diffusion weighting (DW) were subtracted from those obtained at low DW, which include both small metabolites and lipids. This subtraction yielded almost lipid free small metabolite spectra from muscle tissue. Further improved separation was obtained by combining a 1D diffusion sequence with a T2-filter, with the subtraction method eliminating residual lipids from the spectra. Similar results obtained for biopsies of different organs suggest that this method is applicable in various tissue types. The elimination of lipids from HR-MAS spectra and the resulting less biased assessment of small metabolites have potential to remove ambiguities in the interpretation of metabonomic results. This is demonstrated in a reproducibility study on biopsies from human muscle

    Retrieval of nitrogen dioxide stratospheric profiles from ground-based zenith-sky UV-visible observations: validation of the technique through correlative comparisons

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    A retrieval algorithm based on the Optimal Estimation Method (OEM) has been developed in order to provide vertical distributions of NO<sub>2</sub> in the stratosphere from ground-based (GB) zenith-sky UV-visible observations. It has been applied to observational data sets from the NDSC (Network for Detection of Stratospheric Change) stations of Harestua (60&deg; N, 10&deg; E) and And&#248;ya (69&deg; N, 16&deg; E) in Norway. The information content and retrieval errors have been analyzed following a formalism used for characterizing ozone profiles retrieved from solar infrared absorption spectra. In order to validate the technique, the retrieved NO<sub>2</sub> vertical profiles and columns have been compared to correlative balloon and satellite observations. Such extensive validation of the profile and column retrievals was not reported in previously published work on the profiling from GB UV-visible measurements. A good agreement - generally better than 25% - has been found with the SAOZ (Syst&#232;me d'Analyse par Observations Z&#233;nithales) and DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) balloons. A similar agreement has been reached with correlative satellite data from the HALogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) III instruments above 25km of altitude. Below 25km, a systematic underestimation - by up to 40% in some cases - of both HALOE and POAM III profiles by our GB profile retrievals has been observed, pointing out more likely a limitation of both satellite instruments at these altitudes. We have concluded that our study strengthens our confidence in the reliability of the retrieval of vertical distribution information from GB UV-visible observations and offers new perspectives in the use of GB UV-visible network data for validation purposes

    An increase in methane emissions from tropical Africa between 2010 and 2016 inferred from satellite data

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    Emissions of methane (CH4) from tropical ecosystems, and how they respond to changes in climate, represent one of the biggest uncertainties associated with the global CH4 budget. Historically, this has been due to the dearth of pan-tropical in situ measurements, which is particularly acute in Africa. By virtue of their superior spatial coverage, satellite observations of atmospheric CH4 columns can help to narrow down some of the uncertainties in the tropical CH4 emission budget. We use proxy column retrievals of atmospheric CH4 (XCH4) from the Japanese Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) and the nested version of the GEOS-Chem atmospheric chemistry and transport model (0.5 ∘ ×0.625 ∘ ) to infer emissions from tropical Africa between 2010 and 2016. Proxy retrievals of XCH4 are less sensitive to scattering due to clouds and aerosol than full physics retrievals, but the method assumes that the global distribution of carbon dioxide (CO2) is known. We explore the sensitivity of inferred a posteriori emissions to this source of systematic error by using two different XCH4 data products that are determined using different model CO2 fields. We infer monthly emissions from GOSAT XCH4 data using a hierarchical Bayesian framework, allowing us to report seasonal cycles and trends in annual mean values. We find mean tropical African emissions between 2010 and 2016 range from 76 (74–78) to 80 (78–82) Tg yr−1, depending on the proxy XCH4 data used, with larger differences in Northern Hemisphere Africa than Southern Hemisphere Africa. We find a robust positive linear trend in tropical African CH4 emissions for our 7-year study period, with values of 1.5 (1.1–1.9) Tg yr−1 or 2.1 (1.7–2.5) Tg yr−1, depending on the CO2 data product used in the proxy retrieval. This linear emissions trend accounts for around a third of the global emissions growth rate during this period. A substantial portion of this increase is due to a short-term increase in emissions of 3 Tg yr−1 between 2011 and 2015 from the Sudd in South Sudan. Using satellite land surface temperature anomalies and altimetry data, we find this increase in CH4 emissions is consistent with an increase in wetland extent due to increased inflow from the White Nile, although the data indicate that the Sudd was anomalously dry at the start of our inversion period. We find a strong seasonality in emissions across Northern Hemisphere Africa, with the timing of the seasonal emissions peak coincident with the seasonal peak in ground water storage. In contrast, we find that a posteriori CH4 emissions from the wetland area of the Congo Basin are approximately constant throughout the year, consistent with less temporal variability in wetland extent, and significantly smaller than a priori estimates